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-   -   INT Nationals, September 24-27, who's going? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82950)

tammy 09-18-2003 7:47 AM

Our delta local, Cory will be in the masters division, good luck old man! <BR> <BR>Also wanted to wish all those who are planning on going "Good Luck" <BR> <BR>

cfisher 09-18-2003 8:37 AM

Good luck, Cory!

sickboy 09-18-2003 8:38 AM

Rip it up Cory!! <BR> <BR>Where are the nationals this year, are they finally in Ca?

susieq 09-18-2003 9:00 AM

Awesome Cory!! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way for sure. Good Luck!!

jrichard 09-18-2003 9:09 AM

Cory, break a leg! Uh, no, wait, I didn't mean that. Go big. Don't break anything. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>JR

ldr 09-18-2003 9:16 AM

I'll be going because my little brother Kevin Bird will also be representing the delta competing in the outlaw division

poon 09-18-2003 9:26 AM

Tear it up Cory.......... don't forget to take your teeth out before your ride, you don't want those bad boys popping out while you are riding, it will make you lose your focus : )

wakelvr 09-18-2003 9:30 AM

Cory, <BR> <BR>GOOD LUCK!!!! Tear it up!!!! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

aka Bradley Beach 09-18-2003 9:56 AM

There will be 4 of us traveling out there from the great state of KANSAS! One is wakeboarding and kneeboarding and all of us are in the slalom division too! We can't wait, leaving on Tuesday!

elisa 09-18-2003 10:09 AM

Good Luck Cory!! <BR> <BR>One less thumb joint will give you an edge on the competition <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

09-18-2003 10:22 AM

You mean I get to hang out with a stud like you, Cory?!!! Awesome job!!! Everyone is proud of you, so, you better not blow it.... <BR> <BR>Just teasing! Good Luck Cory.

piglet69 09-18-2003 11:08 AM

INT? I dont even know what that means, but good luck anyway LOL<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

tammy 09-18-2003 11:57 AM

KState: 5 and a half 32mph, 15' off, VERY NICE! good luck next weekend. <BR> <BR>Mark they are Bakersfield this year. <BR>Arun you kill me! <BR>JR, you should know by now, its never legs with Cory only arms.

bbr 09-18-2003 12:33 PM

Tammy, do you know the times of each of the days for the wakeboarding events? I have a couple of those days off and since I live in Bakersfield, I would like to try to make it.

bbr 09-18-2003 12:46 PM

How do you get to compete?? Do you have to win your class??

dococ 09-18-2003 12:56 PM

Alright Cory! Rip it up, dude! I know you'll be serving it up big time! Show all them folks how it's done in NorCal!

kimmy 09-18-2003 1:09 PM

Good Luck, Cory-Sun! John and I will never forget the first trick 90 surface to faceplant years ago. Cory try this,,,okay....<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>. Bring Ol' Yella just for good luck.

tammy 09-18-2003 1:16 PM

Hi Brandon, I'm not sure of the times. I will try and find out. they are running 2 lakes, wakeboarding has one so I'm sure it will be going on all day. <BR> <BR>Yes you have to win your class to go.

kaben 09-18-2003 1:19 PM

Good Luck Cory. I like Aruns Advice.

garyw 09-18-2003 2:29 PM

Good luck to everybody going to the US Championships in Bakersfield this year <BR> <BR>Brandon/Cassandra K check out <a href="http://www.intleague.com" target="_blank">www.intleague.com</a> <BR> <BR>Tammy one lake will be for skiing and the other will be for wakeboarding and kneeboarding. You really need to watch the outlaw kneeboarders they are crazy and will put on a good show

bbr 09-18-2003 2:44 PM

When do the wakeboarders ride?? All 4 days or two or what?? I looked at the website and didn't see anything.

peeejay 09-18-2003 3:20 PM


wakeboard_iraq 09-18-2003 4:23 PM

PJ - your personal quote is hilarious

deepstructure 09-18-2003 5:22 PM

congrats and good luck cory! im sure you'll tear it up.

peter_c 09-18-2003 6:53 PM

Most importantly HAVE FUN!

alan_bogdanoff 09-18-2003 9:01 PM

Good Luck Cory, <BR>Smoke everyone in your path!! <BR>Alan Bogdanoff

twakess 09-19-2003 8:55 AM

Good luck Cory!! but... I didn't know that INT let Nuts ride in the comps. They must of changed the rules. BTW I don't think you will be able to bribe the judge with a $20. So ride your ass off.

wakeboysmom 09-21-2003 7:58 AM

Usually the running order will be announced the evening before if you check in then or first thing in the morning at the 8:00am or so riders meeting. Riders will ride days 1 and 2, day 3 is for the top three riders in each division. The wakeboard lake will be running 2 divisions at a time. ie: one boat will pull Jr. Novice and when that rider is done the second boat will take off with maybe Novice. (these are examples only). Usually the "boat" change will take place for ballast at the Men's Advanced division. Then at Expert and Outlaw more weight will be added. <BR>My son has rode at the "nationals" for 3 years and this is what the "running orders" have been like in the past. Last year we got the running order about a week before going, a "friend" from Arkansas e-mailed it to us. Don't know how he got it, but it sure came in handy. Hey, why not e-mail your state cord. or the headquarters. (they have probably already left though). <BR>Texas didn't have an INT this year. So ya'll, "Let er rip"!

barefooter12 09-21-2003 7:52 PM

Is anybody going boarding in Bakersfield before the comp?

mike_riffle 09-21-2003 11:07 PM

To answer some questions, I am in Bakersfield and spent Saturday putting up the announcing tower and spent today in meetings. The lakes are pretty awsome and better yet the weather has been 95 and sunny. I think everyone will have a great time at the new site. As for the running order, we have it and its to much for me to post, but hopefully everyone has the cell numbers of their coordinators. If you have any questions I will try to check the web site tomorrow night and I will try to answer your questions then. I will tell you that we will take the top four for the Saturday championship round. Later <BR> <BR>Thanks <BR>Mike &amp; Suan Riffle <BR>Kansas INT <BR>Midwest District Coordinators

wakeboysmom 09-22-2003 6:36 AM

Kewl, top 4 riders! Thing about having the Nationals in Texas, it's hurricane season...All kinds of "weather" happens around Houston and the Gulf right now. Bumping the comp up 2 weeks is a good thing. <BR>Ya'll have fun, and remember, you boarded your best all summer against your competition at the state level to get where your at. Whether you are 1st or 21st, hold your head up, this is just for FUN. You will be no better or worse after it's all over. (Just a little "broker". <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

norcal_99 09-28-2003 1:28 PM

Hey Cory, How did you finish?

eccpaint 09-29-2003 7:03 PM

Where was Cory? He never showed up.

couchboy_wake 10-04-2003 12:33 AM

What did everyone think about the lake? <BR>I was in MN riding and filming all summer. I come home after being gone the whole summer and see that INT Nats are on the lake 2 down from mine. I was stoked. I know our lakes are shallow but for CA its not to bad eh? <BR> <BR>Brennan <BR><a href="http://www.couchboys.com" target="_blank">www.couchboys.com</a>

wakeboysmom 10-04-2003 6:40 AM

Mike the INT state cord. of Kansas (see above) made a post on <a href="http://www.wakeboard.com" target="_blank">www.wakeboard.com</a> concerning the wakeboard lake. (several other people also)...It was too shallow and if INT goes back next year the lake will be drained and dug about 2 feet deeper. The other lake was good though. He said everyone had a good time and the location was good.

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