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theloungelife 03-30-2020 7:49 AM

COVID Riding Strategy
Anyone have specific plans as spring starts blooming? I ride with a bunch of guys I don't live with. Doing my best at social distancing right now, but not wanting to miss out on too much wake season. I'm thinking no more than 3 people on the boat (1 dirver, 1 rider, 1 spotter). Everyone uses their own handle. Santize steering wheel between drivers. Spotter sits in the back seat. Everyone brings their own micro fibers to wipe down at the end of the day, or they at least get washed between sessions.

Porbably going to delay start of the season at least into May as well.

Strange times...

parkcityxj 03-30-2020 11:22 AM

Not sure what we're going to do yet, it's too early to tell. But in UT right now you can only go to lakes in the county you live in. They are checking IDs at the lake and turning people around. I live in Summit County and Rockport is my home lake, so I'm good unless they shut them completely down.

I was planning on spending April in St George to get a jump on the season but I can't now, sucks!

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/WHrOYeQ"><a href="//imgur.com/a/WHrOYeQ"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

theloungelife 03-30-2020 1:57 PM

Yeah I am in Utah too in Salt Lake. So I'm out of luck based on the current rules. Might need to switch my address to a PO box somewhere... Usually store my boat up at East Canyon, but who knows at this point.

ryan_shima1 04-03-2020 6:00 AM

Rich & Jay,

Yeah, this county access mandate sucks, but Jay, at least you have Rockport to go to. Us in Davis county have nothing, and I'd assume Rich is in the same boat. Willard just revised their FB post from the other day and said they are just going back to only allowing Box Elder county residents. But Rob C called and he said that they were just going to be asking where you're from, not actually checking ID.

Anyone want to take the chance & renegade it? LOL

dcooper 04-03-2020 9:14 AM

Oh no! I was thinking Willard Bay was still in Weber County. At least I thought the South Marina was... Makes me wonder what the situation with Pineview will be... ?

ryan_shima1 04-03-2020 9:33 AM

Not sure about PV. But my friend literally just texted me a couple of minutes ago that they tried to go to Willard but there was a sheriff at the top of the ramp checking ID's to make sure you are from Box Elder county. It's a Class B misdemeanor offense I guess. So he just turned around and went home.

Willard, even the South marina, is on the border of Weber & Box Elder, and a couple of days ago they had posted on their FB page that they were going to extend access to Weber residents as well. But yesterday, when Weber & Morgan counties went into lockdown at 12:30pm, they changed it back to just Box Elder access.

I guess we'll just have to wait & see. I hope they extend the renewal dates from those who paid for the yearly passes. I always do.

stevo8290 04-06-2020 2:36 AM

Wow. I'm in Louisiana (which is apparently dealing with the highest levels of COVID19) and we were able to ride yesterday. I took my boat with my riding buddy and we didn't have any problems. At one point it did seem like the warden was getting ready to pull us, but maybe since we only had two people he decided to let us be.

jonblarc7 04-06-2020 6:39 AM

I just talked to a wildlife officer while out on our local lake here in NC. But covid is not that strong here.

He told me the only thing they are looking for is groups of 10 or more. If your in one boat and have more than 10. Then your in trouble.


If your tied up to 5 other boats and there are more than 10 people total, you are in trouble.

I didn't ask what kind of trouble since all I want to know if I could have three in my boat to wakeboard.

theloungelife 04-06-2020 7:51 AM

Interesting to hear about how different parts of the country are handling this. Finger's crossed we see some updates in UT in the coming month or 2. I'm all for doing our part to be safe, but hoping there is some common sense to maintain everyone's sanity. Missing an entire or most of a summer would be rough.

ottog1979 04-06-2020 11:22 AM

It could be like Malibu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnNlZ1ik8E0

bcrider 04-07-2020 4:18 AM

Theloungelife: In all honesty you shouldn't be having anyone on your boat that you don't live with. A boat isn't exactly a place where you can really socially distance from each other while on the same boat. At that point sharing a handle or wiping a steering wheel isn't going to make much of a difference. Yes, you are out in the open but you'd still be in the confines of each others breath and that would be potentially more dangerous than what you are potentially touching.

I hope all of this crap eases up before summer really gets going as it's really going to suck otherwise. I suppose I'm lucky as I'm self sufficient with my wife and our boys but there are also lots of outing that it's just buddies. This all being based on that the local parks don't close the boat launch as they have already closed all of the surrounding parks to keep people away. That just makes all of the beach goers park in the boat launch (only) parking.:banghead:

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