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mjfan23 05-22-2011 10:54 AM

tyson chandler has made the mavs physically tough.

95sn 05-23-2011 10:47 AM

What happened to the game one Bulls? might as well que up Miami and Dallas right now.

ord27 05-24-2011 7:09 AM


sidekicknicholas 05-24-2011 7:14 AM

I fell asleep with 6:30 left in the 4th thinking it was over, ended up waking up up with :15 secons left.... WOW!

I always thought saying a team is better due to having playoff experience etc etc and thought it was stupid until this series. Mavs just hung out for 44 minutes, kept it close and let OKC think they were in the drivers seat then BAM!!!! Slip in and get the win.

I think a Heat v Mavs will make for a great finals. Really interesting matchups:
Will Lebron and Dirk match up?! It would be crazy to watch them go back and forth
Chandler and Bosh? Another great matchup, Chandler wins everything in the paint but Bosh's range could cause troubles
Wade on Terry or Kidd....

I think if it is a Heat Mavs finals it'll be the big 3 vs Mavs not-so-superstar players


dakid 05-25-2011 3:26 AM

if miami and dallas close out their series, i hope dallas beats the crap out of the heat.

sidekicknicholas 05-25-2011 5:31 AM


i hope dallas beats the crap out of the heat
As much as I would love Dirk to get a ring, I would also love to see the Heat start a dynasty.... and winning the championship first year with the "big 3" together wouldn't hurt., I think they're only going to get better next year if they can land any sort of outside shooter (or if Mikey Miller can stay healthy)

I honestly never cared about the NBA until last year, I played fantasy basketball with some guys at school which got me excited about it, but even without doing that, I would still love these playoffs

95sn 05-25-2011 10:56 AM

Both current series have been really, really good with the better team doing what it takes and taking the game away at crunchtime. NBA playoffs have been awesome.

*When* Miami and Dallas close out their series... I really think Dallas can beat Miami. Miami has stepped up and played playoff defense v. The Bulls, its gonna take another level of D to stop the Mavs.

Mike Brown, Lakers new coach? Thats what they came up with? Not real excited about bringing in Brown. Trying to keep an open mind, but not feeling it. Someone tell me why this is a good choice ... other than he is a good defensive coach cause im not quite sold on that yet.

lizzyb 05-25-2011 12:51 PM

I'm not going to be able to tell you why it's a good choice.. because I'm not sold on it either. Am I the only one that hoped for Brian Shaw?

sidekicknicholas 05-25-2011 1:41 PM

I don't think Mike Brown will be bad, he has proven he can coach a superstar, turned an awful team around with the help of that superstar, some playoff experience, and GREAT defensive coach (I think the Lakers will benefit from that)

dakid 05-25-2011 4:16 PM

why aren't you guys sold on mike brown? why would brian shaw be a better choice than brown? fyi, brown took the cavs to the finals w/ lebron having a so-so supporting cast.

cwb4me 05-26-2011 3:41 AM

dallas mavricks are in!:d

ord27 05-26-2011 8:23 AM

is it unusual for the commissioner to not be there to award the trophy?


brett33 05-26-2011 8:43 AM


mjfan23 05-26-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by dakid (Post 1681275)
why aren't you guys sold on mike brown?

Because that doesnt make Kobe happy. Kobe has had zero say in this decision. Ill assume he will self implode yet another LA team here soon. tick tock.

95sn 05-26-2011 10:31 AM

Not sure i would have picked Shaw either, wait, Congrats to the Mavs, they look tough to beat. Bring on the Heat.
Shaw...I think he has to shoulder some of the blame for the terrible effort in the season and playoffs. Not sure that he would be able to control and motivate the roster, Mike Brown, first impressions...obviously the lakers need a stronger defensive plan and he may be able to provide that. Offensivly this is the guy i remember handing the ball to James and saying go do what you do. This is the same Mike Brown the Cavs fired to placate and try to keep James in a cav uni, thats a red flag for me. The Lakers dont have much wiggle room as far as roster so the same older group will be learning a new offense and i dont think Brown can hand the ball to Bryant and win like he did with a younger, bigger, stronger lebron. I admit i dont really know much about the guy as i see a lot more West nba than Eastern Conf. I was leaning more to Adleman. I liked the way he motivated the undermanned Rockets V. the Lakers to game 7. We all remember the good run he had in Sac too, almost beating a more talented Oneal/Bryant/Horry/Fox/Fish team. I think i would have been more satisfied even w/ VanGundy. I would have expected more research and time before the relativly quick decision, whats the hurry? No doubt the Lakers will look different next year which is welcome. Change, its never easy.
Go Mavs.

95sn 05-26-2011 10:34 AM

Yeah, mjfan brings up a good point. I wouldnt be looking for Kobe to rubber stamp the hire...but i would have at least give him the heads up and what do you think call.

dakid 05-26-2011 2:05 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1681481)
Offensivly this is the guy i remember handing the ball to James and saying go do what you do.

there's a difference; kobe actually has good teammates. all the lakers need is a WAY better PG and improve the bench and they're golden.


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1681481)
This is the same Mike Brown the Cavs fired to placate and try to keep James in a cav uni, thats a red flag for me.

how exactly is that brown's fault? wouldn't the blame for that go to the cavs' organization?

95sn 05-26-2011 4:14 PM

"all the lakers need is a WAY better PG and improve the bench and they're gold"
I agree and its a problem. Isnt Barnes and Brown on player option years? Blake is signed and tough to trade...he is your back up, hoping a new offense will suit him better. Is Fish going to agree to come off the bench or will he retire? Who is available that the Lakers can afford?

"how exactly is that brown's fault? wouldn't the blame for that go to the cavs' organization?"
Blame the organization or blame Brown it is what happened. If Brown was really a great coach I dont think they would have fired him. Either way, its a reflection on his ability to win/coach and a red flag for me. Im not saying he is a terrible choice, Lets just say i have concern, we had time to interview and Brown got the only interview other than Shaw. Lakers were not in a hurry yet seem to make a hasty choice. I also question the competence of Jim Buss.

dakid 05-26-2011 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1681567)
If Brown was really a great coach I dont think they would have fired him.

yes they would have. lebron didn't have a good relationship w/ him in the end and the organization was doing anything and everything it could to keep him, so they fired brown.


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1681567)
Either way, its a reflection on his ability to win/coach and a red flag for me.

66% win pct at cleveland
08-09 coach of the year
led the cavs to best regular season record in last 2 seasons w/ cavs

cwb4me 05-27-2011 2:55 AM

The Mavricks and the Heat in the FINALS.This should be good basketball!

sidekicknicholas 05-27-2011 6:38 AM


The Mavricks and the Heat in the FINALS.This should be good basketball!

So pumped

ord27 05-27-2011 9:09 AM

I'm nervous about this one. I was hoping for the Bulls to win. I hope the officiating is fair. Somehow, I doubt it will be......

95sn 05-27-2011 11:53 AM

I think the Mavs will outshoot the Heat, and they're much deeper. wait til they get a dose of Berea, Terry, Chandler and Kidd. Dirk needs a ring. Should be a great series. Dallas in 6.

"yes they would have. lebron didn't have a good relationship w/ him in the end and the organization was doing anything and everything it could to keep him, so they fired brown."
I hope that Brown ends up getting along with a testy Bryant better than w/ the King. I really hope Brown turns out to be a good hire. It appears, maybe just to me that Jim Buss is pushing his power and not letting the basketball people make basketball decisions. Nepotism sucks.

sidekicknicholas 06-01-2011 6:57 AM

Well, game 1 in the books.... what are people's thoughts?!

Heat look good, Mavs looked not so good.... still made for a good game. Miami's closing over these past few games has been amazing.... when its crunch time they just go to shutdown D and start shooting the lights out.

Hopefully Dirk's finger won't be an issue (not shooting hand at least) .... I hope the Heat win but would like it to be an exciting finals

wake77 06-01-2011 10:54 AM

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1-mU-YSk32I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

95sn 06-02-2011 10:57 AM

"Heat look good, Mavs looked not so good.... still made for a good game. Miami's closing over these past few games has been amazing.... when its crunch time they just go to shutdown D and start shooting the lights out" Exactly, they have and its been impressive! Anyone who thinks James isnt a great closer hasnt been paying attn.
I expect Dallas to play better. Barea will not continue to miss lay-ups, Dirk will shoot closer to the way he has throughout the playoffs, Terry too. I bet the Thunder and the Lakers wondered why Dallas didnt have an off night while playing them. Lebron and Wade wont keep hitting 3's and long J's at that rate, they havnt in their careers. Both should revert to the mean and it will be a better game tonight, Mavs need a win in Miami.

sidekicknicholas 06-02-2011 11:26 AM


Mavs need a win in Miami.
If Heat win tonight I think the series is over in 6, if Mavs win I think it will go to 7

mjfan23 06-02-2011 7:53 PM

Dallas has so many absurd turnovers its ridiculous.

Funny how dallas gets t'd up asap when wade jumps around like a freakin clown to get "warned"

the nba is becoming a joke.

mjfan23 06-02-2011 9:13 PM

The best player on the floor ops not to guard the final shot... tells me all I need to know. Just another easy way out for lbj.

ord27 06-02-2011 9:57 PM

the NBA is hard to watch. I would argue that the best player on the floor is not James. Wade is an amazing player, and I'm a Mavs fan. I would love to see the Mavs win the title. I do think, however, that the Heat just might be the better team. If they aren't champs this year, they certainly will be in the near future. This team ought to worry all opposing fans.
but for now
the thing that I like about Dirk over most super stars is that he is humble. After the game, in street clothes, he gave an interview on ESPN. He gave nothing but respect to the Heat team. He talked about how fast and talented they are. Most guys would just talk memememem. Class act

cwb4me 06-03-2011 4:01 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1682698)
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1-mU-YSk32I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

IT sure was hot in Miami last night huh?:D

sidekicknicholas 06-03-2011 5:11 AM


The best player on the floor ops not to guard the final shot...
You think he had that choice or the coach?... The heat's coaching in the last 3-5 minutes was AWFUL.

... The game last night was GREAT! Honestly Miami putting on a 15+ point run only to let the Mavs come back with a 20+ point run to win.... crazy.
Especially the Dirk 3-pt to go ahead, followed by Chalmer's 3pt that only took off like 2 seconds... just an awesome game to watch

eubanks01 06-03-2011 6:24 AM

What a great game! Love my Mavs!

lizzyb 06-03-2011 8:14 AM

That game was GREAT! A loss last night could have put a nail in the coffin.. but now... it's really a series.

LeBron.. blah... Wade FTW. :)

lfadam 06-03-2011 8:28 AM

Saw the highlights of last nights game. AWESOME. 15 pt comeback with 7 mins, and Dirk makes the winning shot with his injured hand. Unreal. Ive always been a Dirk fan, but I am starting to like the guy more and more with every game he plays. Really hope the Mavs can get a ring. With the 2-3-2 format, if the Mavs win at home, they got it. Even if they drop 1 game, they get 2 chances to win it all back in Miami. So theyre in pretty good shape...

95sn 06-03-2011 11:02 AM

"Dallas has so many absurd turnovers its ridiculous".

"Funny how dallas gets t'd up asap when wade jumps around like a freakin clown to get "warned""

"The best player on the floor ops not to guard the final shot... tells me all I need to know. Just another easy way out for lbj."
Three of your best posts, right on target!
What up Miami, Did you not see the Portland series, The Laker series or the series w/ the Thunder? The Mavs have done this to every team. They may not be as young, they may be as quick and they might not have the big three but they have the mindset and stay in the game for the full 48. Ice flowing thru the veins of Nowitski and JKidd. Way to roll to the basket Dirk, game over. One-One and heading to a fired up Dallas crowd for the next 3 games.

bflat53212 06-03-2011 3:41 PM


I would argue that the best player on the floor is not James. Wade is an amazing player, and I'm a Mavs fan.
I have been saying this to my brother for years. At least as spurts in games, I think he is much more athletic then either Lebron or Kobe. If you were to go back and watch the Olympics where they won the gold, it's Wade who stands out in my opinion, not Kobe or Lebron. The media loved to call out Kobe, just like the media is calling out Lebron for getting Miami to the finals.

Grant it., Wade played very poor in the Chicago series, but Wade carried them in the Boston series, not Lebron. Plus, their overall numbers for the Playoffs are very similiar. You would think Wade is a chump the way the media talks about Lebron, except for last night of course.

Wade, playoff stats this year per game:

Pts: 24.4
FG%: 47.4
Rebounds: 7.4
Assists: 4.3
Steals: 1.6
Blocks: 1.4

Lebron, playoff stats this year per game (better, but not by that much):

Pts: 25.5
FG% 47.1
Rebounds: 8.8
Assists: 5.4
Steals: 1.8
Blocks: 1.4

Wade just seems to have this other gear he can go to that just makes him so fun to watch. They are boh amazing players, could you imagine if Wade had the height and weight of Lebron, wow!

mjfan23 06-03-2011 4:13 PM

Its lebrons team.. theres no doubt about that.

ord27 06-05-2011 8:04 PM

even though things aren't going the way that I want them to go, this is some pretty entertaining basketball. The wife and both teenage daughters are glued to the television instead of watching some teen show or texting friends. Not a bad night.....even with a loss

sidekicknicholas 06-05-2011 8:16 PM


The wife and both teenage daughters are glued to the television instead of watching some teen show or texting friends. Not a bad night.....even with a loss
Agreed... only I am going for the heat.
My mom and fiance' are loving the finals, thats rare.

95sn 06-06-2011 1:24 PM

Not sure if the Mavs are going to have enough. Need more out of Terry and Berea...Matrix wasnt as effective in game 3. Props to Wade, really had a nice game.
Dirk hits that shot almost everytime, Damn. Cmon Dallas, make this a series!

dakid 06-06-2011 2:45 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1684154)
Cmon Dallas, make this a series!

you're acting like the heat's running away w/ the finals. it's 2-1! :D

95sn 06-06-2011 4:05 PM

C'mon Umali, You know a home loss always hurts more :) ... that or I am starting to panic.

wake77 06-06-2011 4:36 PM

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1-mU-YSk32I?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1-mU-YSk32I?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

cwb4me 06-06-2011 7:41 PM

A two point win is hardly anything to gloat over.A 25 POINT WIN would be .

sidekicknicholas 06-07-2011 7:26 AM


A two point win is hardly anything to gloat over.
Better than losing by two points

wake77 06-07-2011 7:53 AM

A win is a win

wake77 06-07-2011 8:14 AM

"A two point win is hardly anything to gloat over."

How much did Dallas win game 2 by?

dakid 06-08-2011 1:54 AM

DAMN - what a game!

sidekicknicholas 06-08-2011 5:22 AM


DAMN - what a game!
Honestly besides game one (which was still good) these have all beeeeeen amazing!.... So much so I think the NBA told the teams - keep it close, make sure its 3-3 and then game seven, play your hearts out.

Mikey Miller's shot at the buzzer seemed to float forEVER..... the angle of the camera made it look really good too.

I think Mavs take the game thursday, heat win game 6 and we'll have a game 7

95sn 06-08-2011 11:43 AM

Finals are freaking awesome!
But back to Lebron bashing...So Lebron gives a pregame pep talk..."backs are against the wall", gotta leave it allout on the floor...blah, blah, blah...and then disappears. Where was that guy in the 4th qtr? By then Wade was gassed and needed help but no Lebron, apparently held in check by much smaller JTerry and an old JKidd. And earlier I said he was a true closer...lucky im always wrong :). Wade is reaching back to 06 and carrying this team...cept this time its Lebron not Shaq. Dirk on the other hand having a terrible shooting night, running on fumes, flu and 100* temp never stops shooting the rock, dude was a warrior last night. Props to Carlisle for having the balls to mixup his starting lineup this deep in the finals. Starting Barea, I think took a little pressure of the ailing GermanWarrior and Stevenson was fine with the move...teamwork. I hope Sidekicknick^^ is right and Mavs take game 5...will make for some great times in Miami. Go Dallas.

ord27 06-08-2011 1:12 PM

I hope the Mavs win just to shut the national media up. During the Laker game, all the announcers and the national media wanted to talk about was Lakers. Mavs got some love during the Thunder series. Mavs are competitive with the Heat. Coaching is awesome ( certainly compared to 2006) and all that the national media is talking about is James. Who cares! He is no Jordan. I am tired of hearing about that. He is the Kanye West of basketball. He thinks he's great, the media loves him, but fans (me anyway) don't like the guy and he doesn't come through when needed. Heck.....he's not even the best player on his own team!!!!

talk some Mavs love ESPN.


cwb4me 06-08-2011 1:22 PM

All close games.At least they are worth watching till the end.GO MAVS!

sidekicknicholas 06-09-2011 5:41 AM


He is the Kanye West of basketball. He thinks he's great, the media loves him, but fans (me anyway) don't like the guy and he doesn't come through when needed.
I love Lebron! I was too young to care about basketball during Jordan's prime so he is my "Jordan" and the heat are that Bulls team for me. Coming from Wisconsin basketball isn't really a big deal (Bucks are almost worthless) so I need to have a second team to cheer for.... and for the past number of years it was Cleveland, now the Heat (Wade played college ball in Wisco - so I have a little excuse).... he is just an insane athlete. To be 6'8" and pushing 300lbs is nuts, on top of the fact he is fast and can shoot well.... truely just an amazing athlete.

As a fan of the NBA in general you have to love him a bit - he single handedly made people (the average sports fans- not just nba and other randoms) start watching the NBA again. Love him or hate him, he is great for the sport.

.... but as long as its not the Lakers or the Celtics winning, I'm happy

also surprised Jerry Jones didn't get a game or two at his place - Mavs might have went for it - home court is nice, but home court + and extra 70,000 fans would be insane

brett33 06-09-2011 6:02 AM

ill be at game 5 tonight. look for me, ill be in the blue shirt! GO MAVS!

dakid 06-09-2011 9:03 PM

i know i said this before, but DAMN - what a game! this finals is one of the best series i've seen in a long time - instant classic games!

ord27 06-09-2011 9:39 PM


in the 4th quarter......James who? bahahahaha

sidekicknicholas 06-10-2011 6:11 AM

Last night another GREAT GAME! Its crazy how it is never just back and fourth with scoring - always like a 10-2 run followed by a 0-12 run followed by a 15-3 run.... just crazy.

So with a must win game going back to Miami, do the Mavs close it out in 6 or do we see a game 7?!

As much flak as Lebron is catching he is still have a great finals IMO (but I'm a big fan of his)
This is for both teams -
#1 in series for assists w/ 35 - with that stat at minimum he has directly contributed to another 70+ pts
# 3 in rebounds (#1 for the Heat) - (Dirk and Chandler are #1/#2 for total)
#1 in series for steals
#4 in series for points (#1 Wade #2 Dirk #3 Bosh)
Sure he is suppose to be the "SUPERSTAR" on the court but still playing very well.

lizzyb 06-10-2011 8:21 AM

I will love it when LeBron crashes and burns without a ring... again.

What will happen in game 6? Will the Mavs carry all of this momentum forward and close out the Heat on Sunday? I hope so!!

cwb4me 06-10-2011 9:59 AM

The MAVS have taken the lead.Now they need to finish it in MIAMI.The "HEAT" is on.Good games so far.:D

95sn 06-10-2011 10:23 AM

Games get better everynight!
^^looks like someone is already helping create excuses for the guy who said "not3,not4,not5, not6....Where is THAT guy in the 4th Qtr? Where is the best player in the league? Where is that 6'8', 270lb physical specimen? Where is the 2 time MVP? Wade goes down...and where is Lebron when his team needs him? 4 trips to the line? are you kidding me? off balance 3pnt attempts with 38 yrold Kidd or 180lb jason Terry on you? Miami fan should be furious.
Mavs were very impressive last night, different game too...much more offense. Barea got it going, Terry hit some clutch shots, Marion all up in Lebrons head and Dirk being Dirk = a really good team. Really fun finals. C'mon Dallas, end this in 6!

lizzyb 06-10-2011 11:02 AM

Did LeBron have a good game? Sure. Did he have the game he's capable of and that is expected of him? No, he didn't. Did he come through for his team the way he HAS to? No, he didn't.

His team needs him to pull something magnificent out of his hat. They need him to do what Jordan and the great players before him have done a million times.. and he's not doing it. There is the problem.

95sn 06-10-2011 12:53 PM

"They need him to do what Jordan and the great players before him have done" Liz, I forgot what a huge Jordan Farmar fan you are;)

polarbill 06-10-2011 1:08 PM

Lebron is the opposite of clutch.

ord27 06-10-2011 2:52 PM


local radio said that wade looks like the school bully and James follows along like his lap dog. I would have to agree. I can't wait for Stern to hand Cuban the trophy in Miami.

dakid 06-10-2011 3:56 PM


Originally Posted by polarbill (Post 1685396)
Lebron is the opposite of clutch.



Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1685431)
I can't wait for Stern to hand Cuban the trophy in Miami.

i agree...and i can't stand cuban and his antics.

wakebrdjay 06-12-2011 7:46 PM

It's almost as good as the Cavs winning the championship ,Congrats Mavs and the city of Dallas.LeBron is the king of nothing again LOL

cwb4me 06-12-2011 7:59 PM


06-12-2011 8:41 PM


ord27 06-12-2011 8:53 PM

Mavs beat Portland in 6

then swept the defending world champions

They beat the young Thunder in 5

Finally, they beat the "mighty" Heat with what some say are the 2 best players in the league (plus Bosch) (I don't agree that they are)
they beat them in 6......twice in Miami.....and 3 times in a row

Through out the play offs, they beat at least 2 Hall of Fame coaches/directors in Pat Riley and Phil Jackson
...............also the players: Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Kevin Durant, Lebron James, and Dwyane Wade

tomorrow I hope to not hear the usual national media talk about the Miami Heat.

there are plenty of story lines about the World Champion Dallas Mavericks to talk about.

If it had gone to game 7, I was going to mute the broadcast and listen to a local play by play.....terrible announcing and the usual crummy officiating


MAVS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

dakid 06-12-2011 9:51 PM







06-12-2011 9:54 PM

Don't hate on the refs when your team wins 3 straight in the finals.
I don't like that if you get offsetting technical fouls they don't shoot free-throws. Each team should get the opportunity to collect the point.

I'm sure Mark Jackson is a good guy but if I had to hear "mama there goes that man" one more time I might tear my ears off. I hope the warriors like that crap...

sidekicknicholas 06-13-2011 5:24 AM

Good game until the last ~3 mins.... the heat just seemed to give up... coaching maybe, but it was painful to watch it go down that way.

Oh well, GREAT PLAYOFFS for the Mavs, they were a fun team to watch throughout. Glad Dirk and Kidd got rings, hate that Stevenson and Marion got rings.

ESPN radio this morning already was moving on to next season (if there is one) and was talking about the heat giving up one of the big 3 for Dwight Howard or CP3 and not one mention of the Mavs.

Cuban's interview was great, he is a funny guy.

wakebrdjay 06-13-2011 6:20 AM

Great post Joe U. thanks for that.Nick,LeBron taught them how to quit like that.How many finals did Jordan only average 2pts. in the 4th quarter?

cwb4me 06-13-2011 6:47 AM

Just remember"REAL MEN SHOW UP IN REAL GAMES"when it's all on the line,they don't give up!:D

sidekicknicholas 06-13-2011 6:50 AM


How many finals did Jordan only average 2pts. in the 4th quarter?
I assume none, but don't know for sure.

I agree Lebron didn't play up to his "superstar" name... but he still had a good series, if you can find a team in the league that wouldn't be happy with the numbers he put up, I would be shocked. I think it really came down to the Mavs just wanted it more and never got lazy. Talent wise I still put the heat ahead of the mavs, but they didn't seem to have the drive of the mavs.

I'm really shocked it didn't go to game 7 - not because I thought the heat couldn't lose, but because the NBA didn't tell the teams before hand ... "We make a lot more money if it goes to 7, so make sure its 3-3 and then have a winner take all game 7"

Its easy to love lebron, its also really easy to hate him... I think comparing Jordan to Lebron is just stupid - they're not the same position, same role, or same era. Jordan is/was the greatest - what he did will NOT be shadowed by Lebron, ever.... but you really cannot compare two players unless they faced the same teams and played the same position. A Jordan - Lebron arguement is like Jerry Rice or Bart Starr arguement, they were totally different players from different times playing different roles.

with that said I think in 10 years when Lebron is towards the end he will be a no-brainer hall-of-famer, be considered in the top players of all time, and people will look back on him in a much better light than they do now.

cwb4me 06-13-2011 7:04 AM

I don't hate Lebron,but i also don't think you can compare him to Jordan.Like Nick said two different players,two different eras.I think after this series no one can honestly say that DIRK is soft or doesn't come thru in the clutch.

dakid 06-13-2011 7:35 AM


Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas (Post 1685713)
I agree Lebron didn't play up to his "superstar" name... but he still had a good series, if you can find a team in the league that wouldn't be happy with the numbers he put up, I would be shocked. I think it really came down to the Mavs just wanted it more and never got lazy. Talent wise I still put the heat ahead of the mavs, but they didn't seem to have the drive of the mavs.

the problem is that sure, his numbers for the finals were decent, but they were way below his regular season numbers. stats don't lie. no team would want someone that plays great in the regular season, then chokes in the playoffs.


Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas (Post 1685713)
I'm really shocked it didn't go to game 7 - not because I thought the heat couldn't lose, but because the NBA didn't tell the teams before hand ... "We make a lot more money if it goes to 7, so make sure its 3-3 and then have a winner take all game 7"

oh gawd. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas (Post 1685713)
with that said I think in 10 years when Lebron is towards the end he will be a no-brainer hall-of-famer, be considered in the top players of all time, and people will look back on him in a much better light than they do now.

no one disputes that he'll be in the hof one day. but right now, people don't like him. so it doesn't matter that he'll be in the hof.

polarbill 06-13-2011 7:54 AM

Lebron just ran to the corner/baseline and dissappeared the last 2 games.

It is great to see Cuban, Dirk, Terry and Marion get a championship. I would add Kidd in there but I don't root for wife beaters. Terry repped the 206 in a major way. He was better then Lebron in that series and a lot more clutch. Same with Dirk. Dirk had one of the worst shooting nights I have ever seen the first half of game 6. He found it though late and helped put the game away.

Lebron needs a new PR person. He is so unlikeable it isn't funny. I really hope he never wins a championship.

dakid 06-13-2011 10:37 AM



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