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03-27-2013 11:58 AM

5'8 153 currently would like to drop another 5lbs for the summer.

phillywakeboarder 03-30-2013 2:34 PM

Week 6, Day 3. Basically, I'm now back to where I was when I finished my first round last December. My ony complaint is the pace of some of the DVDs - legs and back, and back and biceps, in particular. I really wish there was a setting on the DVDs that would allow you to give yourself a 10 or 15 second break between the moves, automatically. I feel that if I don't pause every now and then the resistance workouts kinda become cardio workouts, and it gets tiresome reaching for the remote all the time. "Hammer up, hammer down, like you're building a house . . . ."

phillywakeboarder 03-30-2013 2:45 PM

Hey Mike, if u get a weight vest, let me know how it works out. I was thinking of doing the same. My first thought was for pullups, but now I'm thinking it might be nice to do the leg stuff without weights in my hands. I think there are some that allow you to add/subtract weight, which would be nice.

BCPMike0663 04-01-2013 2:05 PM


Originally Posted by phillywakeboarder (Post 1814242)
Hey Mike, if u get a weight vest, let me know how it works out. I was thinking of doing the same. My first thought was for pullups, but now I'm thinking it might be nice to do the leg stuff without weights in my hands. I think there are some that allow you to add/subtract weight, which would be nice.

I bought the weight vest and I use it for push and pull days along with legs and back. I will tell you it makes the workouts way tougher. I really would recommend if you are in pretty good shape and want to go to the next level. I bought the 20 pound vest. It has little bags that weigh 3/4 pounds so you can adjust your weight. I am adding 11.5 pounds now and it makdes it way harder. Good luck. I got plyo today

annq42 04-02-2013 7:25 AM

The idea behind P90X was that resistance training is a cardio workout. It is suppose to be back to back. I did the DVDs and while they gave a good workout, I found that the overall result was more for look, and my realistic strength for boarding did not improve. Dont get me wrong my cardio was amazing, but I was no stronger than I was before.

richie44rich 04-03-2013 9:10 AM

Hey all, I have been killing P90X \ P90X2 for a little over 6 months now. I have gained a bunch of muscle and cant wait to start wakeboarding. I am 6-1 and went from 227 and am presently just under 185. The only downside so far is that I had to buy a few pairs of new pants as my old ones are too loose. I liked the programs and results so much, I decided to become a beachbody coach so I could assist others with the same goals. Check out my site at beachbodycoach.com/richie44rich and sign up for a free account to make me your coach. We can all do this together and achieve some awesome results!!

phillywakeboarder 04-05-2013 7:18 AM

Man, I don't see how you can do P90X and not get stronger. My first round resulted in a 62% increase in pullups and a 43% increase in pushups. I know there are other mass building programs (like body beast, for example) that'll make you stronger quicker, but I really don't think P90X is a cardio-focused program like, say, insanity. Now, whether any of the gains will help on the water, who knows . . . .

acurtis_ttu 04-05-2013 9:17 AM

I think you need to define stregnth...one veiw is it invloves pushing around weight. Dont' care how tall, how fat, ect....how much weight can you move?

In this sense...when I did p90...i definately noticed a drop in stregth in all measurable exercises. squat/bench/lat pull/shoulder press.

but cardio , flexibility and agility all increased. I also dropped abtou 8-10 lbs.

BCPMike0663 04-09-2013 8:10 AM

Still rolling. Using the weight vest on push and pull days. That thing is straight awesome. If you feel like you have plateued Give the weight vest a shot. It is a great addition. I am about 10 days away from baby so hopefully after my son is born I will be able to keep up with the program.

BCPMike0663 04-22-2013 6:44 AM

Well we had our baby so I took a week off. But I busted out some plyo yesterday and I am getting back on track. I am interested to see if I can keep the pace with the baby. I know my diet will improve now that my wife will not be eating mexican food four days a week.

BCPMike0663 03-06-2017 10:08 AM

Reviving this thread. I ended up having a second child and was slacking on serious exercise for a while. I decided it was time to start up again and started January 1st. Now a little older and a little greyer, I am now 65 days in. I have been pretty strict on the diet, except for an occasional dinner out and some wine. Over all I have seen pretty darn good results. Back over 130 pull ups on Legs and Back days. I leave on a trip in four days, so I will take my recovery on when I am gone.

After all these years I still love the work outs, and it is amazing how your body is a machine. The diet is the key and I have been able to stick to it pretty well.

Hoping to push hard through the 90 days and beyond.

ord27 03-06-2017 6:03 PM

you can do it Mike!
consider some supplements for joint health...

BCPMike0663 03-06-2017 9:18 PM

Ripper and legs and back done!

BCPMike0663 03-20-2017 4:48 PM

Finally got some sets on the water this weekend. Who ever doesn't think P90X helps wakeboarding is crazy. My handle position was so much better and haven't even really wake boarded hard in a couple years. I can't wait until I get my timing back but for now it is back to ripper and legs and back today.

pesos 03-20-2017 6:03 PM

You guys are inspiring. It's been tough stretch fitness/healthwise with 7 moves in 2 years, a few of those while pregnant (my wife, not me) with twins, not to mention the twins themselves. I got as heavy as 210 which is way over the 185-195 I've always been depending on how much I'm lifting (bit over 6'2"). Been swimming and running and doing light weights here and there as well as some juice cleanses and I'm back to 198 and feeling much better. Have a triathlon coming up in a couple months but after that it may be time for some Tony Time.

BCPMike0663 03-26-2017 10:05 AM

Making more progress. Still have a ways to go but the wife called me ripped today which I don't ever remember happening in the past. Just finished ripper and push and pull. Very happy with my progress.

If you are on the fence, hop on the train. It will help your wake boarding and you just feel so much better in general.

ord27 03-27-2017 7:30 AM

agreed Mike
I've gone through the program several times. Some doing the yoga, and some not doing it. I can honestly say, that even though it's a long and boring routine,it made a huge difference in my results and how I felt.

BCPMike0663 03-27-2017 7:50 AM

I am not going to lie, I am skipping the yoga. I do yoga belly and I run on yoga days. I am going on a trip to Tennessee in the next couple weeks and when I comeback. I will try and get on the yoga train.
What I have done well is be consistent with the work outs, and be consistent with the diet. I think the diet is probably the most important change that I have made.

ord27 03-27-2017 7:52 AM

I agree. The diet is sometimes the most difficult past of the program.

keep pushing play!!

pesos 03-27-2017 4:09 PM

Haven't been lifting (other than pullups around the house) but have been doing swim/run and doing well with diet. Dropped another 5 lbs.

Gonzo 03-28-2017 6:28 AM


Originally Posted by BCPMike0663 (Post 1955921)
I am not going to lie, I am skipping the yoga. I do yoga belly and I run on yoga days. I am going on a trip to Tennessee in the next couple weeks and when I comeback. I will try and get on the yoga train.
What I have done well is be consistent with the work outs, and be consistent with the diet. I think the diet is probably the most important change that I have made.

I always subbed in cardiox for the yoga day. It was lighter workout and still had like 15 min of stretching. Wish i had the time and space for this now. I used to love my p90, now i am stuck in a gym with little results.

BCPMike0663 03-28-2017 7:18 AM

Really pushing hard now. Ran last night, with sprints and a great pace. Also did yoga belly, one leg up plank to chatarunga sets and L shaped holds on pull up bar. My core strength and cardio in general have increased so much. It hasn't been quite 3 months but I am very happy with results. If I can keep this up through round 2 I will probably be in the best shape of my life at 38. I don't know if that is amazing or sad.

BCPMike0663 03-28-2017 9:30 PM

131 pull ups tonight. First time maybe ever I broke 130. I will have to research the thread to see if I have done it in the past. Still I was under a hundred on Jan. 1

ord27 03-28-2017 11:03 PM

That's cool Wes!!

Awesome Mike

jonblarc7 03-29-2017 5:35 AM

131 is impressive sir.

I know you saw my thread about a workout routine and a home gym. One thing I need to concentrate more on is pull ups. I've been working on the basic (squat, bench, deadlift) that I have always been really bad at. All three have gone up so much the weights that I could only do once when I started are nothing now. My third set on bench is up 30 pounds from my starting max :)!!!!!

Keep it up, It's going to be a good year to ride!!!!!

BCPMike0663 03-29-2017 7:46 AM

Looking back I have done over 130 pull-ups before but I think that is with coming off the bar and then going back up during sets. This was 131 straight. Re-reading this thread how the hell did Alan do over 200? I think I can probably get to 150 at some point but 200 just seems unattainable to me.

jonblarc7 03-29-2017 8:47 AM

70 straight seem pretty unattainable for me!!!! I guess I need to put in some work. Which grip are you using??

pesos 03-29-2017 10:53 AM

Wait you did 130 straight no stopping? Not over the course of the p90 workout??? That sounds insane. I'd be happy if i could get back to a set of 15 hahaha

jonblarc7 03-29-2017 10:56 AM

I want to know how long this took also!!! LOL

BCPMike0663 03-29-2017 11:47 AM

Sorry for the confusion. It is 131 for the whole legs and back routine. I used to do 10 then come off the bar and go back up and do 5 more and count that as 15. Now I am doing 15 straight with out coming off.
Yesterday looked like this:
Reverse 22 and 22
Wide 15 and 12
close 15 and 15
Regular (I cheat and don't do switch grip) 15 and 15

I think I can probably push the close and regular to 20 for one set. We will see.

pesos 03-29-2017 11:50 AM

Nice. Glad to know you're human XD

When I was doing P90x I don't think I ever built up over 85. Goals!

jonblarc7 03-29-2017 1:06 PM

Ok still really good, wide grip get me every time.

You made me look up the world record pull ups in a row after I saw your post. LOL

It's 232 in 36 mins if you wanted to know.

pesos 03-29-2017 1:18 PM

I just struggled through 3 sets of 9. Ugh lol.

I did get my mile down from 8 minutes to 7:15 though!

BCPMike0663 03-31-2017 9:51 AM

I have been off on my work outs the last couple of days. Ran a mile last night 6:57 and did shoulder bi-tri but I just didn't want to do ripper. In the past I would stop working out but I am trying to be mentally tough and push through. I have another week and then I will have a break for a trip we are taking.

It is tough but to get to that next level I think I just have to be really consistent.

Wide Grip pull ups are defiantly the hardest. I think I can get the other grips to 20 but my goal with the wide is 15 for both rounds.

Just got to keep pushing play.

BCPMike0663 04-01-2017 10:35 AM

Much better work out today. Push and pull. 87 pull ups and good quality push ups. Did yoga belly as well.

Sometimes it goes well, sometimes not.

So nice to work out at like 8AM instead of 6AM of 9PM

pesos 04-02-2017 2:24 PM

Dropped another few pounds. Fired up ripper today for the first time in months. Gonna feel it tomorrow!

BCPMike0663 04-03-2017 7:52 AM

Good to see someone else joining the train! First ripper definitely does some ripping.

Yesterday was ripper and running for me. Got 4 miles in with sprints and walking with weights.

My schedule is screwed up this week due to travel for work but I do have legs and back tonight and I am going to do my best to get the work outs in.

Goal= 135 pull ups for tonight.

BCPMike0663 04-03-2017 9:50 PM

Crushed it tonight but I am reaching the breaking point. Thank goodness next week is recovery.

Pull up total= 145

Reverse 25 and 25

Wide 15 and 15

Close 16 and 15

Regular 18 and 16

pesos 04-03-2017 10:06 PM

Nice work, 145! Crazy.

I did a couple miles in 14:30 and tried to swim after but I was pretty beat.

BCPMike0663 04-04-2017 9:34 AM

How did ripper treat you???

pesos 04-04-2017 10:24 AM

Groin a little sore but otherwise not too bad. Means I have to push harder!

BCPMike0663 04-19-2017 9:11 AM

Took almost two weeks off for trip to Tennessee. Great times but I am back on track. Yesterday ran 4 miles and did ab ripper. A little tough to get started but felt good when I was done.

Interesting note, I left at 166 pounds and weighed myself this morning and was 164. I don't know if that was a good thing because I feel like I lost some strength but I guess it is better than gaining 10 pounds.

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