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holiday13 05-08-2008 2:30 PM

Second Tige here, although I am probably more of a PA rider sadly<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>On a cool note, I picked up a liquid force 118 wakeboard and binding package for my daughter. The marina at the lake had a great deal on is so I bought it and gave it to her on Tuesday for her birthday. She was totally stoked and would not take it off, just sat there rocking back and forth from tip to tail. Now all I have to do is teach her to swim this summer since she just turned 3! Does JB have an age limit at the wake academy????}

michelelef 05-08-2008 3:24 PM

Awesome JB!! Congrats again...What a sick boat!! Now Doug, Justin, and I are the lone boat whores...but if we were going to lose you, I'm glad we lost you to that. Never forget your ex-club members when looking for a third <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Alex, great spot for the premier indeed. I can picture it already...amazing friends, beer flowing, tequila shots, and endless crab fries and wings...That alone is exciting, then you throw an event like this in the mix...does not get any better!! <BR> <BR>Johan, so glad your coming home soon! It will be great to have you back here. <BR> <BR>All this excitement and talk about going on the river. Just can't wait to see everyone out there. If anyone is going for a weeknight session and needs a third, definitely let me know. I can't wait to try out my roam on the evening, mid-week glass...although the weekends should be pretty empty still.

njskier 05-08-2008 5:11 PM

Woody, EJ and I took Woody's X-1 out last night for a few sessions.........no butter but still able to ride near the power plant. Woody mostly wanted to try out his new prop and more importantly those huge Wetsounds speakers! Man, they sound nice @ 70'. Thanks for the pulls Woody! <BR> <BR>Gavin, you're determined to get your daughter riding at a younger age than anyone I know, which is very cool! Take some pics when it happens. <BR> <BR>Joe, rain forecast for friday looks bad for riding. Should be alot better over the weekend. <BR> <BR>Don't forget MOM this sunday!!!

jim_b 05-08-2008 8:01 PM

Hey George, did you get your seats back yet. I'm getting a little pissed. I thought I'd get better service from this guy.

nj_alex 05-08-2008 8:25 PM

Hey Johan: It just so happens I know someone at Gator Boards <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>. Your stickers will be on the <BR>way soon. <BR> <BR>We're itching to get back on the water, we're hoping to make it happen Saturday, but we're keeping our <BR>eyes on the weather forecast. The tides are a little screwy on Saturday too. It would suck to be caught out <BR>there at low tide in the rain and be unable to pull out. <BR> <BR>Michele: The balcony pictures of the martini glass and the cigar ashtray are excellent. The crab fries <BR>pictures is pretty great as well. Yup...Blackout premiere at Chickie's &amp; Pete's. It's going to be a great day <BR>followed by a great night.

jflo453 05-08-2008 9:55 PM

If you get stuck, head up to the trenton launch ramp. That ramp is usable no matter what the tide is, it launches directly into the channel, I love it

jckamp00 05-09-2008 3:27 AM

sweet alex thanks!! im also trying to get more cubans but ill have to sneak them on me haha!! the itch is getting bigger and my anxiousness is increasing!! more and more everyday!!!!!!

eustace 05-09-2008 6:59 AM

Sweet boat JB, Best of luck with it! <BR> <BR>Gavin, having gotten Ant started over the last couple years I can surly lend some advice if you are interested. <BR> <BR>Blackout premier at Chickie’s &amp; Pete’s….. Perfect! <BR> <BR>Alex I guess we will have to find a place outside for the BOTL’s.

holiday13 05-09-2008 10:13 AM

Eustance, I will take any suggestions I can get!!! She is talking about it so much that I want to encourage her. I was thinking of starting her in the pool pulling her by hand, and when she is comfortable upgrade to the jetski. I figured that would be less intimidating than the boat. I was thinking a rigging up some sort of barefoot boom as well, but having never used one I don't know it this is the way the experiment! Hopefully this goes well!

njskier 05-09-2008 11:40 AM

Gavin after you start her on the beach by hand, the boom is a great teaching tool. Makes it easy to communicate since you're only a few feet away. Maybe you can borrow my old boom from Dave M and mount it to your boat for a weekend.

summerryder 05-09-2008 1:09 PM

Hey there Jersey Riders! <BR> <BR>Just wanted to give you guys an update! <BR> <BR>The Wake Academy is ready to roll! Aw yeah! <BR> <BR>And go check out our new guest book page on the site! Fill that baby up! <BR><a href="http://www.thewakeacademy.com" target="_blank">www.thewakeacademy.com</a> !

jflo453 05-09-2008 3:52 PM

Anybody have any idea how much rain we got today or how much debris there may be floating down the river tomorrow?

jim_b 05-09-2008 5:04 PM

Oh you can count on brown water and some good debris after that much rain.

nj_alex 05-09-2008 9:19 PM

Oh man...Doreen, Connor and I are dying to get back on the river and board, but this weekend's weather is an <BR>ugly mess. Thus, we've decided to pull the plug on Saturday's Bordentown tow. Oh well. Hopefully next Saturday <BR>will be nicer. <BR> <BR>When Connor was tiny I'd stand in shallow water and hold him in my arms. Then Doreen would slowly accelerate and <BR>I'd talk to him as the handle began to pull and as he lifted out of the water. In no time he was popping-up on his <BR>own and riding away happy. <BR> <BR>BOTL's will always find a way Eustace. <BR> <BR>Continuing congratulations JB. Doreen's ready to enroll Connor for some tough love Wake Academy boot camp <BR>training!

dennisvride 05-10-2008 6:18 AM


nj_alex 05-10-2008 8:02 AM

I really can't personally help you get your crew going Dennis &amp; Lisa, but I'm pretty sure I've seen you on <BR>the river and at the boat ramp. Welcome to the thread! And since you're looking to network with other area riders, <BR>Wakefest on June 14 is absolutely where you want to be. <a href="http://www.njwakefest.com" target="_blank">www.njwakefest.com</a> <BR> <BR>As I sit here at 60 Sylvia looking out onto the lagoon, I see that it's not raining and now I'm sort of <BR>sorry that I didn't just roll the dice and make the tow to Bordentown this morning. If anyone's out today <BR>I hope they'll be posting pictures to the blog. <BR> <BR>How's the painting going Kevin?

jflo453 05-10-2008 4:08 PM

Well the weather just broke about 2 hours ago and we decided to run down to the river and take some sets. It was a little bumpy, but definitely tolerable, and it was nice to get back on the water. Who is going to be out there tomorrow?

chrisnj 05-10-2008 5:50 PM

Dennis/Lisa, I know Jim, myself, Johan and one or two others get out a lot during the week, so hang around this thread and let us know when you head out. <BR> <BR>Jim, how you feeling bro? I didnt hear from you? Everything ok? <BR> <BR>Alex, that wf giveaway from 925 is on the way too.

jim_b 05-10-2008 6:54 PM

Chris, ya I'm good. My back is a bit stiff and sore, but I'll live. I tried to post a picture of the damage to the back of my car where that yo yo hit me but for some reason the last 2 times I tried to post pics to wakeboardnj they never show up. Maybe KG can figure out why. I think he blocked me<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0>. J/K

njskier 05-11-2008 5:43 AM

Jim, I posted your pic of your car damage from my phone..........but forgot a caption. <BR> <BR>To all you moms out there.......HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

newmy79 05-11-2008 9:02 AM

Jim I had that very same problem too. For some reason it wasn't showing the pics I posted. I think it's just a fluke because most of the time it works. <BR> <BR>You were in an accident? Glad your ok. One of my employees got into a pretty bad accident on Friday on the way to work and totaled his car. Steering linkage went out, he tried to correct it and "over corrected", it came back and he hydroplaned into the woods hitting a tree, snapping it in half which made the tree fall on top of his car. They had to cut him out with a chainsaw. He's okay though which is good. Banged up and bruised with a sling and a messed up shoulder. <BR> <BR>I am tired of this crappy weekend weather we've been having. Though it's sunny and breezy out today, I think I'm going to go hit up the golf course. My mom's working on a flight so we won't see her. Course should be empty!! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

newmy79 05-11-2008 9:06 AM

JB, when you sign your guestbook, where's the comment go? Are you supposed to see all of the comments made somewhere? Did I miss something? (probably considering I don't read everything)

jim_b 05-11-2008 12:40 PM

Doreen, Welcome to the ink club. Nice TAT.How did that feel on the top of your foot?

njladydriver 05-11-2008 1:47 PM

Thanks Jim. Actually, I was already an ink club member, but it had been a while since I got my last one. <BR>And I've been talking about getting this very tattoo for a while now. I guess seeing Alex go under the <BR>needle last week sort of gave me the fever (and the nerve) to finally go do it. <BR>Did it hurt? Oh my God! It hurt <i><b>WAY</b></i> more than I thought it would! But Alex was there to hold my hand <BR>and talk me through it and I toughed it out. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> But this may be it for me and new tattoos. <BR>Sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad you're doing ok.

dennisvride 05-11-2008 1:58 PM

Already got replies from dave and jim but not johan... Johan if your interested in my post on the 10th or anyone else is for that matter holler. Want to get as big of a list of potential riders as possible. Dont want to miss any good days of riding for lack of a third!

jckamp00 05-11-2008 3:02 PM

hey dennis, sorry bro in iraq right know so dont always got the access, but im always down for a pull if im off work, ask jim i bug him all the time! hey every one i should be in the states on the 17th at 1400 (2:00p.m.)

jim_b 05-11-2008 3:57 PM

Johan, call me as soon as you get settled. We'll go get a bite to eat. 6 more days bro!

dennisvride 05-12-2008 4:18 PM

Jim If I get my boat back I am looking at this wednesday night, next monday day or night and next wednesday day only, as possible days to go out. Let me know if any of those days sound good. For that matter if those days sound good to anybody else as well or if anyone is needing a third those days near bordentown

jim_b 05-12-2008 7:16 PM

Dennis I wont know my schedule for next week till Friday for sure. I will keep you posted.

wakespider 05-13-2008 5:53 AM

Hey Dennis. I usually have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. I emailed you with my contact info. <BR> <BR><IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

dennisvride 05-13-2008 9:48 AM

Sounds good Jim... I will be without my boat till at least monday. Turns out the fuel pump was faulty. Chris I will check my mail!

njskier 05-13-2008 2:59 PM

Dennis, bummer about your fuel pump but on the bright side a assume it's covered under waranty. <BR> <BR>I'll be out riding saturday morning if you and Lisa care to come along. Weather forecast looking good for saturday (so far)

jflo453 05-13-2008 5:06 PM

If anyone is interested, I am hitting up the trenton ramp around 7--730 am tomorrow for some morning riding. <a href="mailto:Joseph.Flotteron@villanova.edu">Josep h.Flotteron@villanova.edu</a> if you want some sets

dennisvride 05-13-2008 7:00 PM

I will go joe check your mail and give me a call I dont have your cell

nj_alex 05-14-2008 6:24 PM

It's great to see so many people hooking-up and going out riding. You gotta love Wake World and this New <BR>Jersey thread. <BR> <BR>Yes, the weather for this Saturday, so far, is looking decent. I too hope to hit Bordentown Saturday morning. <BR>I'm still not exactly sure who'll be in the boat, but as long as it's not raining or really windy, look <BR>for The Super Air to be back on the river this Saturday. Plus, while there I have to do a little event <BR>site surveying. Things might get a little crowded this year and I may have to rethink Wakefest's <BR>layout a little. And look for some more Wakefest promotion to be hitting your mailboxes in about a week. <BR>Posters will be done soon too, and if anybody wants some for pre-Wakefest distribution, you should email <BR>Doreen. <BR> <BR>It's been sort of a tradition to have a countdown to Wakfeest. So what do you think? Should we <BR>start a countdown to Yohan?

njladydriver 05-14-2008 8:14 PM

3 more days until Johan comes home to wonderful NJ! 30 days until the 3rd Annual NJ Wakefest! <BR> <BR>These are great count downs!

jflo453 05-16-2008 4:23 PM

Who is going to be out on the river tomorrow? I am hoping to be there from around 7-8 am until about 4-5 pm. Boat should be pretty full but if anyone is looking for a pull I might be able to squeeze 1 more

zuka666 05-16-2008 5:24 PM

Finally back on line Ladies and Gents... <BR>The wife gots a new DELL, (doomed), so I'm FORBIDDEN from my favorite "sites".... <BR> <BR>No more "mixed loveliness" for me.! (I grew out of that anyway...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>) <BR> <BR>Sara and I booked w/ the Ramada tonight for two nights, 13th &amp; 14th... <BR>Can't wait to party w/ you folks, 28 to go!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0>

jim_b 05-16-2008 6:11 PM

Zuko, hopefully we can ride on the 13th bro.

njskier 05-16-2008 7:09 PM

^Yeah Jim count me in too. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

nj_alex 05-16-2008 7:39 PM

Joe: If you see a Super Air Nautique out there blasting ridiculously loud music, be sure to pull up <BR>and say "Hey!" Or maybe yell it. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Doreen pointed-out to me that I keep misspelling Johan's name. Sorry Johan. <BR> <BR>Glad you got your room Jeff Z. Talk to you Saturday night.

zuka666 05-17-2008 6:10 PM

Jim and Dave, what do the kids want for dinner? <BR>No Mikkie D's!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0>...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

zuka666 05-17-2008 6:20 PM

So where is Mr. Kampfraat these days? <BR>--JZ

jim_b 05-18-2008 8:29 AM


jim_b 05-18-2008 8:53 AM

It was nice to see part of the group again yesterday,nice to meet Jamie and get my first ride of the season.Thanks for the pulls Dave. Man am I sore as hell today.Thanks Charles for the edging tip yesterday. I'm going focus on that now and try to improve my pop off the wake. See you all soon.

jckamp00 05-18-2008 2:02 PM

hey im back i got in last nite at like 8 pm i need to get my phone activated, im at the cherry hill mall in the apple store on there comp. haha! but i will be hittin everyone up after i get back from cali on sun. hope the weather gets better too!!! aight well gotta go oh ya im gonna need everyones #s again since the sand killed my cell i dont have them anymore lata

zuka666 05-18-2008 5:05 PM

No worries Jim, I was just bustin em'.... <BR>The kids love Mikkie D's these days, that's all...

nj_alex 05-18-2008 8:18 PM

Good to have you back Johan. Welcome home. <BR> <BR>Ever since I've had it, The Super Air has seemed invincible to me. It's just always been good, strong, and has <BR>had few problems, if any. But this Saturday its Perfect Pass decided to give me grief. For whatever reason, <BR>the information from the paddle wheel is just not getting to the central processing unit. I'm going to <BR>call Perfect Pass on Tuesday (closed Monday for some Canadian holiday. Yes, PP is in Canada) to see if they <BR>have any suggestions. But like Jim said, it was good to see everyone again after a seemingly long Winter.

jim_b 05-19-2008 7:20 AM

Who wants to ride Wednesday? Dennis and I are talking about riding this Wednesday out of Bordentown. Anyone wanna ride Wednesday? Depending on how many of us there are we will either take 1 boat or 2.

eustace 05-19-2008 9:55 AM

Like wise, it was good to see everyone on Saturday and take in the scene that is wakeboarding at Bordentown. Woody and I were reflecting on the days when it was pretty much He and I being the only 2 wake boats in site. <BR> <BR>It’s cool to see this community grow! <BR> <BR>Joe it was nice to meet you, and a big thanks to Alex for the pull after my 8-month lay-up. It felt great to be back on the water and what better way to jump back in then going a set behind the SANTE, although I think I closed my eyes the first time I headed into that wake!

summerryder 05-20-2008 5:25 PM

Woody and Brian, that does have to be cool to watch the genesis of the Jersey wake scene over the last few years. I'm looking forward to cruising my boat up to Bordentown this summer for some shredding! I hope you locals will allow one more bright orange and black pleasure craft to peacefully coexist up there from time to time. <BR> <BR>Johan, welcome back! Geez, I'm sure the countdown to getting home was painfully slow but now you're back in the Dirty Jersey! <BR> <BR>And I was just reading through some of the older posts that I hadn't seen before. I saw the "Where's Waldo"-esque exchange over where I was going to be at any given time. I have another crazy one coming up next week, but then things mellow out, at least by my standards.

njskier 05-20-2008 5:47 PM

JB, bring that VLX up here........we'll help you break it in! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> You're only a short cruise away. In the past I would run from Trenton down to Dave and Busters, great destination for a lunch break and some gaming. <BR> <BR>Johan, when you return from Cali we need to get you back out on the water. If you're available next friday-sunday post it and we'll give you a pull. <BR> <BR>Zuka, my kids love Mickey Dees! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

zuka666 05-20-2008 6:17 PM

the Mickey DEE's will kill ya....NO JOKE;) <BR>Looking forward to the weekend, should be in the 70* degree range!, Sunny for once...ENJOY! <BR> <BR>24 and counting...

kickasskel 05-21-2008 11:33 AM

Johan~! Welcome back! Cannot wait for Wakefest to happen~ <BR> <BR>I may be chugging down to NY this weekend so maybe I could stop by Trenton to say hello to everyone and to squeeze in the first set of the season (I am obviously falling waaaaay behind Michele on this one). Anyone going out this Saturday/Sunday/Monday that could accomodate a third?

njskier 05-21-2008 1:36 PM

Hello Kelly Lee! Nice to hear from you again. <BR> <BR>I'll be out this weekend, saturday and/or sunday morning. Room for one more is never a problem. If your cell # is still the same, I'll try to contact you.

jim_b 05-21-2008 3:09 PM

Cold is the best way to describe todays water at Bordentown. Today I put the TIGE in for the first dip of the season and she purred like a kitten.Johan got his first post Iraq run of the season. He had his new board and after only a couple minutes of feeling it out he was popping just like last season. Johan brought his buddy Tom from the base with him who also rode today for only his 4th time. It was nice to see Tom and his girlfriend Katrina again. Cousin Ken was also in tow to brave what was without a doubt the coldest water I have ever ridden in. <BR>While out there we got to say hi to Dennis,Chris and I think Joe and one other brave sole who I didn't know. <BR>Now that my boat has hit the water,My season has officially begun.Ride on fellow NJ RIDERS. <BR> <BR>Ps.. My truck didn't fair as well as my boat today. I made it home but my alternator is fried. <BR>I went to Advance auto and just finished putting a new $179.00 one on the truck so it is ready for the next session.As I'm typing this we are being pounded by a heavy wind and rain storm.Guess I finished just in time.

lazypiper 05-21-2008 4:54 PM

Cold doesn't even start to describe it, but we had a great day on Dennis's boat. BTW Jim that was me Kevin, Chris, and the brave soul in the shorty was Jim on Dennis's boat. Dennis thanks for the ride and I hope all goes well with that new prop. I took some video and uploaded them here is the links. <BR>Joe's first set <BR><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o52uhVsXJKM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o52uhVsXJKM</a> <BR>Dennis doing everything switch <BR><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiuFZzGQb0w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiuFZzGQb0w</a> <BR>I left the crash videos out THIS time. I just got my boat in the water this week so the next time I'll be around will be Wakefest. With MY boat the red Xstar giving rides back. If anyone is ever in Long Island near Freeport the last exit before Jones Beach. Give me a call if your looking for a pull. See yall at Wakefest

wakespider 05-21-2008 5:15 PM

Yeah, cold was the word of the day, but let’s not forget the wicked obstacle course supplied by all the recent rain. Regardless, I had the best time. There’s nothing like the first few pulls of the season when you know it’s only going to get better and better! <BR> <BR>Great to finally meet you Dennis and Jim. Dennis, thanks again for the pulls and thanks to Joe for the good advice. My toe-side jumps got a lot better on my second set. <BR> <BR>Here’s a picture of Joe and Kevin (against the obligatory factory backdrop). See y’all soon. <BR>C. <BR> <BR> <BR>Here’s a picture of Joe and Kevin (against the obligatory factory backdrop). See y’all soon. <BR>C. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/582776.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/582777.jpg" alt="Upload">

njskier 05-21-2008 5:33 PM

Jim, glad to hear you were out today with the TIGE' even though it was a bit colder than normal. Nice that Johan got his first pulls of the season too. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Kevin, nice vids of Joe and Dennis. Man you guys had some butter out there!

chrisnj 05-21-2008 6:26 PM

Glad you guys had a good time today! Wish I could've been there.. freakin work! <BR>Everyone will have killer weather this weekend it looks like. Hope everyone has a great memorial day wknd!

nj_alex 05-21-2008 6:47 PM

Yes, yes, yes. It's excellent to see people getting together, getting out there and making it happen. <BR> <BR>In case you haven't already heard, Surf &amp; Offshore's Second Annual Wakeboarding Open is going to be <BR>on Saturday August 2, at the same location as last year in Lavallette, NJ. Ink this in on your calendars people. <BR>It should be another fun day like last year. And I guess this will mean another post-event trip to The Saw Mill <BR>and the sleezeside boardwalk! Giant pizzas, giant beers, road rage go-karting and JB on that atomic space <BR>shot ride. Good times.

newmy79 05-21-2008 7:18 PM

Wow, look at all of these people getting out there and riding. I can't believe that it's already the end of May and I haven't been out once. It's kind of sad. This weather has been just awful. This weekend should help everyone out and give us some warm days and sunshine.

kickasskel 05-21-2008 11:14 PM

Same here Justin. Cannot wait for it to warm up a little. I am still in my winter jacket up here in Boston. Looks like this weekend will mark the day that summer officially begins. Yay!

keenan 05-22-2008 5:17 AM

FYI June 5 and 6 Jerry Nunn will be doing his wakeboard clinic at the port indian ski club if anyone is interested here is the link: <BR><a href="http://waterski.meetup.com/16/calendar/7825130/?a=cv1c_grp" target="_blank">http://waterski.meetup.com/16/calendar/7825130/?a=cv1c_grp</a>

njskier 05-22-2008 4:01 PM

Hey John K! How's it going? Are you hitting the river anytime soon? <BR> <BR>That clinic looks cool, here's a direct link with a video from last years clinic: <BR> <BR><a href="http://portindian.com/7.html" target="_blank">http://portindian.com/7.html</a> <BR> <BR>Looks like the cutoff date has come and gone however. That video reminds me of many weekends skiing and footin' at Port Indian. Great spot with some real nice club members.

keenan 05-22-2008 5:20 PM

Dave I am in SC but will be back up next week. I am planning to ride bordentown next weekend. I didn't realize the cutoff date was past on the clinic sorry for the late info. It is still really cool to just watch those guys tear it up especially with the tower extension!!! Hope to see you out there and maybe meet everyone else.

zuka666 05-23-2008 5:41 AM

Three weeks!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

nj_alex 05-23-2008 11:24 AM

Three weeks??? Sheesh. I better get busy! <BR> <BR>I corrected my Perfect Pass woes. It turns-out when Off Shore Marine installed new gauges last Fall, some <BR>one ripped one of the cables out of my Perfect Pass central processing unit. After calling Off Shore Marine <BR>and expressing my displeasure, I found the errant cable and got it plugged back in.

dennisvride 05-23-2008 6:00 PM

Hope it was worth the trip for all you guys on wednesday morning! It was nice to meet everyone. You guys are all welcome out anytime. The prop issue was a real bummer for me! Already sent it out to Eric at oj props to get repaired. I will be going out with the spare on Sunday around 9am if anyone wants a pull. Also probably will take it back out Monday evening and again on Tuesday morning if that works for anyone. <BR> <BR>Jim B I am thinking to start out around 9 on Tuesday so we beat the possible thunderstorm in the afternoon. Let me know what works for you. Joe let me know if you will be back and able to go.

jim_b 05-23-2008 11:54 PM

Dennis 9 should be no problem. I have a definite 3rd for us as well. Hopefully this warm weather we are about to have will warm that frozen tundra up a little.

wakespider 05-24-2008 4:42 AM

Check it out: <BR><a href="http://www.wakeboardingmag.com/article.jsp?ID=1000059619" target="_blank">http://www.wakeboardingmag.com/article.jsp?ID=1000059619</a>

dennisvride 05-24-2008 5:03 AM

as of now there should be four of us then lets hope the weather holds out.

zuka666 05-24-2008 7:18 PM

My First 2008 wakeride going down at 0800 tomorrow... while all you kiddies are still in bed<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/yawn.gif" border=0>....Wont be able to move Monday mornin' but still worth the PAIN<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

nj_alex 05-24-2008 7:25 PM

Breakin' in the Bu on The Rancocas Crick. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/583545.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/583546.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/583547.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/583548.jpg" alt="Upload">

zuka666 05-24-2008 7:36 PM

That's what I'm Talkin About ALEX... <BR>Nice Pics!

zuka666 05-25-2008 5:02 PM

O.K. <BR>Tough first set!! <BR>SUPERMAN to safeness....<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR>Toeside Roll to sloppy...didn't hit it...drank diry a'gua <BR>Wake Roll,,, too heel side roll to revert, drank water...AGAIN...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0> <BR>What can ya do? Try some three's WORKED OVER,,, <BR>But then again..,. TRY and you'll hit em'! <BR>\...and that's my post....see ya soon!

zuka666 05-25-2008 5:08 PM

NICE MUsCLES....<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

wakespider 05-26-2008 6:25 AM

I'm around all day Wednesday if anyone needs a third. I can come into the train station at the Bordentown ramp.

jflo453 05-26-2008 9:34 AM

Yea I'll be out wednesday, shoot me an email and we will figure out what time. <BR> <BR>Dennis, can I get in on that 9 am set tomorrow too?

dennisvride 05-26-2008 12:26 PM

Jim, Joe I still plan to go out at 9. Give me a call around 8 just want to check the radar. We may have to adjust when we go out. The wind doesnt look bad and it will be 70 by 9. A couple passing showers is no big deal just dont want to be out in a steady down pour.

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