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ttrigo 06-13-2011 10:40 AM

So lebrons teammate last year bones his mom, and then he quita on his team. This year, rashard lewis bones lebrons gf at a club in miami, and lebron quits on his team. Interesting to see the lack of respect other players have for lebron. Kinda shows you what his peers really think about him.
Glad dirk and cuban finally got their rings.
I for one am excited for rileys new era as a coach to start again!

95sn 06-13-2011 11:04 AM

Congrats mavs! and Mav Fans! Props to Delonte West and Rashard Lewis too, helping to keep Brons mind on the game thru the 4th qtr. Props to Cuban giving the nod to OG Don Carter, and not being "typical" Cuban. Dirk got his ring and MVP, Terry was player of the game and the old wife beater got his too. Lebron was right what he said about championships in Miami but could have stopped after... "not one".

sidekicknicholas 06-13-2011 12:52 PM

HAHA - wouldn't mind one of those shirts... it'll be a collectors item someday

dakid 06-13-2011 3:27 PM

if any of you guys call me and i don't answer, please leave a message. i have the phone on lebron setting.......no ring.

95sn 06-13-2011 4:28 PM

^^too funny^^
We may need a fresh LeBron bashing thread.

ldebbold 06-13-2011 5:05 PM

One of my sons is such a big Lebron fan that we have gone round and round about him for the past few years. I try not to hate, I really do. But then he does or says something (or a number of things) that just blow my mind like mocking Dirk's illness (a player with more heart and class than he'll ever have) or having a party after losing the Championship, or "The Decision," or the multiple rings comments or the suggestion that his life is better than all the little people out there who can enjoy hating for a couple of days or whatever. He's like a giant spoiled brat. It made the finals so much more fun watching him fail and having the Heat as bad boys to root against, so I can thank him for that. However, I wish he would either be a bad a-- and own it or grow up and live up to all the hype and at least pretend that he cares. Until then he can just stop whining.

jason_ssr 06-14-2011 5:34 AM

LBJ has always been an average NBA player mentally, but being alone on a big stage, and with a never before seen physical ability, he had the opportunity to flourish and appeared to be greater than he was. HE KNEW THIS.
Now he shares a stage, and has been eclipsed by Blake Griffin as the freakish unstoppable force. So what does that leave him? AVERAGE. He knew he was never going to win on his attributes alone. Thats why he left CLE. Now he is just a player on Wade's team.

Miami will win in the future if they get an actual basketball system in place. The super athlete drive and kick works during the grind of a regular season, but in the playoffs they need more of a structured offense.

Honestly, losing this finals is the best thing that could have happened to the Heat franchise long term. Had they won, the would have been labelled the Yankees of the NBA. Every win bought and unearned, and every loss a massive choke.

Besides, I hear LBJ is switching to the NHL during the lockout. He feels his numbers will be much better since they dont play a 4th quarter.

wakebrdjay 06-14-2011 6:11 AM

As a lifelong Cleveland area resident,I'm really enjoying this.I don't hate him for leaving leaving here,I never wanted the Cavs to get him.I hate his attitude and all the king BS that I've had to hear from the national and local media and HIM since he was in the 10th grade.Yeah he was a great high school player,it was like a grown man playing teenagers.He was big back then and didn't face opponents of the same size and caliber.Things change when the playing field is leveled.Don't get me wrong,he's a very good player but a long way from great.

sidekicknicholas 06-14-2011 6:32 AM


Besides, I hear LBJ is switching to the NHL during the lockout. He feels his numbers will be much better since they dont play a 4th quarter.


but in the playoffs they need more of a structured offense.
Anyone think they'll actually split up the big three to create a more "normal" offense. If so its a tough choice who. I assume they would only really go after a solid center (Howard).... but in doing so you need to unload Wade or Lebron... I don't think Orlando would go for Bosh (maybe Bosh + some).... but looking at the Heat and their situation Wade and Lebron are doing about the same things.

They can both play their position and they do it well, both are able to bring the ball up and play the point alright too.... the problem I see is I think Miami loves Wade, he has been there since the start, brought them a championship in 06' and is just sort of "the man" in their eyes... but Lebron is more versatile to me. Lebron can play/guard the point, 2 guard, SF, and can honestly do fairly well at PF.... No other player that I can remember could play that many positions if needed.

So what would make sense to me is a Lebron, Bosh, Howard or Wade, Bosh, Howard big three.... either way you have a good outside guy with passing ability, Bosh is money from mid-range, and a big man to clean up the boards. Where right now its two outside guys who love the ball (hard to tell after Lebron's finals though) and an average rebounder.

...but the Heat did make the finals, so do you just tweak the supporting cast and not tinker too much. I really hope there isn't a full blown lockout with no season next year.... a lot of neat things could happen.

ord27 06-14-2011 7:07 AM

Mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavsavsavsmavsmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavsavsavsmavsmavs mavs mavs mavsavsavsmavsmavs mavsmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mmavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavsavsavsmavsmavs

ord27 06-14-2011 7:09 AM

yesterday the local ESPN radio guys were slamming the mother company for talking so much about the other guys. I will not mention their name. The mother ESPN ship admitted to the main guy here that they knew that they were. They said that they would rather just cover the Mavs at this point, but the money story follows the....losers


dakid 06-14-2011 7:25 AM


Originally Posted by jason_ssr (Post 1686019)
LBJ has always been an average NBA player mentally, but being alone on a big stage, and with a never before seen physical ability, he had the opportunity to flourish and appeared to be greater than he was. HE KNEW THIS.
Now he shares a stage, and has been eclipsed by Blake Griffin as the freakish unstoppable force. So what does that leave him? AVERAGE. He knew he was never going to win on his attributes alone. Thats why he left CLE. Now he is just a player on Wade's team.

the talk is that bosh + a player or more could be traded this off-season.

lebron's problem is missing a few components:

a. he's lacking leadership skills. in the 4th quarter of the finals, he was nowhere to be found. chris bosh shouldn't have been the only one trying to motivate the team during a timeout last night.

b. he lacks moves. he relies on sheer power. sure, it has worked for him for the most part, but even dwight howard knows that power can only take you so far. which is why he worked out with olajuwon. ****, even kobe worked out with olajuwon!

c. he's lacking the killer instinct. when the game's on the line, no one wanted the ball more than jordan and kobe. lebron is quick to give up the rock.

d. he has no courage. he's afraid to fail; to take the last shot. he doesn't want to be the scapegoat if the shot is missed. unfortunately, that's backfiring on him cause everyone's thinking he should be taking the last shot.

sidekicknicholas 06-14-2011 7:33 AM


he's lacking the killer instinct.
The other day on ESPN radio someone asked if he even likes basketball, I'll quote it the best I can from memory:
"Does Lebron even really like basketball? I mean, he is great at teh game, but does he enjoy playing, or is he just doing it because its all he is good at?" I think that where the killer instinct is lacking.... maybe he just doesn't really care like some of the guys do.

dakid 06-14-2011 7:36 AM

but he keeps insisting that it's all about winning; winning the ring to be more specific. if that's how he really felt, he'd do anything and everything to help his team win. i just don't see it.

sidekicknicholas 06-14-2011 8:00 AM

^ Agreed, with like 3 mins left in that last game they just gave up.... the coach too, there was no sense of "this is crunch time" .... if I was the coach I would have called a time out when I saw guys just walking around.... No way would that fly.

lizzyb 06-14-2011 8:32 AM

I will be happy as a clam if LeBron never wins a championship. Joe is 100% right in his post.

To even put LeBron and Jordan into the same category of greatness is absurd. Pippen should be ashamed of himself.

06-14-2011 10:13 AM

Stoked on the outcome. Dirk is a class act, no one deserves it more than he did. Now he'll get the credit he's deserved for years.

On the flip side, Queen James absolutely does not deserve it. I'm in agreement with Lizzy, hope he never wins one. He's become a classless punk.

06-14-2011 10:18 AM

oh and here is a good read by Simmon's if any of you haven't read it yet.


95sn 06-14-2011 10:26 AM

Agree w/ Joes a,b,c,d. You need to add E, Narrcisist w/ bad Communication/PR skills. Bron needs to learn how to play with his back to the basket. If he doesnt get a post game he will continue to disappoint...dude is not a shooter.
Howard says he will test free agency so it makes sense for Orlando to make a trade. They will want something in return and will need a center, Lakers have Andrew Bynum...hmmm.

dakid 06-14-2011 11:02 AM

bynum is untouchable. jim buss is trying to prove that bynum, his 1st pick ever, won't be a flop. i like bynum's game, but afraid he'll get hurt. talent vs. talent, i'd be stupid not to take dwight over bynum, but chemistry is what would concern me.

as for lebron being narcissistic, most nba players are...including kobe. but yeah, his attitude sucks. so much so, he's rubbed off on wade. i used to be a wade fan but have grown to dislike him due to his antics since lebron's arrival.

as far as lebron's bad communication/pr skills, i agree. like jon barry said, he's always putting his foot in his mouth.

mjfan23 06-14-2011 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by lizzyb (Post 1686074)
I will be happy as a clam if LeBron never wins a championship. Joe is 100% right in his post.

To even put LeBron and Jordan into the same category of greatness is absurd. Pippen should be ashamed of himself.

Lebrons going to win a ring.

And Lebron will have far surpassed Kobe by the time things are said and done and challenge Jordan.

ord27 06-14-2011 11:45 AM

Mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs mavs

ttrigo 06-14-2011 11:50 AM

Bron is already in his 8th season. Now way in hell does he surpass kobes accomplishments and come anywhere near jordan. A body like his will reak down much sooner, and without a posy up game, he will be unable to put up the points he does now by getting to the basket. Which by the way, he did not do in these last 6 games.
The lakers would be dumb to not gve up bynum for howard.

polarbill 06-14-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by mjfan23 (Post 1686170)
Lebrons going to win a ring.

And Lebron will have far surpassed Kobe by the time things are said and done and challenge Jordan.

I wouldn't be surprised if he won at least one ring but I could easily see him never winning one and going down in history as the biggest choke artist in NBA history. So far in his career he has proven that he is not a gamer. He absolutely dissapears in big game situations and down the stretch. That isn't something you can learn. He just doesn't have it.

lizzyb 06-14-2011 12:04 PM

I never said he wouldn't win a ring. I definitely think he will win at least one in his career. Doesn't mean i won't be pleased if he doesn't. :)

I also never said a word about Kobe. There is no comparison to Kobe or Jordan.. LeBron has done NOTHING to warrant it. Get back to me when he wins a few rings, and we'll talk.

mjfan23 06-14-2011 12:11 PM

While I agree Lebrons antics have begun to become clownlike, I think most of you all are seriously under valuing his ability. The fact of the matter is he still posts some of, if not, the best numbers in the NBA. Does he have areas of concern? absolutely, but he hasnt reached his peak.

Liz. Lebron posts numbers that warrent it to SOME extent.

dakid 06-14-2011 12:12 PM

you can't teach killer instinct. it's either you have it or you don't. jordan had it since day 1. anyone remember unc's championship game against georgetown? how 'bout kobe when he took over overtime when shaq fouled out in game 4 of the finals?

mjfan23 06-14-2011 12:18 PM

What about Lebron finish in 07 vs the pistons?

Im not sure whether LBJ has wat it takes or not. But im not going to jump to conclusions. For all I know the heat will roll off 6 championships

dakid 06-14-2011 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by mjfan23 (Post 1686199)
What about Lebron finish in 07 vs the pistons?

good point. but jordan nor kobe has ever been accused of disappearing when the game's on the line in the finals.

ord27 06-14-2011 12:42 PM


polarbill 06-14-2011 1:04 PM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1686214)

Cuban is awesome. It seems like he truely cares about his players like they are family and isn't afraid to reward them for their accomplishments. I wouldn't be surprised if he bought them all 100k watches or sick cars or something for winning a championship for him. Some don't like his outspokeness(is that a word) but I think it is awesome. He isn't afraid to say what he feels even if he is going ot get in trouble.

Did anybody see Birdman's tweets during the series? I guess after Miami's game one win he tweeted something along the lines of "just won 2 mil on the game, buying a new whip"

He also posted after game 5 "lost 2 mil on that game, double down on game 6" I am guessing he probably won 4 mil on the 2 miami wins, but lost 10 mil on the losses. It looked like he was sitting courtside for game 6.

sidekicknicholas 06-14-2011 1:17 PM

I know its going to come back to the big game and how he wasn't there - but during the season, Lebron is amazing.

Scoring (total / ppg) : 2111 / 26.7 -- #2 in NBA (1st is Durant)
Rebounds (total / rpg): 590 / 7.5 -- #34 in NBA
Assists (total / apg): 554 / 7.0 -- #12 in NBA
Steals ( total / spg): 124 / 1.57 -- #10 in NBA
Shot over 50% on the season

33% from 3-pt. (not terrible but it isn't a gimmie)
Tunovers (total / tpg): 284 / 3.6 I think 2nd most in the NBA (but he does have the ball a lot) Westbrook is #1

Thats his 2011 season - keep in mind his stats are that good while playing with 2 other all-star top tier players on his team.

95sn 06-14-2011 2:15 PM

Unless he is a complete idiot I think LBJ will work on his post game, improve and he will have ring(s) before his career is over. I think up to this point he has relied on his god-given physical beast of a man athletisism to win. He now clearly knows its not enough. Like others have said you cant teach or learn killer instinct...he wont have that. With his size, strength, athletisism, some work on his game, a half court offense that isnt isolation play after play, Wade/Bosh a healthy MMiller and Haslem...Miami can win.
Joe, Jim Buss wins if they can aquire Howard for Bynum. MKupchak traded Caron butler for Kwame Brown but then traded Kwame for PGasol... Orlando will want more (addition by subtraction) so the gunslinger GArenas will come home to LA too. Everyone in the league wants Howard so the Lakers will have to give up Odom too. So..Odom and Bynum for Howard and Arenas. Deal? Starting 5? Howard/Gasol/Artest/Bryant...and MonteEllis.

ord27 06-14-2011 2:45 PM


jason_ssr 06-14-2011 3:18 PM

Its a mindset that he doesnt have, and to be fair, its not an easy one to get or keep. Jordan played like it was survival, like literal war. Dont you think its hard for a man who has hundreds of millions of dollars to walk out there and convince himself that everything he knows is on the line? Bet if LBJ would have run his mouth and stated he would donate every cent he has made to charity if they lose, he would have played with a little more urgency.

He likes to win, and has always won without taxing himself. Now its hard to win the top prize, and he doesnt handle the stress of the competition or the pressure of the expectation well. He didnt handle it well in CLE which is why he tried to get somewhere where the path to the prize is less strenuous.

He will win rings, and he will win them in Miami. But, it wont be as King James, it will be as that #23 guy who put in some quality minutes to help DWADE win again.

Earlier when I said they needed a basketball system, I didnt mean breaking up the team, I meant making the superstars run an offense. Even Jordan and Kobe ran the triangle. Isolation is not championship play. LBJ need to get open with screens and backdoor cuts, backing down mismatches, and moving without the ball, not taking turns running iso's with Wade. They need a coach the guys respect to mandate they add a little fundamental motion to their game.

dakid 06-14-2011 6:01 PM


Originally Posted by jason_ssr (Post 1686267)
Isolation is not championship play.

the mavs proved that on sunday w/ ball movement.

ord27 06-14-2011 7:01 PM

that's right Umali
but remember, this is the same forum a year or so ago where lots of guys were saying that a jump shooting team could never win a championship



wake77 06-16-2011 8:22 AM

^That should show you to never trust what people say on this forum.

95sn 06-16-2011 10:07 AM

Dallas is the first jump shooting team to win in like...forever. Mavs also had TChandler and the matrix down in the paint fighting it out. Hey, even a broken clock is right once or twice a day and only a fool would buy that clock. Im a buyer for length and power in the paint.

mjfan23 06-16-2011 12:10 PM

the matrix had an incredible series.

ord27 06-16-2011 3:00 PM

I heard on the radio that over 200,000 people showed up for the parade. There were only 3 arrests.
Good job Dallas! From the fans, to the team, to the owner, this entire NBA playoff experience has been classy.

95sn 06-16-2011 3:32 PM

I guess the puck fans in Vancouver were not payin attention the the dallas example.

brett33 06-20-2011 8:28 AM

As a life long Mavericks fan i am proud to say i was there when the mavs were struggling to win 25 games a year, i was there when they drafted a dorky looking German with a bowl cut and a pirate earing, i was there when Cuban was the most hated owner the the league, and i was there when they called the Mavs the "one and done boys," but nothing makes me feel better than to see the every player on that team come together and fight for the common purpose they are all there for. I dont think anyone can say one negative thing about the Mavericks and the year they had. According to the media, Portland had our number in the first round, then it was the back to back champs, the Lakers, who Van Gundy said were coming back from a 3-0 deficit, then we were too old to play with Durant and the Thunder.. and finally, they said, "how can you match up 3 superstars against 1?" Well the Mavs fought every inch for the title this year, through injuries, bias media, and horrible officiating... and they did it all with their mouths shut and their eyes on the prize. For someone like me, who was fortunate enough to attend every home playoff game this year, as well as the finals, and the parade... seeing the team i grew up rooting for win the title and show such class doing it feels like a dream come true. Congrats Mavs and thank you everyone for your support! MFFL!!

95sn 06-20-2011 11:35 AM

"I dont think anyone can say one negative thing about the Mavericks and the year they had. "

Are you kidding? Did you not hear Nowitski sing "We are the champions"?"

brett33 06-20-2011 1:13 PM

Darrel, although that may have brought a slight smile to my face, do you you think you could sing a German song any better?

95sn 06-20-2011 4:53 PM

Lol...Heck yeah, Spent 3 weeks in Austria 10 years ago. Thats all you do is spend every night in a taverns or inns singing old Austrian/German folk type songs. :)
ok, maybe not but my german is awesome after a handful of Stiegls.

deuce 06-20-2011 8:07 PM

Can't really decide who I want the Jazz to draft at 3.... Was all over the Knight(3) & hope Burks drops to them(12). Now I am wondering if Walker and a Burks/K. Thompson would make me happy....

Not sold on Kanter....guess big is always good, but I have huge red flags on a guy that is described as a "good, not great" athlete with "average" speed and a questionable work ethic. I'll pass....which means the Jazz will probably take him....

coda281 06-20-2011 11:43 PM

go spurs :P hope we can pull a good year out of our old selves

95sn 06-21-2011 9:57 AM

All the draft and trade talk is interesting this time of year, even if the talent pool doesnt go much past the first few picks. Ej, isnt the unpolitically correct pick, Jimmer Freddette? Is pau gasol going to T-wolves for KLove and a pick? Monte Ellis on the move from GS? Dwight Howard staying or going? ...Do you really think there will be a CBA in place and a full season. The sides seem pretty far apart

lizzyb 06-21-2011 2:18 PM

Good article on the Gasol trade rumors:


I personally think it's an awful idea to trade Gasol. His addition to the team is the reason we've been to the NBA finals in three out of the last four years and why the Lakers won back to back rings. He was physically and emotionally worn down and collapsed on the playoffs.. as did almost every other Laker in uniform. The fall of the Lakers can't be blamed entirely on him.

I'm much more concerned about the PG spot. Fisher is older and needs to be coming off the bench.. so that leaves us with Blake as the starting PG? Sigh...

95sn 06-21-2011 4:50 PM

Dont worry Liz, Steve Blake will not be the Lakers starting PG if there is a next season.

deuce 06-21-2011 9:38 PM

Darrel, there is a 50/50 thing here for Jimmer....people love him or think he is going to be a BUST. I think there will be better players at 12 for the Jazz.

If the Jazz take Knight at 3, no Jimmer...the Jazz are not going to take two 1's in the first 12 picks of the draft.

If the Jazz go Kanter at 3 and Jimmer is there at 12, I'd bet the Jazz take him...ugh...

God I hope the Lakers get rid of Gasol....;)

dakid 06-22-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by lizzyb (Post 1687799)
I personally think it's an awful idea to trade Gasol. His addition to the team is the reason we've been to the NBA finals in three out of the last four years and why the Lakers won back to back rings. He was physically and emotionally worn down and collapsed on the playoffs.. as did almost every other Laker in uniform. The fall of the Lakers can't be blamed entirely on him.

weird how your thoughts are almost exactly like the article's author...word-for-word. at least use synonyms. ;)

95sn 06-22-2011 11:35 AM

Jimmer is getting pounded for no D. May be true...but he may have been too important offensively to play tough D and get into foul trouble. i think he is a big solid strong guy who can obviously shoot, loved watching him launch 30 foot J's...but unsure if he can play nba point. I think he will be a 2 in the nba. Knicks want him...and wouldnt that be perfect because Amare and Melo play no D either.
I read this morning...Twolves want Bynum for Love and the pick...still too rich. I dont think the Lakers will really trade Gasol.

ttrigo 06-22-2011 12:33 PM

trading gasol is probably the best move for the lakers. if Kobe and his wife are really the reason behind gasols fiancee dumping him, is there anyway to really repair that relationship on the court? besides, what kobe wants, kobe gets.

mjfan23 06-22-2011 12:35 PM

Laker fans, how about this:

Pau for K. Love.

Bynum, Odom for dwight.

draft young pg.

Uh oh! Obviously very doubtful but can you imagine the rebounds.

deuce 06-22-2011 1:13 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1688006)
Jimmer is getting pounded for no D. May be true...but he may have been too important offensively to play tough D and get into foul trouble. i think he is a big solid strong guy who can obviously shoot, loved watching him launch 30 foot J's...but unsure if he can play nba point.

Can you play the 2 at 6'1" in the NBA.....??? Not short stretches, but consistantly. He is a scorer, but I think some of that is going to get shut down with the length, speed and strength of the NBA. I think that he will be able to come in and spark some offense for a team, but is always going to be a defensive liability on the floor, doesn't matter if he is guarding a 1 or 2....

That said, the word is out of there head to head workout here in SLC, he worked Kemba Walker?

With 27+ hours to spare, I have settled on Knight and PRAY that Burks drops to the Jazz at 12....but would settle for K. Thompson.

Please BB Gods make that happen....and for the love of all that is leather and round, please no Euro big man not named Enes....

ADD: All the sudden a lot of talk of Chris Singleton at 12....if he cannot play 3 in the NBA, I don't even want to hear his name. Last thing the Jazz need is another 4 on the roster. They need a 1, 2 and 5..... I don't want to be relying on the CJ Miles, Ronnie Price, Fesenko, Elson bla.bla..bla's of the NBA. Hell, if we didn't re-sign one of those guys I wouldn't blink an eye.... (well, we have to bring back Fes or Elson as a body alone)

ADD 2: As long as I am pleading, please bring back Klinko at fair market value.

95sn 06-22-2011 2:07 PM

yeah, AK's contract is a freaking joke, but so is RashardLewis michael redd, Luke Walton...and thats why they need a cba that will work. Too many NBA (and MLB) gm's burn $$ like its nothing.
Freddetts body reminds me of DWilliams, wide and strong...dont get me wrong i dont think he will be much more than a good nba journeyman career. No doubt bKnight will be your 1st pick. Klay Thompson wouldbe a gift, kid will be good.
I think if the lakes trade a big...they'll get a pg in return as part of a deal. Or i hear nugget ray felton being shopped..but what can the lakers trade that has any value? Not giving up big for small unless its a Dwilliams CP3 type. Trading Bynum/odom and gasol to get love and Howard...hmmm...no Jonny Flynn? I think i would keep gasol to play along side Howard...and i like Bynum and big Lamar fan. Can we get anything for mike brown?;) Good point Train, Because it was a big deal.

dahmsy686 06-22-2011 3:45 PM

Love will not be traded.

If Love gets traded I hope David Kahn goes with to!

deuce 06-22-2011 3:49 PM

Luckily AK’s money is now off the books, I just hope someone doesn’t make too big of run at him, making it unreasonable to bring him back ie Prokhorov.

Depending on the CBA, the Lakers may try to situate themselves to make a run at Williams or Paul. Hell, the way they seem to pull rabbits out of the hat….they’ll end up with Paul and Howard, along side Bryant…..

Bet Laker fans are kinda pissed that West left to Golden State and not somewhere that has talent he can ship their way….

....anyone tell that I'm never going to get over the Pau trade.....:p

06-22-2011 4:24 PM

Chris Singleton is a 3 and is the best perimiter defender in the entire draft. Whoever ends up with him is going to be very very happy.

95sn 06-22-2011 5:24 PM

C'mon EJ...Its just like when the logo went to Memphis...he is at GS only so he could finish gift wrapping Monte Ellis like he did Gasol!

Sporting news said t-wolves turned down LamarOdom for the #2 pick...wanted Gasol or Bynum..i wouldnt trade either for derrick williams, or anyone else in this draft.

dakid 06-22-2011 9:49 PM

personally, i don't want monta ellis. he's not a "true" point guard, which is what the lakers need.

95sn 06-23-2011 9:54 AM

I think its true the lakers need a serious upgrade at the point. We have no idea what type of offense the new coach will employ, just about anything but the triangle needs a true point. I only know that what he used in Clev. will not workin LA.

dakid 06-23-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1688214)
I only know that what he used in Clev. will not workin LA.

please explain.

95sn 06-23-2011 2:32 PM

roll the rock out to Lebron and let him go to town.
But if we really want to know we should call Shannon Brown...he was there for a bit.

dakid 06-23-2011 5:50 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1688282)
But if we really want to know we should call Shannon Brown...he was there for a bit.

i'm asking you since you were the one that said "it will not work in l.a."

deuce 06-23-2011 8:09 PM

I am pleased with the Jazz draft. I have concerns w/ Kanter....but appears there is a lot of love for the guy. I wanted Burks from day 1.... The Jazz are VERY, VERY young...but I am excited to watch them develop...

polarbill 06-24-2011 8:02 AM

My god the NBA is a terrible product. That might have been the most boring, terrible draft I have ever seen. A bunch of teams who want to save money so they draft people no one has ever heard of. 90% of those euro's will ever play in the NBA and will never get paid. Even the guy announcing was laughing at the podium because of how garbage it was. The NBA is living off a couple big time palyers and the finals. To tell you the truth, I am glad the Sonics. The NBA is just a lousy, boring, thug life league.

At least IT got drafted. He is going to do more for his team then any of those trash euro's that were drafted in the second round.

06-24-2011 10:47 AM

^^^ Sorry, but this makes 0 sense. Teams don't save any money by drafting European players. The NBA has a rookie payscale. A euro player drafted at #5 gets paid the exact same as an American player drafted at #5. Most of them WILL play in the NBA at some point. 90%, c'mon man you really believe that?

I think more Euros were drafted up top this year because it was a very weak draft. Last time I checked there was a pretty good European player in Dallas that just won a championship so you may want to take it easy. Truth is, you have no idea right now how any of them will turn out. Calling guys trash just because they're European and you know nothing about them is pretty harsh.

And as a Kings fan I'm stoked on IT. Not sure how the Jimmer experiment will turn out but it should be a fun ride either way. Bring on the Jimmermania!

sidekicknicholas 06-24-2011 11:53 AM


90% of those euro's will ever play in the NBA and will never get paid.

Teams don't save any money by drafting European players.
I heard today that if the lockout happens most of the Euro guys will NOT be paid at all and teams won't have to use a roster spot on them -- some loophole where they get sent back overseas. I think that all hinged on how the CBA pans out.... but lets say a team picks up 2 euro guys in the draft, lockout happens and they don't pay/technically have them on a roster, the whole year is wasted in CBA talks and then that same team can fill those roster spots with guys from the new draft

So I think if things go the way they are looking some of what Brett said could be true.

polarbill 06-24-2011 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by sperbet (Post 1688431)
^^^ Sorry, but this makes 0 sense. Teams don't save any money by drafting European players. The NBA has a rookie payscale. A euro player drafted at #5 gets paid the exact same as an American player drafted at #5. Most of them WILL play in the NBA at some point. 90%, c'mon man you really believe that?

I think more Euros were drafted up top this year because it was a very weak draft. Last time I checked there was a pretty good European player in Dallas that just won a championship so you may want to take it easy. Truth is, you have no idea right now how any of them will turn out. Calling guys trash just because they're European and you know nothing about them is pretty harsh.

And as a Kings fan I'm stoked on IT. Not sure how the Jimmer experiment will turn out but it should be a fun ride either way. Bring on the Jimmermania!

I was referring more to the Euros in the second round. Those guys will never make it to the NBA, there fore never paid. Crap, some of the Euros drafted in the lottery may never get paid. If they stay over in Europe they don't get paid unless I am incorrect.

95sn 06-24-2011 12:16 PM

LA will need an O taylored to their players age/skill/size...brilliant huh. But we dont have a player like James ( we do have Metta World Peace tho) so i havnt embraced MBrown much yet...Not a hater, just have to take a wait-n-see attitude.
This years draft was expected to be weak so i dont think its fair to say nba is a terrible product a couple weeks after most thought this years finals were one of the best in recent history. Correct that many euros will stay where they are to mature/work on their game and the teams wont be paying them til they get back to the nba...like ricky rubio did. Boring?...Baseball is boring.
Interesting back court Sacramento...my concern would be both Tyreke and the jimmer need the rock. I hope it works out, draws fans and Sac keeps the kings home. Congrats to Jazzfan.

06-24-2011 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by polarbill (Post 1688459)
I was referring more to the Euros in the second round. Those guys will never make it to the NBA, there fore never paid. Crap, some of the Euros drafted in the lottery may never get paid. If they stay over in Europe they don't get paid unless I am incorrect.

That may be somewhat true, however, the success rate of 2nd round draft picks, either foreign or domestic is incredibly low. NBA teams drafting in the 2nd round are typically taking a shot in the dark or drafting based on potential alone. The 2nd round is a total crapshoot whether you're talking about American or Euro players.

polarbill 06-24-2011 1:10 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1688466)
LA will need an O taylored to their players age/skill/size...brilliant huh. But we dont have a player like James ( we do have Metta World Peace tho) so i havnt embraced MBrown much yet...Not a hater, just have to take a wait-n-see attitude.
This years draft was expected to be weak so i dont think its fair to say nba is a terrible product a couple weeks after most thought this years finals were one of the best in recent history. Correct that many euros will stay where they are to mature/work on their game and the teams wont be paying them til they get back to the nba...like ricky rubio did. Boring?...Baseball is boring.
Interesting back court Sacramento...my concern would be both Tyreke and the jimmer need the rock. I hope it works out, draws fans and Sac keeps the kings home. Congrats to Jazzfan.

I guess we see things different but I would much rather watch a summer baseball game then watch a regular season NBA game. The PBA is mroe exciting then the regular season NBA.

dakid 06-24-2011 1:33 PM

what stumps me is if you hate the nba that much, why watch the nba draft and keep reading & posting in an nba thread?

95sn 06-24-2011 1:41 PM

When Laker head coach Mike Brown wants to sub for Ron artest...hes just gonna say "Peace out". Now how is that boring? :)

polarbill 06-24-2011 2:12 PM

The reason I watched it is because I love college bball and wanted to see where the guys got drafted. Espcially IT. It is really funny when even the guy announcing the names is basically laughing about the picks. I garuntee that IT makes a bigger impact for the Kings then any single one of the second round Euro's make for there team ever. Although it isn't going to be tough because he probably only needs to play for one minute of one game. It was nice to see DWill drafted number 2 overall. One of about 5 good picks the entire draft. It is hilarious that something like the draft that should be exciting for fans turns into just blahhhhhhh. Not surprising though. The NBA needs to change their rules on when kids become eligible for the draft. I am not sure it had a huge affect on this draft but they need to change it to at least 2 years or better yet do it like the MLB. You can get drafted out of high school but if you decide to go to college you are there for at least 3 years. If the norm was for guys to stay 3 or 4 years in college the talent coming out would be better and the teams would actually draft college kids instead of euro guys that may or may not ever come to the US to play ball.

dakid 06-24-2011 2:44 PM

the nba (or pro sports in general) needs to do what most companies out there. you must have a degree to qualify for a position w/ our company.

95sn 06-24-2011 3:43 PM

Def true, the one and done has ruined the draft AND college ball.

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