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ditri 09-15-2016 5:02 PM

Tantrum - backside rotation during flip (help please)
Hi. I was submited my video on Learn Wake but the page is redesigned and unfunctional. My video is lost and it appears that the new owner of page is not working on it....

If im trying to throw the trick im allways landing with back to the boat and with backside rotation (90-180 degrees) and it looks like the bad tantrum to blind :-) ...at the start of the season, i was landing the trick one wake and once w2w but now im lost in the trick...please if somebody could help it will be great :-)

here is the video https://www.youtube.com/upload

razorjaw 09-15-2016 6:48 PM

Hey mate, can you fix the youtube link? Go to your video and copy the URL from there.

ditri 09-16-2016 1:56 AM

Hi link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyHrZSxQ45Q

There is no simply way to edit wrong link - it writes: The administrator has specified that you can only edit messages for 10 minutes after you have posted. This limit has expired, so you must contact the*administrator*to make alterations on your message.

lucas200397 09-16-2016 2:55 AM

tantrum troubles
2 Attachment(s)
I feel like what I'm seeing you issue is...your shoulders. If you watch your shoulders during the initiation of the flip they are not in line with the path of the boats travel. (see pictures) I learned to do scarecrows after tantrums and the way I was taught to initiate they trick for the 180 was when I left the wake toeside, take your left shoulder and try and make it touch your right knee.. and it works it accomplishes the 180. I would focus on keeping the handle, and your shoulders all on the same plane (think of the rope as a line should enter through your right hand and exit through your left shoulder in a straight line) first photo is a failed attempt and your shoulder position, the second is the successful attempt

ditri 09-16-2016 3:19 AM

Hi. Thank you so much for the info :-) i will go try it now :-)

ditri 09-21-2016 4:40 AM

Hmm i was trying everything but im still landing with my back in the opposite to boat. If somebody has the same problém - please let me know how you solve it....the worst thing is that i do not know where the problém is. In the edge? In the hand? In the head (yes probably yes :-)? in the legs? in the eyes that are blind? ...uf I has tantrum completed. In the day in which i throw it wake to wake i land the first backroll and this is my last day with tantrum in this season....

jarrod 09-21-2016 7:01 AM

It's hard to tell from that video, there are a few things that cause that rotation.

Rotating / Spinning in any scenario is cause by turning your head, moving the handle, or both. When you square up and flatten off at the wake to pop the trick, make sure you're not turning your head to look over your back shoulder when you flip. I'm betting this is your problem. Look straight over. You can practice this on a trampoline.

As you're flipping, if you pull the handle back toward your navel where it started while you were edging in, you should be able to straighten back out and land in the proper position. Don't forget to turn you head to look back over your front shoulder at the same time to look in the direction you're riding in.

You have an "out the back" rotation, instead of straight up and over flip. Usually this is caused by standing too heavy on the back foot. When you edge in, think about weighting the board evenly, and when you square up to pop, stomp down with your front foot to push off. This should level the board, and help you flip straight over, and will probably help fix your rotation problem as well.

Have you landed them one wake?

ditri 09-21-2016 3:46 PM

Hi. I was landed it one wake many times. But every time was there a small rotation - i never land it with the front part of body opened to the boat - there was a bit of "out the back" rotation but i correct it after landing (you can see my most landing position in video in 0:19 or 0:25).... It looks like directly when im leaving the wave - my board start rotating "out the back" and my back are seeing from the boat right after jump.... If i try it on trampoline - its ok, if i try the reentry jumps my board has the good direction, but if i try it quick and harder - something happens and i land as i land :-) My feelings are: It looks like my back leg is going through the wake because i have lot of energy from the approach and im no pararell with the wake. As you write about the front foot stomping - for now i was trying do something like a ollie - and initiate it by pushing down the back foot no front foot....i read somewhere that is right? Other my feeling is when im in the air that the energy from the rope is too strong in one moment of flying and before landing i have no tension in the rope for correct it. Im not sure about the hand - should i have push my hand to the body directly after jump or before the landing? May be that i must wait some time and my head will do it right, but the end of season is comming and i want to unlock this trick (because i have it and lost it)...so as i write im lost in this trick :-) if im going to throw it i have full head of tips and do not know what should works. If im going on backroll i have only one thing in head (stay correct) and if i go on 360 im not thinking about it.....and my only idea now is - slow the boat and do it from the reentry pops but there will be the facecrashes :-) ...it will be super if somebody has the same symptoms like me and solved it :-)

and jarrod thank you so much for the tips. I live in the country in which is only few wakeboarders behind the boat...

ditri 09-21-2016 4:05 PM

there is no chance edit messages..i must write it here: and my last feel is - if im trhowing once wake to wake - there was something different directly after leaving the wake, the pop was different than usually and i have the optimal tension in the rope directly after start of jump...

ditri 09-21-2016 8:10 PM

and sorry for my asking and many words in bad english but last questions: the tantrum is really throwing from toes like on the trampoline? Because it looks if im going up the wake im catchning a slightly heelside - there is no water support under the toes :-) ...btw if im thinking about it you should be right with the back foot heavy...i will try it :-)

razorjaw 10-04-2016 4:28 PM

As you ease off, put more weight on your front foot and really jam your lead elbow down your hip. You'll find you get more pop too.

JohanLiam1 07-30-2017 10:04 PM

Awesome! It worked!
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