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DeltaHoosier 11-15-2022 9:51 AM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 2016550)
Does it make you question your world view when people as evil and worthless as the democrats wipe the floor with the godly and beacons of pure light republicans? Maybe you don't understand the world as well as you think.

I understand the world just fine. Pretty much tells it in the bible. Evil will continue to grow and overtake the righteous until god comes back. I have no illusions that it is going to happen, I just wish it would not for the sake of humanity.

As far as wiping the floor. Don't think so. Sounds like you are a sound bite troll. When foreign actors such as your self are for one party, I can pretty much be guaranteed if I am against it. I am on the side of America. America historically has been the only really power against authoritarianism. I know you think you are being funny or cute, but you don't want to live in that world where we don't exist and are puppets the the 3rd world order of the UN.

95sn 11-15-2022 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016552)
I understand the world just fine. Pretty much tells it in the bible. Evil will continue to grow and overtake the righteous until god comes back. I have no illusions that it is going to happen, I just wish it would not for the sake of humanity.

As far as wiping the floor. Don't think so. Sounds like you are a sound bite troll. When foreign actors such as your self are for one party, I can pretty much be guaranteed if I am against it. I am on the side of America. America historically has been the only really power against authoritarianism. I know you think you are being funny or cute, but you don't want to live in that world where we don't exist and are puppets the the 3rd world order of the UN.

Ah, yes, us radicals who want decent bridges, roads, and schools, civic projects, healthcare for our fellow citizens, a helping hand for those with less, and representative government. We're such pure evil monsters.
You know who invoked God? Kari Lake, Trump puppet, election denier who lost in the AZ Gov race, during her campaign said
""God is on our side. We are truly fighting pure evil right now. It is evil what we are dealing with in this world. It's coming from the Left. It's coming from their spokespeople in the media."
Its like a quote straight out of your mouth.
You know who else invoked God??
The Nazis, they had "Gott Mit Uns ("God with Us) on their belt buckles.
All the winners.
Dont think it was a floor wiping, tell us the history of mid term voting, you like reporting history dont you? How the party in the WH loses every single time for 100 years. 30,40, 50, 60 seats is common.

markj 11-15-2022 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016551)
I cant imagine how much it must suck to have your candidates and those who express your views keep losing election after election after election. Especially butthurt after ALL the POLLS had a Massive RED WAVE predicted. Then Democrats owned the Senate w/o HW. Almost all the trump candidates lost, Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Dr. Oz, Masterson.... Good thing orange guy held on to the $94 Million instead of offering it to all his losers. Hes gonna need it considering the big announcement tonight. lol. Enjoy the coming divorce proceedings. LOL.
Back to the airport bathrooms where you know which one hides the butthurt jackpot you desire. Tell Delta to wear his furry dress again.

@Ralph, Did you mean pure "light" republicans? or pure "White" republicans? Both work.

Well, the D’s already had the Senate and R’s did take the House so… that’ll cut the purse strings and put the hurtin on Biden’s radical agenda. Can’t wait for all the new investigations. Shouldn’t be any SC picks happening unless one of them takes an unexpected dirt nap.

95sn 11-15-2022 1:55 PM

Which is the radical part? The repairing of roads and bridges and schools or the book burnings, the election denying and the removal of women's health rights? I cant wait for the investigations either, We getting Durham again? Or we going back to Kris Kobach, he did the first election stolen conspiracy.

markj 11-15-2022 5:19 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016558)
Which is the radical part? The repairing of roads and bridges and schools or the book burnings, the election denying and the removal of women's health rights? I cant wait for the investigations either, We getting Durham again? Or we going back to Kris Kobach, he did the first election stolen conspiracy.

Be patient. It'll be better to wait to hear the squealing from an even more inept Biden once Congress puts a padlock on his wallet and he starts crying about how the "R's don't care about the little guy" routine. Don't forget your tissues, snowflake. I'm sure you'll be on the CNN front line, crying too. Let me offer you a preemptive "BOO HOO."

brettw 11-16-2022 9:36 AM

If the GOP nominates DeSantis or someone else, do you think Trump will continue to show what a self-absorbed narcissist he is and run as an independent, split the Republican vote, and almost guarantee another Democrat win?

95sn 11-16-2022 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016559)
Be patient. It'll be better to wait to hear the squealing from an even more inept Biden once Congress puts a padlock on his wallet and he starts crying about how the "R's don't care about the little guy" routine. Don't forget your tissues, snowflake. I'm sure you'll be on the CNN front line, crying too. Let me offer you a preemptive "BOO HOO."

Why hide from your own comments?? You called Bidens agenda radical. All the dems have done is pass legislation that improves America. They made sure our computer chips will be Made in America instead of China, that radical? Who does it help? Everyone? They passed a bill to limit insulin costs for diabetics, $35 instead of up to $1000. That radical?? Who does that help? Big Pharma? American public? They passed Infrastructure bill to rebuild roads, bridges, schools, airports, public transportation. That radical? Who does that help? All Americans again? The Biden admin has reduced the debt dramatically since Trump. That radical?? Who benefits? Everyone in America or the top 1% like tax cuts to the wealthy? What are you talking about? Your a parrot talking lies. You fail to see what the admin you hate is doing for you.
The senate was a simple take for republicans. The problem was they ran almost exclusively trump backed candidates, ie the ones who praised trump and pushed the lie of election fraud and that trump was the righteous president. McConnell called it out months ago knowing what the results would be. He was right, they got their lying azzes kicked by reality. Why is CNN always coming out of your mouth? Name one person, other than yourself using that source. Fail. Free rent, lol.

ralph 11-16-2022 4:59 PM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 2016563)
If the GOP nominates DeSantis or someone else, do you think Trump will continue to show what a self-absorbed narcissist he is and run as an independent, split the Republican vote, and almost guarantee another Democrat win?

Nah bro, Trump would totally swing behind DeSantis for the good of the country. Loooooool.

ralph 11-16-2022 5:02 PM

Did you get Trumps 5 minute riff how he will bring law to execute drug dealers. Lol, who believes this stuff?

brettw 11-17-2022 7:26 AM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 2016566)
Did you get Trumps 5 minute riff how he will bring law to execute drug dealers. Lol, who believes this stuff?

That's not surprising. It's just the usual clueless Trump shooting off his mouth with the usual b.s.

Remember Trump on Duerte?

“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem,” Trump told Duterte, according to the transcript. “Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”

According to the State Department’s 2016 Human Rights Report, which was last updated in March, police and vigilantes in the Philippines had killed more than 6,000 suspected drug dealers since July, the month after Duterte took office. An “apparent governmental disregard for human rights and due process” was among the State Department’s “most significant human rights problems” in the Philippines.

DeltaHoosier 11-17-2022 8:10 AM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 2016570)
That's not surprising. It's just the usual clueless Trump shooting off his mouth with the usual b.s.

Remember Trump on Duerte?

“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem,” Trump told Duterte, according to the transcript. “Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”

According to the State Department’s 2016 Human Rights Report, which was last updated in March, police and vigilantes in the Philippines had killed more than 6,000 suspected drug dealers since July, the month after Duterte took office. An “apparent governmental disregard for human rights and due process” was among the State Department’s “most significant human rights problems” in the Philippines.

And...... Most of those countries in that region will put you to death for drugs. WBA player is doing 9 years in a penal colony for vape pins with weed in it in Russia.

I mean what is the point. Are we back to fake outrage for every little thing Trump says at a campaign rally? We know he can't get a law passed like that, however people would like something different than what is being done now. Get some common sense. I guess on the other side of that, does the Philippines have a drug problem now? I am sure somewhere between mass murder and changing our laws would be of some help.

ralph 11-17-2022 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016572)
I mean what is the point. Are we back to fake outrage for every little thing Trump says at a campaign rally? We know he can't get a law passed like that, however people would like something different than what is being done now.

The points you can't trust anything he says.
Lets contrast:
Talking point: Put drug dealers to death.
Actions: Pardons drug dealers while leaving office.

DeltaHoosier 11-18-2022 9:59 AM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 2016574)
The points you can't trust anything he says.
Lets contrast:
Talking point: Put drug dealers to death.
Actions: Pardons drug dealers while leaving office.

Hogwash. Just stop. Every politician says crap on the stump. He feels that way because he hates drug dealers and it is a talking point.

You think the Senate Majority Leader is going to get amnesty for 11 million illegals like he just said out loud? Nope. Interesting he said it just after the Republicans won the house. Did not say it when demorats had all three branches of government. I am sure he would love to, however it is safe to say it now.

I would rather hear Trump's despised talk about Drug dealers that can not come true vs a democrat who keeps bringing up amnesty for illegals all the time.

wake77 11-18-2022 12:38 PM

Crazy to see that MAGA believes that losing is the same thing as fraud.

Picks up two house seats for the R's: no mention of fraud by either winner.
Same Ticket
Kelley beats Masters, Masters concedes with no mention of fraud.
Same Ticket
Lake Loses, "Fraud"
Same Ticket
Finchem Loses, "Fraud"

So let me get this straight, the fraudsters are so advanced they are able to manipulate individual ballots? Are they using invisible ink for the Lake and Finchem selections?

DeltaHoosier 11-18-2022 1:09 PM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 2016578)
Crazy to see that MAGA believes that losing is the same thing as fraud.

Picks up two house seats for the R's: no mention of fraud by either winner.
Same Ticket
Kelley beats Masters, Masters concedes with no mention of fraud.
Same Ticket
Lake Loses, "Fraud"
Same Ticket
Finchem Loses, "Fraud"

So let me get this straight, the fraudsters are so advanced they are able to manipulate individual ballots? Are they using invisible ink for the Lake and Finchem selections?

Who knows. All I can say is, I don't trust a system with mail in ballots. Just don't on principle. Don't trust it when there is multi-day counts then all of a sudden a "new" batch of ballots comes in. I have not been paying attention too much over there. One race the winners may have been too far ahead. Maybe they see statistics were areas are historically voted one way all of a sudden have a different outcome. Just don't know. Mail in ballots need to go outside of well documented reasons like they used to. Also need voter ID. I will never fully trust and election otherwise.

DeltaHoosier 11-18-2022 1:12 PM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 2016578)
Crazy to see that MAGA believes that losing is the same thing as fraud.

Picks up two house seats for the R's: no mention of fraud by either winner.
Same Ticket
Kelley beats Masters, Masters concedes with no mention of fraud.
Same Ticket
Lake Loses, "Fraud"
Same Ticket
Finchem Loses, "Fraud"

So let me get this straight, the fraudsters are so advanced they are able to manipulate individual ballots? Are they using invisible ink for the Lake and Finchem selections?

Also, I did not put in a mark for many races I had not idea about in my district. I penned in my choices with many blank races on the ballot. I put the ballot in the box (was not ran through a machine like the last many elections in our area btw) and I never saw it again. Someone certain could fill in my blank selections for me. I would have zero idea if they did.

markj 11-18-2022 5:18 PM

Yep. Mail in ballots and extended ballot box drop offs are nothing more than democrat cheating/ballot harvesting opportunities. One day to vote with ID is all that should be allowed. You vote in your district according to where you registered and your name gets checked off after you voted. Anything else shouldn’t be allowed or believed unless approved-like due to long term illness/handicap or old folks etc. The fact that dims are fighting for felons to vote should be all we need to know about their integrity and the integrity of their positions when it comes to voting.

95sn 11-19-2022 9:10 AM

Why do you 2 believe that mail in voting is in some way not safe? That it may invite fraud? What is the "on principle" that you dont agree with? How is it cheating? If you claim something, you must have reason to believe that claim.
You are both under the impression (probably because your choice of media cant stop lying about it,ie The Big Lie) that somehow mail in voting invites voter fraud. The fact is that it is VERY safe. Its simpler. Gets more people to vote. Here is the very right leaning source, Heritage Foundation, with decades of voter fraud investigations and keeping records on it. Read it, go over the facts, educate yourself, this is the facts from your side.
Election fraud is virtually non-existent. The Goal of Democracy is to get as many people as possible to vote. That way elected officials have the best chance of doing what the majority want, no minority rule. You dont want minority ruling do you? Do you have some other expert that says something different? Am i wrong? or off base here? Is there any other reliable source stating there is voter fraud or refuting Heritage? Anything? You have no rational reason to believe anything else?

ralph 11-19-2022 8:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is going to be so much fun

wake77 11-20-2022 3:10 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016579)
Who knows. All I can say is, I don't trust a system with mail in ballots. Just don't on principle. Don't trust it when there is multi-day counts then all of a sudden a "new" batch of ballots comes in. I have not been paying attention too much over there. One race the winners may have been too far ahead. Maybe they see statistics were areas are historically voted one way all of a sudden have a different outcome. Just don't know. Mail in ballots need to go outside of well documented reasons like they used to. Also need voter ID. I will never fully trust and election otherwise.

Mail in ballots have been used for decades with no issues. Mail in voting only became "fraudulent" when Trump realized that he would lose. You saps fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

So troops serving overseas shouldn't be able to return a ballot? Where is your loyalty; the USA or the GOP.

wake77 11-20-2022 3:14 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016581)
Yep. Mail in ballots and extended ballot box drop offs are nothing more than democrat cheating/ballot harvesting opportunities. One day to vote with ID is all that should be allowed. You vote in your district according to where you registered and your name gets checked off after you voted. Anything else shouldn’t be allowed or believed unless approved-like due to long term illness/handicap or old folks etc. The fact that dims are fighting for felons to vote should be all we need to know about their integrity and the integrity of their positions when it comes to voting.

Reinstating voting rights to nonviolent felons was a GOP movement in FL. But don't let facts spoil your tall tale.

joeshmoe 11-25-2022 5:13 PM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016549)
Don't know. Which dress you picking out for your celebration?

I knew you were In the closet! Don't get your panties in a bunch

DeltaHoosier 11-29-2022 7:14 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 2016584)
Mail in ballots have been used for decades with no issues. Mail in voting only became "fraudulent" when Trump realized that he would lose. You saps fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

So troops serving overseas shouldn't be able to return a ballot? Where is your loyalty; the USA or the GOP.

Mail in ballots have been used by special request and when asked for in advance. Voter harvesting has also been illegal in most states in history to. Not the same situation compared to what it is today.

95sn 11-29-2022 9:21 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016598)
Mail in ballots have been used by special request and when asked for in advance. Voter harvesting has also been illegal in most states in history to. Not the same situation compared to what it is today.

No, its just your imagination. You have been manipulated by a large lying orange dude. Alabama is the only state that requires the voter only to return the ballot. 1out of 50.

brettw 12-03-2022 3:08 PM

It seems like the man has just gone nuts. How do you guys defend this one?

Trump calls for ‘termination’ of election rules in Constitution to overturn 2020 election


ralph 12-04-2022 8:48 AM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 2016629)
It seems like the man has just gone nuts. How do you guys defend this one?

Trump calls for ‘termination’ of election rules in Constitution to overturn 2020 election


You make a strong point but have you considered Hillary's emails and hunters laptop? Check mate libtard.

DeltaHoosier 12-06-2022 9:47 AM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 2016629)
It seems like the man has just gone nuts. How do you guys defend this one?

Trump calls for ‘termination’ of election rules in Constitution to overturn 2020 election


What is there to defend. He is even more angry now that it is proven more and more how much the democrats conspired to lie and cheat to win the election. He is wrong on the constitution point. Not suspending that. Can't be right all the time. Still better than democrats in charge.

95sn 12-06-2022 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016642)
What is there to defend. He is even more angry now that it is proven more and more how much the democrats conspired to lie and cheat to win the election. He is wrong on the constitution point. Not suspending that. Can't be right all the time. Still better than democrats in charge.

Except, there has been zero proof of ANY cheating. In fact, the 62 lost lawsuits say no fraud, no cheating. The dozens of recounts, election investigations, "Forensic audits" and the like ALL verify the fact there was no cheating, no fraud. Point out ANY fraud, any cheating. You havnt for the last 2+ years. Stop it, you look dumber AND dumber.

markj 12-06-2022 6:38 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016643)
Except, there has been zero proof of ANY cheating. In fact, the 62 lost lawsuits say no fraud, no cheating. The dozens of recounts, election investigations, "Forensic audits" and the like ALL verify the fact there was no cheating, no fraud. Point out ANY fraud, any cheating. You havnt for the last 2+ years. Stop it, you look dumber AND dumber.

Do you ever bother to read news besides CNN/NBC? It is now clear the FBI conspired at least with Twitter at a very minimum to suppress the NYP Hunter/Big Guy story. That's suppression of free speech. We all know it's FAR deeper than that. You people are straight evil and you DO conspire. The investigations will prove it regularly next year. What you've continued to do is name-call everyone conspiracy theorists as a cover for your conspiracies. The hammer has already begun to drop. Elon is outing you. Whistleblowers are outing you. It gets worse once the snowball gets rollin. The only shocker for me is your brazenness and willingness to piss on people's legs and tell them it's raining outside. I was giving you people FAR too much "human decency" credit when you are just a pack of hyenas. You are the face of evil itself.

markj 12-06-2022 6:43 PM

Very telling how when the libtard big tech monopoly ended, you and your cult went all stupid trying to attack the guy who merely wanted to restore fairness to one of the libtard-dominated forms of media. You beta-male crybullies are so pathetic.

95sn 12-07-2022 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016645)
Do you ever bother to read news besides CNN/NBC? It is now clear the FBI conspired at least with Twitter at a very minimum to suppress the NYP Hunter/Big Guy story. That's suppression of free speech. We all know it's FAR deeper than that. You people are straight evil and you DO conspire. The investigations will prove it regularly next year. What you've continued to do is name-call everyone conspiracy theorists as a cover for your conspiracies. The hammer has already begun to drop. Elon is outing you. Whistleblowers are outing you. It gets worse once the snowball gets rollin. The only shocker for me is your brazenness and willingness to piss on people's legs and tell them it's raining outside. I was giving you people FAR too much "human decency" credit when you are just a pack of hyenas. You are the face of evil itself.

I read plenty, thanks. I do avoid far right conspiracy theory by a quick google search to see if there is any there, there. Hows your memory? You dont remember this laptop story coming out before the election?? I do. Go back and search, we talked about it. It was nothing then, nothing now. Did they get another laptop? The FBI works with all the media companies along with twitter. They all get the same updates/warnings. Nothing new. NYP published the story, someone posted it here. It was all over.
Clearly, you dont understand the concept or meaning of free speech. Why not upset with Elon for banning Kanye? he was just speaking his mind, free speech and all.
LOL, "Its Far Deeper", "it gets worse", "evil" ... too far down the rabbit hole. Dont you recall Durhams investigation you and Rod were so sure was going to prove trump right about "The Greatest Crime in the History of The United States???? Obama Spied on ME!!! Durham tried for over 3 years....he failed to arrest and jail ANYONE FOOL! When are you going to figure out trump is just a liar? There was no fraud, no stolen election, no spying on trump, nothing he says is true. The guy you place on a pedestal to worship just said we need to toss out the constitution and "install" him as president. WTF?? It was not just Walker. Trump handpicked Kari Lake for AZ Gov, she lost, claimed voter fraud refused to concede, she failed to "show" any fraud (just like trump and you). Fichman for AG in AZ, lost, also claimed"election fraud", Trump picked and backed election denier Blake Masters for AZ senate, another shellacking. Trump picked another election denier Adam Laxalt for NV and guess what, another loss. Handpicked OZ in Penn,lost to a stroke patient. Kelly Tshibaka, trump pick in AK, another loss. There are many more but do you get the point??? Trump is kryptonite to election wins and he is the presumptive GOP presidential candidate in 2024...and he just had dinner with a white nationalist and a anti-Semite, then he said he wants to trash your sacred constitution. Ouch.
FYI, calling DEms "face of evil " and spreading lies and hate for the last 5-6 years is in no way "giving you people too much "human decency". Its only your far-right training kicking in. You are being played and I for one am quite entertained with the seal tricks. Here, have another sardine.

95sn 12-07-2022 10:41 AM

I almost forgot...Another bad day in Court for the Mango. His company, the one y'all give him so much credit for being a successful businessman...was found guilty on ALL 17 Criminal Counts, A 15 year conspiracy of Fraud, Tax Evasion, Falsifying documents....
But yeah, its all the fault of the libtard-dominated MSM, Big Tech....

95sn 12-07-2022 10:52 AM

the gift that keeps on giving, Donald J. Trump.
More classified documents found trump and his atty lied about.
I dunno, its starting to seem like he might have been a little careless with classified documentation.
Probably used his powers of mentalism to declassify everything! Presidential harassment! How can people keep coming for this man who is clearly as pure and innocent as the driven snow!?
He is still President...

markj 12-10-2022 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016652)
the gift that keeps on giving, Donald J. Trump.
More classified documents found trump and his atty lied about.
I dunno, its starting to seem like he might have been a little careless with classified documentation.
Probably used his powers of mentalism to declassify everything! Presidential harassment! How can people keep coming for this man who is clearly as pure and innocent as the driven snow!?
He is still President...

One thing's for sure: He's all up in your head rent free. Enjoy!

95sn 12-15-2022 10:44 AM

You cant. You just cant. You cannot make this up. I tried and I have a hard time imagining anything that would better prove what I have said for YEARS. Hes nothing but a cheap lyin, carny level grifter. After the intro, where he (with a straight face) says he is a greater president than Lincoln AND Washington...
His Superhero Major Announcement is.....lol.
Trump NFT Trading cards, just $99 each.
And, if you think (like most would) this is to help finance a presidential campaign, relax. It isnt.
From the FAQ

Is any of the money from this collection going to the Donald J. Trump campaign for president?

NO. These Digital Trading Cards are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign. NFT INT LLC is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Digital LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates. NFT INT LLC uses Donald J. Trump's name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Digital LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.
More Winning!

95sn 12-15-2022 10:52 AM

And, just for markj, cause he is too brainwashed to look at a commie MSN, leftist, mainstreammedia...
Fair and Balanced news media report.

markj 12-15-2022 12:19 PM

Aw, you miss me. Probably because I'm the only one who will stoop to engage you when I have time. The usual time to think of you is when I'm droppin a deuce. The resemblance is stunning. As for the story, I actually think it's pretty stinkin funny. They were making flags with similar images during the 2020 campaign. The humor is in the absurdity of the implied claim, but you'd never recognize that-being sans a funny bone anywhere in your wimpy, beta-male, boomer body. Have a nice day, doofus. Hugs

95sn 12-15-2022 3:20 PM

The humor is that the only potential buyers, aka the losers... are 1. really dumb and 2. obviously trump fans. So, again he is fleecing only his own people with this grift. He specifically targets conservative voters to steal from and they cant stop using their retirement funds on trump garbage. In addition this is going to be the start of unlimited fake offerings/memes putting trump in every possible situation. Arrested trump in handcuffs. Ass kicked trump. WonderWoman trump, Dark Brandon standing over Trumps fat azz, foot on his flabby chest.....endless....
Maybe you missed it, this isnt raising campaign cash, so no one helping him get elected, its a strait grift to trumps wallet.
Let me know which you choose, and remember only 100 max. (just make 2, 3 orders) several hundreds are now yors. Winning.

ralph 12-15-2022 5:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mark is saving hundreds, he has cancelled is youporn subscription and just uses this now. So much winning.

markj 12-15-2022 8:41 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016673)
The humor is that the only potential buyers, aka the losers... are 1. really dumb and 2. obviously trump fans. So, again he is fleecing only his own people with this grift. He specifically targets conservative voters to steal from and they cant stop using their retirement funds on trump garbage. In addition this is going to be the start of unlimited fake offerings/memes putting trump in every possible situation. Arrested trump in handcuffs. Ass kicked trump. WonderWoman trump, Dark Brandon standing over Trumps fat azz, foot on his flabby chest.....endless....
Maybe you missed it, this isnt raising campaign cash, so no one helping him get elected, its a strait grift to trumps wallet.
Let me know which you choose, and remember only 100 max. (just make 2, 3 orders) several hundreds are now yors. Winning.

You wouldn't understand humor if it bit you in the 95SN.

I would bet money Trump touched you. He has an entirely free homeless camp growing inside your head now complete with the illegal dumping, awful smells, illegal campfires and drug use. Shouldn't you be happy he's fleecing his deplorables? I suppose it'd be way better to take other people's investment/retirement dollars and hand over 73 million of them to Mr Magoo's and other dim's 2020 campaigns like that polyamorous democrat FTX boy did right? It's not one bit surprising the number 2 biggest dim contributor was handing other people's stolen money to fund them. Evil to the core. All of you.

markj 12-15-2022 8:54 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 2016674)
Mark is saving hundreds, he has cancelled is youporn subscription and just uses this now. So much winning.

I don't watch that garbage. I bought one of the previously mentioned flags as a joke back in 2020. It was like 15 bucks. I teased my wife with it saying I was gonna hang it in the garage so our company could see it and laugh. I never actually did it and the joke got old right away so I think I chucked it.

markj 12-15-2022 9:02 PM

Aw man... They're all sold out. That didn't take long. You snooze, you lose.

brettw 12-16-2022 5:18 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016677)
Aw man... They're all sold out. That didn't take long. You snooze, you lose.

Wow, I didn't see that site. That's crazy that an ex-president actually did this. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I read he grifted $4.5 million with this stunt.

DeltaHoosier 12-16-2022 7:17 AM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 2016678)
Wow, I didn't see that site. That's crazy that an ex-president actually did this. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I read he grifted $4.5 million with this stunt.

Yep. Good for him. He lost a lot more than that being President.

Now if we can figure out how Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, devout commie Sanders, etc became multi millionaires from jobs that pay middle class wages. Or are we here to only complain about Trump?

95sn 12-16-2022 8:57 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016675)
You wouldn't understand humor if it bit you in the 95SN.

I would bet money Trump touched you. He has an entirely free homeless camp growing inside your head now complete with the illegal dumping, awful smells, illegal campfires and drug use. Shouldn't you be happy he's fleecing his deplorables? I suppose it'd be way better to take other people's investment/retirement dollars and hand over 73 million of them to Mr Magoo's and other dim's 2020 campaigns like that polyamorous democrat FTX boy did right? It's not one bit surprising the number 2 biggest dim contributor was handing other people's stolen money to fund them. Evil to the core. All of you.

You dont need to listen to it from me, listen to the right wing echo chamber. Consensus says they are done with this clown. Me, im not so sure they wont go back to kneeling in the not so distant future, again. Somehow, I feel bad for those who are being taken advantage and used by Trump, weird, i know. Trump, he dosent give a Fuvk about them, just another mark. He will do this chit over and over and over again, on the same group of suckers. His people.
And looky here, good ole Delta

Yep. Good for him. He lost a lot more than that being President.

Now if we can figure out how Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, devout commie Sanders, etc became multi millionaires from jobs that pay middle class wages. Or are we here to only complain about Trump?
He really believes trump lost $$ being president. No doubt because he didnt take the regular paycheck ($400K), all while charging literally million$ for secret service at his hotel (while saying he was doing it at "cost") plus all the other dignitaries and the like staying at trump hotel. Then there is the endless grifting "political rallies" starting a few weeks after taking office in 2016 and continuing thru today. We dont know if or how much he is charging for the stolen top secret documents he took from US, do we?
Please tell Delta, 1. Salary of US Senate/Congress is just under $200K, plus months of vacation and the best bene package there is. ... a little more than "middle class wages" delta claims. When a speaker can charge several hundred thousand $$ for a speech, its easy to get rich. Look up Clinton and Obama speaking fees (Obama, top 10 in the world), the investment business Pelosi owns and runs. You may want to update me on the Pelosi Divorce and how Paul has now shacked up and paying his conspiracy theory lovers legal fees. You still living in fantasyland, aka lying or have you realized you were played, again? Hunters laptop story die off yet?? Big Guy arrested?? Any of the proof you claimed show up? or were you played like a clown once again?

markj 12-16-2022 9:32 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 2016680)
You dont need to listen to it from me, listen to the right wing echo chamber. Consensus says they are done with this clown. Me, im not so sure they wont go back to kneeling in the not so distant future, again. Somehow, I feel bad for those who are being taken advantage and used by Trump, weird, i know. Trump, he dosent give a Fuvk about them, just another mark. He will do this chit over and over and over again, on the same group of suckers. His people.
And looky here, good ole Delta

He really believes trump lost $$ being president. No doubt because he didnt take the regular paycheck ($400K), all while charging literally million$ for secret service at his hotel (while saying he was doing it at "cost") plus all the other dignitaries and the like staying at trump hotel. Then there is the endless grifting "political rallies" starting a few weeks after taking office in 2016 and continuing thru today. We dont know if or how much he is charging for the stolen top secret documents he took from US, do we?
Please tell Delta, 1. Salary of US Senate/Congress is just under $200K, plus months of vacation and the best bene package there is. ... a little more than "middle class wages" delta claims. When a speaker can charge several hundred thousand $$ for a speech, its easy to get rich. Look up Clinton and Obama speaking fees (Obama, top 10 in the world), the investment business Pelosi owns and runs. You may want to update me on the Pelosi Divorce and how Paul has now shacked up and paying his conspiracy theory lovers legal fees. You still living in fantasyland, aka lying or have you realized you were played, again? Hunters laptop story die off yet?? Big Guy arrested?? Any of the proof you claimed show up? or were you played like a clown once again?

Do they have some sort of Al Anon type group for TDS sufferers like you? I think it would be a perfect fit for you. You are so heavily invested in anything Trump. I hope it pays as well for you as the FTX investments of countless victims of that number two democrat donor-who stole investor’s money and spent 73 million of it on dim campaigns. As for Delta, you don’t know his hood or how far $200K gets you or doesn’t get you in it so you might want to put some liquid cork in that pie hole of yours.

markj 12-16-2022 9:33 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016679)
Yep. Good for him. He lost a lot more than that being President.

Now if we can figure out how Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, devout commie Sanders, etc became multi millionaires from jobs that pay middle class wages. Or are we here to only complain about Trump?


DeltaHoosier 12-16-2022 9:51 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016681)
Do they have some sort of Al Anon type group for TDS sufferers like you? I think it would be a perfect fit for you. You are so heavily invested in anything Trump. I hope it pays as well for you as the FTX investments of countless victims of that number two democrat donor-who stole investor’s money and spent 73 million of it on dim campaigns. As for Delta, you don’t know his hood or how far $200K gets you or doesn’t get you in it so you might want to put some liquid cork in that pie hole of yours.

Haha. I see his tripe in your quote.

Their salary is middle class on the coasts. In the bay area you literally qualify for housing assistance to help buy a house if you make under $100,000 a year. They will pay 2% plus closing for you. They are not making millions from their 100k plus a year job. Just stop lying to yourself. Just stop. We all know these politicians are on the take or use their position to get rich. Why they heck would someone leave a law firm or what ever else they are doing to work in a potential 2 year job if it has no reward? Only difference in this conversation, is some on one side act like it is only Trump.

An yesTrump lost money. Considerable amount of wealth during his time as president.

Donald Trump's wealth takes tumble during presidency

Donald Trump's net worth dropped by about $700m to $2.3bn (£1.65bn) during his time as president, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

95sn 12-16-2022 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 2016681)
Do they have some sort of Al Anon type group for TDS sufferers like you? I think it would be a perfect fit for you. You are so heavily invested in anything Trump. I hope it pays as well for you as the FTX investments of countless victims of that number two democrat donor-who stole investor’s money and spent 73 million of it on dim campaigns. As for Delta, you don’t know his hood or how far $200K gets you or doesn’t get you in it so you might want to put some liquid cork in that pie hole of yours.

I havnt a penny invested, I think im good, the fools across the country deserve your attn. When there are reports about his antics, I hear. If its trending, I probably read about it. I didnt feel safe investing in crypto so I know nothing about crypto boy and dont really care either. Just like I dont agree with Kochs spending or Peter Theil or any of the other big far right spenders, it was the SC that said its A-ok, wasnt it. Yeah I dont like it, but i dont have a choice. Im confident $200K is not middle class wage, even in Beverly Hills middle class wage is just over $100K, not much diff in San Fran. Where do YOU think he lives that makes him correct?? He's cried about making less than most for years right here. Im smart enough to know what middle class wages are across the state and how to add up the Rod clues over 6-7 years or so, you? F no. Just lie again. You say im wrong? Point to where middle class wage is $200K . oops.
You forgot to update me on your scheme of lies about Pelosi, Biden Crime Family and all.Get with it.

95sn 12-16-2022 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier (Post 2016683)
Haha. I see his tripe in your quote.

Their salary is middle class on the coasts. In the bay area you literally qualify for housing assistance to help buy a house if you make under $100,000 a year. They will pay 2% plus closing for you. They are not making millions from their 100k plus a year job. Just stop lying to yourself. Just stop. We all know these politicians are on the take or use their position to get rich. Why they heck would someone leave a law firm or what ever else they are doing to work in a potential 2 year job if it has no reward? Only difference in this conversation, is some on one side act like it is only Trump.

An yesTrump lost money. Considerable amount of wealth during his time as president.

Donald Trump's wealth takes tumble during presidency

Donald Trump's net worth dropped by about $700m to $2.3bn (£1.65bn) during his time as president, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

lol, maybe you should read more than the headline. It shows reasons why his net worth dropped during 2016-2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic hit his fortunes hard, with Mr Trump's office buildings, branded hotels and resorts losing revenue and falling in value.

His fleet of planes and golf courses have also seen drops in their value.

Mr Trump is currently under a criminal investigation into his financial affairs and his family business.
And who was incharge and F'ed handling the pandemic? DJT
Maybe he is just toxic. Lets rehash his past performance.
Trump Casinos, BK, 4 diff times.
Trump Family Charity, Closed and fined by judge, never allowed to lead a charity ever again.
Trump University. Closed, lost fraud lawsuit and forced to pay $25Million in damages
Trump Steaks
Trump Water
Trump Vodka
Trump Airlines
All closed down, failed business, every single one.
Trump Organization just Convicted on 17 counts of Tax Fraud...
Trump presidency, impeached twice, lost house and senate and presidential election in successive elections, then he tried a violent coup to take over the US. Fail.
He is his own worst enemy.

ralph 12-21-2022 12:08 PM

Maximum lols at DeSantis land slide election victory being challenged as fraudulent by notorious liberal (checks notes)..... Mike "Pillow" Lindell.

Hands up who thinks this has trump stink all over it.

95sn 12-23-2022 8:19 AM

"I did not believe it for one second," Hannity testified
But kept on lying on TV and on Radio for month after month to YOU. And....you believed it. Parrot.


ralph 12-30-2022 1:19 PM

Trump to run third party? Please say it's true.


Just imagine if this turd can't win the primary against DeSatan so decides to sink the whole ship. Hilarious.

95sn 01-04-2023 1:26 PM

You think trump isnt a team player? Ha.
The entire party has a team problem, 6 votes and still no Speaker. lol. Gotta get to those hunter investigations and all...

ord27 01-05-2023 8:25 AM

I am curious as to why you aren't curious about the Hunter Biden story. Seems to me that the left poo poo's allegations about the left, but vigorously pursues and magnifies those about the right. This in itself might be why there is such a divide in the country. The divide intensified long before Jan 6

ralph 01-05-2023 9:26 AM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 2016716)
I am curious as to why you aren't curious about the Hunter Biden story. Seems to me that the left poo poo's allegations about the left, but vigorously pursues and magnifies those about the right. This in itself might be why there is such a divide in the country. The divide intensified long before Jan 6

Seems clear Hunter is druggie looser trading on his last name. Doesn't appear to be any evidence that Biden Snr is involved in his grifting. If evidence comes to light then fine then something can be done about it. I would guess that evidence being produced is close to zero.

95sn 01-05-2023 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 2016716)
I am curious as to why you aren't curious about the Hunter Biden story. Seems to me that the left poo poo's allegations bout the left, but vigorously pursues and magnifies those about the right. This in itself might be why there is such a divide in the country. The divide intensified long before Jan 6

Hunter B isnt part of the dem party, never ran for office, no one EVER voted for him...ie, he is not part of "the left". He is/was a drug addict, drug addicts do crazy chit for crazy drugged out reasons. His morals were suspect from the get go. All the original stories from the 1st trump impeachment about VP Biden and "Quid Pro Quo" at Burisma, the millions of $Cash held hostage... were all BS, made up republican talking points. This is all been verified...just not on FOX. Look it up, ive posted the facts in the past, its a 5 minute google search ie Wikipedia. Biden carried out the intentions of Obama, the US Government, Monetary fund, and the intentions of the rest of the democratic world who were assisting Ukraine. If Hunter B. is a common criminal, didnt pay taxes... arrest him, throw him in jail, just like trump. What did Dems pursue so hard?? Just an attempted coup by the loser of a US presidential Election who lied about voter fraud and rigged elections w/o ever showing a single piece of evidence? A violent attack on the capitol by thousands of fools carrying trump flags? A plot devised by trump to change electoral votes in 7 swing states he lost? Attempt to defraud We the People of the United States, chitting on the Constitution? All has been proven, maybe you missed it?
The Republicans in Nov ran on Inflation, Gas prices, the invasion at the border....how are useless "Investigations" about Hunter B, Faucci, Biden....going to solve the problems they ran on? Like I replied to you when you asked asked if I thought the border was a problem, Both parties need to get together and come up with some rational immigration policies.
FYI, the R party is full of dysfunctioning fools just trying to get a speaking spot on FOX soundbites. They have no interest in legislation or governing, the just want to blow it all up and get internet/social media points on Twitter. 7 tries and they cant even elect a speaker. This type of embarrassment hasnt happened in over 100 years. They knew in Nov to organize and figure this out...but nope. Even when they eventually elect a speaker, they will be a powerless joke. There are reasons "as a rule" we dont negotiate with terrorists....McCarthy is out there negotiating with them weakening his position daily. When you elect a bunch of crazy, look what you get. Who are the ones holding up the republicans?? Gun Crazy Lauren Boebert who only won reelection by a couple hundred votes in a recount. Matt Gaetz of Florida, a guy suspected of pimping a 17 yr old across state lines. The nutjob in AZ who is Paul Gosar, look him up. Then there is the crazy dude R's elected who lied about his job history, lied about his education not just College but lied about prep school too, lied about his religion saying he is a Jew, lied saying his mom died in 9/11 attacks, passed bad checks and some how amassed $millions to support his campaign while only making $50K a year....
Rant off.

ord27 01-05-2023 3:08 PM

geez. Try to post and I get booted

ord27 01-05-2023 3:12 PM

ah.....had a large paragraph typed. Don't feel like doing it again.
1) republicans are a mess....no doubt
2) would still pick that party over any democrat. A mess of republicans are better than dems ruining everything
3) Why not investigate. Half the country wants to know if the big guy is guilty of something. More dismissing of what half wants....typical
4) your Trump list starts with the jan 6th side show. What about the prior 4 years of bogus investigations and witch hunting.
5) we won't agree.....that's okay

95sn 01-06-2023 7:29 AM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 2016720)
ah.....had a large paragraph typed. Don't feel like doing it again.
1) republicans are a mess....no doubt
2) would still pick that party over any democrat. A mess of republicans are better than dems ruining everything
3) Why not investigate. Half the country wants to know if the big guy is guilty of something. More dismissing of what half wants....typical
4) your Trump list starts with the jan 6th side show. What about the prior 4 years of bogus investigations and witch hunting.
5) we won't agree.....that's okay

Why do you think "The Big Guy" did anything? Where is even a crumb of evidence? Hunters laptop? Do some googling about it before you get your hopes up.

Coups are not side shows. Trump is guilty AF. He led the entire election scam start to finish. He invited the clowns to the capitol, fired them up with his speech and sent them up the hill in the only way to "save their country". Once the violence started he sat on his azz and watched approvingly, in the middle he tweeted "Pence didnt have the courage"fired them up again... Then he sat back and failed in his duty to honor the constitution. He must have really enjoyed watching his army of idiots attack police officers trying to stop the certification of votes. Maybe you want to explain his plan of 7 swing states sending counterfeit electoral votes so he could steal the election?? Do you think Pence has the legal right to chose the president??
But yeah, its The Big Guy we need to investigate because...??? nothing 2 years post laptop.

What prior investigations should not have happened? The 2 impeachments? please. Russia/Putin giving trump a leg up? with over 30 indictments? Sorry, guilty again. The only redic investigation was Durham, the only one w/o finding a single thing. Prove me wrong if im making crap up. I am open to facts.

95sn 01-06-2023 7:32 AM

Kevin and the R's are 0 for 11. Way to show how well you run the country. But sure Dems are the evil ones cant do a dam thing.

ord27 01-06-2023 3:38 PM

yes side show.
It's been a witch hunt since 2016.
There's no proving anything. You will stick to your side and I will stick to mine.
AND...I agree with Cruz. The democrats manage to all fall in line and be unified. The republicans never have. I've complained about it for decades. But I will keep voting red.

95sn 01-07-2023 9:02 AM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 2016723)
yes side show.
It's been a witch hunt since 2016.
There's no proving anything. You will stick to your side and I will stick to mine.
AND...I agree with Cruz. The democrats manage to all fall in line and be unified. The republicans never have. I've complained about it for decades. But I will keep voting red.

Not sure how in 2023, a coup attempt in the United States of America is considered a side show. Unless you are just being disingenuous, due to political bias. Did you pay attn to any of the under oath Republican witnesses from the 1/6 hearings? (if not, all the info is available online) It wasnt Dems claiming trumps guilt, it was the people turnip himself hired. Orange Dude was proven to have used multiple different illegal strategies to steal an election he lost. Based on what trump did and you saying it wasnt anything, Biden will remain pres thru a second term VP Harris will just claim the electoral votes and bam, deal done. That what you are saying? That Biden can call states and demand extra votes and its ok? That Biden can enlist the DOJ to officially claim there was republican fraud and Biden won. That's all just a side show?? ok Dems never lose again, fair, according to you.
Do you think there was voter fraud as trump claims the reason for his loss? If so, where, how? It would take many thousands, millions of votes to change the results. How did they pull it off? Do you have any sources for your belief or is this all just your feelings? Again, im open to any facts you may have.

95sn 01-17-2023 3:07 PM

Been a week or so...ord27...? Is it ok for trump to steal elections, so dems never lose again too? Do I win the internet?

I recall markj whining about the "mainstream media" not covering the losers in City of LA racist City Council. I dont hear a word when a dude who lies about virtually everything in his past and gets elected to congress...and the House Republican chairperson knew about it and so did Speaker McCarthy. Not a word from mark, is that hypocrisy? FOX Entertainment covering the story?


joeshmoe 05-16-2023 4:41 AM

Lights, Camera.. and..
1 Attachment(s)
The Truth

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