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Cisco 01-15-2015 7:43 PM

#Area Fifty-Blew
*warning Henny fanboys will get offended*

I'm not alone when I call this video out as nothing more than a fancy backdrop. There's at least 100 cablerats that could do these tricks and this guy is supposed to be a pro wakeboarder? You don't need much balance or skill to ride up the metal rail that is directly under the cable. The tension pulls you back onto the rail if you start to come off either side. So somebody please tell me which one of these tricks was actually difficult. If he did any of these tricks at a regular cable it would look like amateur hour. Even some of his landings were sketchy af. Is this what cableboarding has come to?

<iframe width="930" height="523" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/T3SFgK8jvAA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Relax, don't trade in your wakeboard for a wakesurfer just yet. There is still some progression left. Zee Germans are throwing tricks you don't see everyday at your local park.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/116359520" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

But then you will say "Henny is just starting to build", "Kevin is a rail master", "His set up is huge"...Well then shouldn't we see bigger tricks out of a bigger set up since he is a rail master? Just calling out some wackness is all

Bam6961 01-15-2015 9:46 PM

actually that rail is a lot skinnier than most rails at cable parks making it harder to balance. this edit doesn't really seem like much time was put into it, i doubt his intent was to blow minds with new creative riding. if you want to watch some of his best here a vid that does that well.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/73849772" width="500" height="213" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/73849772">HENSHAW</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/iodamedia">Ioda Media</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

LukeR103 01-16-2015 8:41 AM

Not a Henny Fanboy, but what tricks did "Ze Germans" do that you haven't seen before? Turtle Roll 360 to boardslide?

I would much rather watch the Henny videos 5 times than the German edit - but yea, I could've done without the flip off the Handrail

Also worth noting that Hanshaw ripped trees from the earth and moved tons of dirt to build his own place. That takes a lot of time, money, effort, stress, and persistence.... The edit did looked rushed, but his tricks definitely didn't

boardjnky4 01-16-2015 9:43 AM

When you can drop a transfer to 50-50 on a handrail to indy tantrum, come talk to me.

Have you ever watched a pro ride at a cable park? If they're new to that venue, they probably start off basic and get the feel for the features. Once comfortable, hammers get dropped. That's exactly how this video went

I've seen several pro and semi-pro riders hit **** at jibtopia and it pretty much goes down the same way.

Also, those features aren't your typical Unit sliders. Pretty much every one of those, except for a few in the beginning, are pretty hairy transfers.

edit: LOL at "zee germans" being better. @ 0:16 the guy doesn't even get a full pull on the feature. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of hammers in the germans video, but riding Unit features at a typical park and riding handrails and other outside-the-box stuff on a 2.0 park is WAY different.

I ride Hexagon which is all Unit and Jibtopia which is all custom with pool tranfers and I can tell you that while both are fun as HELL, it's MUCH different and I can do "cooler" tricks on Unit features because they're easier to ride and less technical.

andy_nintzel 01-16-2015 1:50 PM

Hahahahahaha, I miss the Cisco posts! The Mysterious, hide behind some lame handle, keyboard jockey, Cisco. If there was a such a thing as forum Zeaching you my friend would be the king!

BennyDaJet 01-16-2015 2:04 PM

Makes it look easy
This set up is HUGE. Kevin makes is look easy, yes, but the reality is: gauging the scale of these jumps and transfers is hard from the comfort of the couch. The gap from pool to pool looks to be about 30 feet or so and the elevation change looks like 15ft or so. Also, those are not boxes he is transferring to, they are very skinny rails and massive ollies to get to them. The venue itself is something new and different and maybe not the most BANGER tricks ever but at least he looks at things a little differently and tries to push and create new things in the sport. These guys are just scratching the surface of what is possible at Area 52 so just wait and see what they are up too next. Keep Ripping Kevin! Thanks for giving riders a dope new playground.

brinks 01-21-2015 8:30 AM

Yeah I would have to say it's a pretty small setup! Anyone hating on Henny for this is a joke and probably just jealous for not getting an invite!


skiboarder 01-21-2015 9:04 AM

I don't know. Those transfers are pretty huge and there is a lot of potential destruction. There is no doubt that Henshaw is one of Alliance's golden-boys, but he is also a great rider too. There are far weaker riders that they continuously try to force down our throat.

Also, I think this vid was more about hyping up his new set-up than the actual riding. I can wait to see what goes down out there.

VinnyA 01-26-2015 6:24 AM

Wake Zeach didn't call him out so it must be legit! haha

behindtheboat 01-26-2015 10:17 AM

For the average rider, that set-up and riding is gnarly. For the average pro, the set-up is just another bi-level, and the riding pretty average.

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