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rosenbergmike 05-07-2011 2:47 PM

i'm free all next week!

05-09-2011 9:03 AM

Hey Mike, weather looks pretty dicey most of the week. Maybe Thursday will work out.

ryan_shima1 05-09-2011 10:48 AM

David, I may be able to get out, but not sure yet. Please keep me posted. I get back into town tomorrow night.

downfortheride 05-10-2011 8:22 AM

Well guys... It's VERY official that Mr. DFTR cannot surf worth a ****.

Anybody looking for Sunday sessions?

05-10-2011 1:02 PM

Ryan ~ Thursday still looks promising for me. LETS DO THIS:eek:

05-10-2011 1:03 PM

Josh ~ Any surf pics or do I need to go surf failblog for them?

downfortheride 05-10-2011 7:44 PM

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Fail like a poser . surf blog is the place. No camera but here's one shot. I paddled out to a wave like in the background and almost died I think! I'm ready to give it another go...
Attachment 13828 Attachment 13829

rosenbergmike 05-10-2011 9:51 PM

david, any thoughts on thursday?

05-11-2011 9:46 AM

Mike ~ I'm definitely taking the day off, so I'm good to go. Victor sent me a txt and wants to ride too if he doesn't get called into work. Dewey is also in, so I'm thinking meet up at my house 930ish!

05-11-2011 9:46 AM

Josh ~ did you do some straight riding with that finless board?

rosenbergmike 05-11-2011 9:52 AM

sick! could you PM me your address for my gps? my brother is in town, is it ok if he comes along for extra ballast? he's good with a camera too.

imondi 05-11-2011 12:08 PM

man, why is it so hard to find thirds in this town?? 2 days in a row!

downfortheride 05-11-2011 12:41 PM

David ~~ No fins... NOT legit. Never could keep the board straight to paddle in. THEN no leash so if I lost the board I was screwed!

05-12-2011 11:26 PM

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Victors first trunk set of the year! BOOM!

05-12-2011 11:41 PM

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couple more

ryan_shima1 05-13-2011 1:01 AM

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Here's the pics that came out good from my camera. (Sorry Dave, I didn't get any of you since I was your driver) :D

downfortheride 05-13-2011 6:39 AM

David with some boot! That wake looks bang'n...

Right on guys... Looks like an epic time with flat water.

Vic has been in a wetsuit since the water was high 40's... Crazy Mo Fo!

Shima ~~ That sure is a sweet looking setup... How's it treating you so far?

ryan_shima1 05-13-2011 9:47 AM

Josh, getting more comfortable on it every time I ride it. Just have to get use to how much it locks to the water vs. being looser like the Vice.

downfortheride 05-13-2011 9:53 AM

Pop, Lock & Drop It SHIMA!

ryan_shima1 05-13-2011 8:39 PM

And you know this...maaaannnn!

duramat 05-16-2011 7:06 AM

Last Friday was awesome! Cody made this vid :D

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/23785120?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/23785120">Inland Surfer Mucus, etc</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user4693142">codyb25</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

downfortheride 05-16-2011 6:14 PM

Matt ~~ Great weather and smooth water... Thanks for hog'n it all, SAT was a bust for us and the W word.

elduke 05-18-2011 9:51 AM

New Wake Park in Eagle Mountain?
I heard on Fox 13 that there is a wake park being built in Eagle Mountain next year. Anyone know details, location, all of the good stuff. This would be ridiculous fun.

Thanks for the input.

downfortheride 05-18-2011 11:05 AM

Rumor has the first System 2.0 setup to be done by July 2011 and a full 6 tower cable by next year!

This is a good read but Fox says it was approved http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=294&sid=15566529

newwhit 05-19-2011 3:30 PM

Hey guys,

I am newish to Utah, and no longer a boat owner. Need to get hook ups with pulls, just let me know how to connect with you guys. I can drive, back up trailers, gas money, etc.

Eagle Mountain wake park would be a blast! I have been wanting to try a cable pull FOREVER. Anyone make the trip to RENO for the one out there? I want to.

ryan_shima1 05-19-2011 8:04 PM

Hey newwhit,
Welcome to the thread and to Utah. It shouldn't be a problem to find a pull locally. What's your work schedule like or when are you most available to ride? My schedule changes constantly but if you post up or pm your contact info to a few on here with boats, I'm sure you'll be able to hook up a pull (as soon as the weather gets nice again!).

Reno is a bit too far of drive for me to hit a wake park. My friend went last year and said the Reno location was a blast and the site was growing but personally speaking, I'll much rather be behind the boat.

rosenbergmike 05-20-2011 4:45 PM

hey guys i made it back to home to vt! i just wanted to say thanks for helping me get out on the water and shred. hope to see you guys all sometimes soon, and keep me posted on any powell trips!!

downfortheride 05-20-2011 5:24 PM

Mike ~~ Glad you made it safe, it was good to meet ya. Good luck with your GB business.

Newwhit ~~ What up!

ryan_shima1 05-21-2011 11:06 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Some pics from today at Willard. Chase killed the HS/TS spins for his first set of the year!!! And it was great to ride with Vic one more time before he moves to CO this week!!!!

ryan_shima1 05-21-2011 11:08 PM

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And a little more of Chase, Hideko and me.

downfortheride 05-22-2011 3:34 PM

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GREAT riding guys!

Here's a couple of shot from today!
Attachment 14129

Attachment 14130

ryan_shima1 05-22-2011 4:28 PM

Nice booted Tantrum Josh! Looks like you boys got some REALLY great water! What's the temp at Mona??

newwhit 05-22-2011 5:41 PM

Guys, looks like great water! and Finally some good weather! Can't wait to get out there. Hope you guys don't mind an intermediate riding with you.

Give me a week, and I will be ready!

imondi 05-22-2011 5:54 PM

Thanks to everybody on here I rode with! Newwhit you wont find a better group of guys to ride with! I wouldnt even consider myself intermediate and this is the most helpful group of ppl you will find! I will be back in town often for work and you guys better believe that I will bugging you to go ride! Can't get enough of this stuff!

downfortheride 05-22-2011 7:15 PM

Shima ~~ Thanks! Once I got the wake handled I was get'n some boot. The MB F21 is no joke, we did have an extra 450 in the bow though. Felt so damn good to take a set without a drysuit... SPRING is here, cant wait for the super early AM sets! I would guess the water to be in the LOW 60's, it was warmer in the water than riding.

Vic ~~ Have a safe trip to your new home... Can't imagine any other way to say good bye to UT except from the EPIC we had today. Let's get Dustin (MC) in the loop and get a Northern UT weekend at Lake Powell. I think everybody would be more than happy to take care of his boat and leave it better then before we got there.

Whit ~~ Bro is was so needed by me to finally get some good water. I havent rode in a month and no better way to get back in the saddle then with great water and a legit wake to boot! Good times...

newwhit 05-31-2011 9:01 AM

I am available June 6th through the 9th!

what is the best way to do phone numbers? I will PM some of you, if that is okay!

DerrickW 06-01-2011 1:02 PM

Hey guys, sick pics. FINALLY got my wakeboard and stuff shipped in. Anybody riding this week? Have gas $ can drive, etc. etc.
Lets ride!

downfortheride 06-01-2011 7:29 PM

I think I can say... MOST of us is ready to hit the water between storms!

DerrickW 06-01-2011 8:12 PM

Well then let's go! I would have been riding today if I had my own boat. Looks like the rest of the week is giving us a break and will be nice. Who's riding and when?

06-02-2011 8:54 AM

I'm definitely down to ride Sunday. Too many things to catch up on to get out Saturday.

downfortheride 06-02-2011 12:02 PM

I just might have SUN afternoon open. Wife has plans SUN morning for something but wont tell me.

downfortheride 06-10-2011 1:12 PM

So are we going to have a nice weekend finally??? Let's hope cause the MB and SANTE will be flex'n their wake the next couple of days...

davee22ve 06-12-2011 6:31 PM

Staying at the mountain shadows rv park. I moved up here and work at snowbird ski resort now. Have u guys been getting out much. Been trying to myself but got a bum engine and the guy wont call me back so I have been trying to come up with enough money to build another engine not having much luck with the boat lately.

downfortheride 06-12-2011 6:40 PM

Mr. Rogers ~ So you're here for good or just another temp money maker then back home? We all have been getting out as much as the weather will allow wich is not much.

Derrick ~~ Good to meet ya bro! Great first set of the year for having ok water... Them Toe Fronts has me jones'n to try myself, that why I like to ride with everybody.

speedy841 06-13-2011 10:25 AM

Well I finally got the boat out on the water this past weekend in between the chance of showers. That being said my oldest son (15 year old) has been working the past couple of years to go W2W shouldn't have taken this long. If I have the rope shortened he is fine and can make it no problem, but Saturday he told me to leave the rope out so I did. I reminded him that it was his first ride of the year. In short he came up short and couldn't make it W2W. As a dad he will not let me try and coach him and I may be telling him wrong anyway.

I would like to get him some lessons or I'll even put up the boat, gas and free riding for someone to spend sometime with him so that he'll listen to someone else other than his dad. We ride at Willard a lot and sometime Pineview if that helps.

deuce 06-13-2011 8:45 PM


I'm not offering his services, but I have 2 words for you.... Ryan Shimabukuro.

If you can find Ryan out on Willard, bet he'd have your son going W2W in one run. Not only does he know wakeboarding like the back of his hand, but he is a world class level coach. Those two things do wonders when it comes to noticing what someone is doing and fixing the wrong, dialing in the right and putting it all together.

deuce 06-13-2011 8:47 PM

Oh....and I got out this weekend as well. Didn't ride, but it sure was nice to be in the boat again....;)

downfortheride 06-13-2011 9:05 PM

E.J. 's got real talk... Shima is the man when it comes to needing advice! In one run he helped me land a HS BS 180 Blind... Best part is he will be the first to the swim platform to congrat ya. Willard is his home lake so you have the upper hand to ride with him!

DAMIT E.J. I know we're not close but take me with you kid!

downfortheride 06-13-2011 10:53 PM

Alright I just have to know... Is this our very own Mr. Rogers doing a dude on dude slide run in Lake Powell... I'm thinking yes but I need more people to vote on it! Check out this video and at 1:11 seconds I think we see Rogers doin the dirty down the houseboat slide.

06-14-2011 6:29 PM

LOL... that's classic ;)

Damn leave it up to cyber-stalker Josh to dig that vid up!

downfortheride 06-14-2011 7:07 PM

Watch what you post dick's... I will find it and share it!

ryan_shima1 06-14-2011 11:08 PM

Thanks EJ & Josh for the kind words!

Kelly, Willard is also my home lake (I avoid Pineview as much as possible). Anyways, l would love to help your son out if we can arrange it. I'll be out of town this weekend (Fri-Sun) but let me know what your schedule allows, and we'll see what we can set up.

duramat 06-15-2011 7:27 AM

Willard was beautiful last night (and buggy)

My 3 year old gave the kneeboard a try which was awesome.

The new ballast system rocks! My fill/dump times are do much better than the dreary days of handoumps LOL. Hoping to get back out soon.

EJ, nice pic! I enjoyed seeing that red U! Looked like fun

ryan_shima1 06-15-2011 7:54 AM

Great to hear Matt, maybe I can get some idea's from you on how I can do one for my bow that I use a handpump for. How long you in town for?

duramat 06-15-2011 1:53 PM

Absolutely! Cody would be an excellent source of info ad well, he helped me on mine. In town for another week

newwhit 06-17-2011 10:43 AM

Towing suggestions?
I have access to a wake boat for a lake powell trip! the only problem is a tow vehicle. I dont have one.

Any suggestions? The major car rental places don't allow towing.

I am in northern UT headed to Page, AZ, where the houseboat is located


newwhit 06-19-2011 8:56 PM

alright, cool....

got it figured out.

newwhit 06-27-2011 2:13 PM

anyone going out tuesday or wednesday? june 28-29?

ryan_shima1 06-27-2011 9:18 PM

I wish I was, working late both days. Will let you know if my schedule changes though.

downfortheride 06-28-2011 11:04 AM

Newwhit ~ Hit up www.wakeutah.com for their wake Wednesday tomorrow.

newwhit 06-29-2011 8:08 PM

signed up for wake wednesday. cancelled due to weather, next time, i guess!

ryan_shima1 07-20-2011 1:01 PM

No posts in 3 weeks???? Where's everyone at these days?

downfortheride 07-20-2011 1:21 PM

I know I will be at Monster Wake Up this weekend. O and I have been hiding in Lake Powell.

ryan_shima1 07-20-2011 6:07 PM

I know you've been hiding in Powell you a$$! LOL, just messin bro. How was it? I know you got some pics to post! See you at PV on Saturday!

downfortheride 07-21-2011 9:02 AM

Shima ~ Powell was REALLY nice and it just gets better being able to pull the houseboat up to the shore and set camp. I tell you the anchors are a pain in the ass to get set and wind proof. We only lost one anchor but everybody was on it and got it under control in less than 5 min. Little by little I have pics coming up on Facebook but I'm still trying to catch up for being gone.

ryan_shima1 07-21-2011 10:09 PM

I've been checking the pics out, looks like good times had by all. How was the debris in the water because I heard people were burning **** up in their engines because of all the crap in the water?

downfortheride 07-21-2011 11:36 PM

Shima ~~ Depends on the side of the lake... We really never had trouble with water demons since we were lost WAY back in a canyon. UT yes its going to destroy your **** but on guard on Powell your 200% ok in the back of no mans land. Problem is we played beer pong more than riding! You know a real vacation hits when you don't do NOTHING!!!

zedagrizz 07-30-2011 8:57 AM

I've been away from the board for some time......
All ~ we went to Flaming Gorge last weekend for the first trip of the year (sounds lame but we were busy doing some other pretty cool *****). The riding was super good (I had two sets per day of near perfect water). I also went out on Friday morning (yesterday) for some sets on Jordanelle. Friday morning sets will be going down until the air and water gets too chilly. Anyone who wants to ride on Friday morning can hit me up at jbleyl@me.com.


downfortheride 07-30-2011 11:23 PM

Bleyl ~ I'm off every other Fri so I might just wanna take you up on the offer for your Friday sessions... I have been following your "doing some other pretty cool ****" on facebook! YES you are right you can't say **** enough for how cool of **** you guys did.
SESSION ON! What about leaving your boat and joining us for a early weekend session at "The Spot?"

zedagrizz 07-31-2011 9:17 AM

Josh ~ Where is "The Spot?"

cccbuilders 07-31-2011 11:20 AM

i'm in for fridays jb , but you gotta come pick me up

elduke 08-03-2011 8:46 AM

I need the Bleyl life. Let me know where to sign up.

downfortheride 08-03-2011 8:26 PM

Anybody going to Lake Powell this weekend?

Bleyl ~ I threw you a text... You don't think I would post our spot on the web.

aep6475 08-09-2011 7:26 PM

So I stalk you guys some times to see wth you are up to and I have to say, this is the quietest I have seen this board in 4 years. You are all either super ass busy or just getting old and fat/lazy like me :) I hope you are out riding and enjoying the summer.

downfortheride 08-09-2011 9:22 PM

Anthony ~ I'm fat and lazy and off of a kick ass trip from Lake Powell. I can say most of us on here are riding every week but slacking on posting up pics. A little bird told me there's a group meeting up tomorrow for some PM sessions at Nell...

rosenbergmike 08-10-2011 8:18 AM

i actually logged on and noticed for the first time this thread wasn't at the top of the forum...what's up with that utah??

08-10-2011 9:06 AM

Mike there seems to be a distinct lack of energy in this Northern UT crowd... maybe its the fact that our resident energy bar specialist packed up and left town.;) I guess it's time for me to hit up gorillabars.net and remedy that situation!:D

ryan_shima1 08-10-2011 9:54 PM

Anthony, wassup bro!!! I was just thinking about you the other day. Are you still in ID? Do you get out on the water at all? As for not much thread traffic here on WW, I believe that the new layout of the site has some of the old guys not using it much. I know I don't check it every day like I use to, and use Facebook a lot more to keep in touch with everyone that rides.

Mike, how's the North East treating you? I haven't seen many pics from you man, stop slackin!!!! And I miss the gorilla bars!

08-14-2011 6:09 PM

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08-14-2011 6:17 PM

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