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VanillaGorilla 12-19-2016 1:46 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950392)
Hey Vag... Nice to hear from your dumb a$$. I was asked a question and responded with an answer. I was anticipating that the stock market would tank because the economists were predicting it. It didn't happen and now that's old news, just like you.

Oh poor, poor baby. News release... I'm not old news, you are. Get used to it just like learning that your president ran us 10 trillion further into debt. You want me to buy you a stereo for your boat to make you feel better?

fly135 12-19-2016 1:50 PM


Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla (Post 1950397)
You want me to buy you a stereo for your boat to make you feel better?

What's my budget?

VanillaGorilla 12-19-2016 1:52 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950398)
What's my budget?

Damn.. now I'm laughing. You really want one?

fly135 12-19-2016 1:53 PM

No. I just figured if it was high enough I'd opt for a new fat sac and pump.

VanillaGorilla 12-19-2016 1:54 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950400)
No. I just figured if it was high enough I'd opt for a new fat sac and pump.

What's the price? It IS the season to give IF you believe.

fly135 12-19-2016 2:00 PM


Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla (Post 1950401)
What's the price? It IS the season to give IF you believe.

This isn't like the mafia where you show up at my door later with the request for the return favor is it?

VanillaGorilla 12-19-2016 2:04 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950402)
This isn't like the mafia where you show up at my door later with the request for the return favor is it?

Nope, just a horse head in a box if you don't like my Kraco... : )

fly135 12-19-2016 2:11 PM


Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla (Post 1950403)
Nope, just a horse head in a box if you don't like my Kraco... : )

Thanks, but I'll pass and just stick to filling the boat with fat chicks.

VanillaGorilla 12-19-2016 2:21 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950404)
Thanks, but I'll pass and just stick to filling the boat with fat chicks.

Hey, don't say I didn't offer ; ). No BS, hope yall have a merry Christmas! I'm in the middle of moving to a new home so I'll prolly be off a while.

fly135 12-19-2016 2:28 PM

Merry Christmas to you too and I hope your new home is awesome!

joeshmoe 12-19-2016 8:29 PM


Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla (Post 1950391)
Seriously? The nation has spoken. Get used to it. You were preaching doom and gloom for the stock market the day of the election..... what's the latest dow?? Maybe getting used to a different way of approaching problems and putting the nation first is a new concept for you but you have AT LEAST 4 years to get used to it... bahahahaha!

Latest dow is 19883.06 hanging around 19,900 for the last five days, Do you think its over valued? If your Hope and Change doesn't work out, it could easily drop back to 17,000!

grant_west 12-20-2016 7:03 AM

Any of you see Michelle O on Opra? She is clearly not happy with our new president

psudy 12-20-2016 8:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You watch Oprah?

grant_west 12-20-2016 8:47 AM

Yes I Oprah every night. I read all of her books and What ever Oprah says is good I buy it. The only channel on my TV is the OWN network. My life is complete

grant_west 12-20-2016 8:49 AM

No silly they were playing the Highlights of her sit down with Oprah on all the Networks, Michell sounds like she drank from Van Jones cup and she is a WhiteLash-ing promoter

doublemwa 12-20-2016 9:47 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950392)
Hey Vag... Nice to hear from your dumb a$$. I was asked a question and responded with an answer. I was anticipating that the stock market would tank because the economists were predicting it. It didn't happen and now that's old news, just like you.

The Dow is up, but that doesn't mean its a sign that things are going to continue or that it's because of Trump's victory. Typically, just like in 2008, there is sharp increase just before the fall. So far, every economist prediction about a Trump victory is coming true.



The short prediction, the next two years we'll see a tax reform that cuts taxes for corporations shifting the economy to be more reliant on public borrowing perpetuated by cutting back on financial regulations allowing for growth in sub-prime lending across the board. It will then take a couple of years for defaults to permeate the industry causing another collapse. During which we'll see inflation that will compound the problems of increased unemployment. The variable that is still TBD is the impact of the favorable fossil fuel cabinet is going to have on the renewable industry, that is and has been the fast growing employment sector.

cwb4me 12-20-2016 10:23 AM

Trump for Prez is old news and a done deal. This should be a new thread titled " Is the glass Half Full Or Half Empty? " Let's all debate a Question we will never agree on and never sway someone's opinion on.

snyder 12-20-2016 11:20 AM

wait... i thought y'all said Rick Perry is an idiot. Now he's an oil and gas industry titan?

"The agglomeration of oil and gas industry titans in Trump’s cabinet – most notably Trump’s pick for secretary of state, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, and for energy secretary, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry" .... from the above linked Vice article.
Ah, predictions.. how's that been working out lately?

Also, I thought China owning a significant amount of our debt was a bad thing... Now their getting rid of it is a bad thing? I'm so confused.

ralph 12-20-2016 4:42 PM


Originally Posted by cwb4me (Post 1950452)
Trump for Prez is old news and a done deal. This should be a new thread titled " Is the glass Half Full Or Half Empty? " Let's all debate a Question we will never agree on and never sway someone's opinion on.

Or "Suck it libtards, you lost, have fun with your play-doh in your safe space"

markj 12-20-2016 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1950465)
Or "Suck it libtards, you lost, have fun with your play-doh in your safe space"

You're learning. You get a gold star today.:p Keep it up, live a little more life and soon you'll be a conservative. It just takes time and life experience before some people figure it out. Eventually, everyone gets there unless they're sans brain. (or unless you're fly135. He's hit his head too many times on the kicker so we go easy on him).

fly135 12-21-2016 8:21 AM

If the kicker doesn't go easy on me then why should you?

plhorn 12-21-2016 8:59 AM


Originally Posted by cwb4me (Post 1950452)
Trump for Prez is old news and a done deal. This should be a new thread titled " Is the glass Half Full Or Half Empty? " Let's all debate a Question we will never agree on and never sway someone's opinion on.

Probably true, but we might just gain a little perspective here.

shawndoggy 12-21-2016 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by cwb4me (Post 1950452)
Trump for Prez is old news and a done deal. This should be a new thread titled " Is the glass Half Full Or Half Empty? " Let's all debate a Question we will never agree on and never sway someone's opinion on.

the profundity of this observation diminishes every time you make it. I think you are on like #5 at this point.

doublemwa 12-21-2016 1:00 PM

I agree it's probably time for a new thread title. But clicking into "Trump for Prez" reminds of me how wrong we libtards were before Nov 8th. It's a piece of humble pie every time I open Wake World.

markj 12-21-2016 1:14 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1950486)
If the kicker doesn't go easy on me then why should you?

Ha! Merry Christmas.

markj 12-21-2016 1:17 PM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1950493)
the profundity of this observation diminishes every time you make it. I think you are on like #5 at this point.

But on the flip side, if the libbies would stop crying and just go play with their Play-Doh, he wouldn't have to keep making the point. See? Fixed it.

shawndoggy 12-21-2016 1:20 PM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1950503)
But on the flip side, if the libbies would stop crying and just go play with their Play-Doh, he wouldn't have to keep making the point. See? Fixed it.



hooo hooo hoo.

Pretty sure debating politics is time honored (and constitutionally protected) sport in this wonderful nation of ours. If you want to live where dissent is stifled, there's always North Korea. Or cuba if you're looking for nicer weather.

markj 12-21-2016 1:28 PM

Yep and that's what I'm doin too.:p

grant_west 12-21-2016 1:38 PM

Ralph: I think the

Or "Suck it libtards, you lost, have fun with your play-doh in your safe space"
is view point that was created by many after the prolonged belly ake-ing and night after night protests we saw. I remember after Obama won 2x the chest thumping that was going on for months after I obamas victory. I remember saying Wow these guys won and they seem like Sore winners! WTH. I tryed to not be that guy. I felt like Keep your mouth shut let the losers get their frustrations out, things will return to Normal soon, but as the bitching kept on and on. I feel like people developed the "Shut your face cry baby additude "

fly135 12-21-2016 1:43 PM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1950502)
Ha! Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

ralph 12-21-2016 2:21 PM

It's all good Grant, I'm still enjoying this thread enormously

plhorn 12-22-2016 9:58 AM


DenverRider 12-22-2016 10:53 AM

So apparently the official word has come down and the swamp will not be drained after all.

grant_west 12-22-2016 11:58 AM

So what exactly what did Russia Hack? How did the Beast win the popular vote if Russia hacked the voting system?

stevo8290 12-22-2016 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950559)
So what exactly what did Russia Hack? How did the Beast win the popular vote if Russia hacked the voting system?

Most democrats have never said they hacked actual voting systems. They believe they contributed to the leaks posted on wikileaks.

grant_west 12-22-2016 2:07 PM

So the Russians uncovered "the beasts" crooked dealings & felonious activity and showed it to the rest of the world! Humm well I think we owe the Russians a debt of gratitude then.

DenverRider 12-22-2016 2:26 PM

What crooked dealings exactly were discovered??
What would be found if Donald Trump's emails were hacked and shared?

grant_west 12-22-2016 3:06 PM


What would be found if Donald Trump's emails were hacked and shared?
That he is a serial Pussy Grabber!

shawndoggy 12-22-2016 4:07 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950562)
So the Russians uncovered "the beasts" crooked dealings & felonious activity and showed it to the rest of the world! Humm well I think we owe the Russians a debt of gratitude then.

Which activities in particular did you find troubling that you learned about from the wikileaks stuff, Grant?

grant_west 12-22-2016 4:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Which activities in particular did you find troubling that you learned about from the wikileaks stuff, Grant?
Shawn I will let the Beast's own Words represent my own sediment\

ralph 12-22-2016 4:42 PM

You know what will make the world a better place? More nuclear weapons apparently.

shawndoggy 12-22-2016 4:52 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950571)
Shawn I will let the Beast's own Words represent my own sediment\

Sediment indeed!

ralph 12-22-2016 5:09 PM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1950573)
Sediment indeed!

That's what you are left with when you drain the swamp

markj 12-22-2016 11:10 PM

Detritus to be more specific.

shawndoggy 12-23-2016 6:23 AM

How do you guys feel about the news HW, W, and WRC are skipping the inauguration?

Carter has RSVP'd. Say what you will about Carter's presidency, but man has that guy been a model to live up to for every former president. He's been a class act all the way.

I get it that Bush I isn't going to make it. My man is 92 (same as Carter) and you can't really begrudge him not wanting to travel.

W and the Clintons tho... healthy and active peeps. Seems like they should show respect for the office (even if they think the holder is a trainwreck).

deneng 12-23-2016 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950438)
Any of you see Michelle O on Opra? She is clearly not happy with our new president

Maybe she will be happy and shut up if we give her a participation trophy

psudy 12-23-2016 11:52 AM

or grab her by the pu$$y!

ralph 12-23-2016 4:11 PM

Nobody worried about re kick starting the cold war nuclear deterrent game by twitter?

grant_west 12-23-2016 5:30 PM

Funny how the Snowflakes (not u Ralph) are so fixated to every word "the Donald" Tweets. CBS might as well have his twitter feed live on their news page.

To answer your question; I have no problem with it. A few months ago 60mins ran a story on How outdated our Nuke program is, many of the programs that run out missle defense program are on FLOPPY disk! Much of it is 1960's tech.

Did you see what Putin said? He said he had no problem with it and it didn't come off as a threat Ect.

ralph 12-23-2016 6:48 PM

I think it is natural to have a strong reaction to a world leader who tweets policy, is just something we have not seen before.

Yes i saw. I think Putin is much more of a politician than the don and knows how to play the game.

I just don't see how increasing nuke capability is a good thing for the world. I don't have a problem with them spending more money to make what they have more advanced but i don't think producing more warheads makes any sense. 7,000 warheads is more than enough

markj 12-23-2016 9:18 PM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1950585)
How do you guys feel about the news HW, W, and WRC are skipping the inauguration?

Carter has RSVP'd. Say what you will about Carter's presidency, but man has that guy been a model to live up to for every former president. He's been a class act all the way.

I get it that Bush I isn't going to make it. My man is 92 (same as Carter) and you can't really begrudge him not wanting to travel.

W and the Clintons tho... healthy and active peeps. Seems like they should show respect for the office (even if they think the holder is a trainwreck).

I think it all makes sense. The Bush family is being loyal to their own, low energy family member and the Clintons still have their tails between their legs. It's understandable that they wouldn't want to be there. I agree that Carter really has been a class act since his presidency.

plhorn 12-24-2016 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950610)
Funny how the Snowflakes (not u Ralph) are so fixated to every word "the Donald" Tweets. CBS might as well have his twitter feed live on their news page.

It is important to follow Trumps tweets because when he tweets about canceling Boeing or Lockheed's orders their stock takes a dive for the day. Since his kids are running his business and involved in policy decisions it would be pretty easy for them to make a ton of money on the market.

Which is why all the previous presidents put their stocks into a REAL blind trust.

grant_west 12-24-2016 11:04 AM

This is from CBS's website about trumps recent Tweet about nuclear arms.
“Modernization is quite different from expansion,” said Michael McFaul, Obama’s ambassador in Moscow between 2012 and 2014. “Modernization is allowed under the New START treaty; expansion is not.”

I do admit it's quite different having the President communicate threw tweets. No press secretary or spin doctors to tweek the message. I did find it funny trump tweeting about the possibility of scrapping the F-35 program because of cost overruns and delays, and Boing "Re-Tweeting" O hey we can make you some super hornets for a great deal. It's like Trump was using the court of public opinion threw his twitter account to bring Lockheed back down to earth. I will say this I think Trump can negotiate a better deal for the US then anyone in the outgoing administration

pesos 12-24-2016 5:47 PM

"I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers for every visa and immigration program. NO EXCEPTIONS.” -- Donald Trump


fly135 12-26-2016 6:59 AM

LOL... Friendly reminder from the GOP to celebrate your new king.


Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King.

grant_west 12-27-2016 8:57 AM

Funny that you read into that. I personally thought is was some religious statement. Not the GOP calling the Donald some King or god. But to each his own,

But hey not to change the subject I was just checking in and have a question How is that "Re Count going" LOL LOL LOL LOL

fly135 12-27-2016 9:31 AM

Did I mention Trump? Or did you think it was about Trump all by your self?

grant_west 12-27-2016 10:13 AM

^^^ sounds like someone needs some "safe space" time.

markj 12-27-2016 10:35 AM


Cabledog 12-28-2016 8:35 PM

Great example of why we have an electoral college.


grant_west 12-30-2016 9:27 AM

The double standard and flip flopping from the Dems is re-dick, here are 2 examples.
#1 Obama says the electoral Collage is outdated and not fair. (But he was ellected 2 times by
Winning the electoral collage) we didn't see him complaining when it went in his way.

#2 The administration says the Ellection process can't be hacked but as soon as the Beast looses Now they claim the Russians hacked the system.

Just love laughing at the Snowflakes,

grant_west 12-30-2016 9:36 AM

And how come the Re-Count was front page News when stein was Looking for $ But we have not heard a peep (News wise) the same news outlets that were pushing the story have now gone Raido Silence. No front page news saying "Ellection Reaults Stand" or Trump's statement that the recount was just a $ scam & Now has merit. I will tell you what you Dems keep acting like crybabies and we will keep laughing at you.

markj 12-30-2016 11:56 AM

I haven't stopped laughing since November 8th.

ralph 12-31-2016 11:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have to admit it, this guy has the sort of class money can't buy. A true inspiration.

joeshmoe 12-31-2016 1:17 PM

He still doesn't understand he Lost the popular vote, Bigly! I think he's making more enemies as he continues tweeting this nonsense! HaHaHa, this is hilarious and pathetic at the same time, its going to be long, interesting four years. He could say he was drunk when he tweeted it, but he doesn't drink. Has this tweet been verified that it was actually trump tweeting this?

ralph 12-31-2016 2:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Trump not using white house limo service anymore, he got himself one of these

grant_west 01-01-2017 2:26 PM

^^ I think I can see Fly, and Denver Rider inside the WamBulance LOL

joeshmoe 01-01-2017 4:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You can't make this stuff up!

01-04-2017 9:41 AM


Originally Posted by joeshmoe (Post 1950840)
He still doesn't understand he Lost the popular vote, Bigly! I think he's making more enemies as he continues tweeting this nonsense! HaHaHa, this is hilarious and pathetic at the same time, its going to be long, interesting four years. He could say he was drunk when he tweeted it, but he doesn't drink. Has this tweet been verified that it was actually trump tweeting this?

From what I have read that Clinton's popular vote victory mainly came from California's election numbers. The rest of the country was pretty much even.

plhorn 01-04-2017 9:54 AM


Originally Posted by joeshmoe (Post 1950840)
Has this tweet been verified that it was actually trump tweeting this?


grant_west 01-04-2017 1:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok Talking about funny tweets!

Sheen asks God to take out Trump for 2016 LOL

Ok let's get this straight we are supposed care what this A.I.D.S infected, Drug Addict, Train Wreck, has to say. And news agency's report on this stuff LOL please tell me this more fake news or russian hackers


Cabledog 01-04-2017 2:14 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950939)
Ok Talking about funny tweets!

Sheen asks God to take out Trump for 2016 LOL

Ok let's get this straight we are supposed care what this A.I.D.S infected, Drug Addict, Train Wreck, has to say. And news agency's report on this stuff LOL please tell me this more fake news or russian hackers


Liberals hate religion so they hate Republicans. You can't have 3 day coke fueled orgy's with AIDS infected bi-sexual porn stars and love religion. Unless you are Catholic of course... But it is how you get Tiger Blood.

grant_west 01-04-2017 2:31 PM

I forgot all about Tigers Blood LOL That's Awesome

stevo8290 01-05-2017 1:13 PM

These fine specimens of liberal tolerance also agree that trump has got to go.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lXznEYQ5brY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

plhorn 01-05-2017 3:33 PM


Originally Posted by stevo8290 (Post 1950978)
These fine specimens of liberal tolerance also agree that trump has got to go.

-Yep, Trumps election has brought out more racism.

On another note, as a liberal (not really, but more than most on this forum), I have never said or thought that you Trumpers are all a bunch of ignorant racists. It seems that you can't show the same respect the other way. Its easy to find the worse side of humanity and label them liberals or conservatives but it doesn't really help move the conversation or the country forward.

stevo8290 01-06-2017 6:51 AM


Originally Posted by plhorn (Post 1950981)
-Yep, Trumps election has brought out more racism.

On another note, as a liberal (not really, but more than most on this forum), I have never said or thought that you Trumpers are all a bunch of ignorant racists. It seems that you can't show the same respect the other way. Its easy to find the worse side of humanity and label them liberals or conservatives but it doesn't really help move the conversation or the country forward.

Why yes it was Trumps election, not BLM or Al Sharpton and other race baiting groups :confused: .

psudy 01-06-2017 10:06 AM


I really wish our new president would stay off twitter and start acting presidential. SMH. Arnold just showed him what class really is.

plhorn 01-06-2017 3:56 PM


Hey, remember when Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary "as a joke"?
President A-hole.

pesos 01-06-2017 11:24 PM


Hmm... Maybe President Manchild with appropriately sized hands should tweet about this...

markj 01-07-2017 12:00 AM

Sounds like the Play-Doh dried out or the funding got cut for those liberal safe spaces. Waaaaaaaaaaaa!

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