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andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 8:39 AM

So who's going to win what????? <BR> <BR>Seems that the general consensus is that (I agree) that Rathys wrapped Back 9 should take first place for wakeboard move of the year. Who's going to win everything else???? <BR> <BR>15 Categories <BR> <BR>Move of the Year <BR>Rookie of the Year <BR>Best Video Preformance <BR>Best Wake Rider <BR>Best Rail Rider <BR>Female Rider of the Year <BR>Wake Video of the Year <BR> <BR>(I cannot for the life of me remember the rest of the categories) <BR> <BR>So who's going to win what???? Let's hear your best guess! Also it appears that wakeboardingmag.com will have live updates all night from that site!!

jsweat 08-20-2009 8:59 AM

move of the year- who knows there is so much under wraps <BR>Rookie of the Year- Harley Clifford <BR>Best Video Performance- Dean Smith "Global Warning" <BR>Best Wake Rider- Aaron Rathy <BR>Best Rail Rider- Keith Lidberg <BR>Female Rider of the Year- Amber Wing- for throwing sevens like a champ <BR>Wake Video of the Year- toss up between rewritten and global warning

daveronix199 08-20-2009 9:54 AM

NAAA not even close... Out of the pond or rewritten.... for movie of the year... Best rail rider... Watson.. Shane.. or Nick Davies...Best Video Performance... No idea soo many good ones..... Rookie is Harley forsure... Move of the year is the Back 9 by AR unless there s something we dont know about

xbones 08-20-2009 10:26 AM

Rail rider of the year to Watson? really? Not a chance brodeo.

behindtheboat 08-20-2009 11:26 AM

he only went to the finals of the wake lab.....

cakeeater 08-20-2009 11:42 AM

no he didnt.... it was a four person final. PB, Adam Errington, JD, Rathy.

behindtheboat 08-20-2009 12:01 PM

you are right. I guess I meant Wake the Line where he got third.

lfadam 08-20-2009 12:55 PM

move of the year-??? <BR>rookie-clifford <BR>video-watson in OOTP <BR>wake rider-rathy <BR>rails-someone from the projects <BR>female-dallas or nicola <BR>video-OOTP

cakeeater 08-20-2009 1:15 PM

oli derome! rail rider of the year.

jarrod 08-20-2009 1:24 PM

That Oli kid is killing it. He's great to watch. Like he has springs in his feet.

andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 1:24 PM

Bill Good Call I forgot all about Oli!!! <BR> <BR>Nate Perry is a shredder on rails to, but really dont think I have seen him in any contests.

gotwake123 08-20-2009 2:14 PM

I say Nate Perry should get rail rider of the year for sure

08-20-2009 2:25 PM

If people think cable is where wakeboarding is headed, why isnt there a Cable Rider of the Year award?

xistential 08-20-2009 2:25 PM

Wrapped back 10 or W2W 10. What do you think should win?

xistential 08-20-2009 2:31 PM

"If people think cable is where wakeboarding is headed, why isnt there a Cable Rider of the Year award?" <BR> <BR>Because cable hasn't arrived yet. <BR> <BR>Dallas will get the female award or maybe Amber for the 7. Still think Dallas <BR> <BR>And I think Rusty is going to get the male award. I hope it goes to Rathy tho. <BR> <BR>Harley will get rookie. <BR> <BR>Maybe one of those guys over at projects for rails? Maybe, but probably one of the guys on tour.

xbones 08-20-2009 2:39 PM

I have a feeling Chris knows something we don't... considering who Nicola rides with. <BR> <BR>My bet is both a wrapped back 10 and a W2W 10 has gone down and we are being toyed with.

andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 2:41 PM

Chris do you have some insider info on a Wrapped Back 10 happening???? I have been grilling my buddy Craig Kotilinek (Managing and Digital Media Editor @ WBM) all week about a Wrapped Backside 10 going down, his lips are sealed!

steezyshots 08-20-2009 2:42 PM

Back ten or wake to wake ten as best trick!

andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 2:53 PM

Riley do you know if a Wrapped BS 10 has gone down???? <BR> <BR>I feel SO OUT OF THE LOOP!!! Last year I knew about the 12 before the Wake Awards, this year I feel like a LOOOOOOOOOOSER!

eubanks01 08-20-2009 2:57 PM

Back 10 hands down! A w2w 10 is sweet but at least that spin has been done already.

wake2blake 08-20-2009 3:07 PM

are wake awards on fuel tv or anything?

xistential 08-20-2009 3:07 PM

Not live!!

andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 3:11 PM

Whooooooo HOoooooooo, I know, I know, just got an email from a good insider and a call from Craig! SICK to say the least!

andy_nintzel 08-20-2009 3:12 PM

Blake Constant Updates on <a href="http://www.wakeboardingmag.com" target="_blank">www.wakeboardingmag.com</a>

tonka 08-20-2009 3:19 PM

Frontside 1080s (hs and ts) are sooo played out. Bs 10 should beat w2w fs 10. <BR> <BR>Now that Rusty hit the 10 in comp and still didn't get 1st, I don't see the point in learning 10s for a contest win. It's like double inverts. Cool trick but not worth doing in a regular contest; only good for a D-up contest.

xistential 08-20-2009 3:26 PM

I don't think you are doing it so much to win the comp but more to be the "first" <BR>Anyway with the judging format one unbelievable trick is not going to win it for you. Probably only going to win you that category.In Rusty's case spins. <BR> <BR>Case in point.Amber rode really well in Phoenix last year and landed her 7(1st time by a female in a comp) but Nicola still won the event.

xistential 08-20-2009 3:28 PM

Another really good rail rider is Mitch Langfield.

jsweat 08-20-2009 3:30 PM

back 10 for sure. Andy can you PM or email me with the info that you have received

ttrigo 08-20-2009 4:50 PM

Dallas won best female rider. Ronix won something as well. someone is "tweeting" the awards right now. haha.

wkbrdr 08-20-2009 4:55 PM

<a href="http://wakeboardingmag.com/features/2009/08/20/wake-awards-as-it-happens/" target="_blank">http://wakeboardingmag.com/features/2009/08/20/wake-awards-as-it-happens/</a> <BR> <BR>the big ones

xistential 08-20-2009 5:01 PM

Best Wake rider - Danny Harf???? <BR> <BR>Am I reading it right?

xistential 08-20-2009 5:04 PM

Rail rider - JD Webb?? <BR> <BR>I think I might be reading it wrong?

wkbrdr 08-20-2009 5:06 PM

its right... <BR> <BR>not sure if i agree with it, but that is correct,

anthemwake 08-20-2009 5:33 PM

I seriously can't wait for the "Who Should Have Won According to Chris Butler" thread....

mkrueger313 08-20-2009 5:38 PM

hahahah!!!! ^^^^^^^^ obviously nicola &amp; rathy should win EVERYTHING!

xistential 08-20-2009 5:44 PM

You guys are such complete jackasses, Dallas deserved to win. Read my earlier post. What has Nicola done to deserve to win? She has had a mediocre year. She knows it and I know it. I am just surprised at some of the other results thats all. <BR> <BR>You win the jackass of the year but you knew that anyway. <BR> <BR>Flame on. Give you two something to do

wakemitch 08-20-2009 5:47 PM

i dont know how brian grubb won Best Video Performance – Wakeskate. he has done the same tricks in every video. i guess WBM didnt watch Fun Boots! because Andrew Pastura should have won that hands down

wake2blake 08-20-2009 5:53 PM

i was thinking that rathy should win best wake rider

anthemwake 08-20-2009 5:55 PM

^^^I thought that was a pretty safe bet...at the very least, i figured he would get most improved. <BR> <BR>Edit - If most improved is actually a category. I might be thinking of the alliance list at the end of the year. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by anthemwake on August 20, 2009)

sidekicknicholas 08-20-2009 5:58 PM

Rable Rable Rable Rable. <BR> <BR>Chris, so much anger, always.... why?

08-20-2009 6:02 PM

Rathy's BS wrapped 10 won. WHEN CAN WE SEE IT?

xistential 08-20-2009 6:02 PM

I think, at the risk of being flamed on, that a lot of this has to do with popularity. Phil went 5 for 5 on the pro tour last year. If you go and watch the PWT you will get an idea of what an unbelievable achievement that was yet he only came <i>sixth</i> <BR> <BR>I heard?? that Rusty might get it again this year. <BR> <BR>And to everybody. Nicola didn't expect to win anything and Rathy is hoping for trick of the year AND HE JUST WON IT

anthemwake 08-20-2009 6:05 PM

who votes on this stuff? is it just wbm or do other people get to throw in their votes too?

xistential 08-20-2009 6:07 PM

Nick - Read back all the posts on this thread. What is it with people always trying to bait me or wind me up? I shouldn't react and I am not going to anymore. <BR> <BR>Read the posts Nick. All of them. What did I say? I predicted Dallas to win and she deserved it. <BR> <BR>Anyway Rathy won and I am stoked. He landed 3 backside 10's. First one on 31 July on a MC.

dgs 08-20-2009 6:09 PM

I think danny should have won it... look at all the stuff he has done FIRST off the wake/ double up- 1260, all his ts corked OA spin wrapped and handle pass, countless 1080's. He deserves it for the 1260 alone in my opinion. Just my 2 cents

xistential 08-20-2009 6:09 PM

"who votes on this stuff? is it just wbm or do other people get to throw in their votes too?" <BR> <BR>All the "top people in the industry" Whoever they are?

08-20-2009 6:09 PM

Congrats to rathy. He just won wakeboarder of the year also!

xistential 08-20-2009 6:11 PM

Can you believe after all the talk of the first W2W 10 it should be Steel Lafferty who lands it? Lol

xistential 08-20-2009 6:12 PM

So what did Harley win??

wake2blake 08-20-2009 6:13 PM

when will we see the bs 10!?

sidekicknicholas 08-20-2009 6:15 PM

Chris, a person can do 1,000 good deeds and get nothing, but 1 bad one, prison.

anthemwake 08-20-2009 6:19 PM

Sorry to "wind you up" Chris...although I never said anything about Nicola at all. I just couldn't help but notice how you were expressing your apparent disapproval at some of the winners, ie: "Am I reading this right???" and "I think I must be reading this wrong??" Those comments led me to believe that you had your own opinions and I was looking forward to hearing them. <BR> <BR>And while I usually enjoy winning things, I have to admit that I take severe exception to your "Jackass of the Year" comment. First of all, that wasn't even a category. And second of all, I'm not a jackass in the slightest. I'm quite the fancy gentleman. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by anthemwake on August 20, 2009)

sidekicknicholas 08-20-2009 6:20 PM

^ Very Fancy if I do say so myself

gunnertom4593 08-20-2009 6:20 PM

I can't comment on the video awards or video section awards but I think that all the awards were well deserved. EXCEPT JD Webb does kill the rails for sure but there are a lot of people out there these days that are better. Nate Perry, Marc Rossiter, Kaesen Suyderhoud, Oli Derome, Mitch Langfield, Kevin Henshaw (for his C-rail at the projects) all would have been better options. <BR> <BR>Congrats to all the riders that won!

dadthedriver 08-20-2009 6:21 PM

Wasnt the BS 10 wrapped? From what Tony was saying when steele landed his W2W 1080 it was just super stomped and super clean. Way to go steele. <BR>Congrats to Rathy as well

lfboardboomer 08-20-2009 6:22 PM

anthemwake is the classiest person around. When does the wakeboard dad of the year award come into play?

sidekicknicholas 08-20-2009 6:25 PM

I would like to see the two tricks up for best trick.... cleaner should win I think, anyone know how the w2w 1080 as done?

xistential 08-20-2009 6:26 PM

I was just a bit surprised that JD won rails and I don't thibk that Danny had such a good year. That's all. <BR> <BR>It's just my opinion. <BR> <BR>It's not about Nicola, She hasn't worked hard enough. <BR> <BR>And I am very surprised Harley didn't win anything. <BR> <BR>Peace

anthemwake 08-20-2009 6:27 PM

Also Chris, in response to the email that you sent me, contrary to your prediction, I do in fact agree that Rathy should have won for the BS 1080. I think it's pretty awesome. Tell him congratulations; he's had one heck of a year!

otown_dave 08-20-2009 6:27 PM

Are we turning in to wakeboarder.com over here ? If you enjoy that type of crap head over, I thought we were above that here....

wkbrdr 08-20-2009 6:31 PM

someone landed a w2w 10?

anthemwake 08-20-2009 6:32 PM

wait...harley didn't win anything? wasn't there a rookie of the year category? if there is and harley clifford didn't win it, then something is very very wrong.

mofreestyle 08-20-2009 6:41 PM

I see that Danny Harf won best video performance but they don't say in which video. Any have some insight. <BR> <BR>And since we are disagreeing with the winner I'll go out and say I thought out of the pond was ok but not video of the year. They did some cool new things but in terms of wake vids not that impressive. I just put my flame retardant suit on so flame on.

luke_j 08-20-2009 6:46 PM

For the record, this place has always been way worse than wakeboarder.com

xistential 08-20-2009 6:48 PM

Mark - you are allowed to disagree with stuff. I don't think Danny had his best year and I think there were better rail riders than JD this year as well. <BR> <BR>Was there a rookie of the year? Cannot find it. <BR> <BR>Rathy thought he would get blown out on trick of the year and I think wakeboarder of the year as well is just gravy for him.

ynot 08-20-2009 6:51 PM

steel lafferty hit the first ever wake to wake toe side 1080!!!!! <BR> <BR>rathys back 10 was insane. toughest year in wake ever! congrats aaron!!!

xistential 08-20-2009 6:51 PM

Steel picked a bad year for his W2W 10. Who would have thought it would be him? Any other year ................

anthemwake 08-20-2009 6:53 PM

i think that maybe i just keep gtting these awards confused with the list that alliance puts out at the end of the year. <BR> <BR>so having said that, by the power vested in me by the world wide web, i now pronounce harley clifford rookie of the year.

xistential 08-20-2009 6:57 PM

He is staying with me so I will be sure to tell him when he gets home <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

scott_a 08-20-2009 7:00 PM

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>For the record, this place has always been way worse than wakeboarder.com<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> Yep...

vlxwakeboarder 08-20-2009 7:09 PM


xistential 08-20-2009 7:13 PM

Apparently Aaron grabbed his 10 as well. I saw the one he landed back in July but Nicola told me today there is better footage of the most recent one he landed.

xistential 08-20-2009 7:55 PM

Somebody just sent me a clip of Steeles 10. So clean. Great vid as well

tonka 08-20-2009 7:57 PM

Share the vid Chris! I know some of these jerks don't deserve it but please post it and share.

tonka 08-20-2009 7:59 PM

Was the w2w 10 hs or ts?

xistential 08-20-2009 8:01 PM

I would but I can't. It came from a Mac and I just can't copy it. Sorry <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0>

xistential 08-20-2009 8:08 PM


tonka 08-20-2009 8:18 PM

Thanks Chris. Me and my friends really appreciate your contributions to this site.

xistential 08-20-2009 8:26 PM

Man I have been struggling to upload it but I can't. It is one of the clearest vids I have seen. He stomps it so clean as well. I am sure it will be up tomorrow.

vlxwakeboarder 08-20-2009 8:30 PM

The progression this year has been crazy. Each year I think they cant possibly do much more and this year has had 3 years worth of progression.

vlxwakeboarder 08-20-2009 8:34 PM

<a href="http://www.thewakeplace.com/?p=662" target="_blank">http://www.thewakeplace.com/?p=662</a>

vlxwakeboarder 08-20-2009 8:35 PM

The wakeplace video quality is superb.

anthemwake 08-20-2009 8:39 PM


jsweat 08-20-2009 8:55 PM

wow that was stomped. i have to say that is the nicest looking toe 10 i have ever seen. It wasn't hucked at all he was just in control the whole time, super smooth. I think it looked way cleaner than Rusty's 10s not taking anything away from rusty but damn that was smooth.

dakid 08-20-2009 8:57 PM

not to take anything away cause it was clean and stomped, but keep in mind that it looks like it was shot in 720p/60...helps to make it look smoother.

srh00z 08-20-2009 9:00 PM

Other than the celebration at the end, it looks like he had done that 20 plus times. Super smooth. As far as Rathy goes, him getting wakeboarder of the year doesn't surprise me, he has been killing it.

rippleeffect 08-20-2009 9:01 PM

I have some pics of wake awards I'm trying to post, but its telling me the server was accessed too often. Does that mean I spend too much time on Wakeworld<IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> While that is entirely possible, i'm guessing I need to compress them, whats the file size limit? <BR>Thanks, I 'll try again

hawkeye7708 08-20-2009 9:08 PM

Wow, congrats to Rathy on the BS10 and Steele's W2W 10! That's awesome!

rippleeffect 08-20-2009 9:31 PM

Some Pics of the festivities hot off the press <BR>(All images property of Todd McLennan)

dakid 08-20-2009 9:32 PM

todd, 1000x1000, no more than 145kb.

ghettofab 08-20-2009 9:34 PM

pictures results and writeup <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.grindtv.com/wake/blog/7568/2009+wakeawards+by+wakeboarding+mag/" target="_blank">http://www.grindtv.com/wake/blog/7568/2009+wakeawards+by+wakeboarding+mag/</a>

lfadam 08-20-2009 10:25 PM

Wow, awesome...I feel like this was a down year for freeriding and videos but the progression really shocked me/snuck up on me and the competition riding was at an extremely high level...those two tricks are so gnarly!!!

rippleeffect 08-20-2009 10:29 PM

Thanks Joe!Jeff Barton Emcee with Rock Star Girls (Settle down boys Lauren is taken)<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727857.jpg" alt="Upload">

rippleeffect 08-20-2009 10:36 PM

Legends award presented to Gator Lugert(still cant used to no dreads on him )in broken english by Scott Byerly- former Legends Shaun, Darin, Parks, and Zane <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727868.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727869.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727870.jpg" alt="Upload">

rippleeffect 08-20-2009 10:40 PM

A few last ones before I call it for tonight- I'll put some more up tomorrow if you want 'em... <BR>(all photos property of Todd McLennan) <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727876.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727877.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/727878.jpg" alt="Upload">

wakeparent 08-20-2009 10:46 PM

What about Rookie of the year? Harley?

alevitt 08-20-2009 11:27 PM

There is no Rookie of the Year Award; it's called the On Point Award which Bob Soven won. Harley won it last year.

txwakerider 08-20-2009 11:46 PM

Did anyone get to see footage of Tom Fooshee's Pete 7??

clarkduh 08-21-2009 2:00 AM

Go Andy P and the sections in Fun boots

xistential 08-21-2009 4:03 AM

"There is no Rookie of the Year Award; it's called the On Point Award which Bob Soven won. Harley won it last year." <BR> <BR>They have a rookie of the year on the PWT tho. Kyle Alberts won it last year in Reno. Did anyone get it this year?

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