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brody 06-30-2007 10:48 AM

Oh, its 10:45 here. <BR> <BR>So I have my setup in front of me, I am all packed and ready for Naci, and am watching Pull. I have the biggest itch to wakeboard right now, after watching Ben Greenwood ride, but am going to have to wait another day. Anybody else get like this? I feel like jumping in the pool with my wakeboard and pretending to ride, lol.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 11:56 AM

I get like that chris. Anyone try hitting double ups on there wakeskate and just launch of the board? I was riding my wakeskate today and hitting double ups and the board got away from me and I landed back on it on my but. It hurt.

brody 06-30-2007 1:46 PM

...and to top it off, my dad just pulled in with the boat. <BR> <BR>I am also looking into a vest, my body glove is too small, any suggestions, I want a lot of flexibility.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 1:51 PM

Chris you are so lucky to have that sweet ride. For vest are you looking for coast gaurd approved or non?

brody 06-30-2007 1:59 PM

Probably non-approved, unless there is a super flexible, thin approved.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 2:59 PM

I have the outlaw and I like it alot.

brody 06-30-2007 3:53 PM

That looks like a nice vest. How good does it fit, I have like a 31-32" chest and am wondering if the XS will fit me. And how does it compare to the Gooru and Vapor, or any other non-cga vest?

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 4:46 PM

get a helium swat. those are sick vests. <BR> <BR>and i just spent an hour and a half on my dock trying to hitch a ride with no success. <BR> <BR>dissapointing to say the least

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:07 PM

do you live on a public or private lake Caleb. <BR>Chris Can you try some on. They are really nice. Listen to Caleb I am sure he has used a bunch of differnt vests.

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 5:11 PM

private. <BR> <BR>helium vests are like a second skin. <BR> <BR>im using an A-10 right now but trust me, helium is the best vest on the market.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:13 PM

How do heliums float?

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 5:18 PM

better than Jet pilot for sure. <BR> <BR>they keep my head above water (non-cga approved) and im about 140 with a board on. <BR> <BR>and to be more clear, i live on a private lake.

brody 06-30-2007 5:21 PM

My friend's brother got a helium swat that he doesn't use because it doesn't float him enough and is too big. He might sell it to me for cheap. <BR> <BR>But Heliums do not float great because it is non-approved, but it kept me up so my head and shoulders stuck out of the water.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:21 PM

If you have tried the outlaw how does that compare. Is there alot of wakeboarders on your lake?

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 5:27 PM

if im perfectly still, i sink in my A-10 lol. <BR> <BR>um, normally its just me, There is a doctor that im really good friends with across the lake in a malibu VLX and i party with those guys and ride with them. <BR> <BR>other than that theres some stray wakeboarders accasionally. <BR> <BR>im looking at perfect glass outside my window at the moment though, i was even able to find a nice spot on memorial day

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:31 PM

That stinks. I hate that when you see glassy water and theres nothing you can do.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:32 PM

What boat do you have got any pics of it?

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 5:32 PM

yea it sucks

brody 06-30-2007 5:36 PM

Yah, I can definitely relate. Some of my parents friends have a lakehouse in the desert and it has perfect water all the time because trees surround it and only one boat is allowed at the time, and the only boat to ride behind is a ski natique that throws a 3 inch wake lol. You can't do much, but it is still fun.

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:38 PM

I tried to ride a skateboard deck today but the boat didnt have enough power.

dlwsrider 06-30-2007 5:40 PM

a trick, <BR> <BR>take some screws, an old pair of shoes, and an old skateboard deck <BR> <BR>screw them together immitating your stance on the skateboard. <BR> <BR>enjoy on the trampoline

wakeman7 06-30-2007 5:42 PM

We am thinking about getting a trampoline. Most of the ones for sale near me say they have bands instead of springs which I dont think would work as good.

brody 06-30-2007 5:43 PM

Why would you do that when you could spend 300 dollars on a guru tramp board, lol? If only I had a trampoline to use. <BR> <BR>I used to take lessons with a pro snowboarder about a year ago to help with wakeboarding/snowboarding, but he stopped and I didn't do it again. It was fun while it lasted though, I learned some good stuff.

eaglerider93 07-01-2007 6:56 PM

I dont have a trampoline I wish I had one. I usually go to my neighbors and do flips on his. <BR> <BR>I might go to a wakeboarding camp next year. Im just clearing the wake this year so I need to go to a camp.

woohoo 07-02-2007 7:42 AM

Wakeman, I end ever set on my wakeskate by doing that, I just try to get as high in the air as I can and sometimes try to do a backflip before I hit the water.

brody 07-07-2007 10:22 AM

360!!!!! <BR> <BR>I finally landed it on the 9th attempt. I kept getting the rotation but missing the handlepass. It was so cool landing it. Thanks for all the help.

goatroper222000 07-07-2007 5:04 PM

ya guys i wouldnt recommend the A-10. it gives you alot of room to move around but you have to hold your breath and half way tread water to stay up.. <BR> <BR>Cris, <BR> I feel your stoke. i just dialed my 360 in a couple weeks ago. and o ya! i landed the tantrum today too!!! WOOHOO!

wakeboardmatt 07-07-2007 5:57 PM

Caleb, any other tips for the backroll?

oopsds92 07-07-2007 6:13 PM

yo Matt its super easy once u get the hang of it... wat are u doin mexican or progressive? i do a mexican backroll. the problem i had was that i tried to initiate the rotation rather than letting the wake initiate the rotation. u dont do the rotation. the wake does. the wake will launch/ throw u. u will want to take a progressive edge for sure. and then just let the wake throw your board behind u. good luck.

wakeboardmatt 07-07-2007 7:46 PM

uhm, well which is easier? I have tried a progressive a few times, but can only seem to get about 3/4 of the rotation.

brody 07-07-2007 8:11 PM

Josh, <BR>Good job on landing the tantrum. Any tips?

wakeboardmatt 07-07-2007 9:45 PM

Hey Vik, you rode with danni petraitis at wake games huh?

wannagowakin 07-07-2007 9:53 PM

16,IL, live in plainfield/joliet, ride in ottawa, channahon and morris

wakegirl12 07-08-2007 10:20 AM

15, CO, ride at chatfield

brody 07-08-2007 1:24 PM

I also finally got the rope length and speed about dialed, but maybe a little longer and faster. I was riding at 22.5mph/70 feet. It felt like I had a lot of edging control and was popping higher.

goatroper222000 07-08-2007 5:07 PM

Hey chris! sry dude..ive been busy today..i found out that if u just wait for the wake to pop u instead of trying to pop yourself. then after u leave the wake, all you do is tilt your back head back and try to spot the water as soon as you can.. if u try to "throw" the trick, then you wont get enough pop off the wake. the harder i tried to do the trick the worse it got.. basically just relax and do it slow.. <BR> <BR>hope this helps, <BR> josh

lfboarder94 07-08-2007 6:10 PM

im going to ski rixen tomorow any advice i rails, im fine with kickers but never his a rail

brody 07-08-2007 9:40 PM

Okey Josh, <BR>That sounds like the exact opposite I was trying to do, it will help a lot. I can do backflips all day on a trampoline but havn't yet transferred it to wake. I'll try next time I go out. Thanx!

goatroper222000 07-09-2007 12:56 PM

cool man i hope u stick it! <BR> <BR>Mike, i hav never hit a rail or i would tell you something...wheres Caleb?? he would know more about it.

brody 07-09-2007 5:19 PM

I wish I have hit rails, but there arn't any available for me down here in socal.

goatroper222000 07-10-2007 3:12 PM

hey guys! <BR> <BR>I really wanna start learnin raleys and i really dont know where to start.. i tried it on a wakeskate the other day and it turned into like a raley frontflip thing... what should i do to start? should i just go for it and hope for the best or wat? <BR> thanx, <BR> Josh

lfboarder94 07-11-2007 4:32 PM

any advice on getting more pop on a ts jump

brody 07-11-2007 7:46 PM

Mike, <BR>First of all, can you go w2w toeside? <BR>Well actually, that doesn't totally matter. It's all in the edging. Start out with a gradual turn and than start edging harder and harder until you are at the wake. Once at the bottom flatten out slightly and stand up. <BR> <BR>What rope length and speed do you ride? To start out, I did 55ft/19.5mph and got comfortable with ts jumps and lengthened the rope over time to 70/22.5.

lfboarder94 07-11-2007 9:29 PM

right now i ride with a 65 19-21mph, if your wondering why the speed is changing so much we have like a 5mph current and it makes a huge differince about who well a board edges and the wake of the boat, on a lake i like to ride at 20.5

brody 07-11-2007 9:40 PM

5mph current!!! <BR>Thats pretty fast. The closest river to me has a current of about 1-2mph. <BR> <BR>Try taking the rope in 5 feet and going at 21mph. Work on the edging, leaning against the boat (do not let the boat pull you into a 180 type spin, i have had some nasty falls), and landings. After you have mastered that, let the rope out to 65 and maybe go to around 21.5mph and get it there. It seems like there is so many tricks you can do TS so have fun.

lfboarder94 07-11-2007 9:49 PM

yea you cant swim agiasnt the current it just rips you down the river, im going out tomorow ill give it a try, also, anybody surf

brody 07-11-2007 9:55 PM

Yah I surf all the time when it gets blown out or chopped up. Its fun!

lfboarder94 07-11-2007 10:09 PM

anybody got screen names on aim, mines lfboarder94

brody 07-12-2007 10:32 AM

brody22222222222 (eleven two's) <BR>The story behind that is I wanted the screen name brody, but that was taken, so I did brody2, which was taken, and I finally did it a third time, brody22. After that I got frustrated and just held down the 2 button.

goatroper222000 07-12-2007 11:04 AM

wow...its been like 2 weeks and we havnt seen caleb anywhere.. Where are you dude??? we need some proffessional advice!! haha

wake_swede 07-12-2007 4:23 PM

im 5

wake_swede 07-12-2007 4:23 PM

im 5

wakechick4life 07-12-2007 8:01 PM

mines wakeboardinfrk16

lfboarder94 07-12-2007 8:28 PM

dude im sticken my w2w consitant now and chris im getting bettter air toeside with a shorter

brody 07-13-2007 9:31 AM

Thats great Mike, are you going w2w ts?

goatroper222000 07-13-2007 10:20 AM

hey guys..how do you post pics and vids??

lfboarder94 07-13-2007 2:36 PM

no not yet but im coming pretty close my ts is rapidly imporiving, we had some great butter on my river today it was pretty sick

gervy 07-13-2007 9:08 PM

hey i was just wondering what kinda of tricks some of you are doin and wat ur best ones are

lfboarder94 07-13-2007 9:17 PM

well im problably one of the worst of the bunch, and my best thing is clearing the wake and 1 wake 180s but caleb and vic are probaly the best

lfboarder94 07-13-2007 9:18 PM

#300 We gotta keep this thing going and rival out the NJ Riders Thread which i am also a part of then almost to 800 we got go some catching up to do lol

gervy 07-14-2007 10:01 AM

umm well mike thats not bad at all i think..i mean ur 13 you have alot of time to improve. i was about 13 wen i started and those tricks were the ones i could do... this summa ive improved a ton i can do w2w 180s wit grabs, backside andfrontside..im workin on blind. also i can do frontside 3s all sort of grabs and right now im workin on tantrum and backroll...im defintly havin troble on the tantrum tho i jus can trip the wake right..im 14

flpecan 07-14-2007 10:11 AM

Travis Dixon is a 5-yr old that keeps Matteson Lake in Bronson, MI in awe. He can take a dock start, cross both wakes and reverse the board. Looking for a tournament in the MI/IN/OH area that has a younger class than 8 &amp; under.

dlwsrider 07-14-2007 10:01 PM

Haha sorry guys, ive been in florida for a week and a half, one of my riding bros and team mates called me up and invited me to stay with them in a condo in the ocean, and i couldnt refuse. <BR> <BR> <BR>someone asked about the backroll? <BR> <BR>go about 20 feet outside of the wake and edge in standing tall, as soon as you release, look over your trailing shoulder, keep the handle into the middle of your waist just below your below and hold it there till you land. spot your landing and there you go. <BR> <BR>t/s jumps, to get more air, edge in a bit harder, and push dont absorb the wake, as long as you dont try to absorb the impact you should be good. <BR> <BR>im going out tommorow afternoon and hopefully ill come back with a tootsie roll and maybe even a toeside 7, but the 7 is doubtfull. <BR> <BR> <BR>i saw the rails thing just now im editing my post. <BR> <BR>and any questions, just hit me up on AIM <BR> <BR>my screen name is dlwsrider, and ill be more than happy to answer your questions <BR> <BR>on rails, their super fun, just practice ollieing into butterslides at first and start out hitting the smaller obsticales, <BR>then when you get a bit more comfortable, ollie onto the rails, alot more control and way more fun. <BR>once you get really confident, throw your own little hint of style on the slide. I just learned how to do a legit tailpress and slide the whole rail without my board hanging off the edge. <BR> <BR>and have fun! <BR> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by dlwsrider on July 14, 2007)

dlwsrider 07-14-2007 10:02 PM

and barbera, indiana has an INT league, check out the mini outlaw division, i judged it at nationals and that would fit your kid like a glove <BR> <BR>and mike, <BR> <BR>VIK could kick my butt probably, lol <BR> <BR>you should hear her on myspace, she talks a good game, shes scaring me right now though, i think shes going to beat me up <BR> <BR>(Message edited by dlwsrider on July 14, 2007)

brody 07-15-2007 10:56 AM

Hey guys, I am trying to expand my trick list. What should i work on now after just landing the 360. Inverts? TS Spins? I am not sure exactly what comes next.

dlwsrider 07-15-2007 11:44 AM

do a heel 3 before a toe 3, <BR> <BR>heelside spins are slower, and more controlled, so start out with those. <BR> <BR>i dont know what makes it easier landed a switch heel 3 before a regular toe 3.

brody 07-15-2007 9:07 PM

I already landed a HS FS 360, I was wondering what I should work on next. I think I will work on the TS 360 and a TS/HS backroll or tantrum.

gervy 07-15-2007 9:11 PM

chris...thats kinda the same deal with me...im thinkin im gonna try the hs backroll and the tantrum

sportydude 07-16-2007 5:20 AM

14 almost 15, and I ride in Nebraska.

bbking 07-16-2007 6:12 AM

i've been practicing on the trampoline, and bs 360s seem easier because you get the handle pass over quick and then i like to take the handle pass up and then pull and spin myself quick down to make it look cooler... what do you think? <BR> <BR>also, raleys and backrolls seem impossible on the trampoline

brody 07-16-2007 9:04 AM

Hold on, Caleb, <BR>Do you mean I should try a switch hs 360 before a ts 3? <BR>I sort of have switch down, I can go hs and ts, just I am not very consistent. How do you work on switch consistency?

balr54 07-16-2007 9:40 AM

Barbara, check out intleague.com Unfortunately, they just had an event this weekend at Lake Mirage which is about an hour from you in Fort Wayne. They have the state championships there on August 11th. The NWL also hosts some events in Indiana. There is one coming up on the 28th in Kokomo IN. For more information go their official website <a href="http://www.wakeboardmidwest.com" target="_blank">www.wakeboardmidwest.com</a>. Hope that helps.

dlwsrider 07-16-2007 12:47 PM

chris, no man i vote you do a toeside 3 first, but im just saying the heelside spins come more naturally. <BR> <BR>go for it toeside, but your probably going to come close to a 5 your first few tries lol. <BR> <BR>i just landed a wake to wake toeside indy shuv it on the skate and a wake to wake shuv it

goatroper222000 07-16-2007 12:53 PM

any advice on raleys??

dlwsrider 07-16-2007 1:07 PM

dont wimp out. <BR> <BR>i tried a bunch last year. <BR> <BR>after 2 concussions trying to learn them i havnt tred another one since

brody 07-16-2007 4:29 PM

We need more pictures of you guys riding!!!

sportydude 07-16-2007 4:54 PM

ill try to get some this wkend.

brody 07-16-2007 5:02 PM

Here are a couple of me: <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/476311.jpg" alt="Upload">

brody 07-16-2007 5:08 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/476320.jpg" alt="Upload">

eliotflydog 07-16-2007 5:34 PM

ralleys r prettty easy if u commit to it although i also got 2 concussions learning them

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