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-   -   outbid on e-bay (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82338)

ldr 09-12-2003 6:57 PM

My wife just got outbid at the last second on ebay. I have tried forever to find a board she likes, but this is the first time she was willing to try to buy. There are a few stipulations she likes to stand by; it has to be cute, and it has to be cheap. She was going for a 128 Obrien Siren. It had flowers and junk on it, if anyone has an older or cheaper Hyperlite Essence 131, Or any other "CUTE" girlie board (size 128-132), that is willing to make my wife happy, please let me know!!!

dirwoody 09-12-2003 7:35 PM

I have a 99 blindside 5-0. There's a picture of it here on wakeworld.

tlb 09-12-2003 7:48 PM

My wife wants to sell her board. It's in like new condition with medium to small boots. blindside 125. $150 <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/82344.jpg" alt=""> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/82345.jpg" alt="">

phaeton 09-12-2003 8:50 PM

I have a 128 Diva on Ebay. <BR><a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=3626642505&amp;cat egory=47363&amp;rd=1" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=3626642505&amp;cat egory=47363&amp;rd=1</a> <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/82366.jpg" alt=""> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/82367.jpg" alt="">

gpalovcak 09-13-2003 5:17 AM

Here is a good cheap board I have on e-bay. <BR> <BR><a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=3626517511&amp;cat egory=23808&amp;rd=1" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=3626517511&amp;cat egory=23808&amp;rd=1</a>

ldr 09-13-2003 8:38 AM

darin how much do you want for your board? and is it the 132 or 125?

wakeboard_iraq 09-15-2003 3:17 PM

Matthew - I was in the same boat. Tried getting her this "cute" earthboard on ebay that was yellow with purple flowers all over it and my server at work crashed in the last couple minutes of bidding so I didnt get it. Wakeworld gave it something like zero stars in its rating and basically said it was a piece of crap and might float without bindings but she didnt care - it was "cute". <BR> <BR>Women - performance means nothing. It has to look "cute" with flowers and stuff. <BR> <BR>Men - give me some skulls and blood and it has to have a huge pop! <BR> <BR>I ended up accidently getting her a Parks 133 DNA (for $200.50) on ebay - was just goofing around and put that in for a bid and nobody outbid me to my surprise. Although the board has a girl on it (with flames coming out if her hand - oops) she does not consider it a girls board. However, she has had a good attitude about her board that is not cute.

hyperryd 09-15-2003 3:37 PM

My wife got a purple HL Essence 131 with purple Essence mini bindings. She said that she wanted a purple or pink board and this time she was going to get it. When I bought her a new quad last December she wanted a pink one(ughhh!!). She got a black and red one that matched mine. They only came in blue or black and red, so I got lucky.

ldr 09-18-2003 9:28 AM

Darin, <BR> Where are you? my wife is very interested in the board. my email is outdated but you can email my wife at <a href="mailto:soccerbarbie03@hotmail.com">soccerbar bie03@hotmail.com</a>

09-18-2003 1:20 PM

Matthew- the same thing happened to me. I put in a bid of $200 for a pair of brand new Belmonts last year and in the last 15 seconds of bidding some @$$h-le bid $250. And I needed those bindings like a day after the auction.

lchamaschuk 09-18-2003 2:34 PM

Hey, not all women want purple and flowers and stuff! Some of us want performance! But then again, my husband says I have more 'guy' in me, so maybe I don't fit the average mold.

wakeboard_iraq 09-18-2003 2:40 PM

Lets test that theory Lucky Charms: <BR> <BR>Do you wait until your husband is nearly asleep and say, "lets talk".

lchamaschuk 09-18-2003 2:44 PM

Actually, he does pretty good talking on his own in his sleep!

toolfan 09-18-2003 2:56 PM

dont get me wrong.......I love EBAY, but I want people to be aware that people selling stuff on ebay often vote on it using another username just to jack up the price. <BR> <BR>If they end up winning the bid.....no biggie! they just mail it to themselves(sarcasm). <BR> <BR>the next day, they repost the product and do the said process over again until the product gets the sellers asking(or wishing) price. <BR> <BR>BUYERS BEWARE!!! <BR> <BR>The BEST thing to do is use the "buy it now" feature or call the person selling it if it is being sold by a dealer. they will usually give you a good price. <BR> <BR>Just trying to lookout for the wakeboarding community. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

wakeboard_iraq 09-18-2003 3:02 PM

There are lots of good deals to be found though.

toolfan 09-19-2003 5:44 AM


supraman 09-19-2003 6:10 AM

A lot of you sound bitter about losing an auction in the last seconds. Wisen up! That's the way to do it. Why would you let the world know how much you want to pay three days before the auction ends? Let people think they've got no competition, then with 15 or 10 seconds left, sweep in and take the auction so no one will have a chance to counterbid. I've been looking for a board to teach groms and girls on for a while and picked up a 2002 130cm board still in the plastic for $102.50 last night on EBAY. You've got to know how to play the game. <BR> <BR>PS - If you need bindings in two days, EBAY is probably NOT a great way to go about getting them<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>

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