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joaomalheiros 07-29-2014 1:42 PM

Lower back injury
So I got a protusion (which is one stage before a hernia) in 2 discs of my lower back and I'm pretty worried on how is it going to affect my riding, on the matters of going big and time i will be able to spend riding. The doctor said that this is going to be something i will have to carry for my whole life and will never come back to normal again (I'm only 19 so it sucks to have a back of a 60yr old man), I'll just have to take care of it if i want to keep riding.

Do anyone here have a problem similar to mine? and how did it affect the riding? will it still hurt often? thanks!

snork 07-29-2014 5:00 PM

stretching, exerciser and yoga
and less time on your ass will do wonders
I also find a barefoot run after a day of wakeboarding is beneficial

MIKEnNC 07-29-2014 6:30 PM

I have two herniated discs and it absolutely sucks. It hurts every damn day and affects my life in every way imaginable. The day after I board really sucks. If I board 2 days in a row i pay for it for several days afterwards. It also affects my p90x workouts and I can't do ab ripper anymore because of it. And honestly I don't go big boarding but I'm trying to. Hope yours don't get to my level because it is a terrible and nagging pain that is always present and only others that have same problem can sympathize with u and understand. There is no pain like back pain.

jordanh 07-29-2014 6:50 PM

I am 24 yrs old and injured my back in a demolition derby in high school. Being the stubborn ass that I am I put off the lower injury and dealt with the pain. Fast forward to the present and I've been working 50hr weeks for the last 4 years and stand all 50 of those hours per week. 2 weekends before Independence Day I caught a really bad heal edge and slapped my back. The next morning the pain was so bad I could only get my chin within an inch of my chest. I had to have my wife pull the boat home from the lake because I couldn't even sit upright in the seat. I went to the chiro the next day and he said I had a herniated disc, it was the lowest one in my back(the worst I guess). It was pinching a nerve causing me all the pain. He told me a herniation causes no pain, only lack of movement. The nerves it pinches and pushes on when it's out of place is what the pain is from.I had 6 visits in two weeks without doing any athletic activity and I've never felt
So great in my life. You need your back out back in place.

Find yourself a RELIABLE chiropractor and see him regularly. Mine does the work with all the athletes from the local university. See him Once a month or so after you start to feel good, or whatever he recommends. Also work out on a regular basis. Seriously, and stretch. My wife and I are keeping each other motivated while doing the 21 day fix and I feel great. I can't even tell you when the last time I woke up without back pain was, and now I feel great in the morning. I don't know your workout routine, but anyone who thinks they can sit around all week, then wakeboard on the weekends and not be sore has another thing coming.

chrislandy 07-30-2014 3:32 AM

I have first hand experience with this, did my back in on the kneeboard 20+ years ago, pushed through the pain with physio and chiropractor, kept wakeboarding, slalom and trick etc and made sure I was ski fit at all times.

fast forward to 4 1/2 years ago and had an MRI as I couldn't sit, stand, walk properly or even do my own shoes up or put my socks on!. It showed 3 herniated discs (bottom 3) had a microdiscectomy on 2 of them and the third is still as is.

I can only recommend you keep fit and stretch, do what can only be classed as deep no impact core exercises (it doesn't even look like you are doing much!) to begin with EVERY DAY (about 15-20mins). I now do the gym 3x a week for at least an hour, mix of no impact cardio, stretching and core stuff (TRX static and dynamic holds including reverse planks and horizontal pullups, 2min planks, 1m side planks and reverse hyperextensions - like a sit-up but you face down and start in an L-shape and the "sit up" brings your body straight) it's taken 4 months to get to that so it shows how crap my core was!

DO NOT do any weighted twisting until you've got the mobility back and increased your core strength, even now I can only do 10kg twisting.

I started my laying out on a gym ball and holding a kettle bell in both hands similar to holding the handle but facing upwards then moving the kettle side to side then hip to chest to hip with straight arms.

After all that I even got the confidence this year to hit kickers down the park and no longer worry about hitting the wake.

BUT, the most important thing is LISTEN to your body and STOP when you feel you need to. My first ride this year was only 7mins, 2 days rest with stretching then 15mins etc and warming up and down (core as well) is vital now whereas when I was sub 25 I could literally jump on the board and go.

CHern5972 07-30-2014 4:48 AM

Well after years of motocross and wakeboarding mine is shot as well. I broke in in 2005 and have paid for it every day. Some days are great and some suck bad. I dont even wkeboard anymore, surfing for me and i still try and nurse my back. I try and saty active, bleachers, gym, tennis, golf every week. Golf kills me 2 days after.. Seems like once you hurt your back it is always there. I went to one of the best back docs in Houston and he said surgery for me is not an option. Mine healed great from the break but the way it is, is it. Hope yours gets better cause it sucks. I have been in the sport since 1995.

burban89 07-30-2014 5:10 AM

I am about to turn 36 and when I was 20 i crushed 2 disc in my mid back and also pinched a nerve. Well they went in and cleaned out all the ruptured material and left what parts stayed intact. They did not want to fuse or anything since I was so young. I have been wakebording since I was about 27 or so and only have minor issues from time to time. As most people have stated stretching and staying on the healthy side helps. I let me weight go and got up to 240 (6'4) and it bothered me a bit more.
Fast forward to last year and I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis on top of my back issues but I still ride. I actually think it helps as stretching helps it the most as well.

Staying positive and figuring out what flares up the pain is number one. I can normally start popping some IB or something when I fill mine acting up and catch it before it gets bad.

buffalow 07-30-2014 6:56 AM

I have had similar issues and stumbled upon this book. I went from not being able to tie my shoes or play with my kids, to walking 12 hour days at disneyland for 4 days. Not saying it fixes true spine damage, but it sure helped me cope and block out that pain. I heard about it on Howard Stern who had back problems for years until Dr. Sarno came on his show. Just another option for some of you.

Read the reviews because my back pain and damaged discs are like all of these people on the website. Definitely worth the $8.00.


joaomalheiros 08-04-2014 12:17 PM

thanks for all the tips guys! went to the doctor last week and should be good to go in about a month or so.

Michael 08-04-2014 12:32 PM

I have had two herniated disks, numb legs and almost spinal surgery last year from wakeboarding and snowboarding. Im 28 now and after taking a year off of riding (to heal so I could get away with not getting surgery) I am back on the horse. My back hurts a bit after I ride, but thats whats expected. My recommendation is to really strengthen your core muscles. You need those to take the impacts and not your spine. You'll make it through alive and enjoy riding, just make sure you know when you should take a break for a day or two. Some of the meds that help and helped with healing. I was taking prednisone for a couple weeks. That really helped bring the swelling down... you'll feel like **** all the time though. I currently take neproxin pain killer when my back starts hurting, and that helps a lot too.

Dustfarter 08-05-2014 11:30 AM

Sucks man! Like others have said this will be with you. I did the same thing at 23 years old coming up short on a snowboard gap. I'm now 39 and still charging hard and riding better than ever. I'm super active riding wake, snowboarding, kiteboarding and riding / racing DH mountain bikes. Sometimes you just have to forget about the pain a bit.
The key is to stay fit. What works for me is to keep my core/ abs strong, drinking tons of water and using a foam roller and heat pads to loosen things up when it gets really bad. Sure there are times when it goes "out" and I can barely walk but those days are few and far between.

bftskir 08-05-2014 11:56 AM


ryansgt 08-05-2014 10:48 PM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropr..._and_criticism I know it's wikipedia but the science is there(or not there in the case of a chiropractor). You might as well wear magnetic braclets and go to a faith healer. Don't spend your money on that, have a pt teach you some stretches or better yet see a pt. It's scary how many people think the you need to be an actual MD to be a chiropractor. Nothing but quackery.

dvsone79 08-06-2014 8:26 AM


Originally Posted by jordanh
I am 24 yrs old and injured my back in a demolition derby in high school. Being the stubborn ass that I am I put off the lower injury and dealt with the pain. Fast forward to the present and I've been working 50hr weeks for the last 4 years and stand all 50 of those hours per week. 2 weekends before Independence Day I caught a really bad heal edge and slapped my back. The next morning the pain was so bad I could only get my chin within an inch of my chest. I had to have my wife pull the boat home from the lake because I couldn't even sit upright in the seat. I went to the chiro the next day and he said I had a herniated disc, it was the lowest one in my back(the worst I guess). It was pinching a nerve causing me all the pain. He told me a herniation causes no pain, only lack of movement. The nerves it pinches and pushes on when it's out of place is what the pain is from.I had 6 visits in two weeks without doing any athletic activity and I've never felt
So great in my life. You need your back out back in place.

Find yourself a RELIABLE chiropractor and see him regularly. Mine does the work with all the athletes from the local university. See him Once a month or so after you start to feel good, or whatever he recommends. Also work out on a regular basis. Seriously, and stretch. My wife and I are keeping each other motivated while doing the 21 day fix and I feel great. I can't even tell you when the last time I woke up without back pain was, and now I feel great in the morning. I don't know your workout routine, but anyone who thinks they can sit around all week, then wakeboard on the weekends and not be sore has another thing coming.

What Jordan said. He pretty much described what my brother has gone through which is a herniated disc between his L4 and L5. He sees a chiro, works out every day (doing that CrossFit thing everyone keeps talking about) and rides every weekend without issues. His mobility, form and posture have all improved and his back injury doesn't slow him down anymore.

jps120 08-06-2014 2:38 PM


Originally Posted by ryansgt (Post 1887718)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropr..._and_criticism I know it's wikipedia but the science is there(or not there in the case of a chiropractor). You might as well wear magnetic braclets and go to a faith healer. Don't spend your money on that, have a pt teach you some stretches or better yet see a pt. It's scary how many people think the you need to be an actual MD to be a chiropractor. Nothing but quackery.

I agree with what you said about seeing a qualified pt so you can learn what stretches and excerises will help strengthen your core and relieve pain when it comes up, but I still have to see a chiropractor for my bulging disc about once a month and I can tell a huge difference the next day.

ryansgt 08-06-2014 3:07 PM

You might be able to see a difference from the stretching and massage, not the so called subluxation. It is a mystical idea that has no basis on science or accepted medical research. Actually it's the opposite and you are letting someone with an 8 week course play with your spinal column. One slip by this amateur quack and you are wheelchair bound for the rest of your life. Did you know that chiros believe that any disease can be solved through spinal manipulation and that western medical treatment including vaccines are unnecessary. Get a massage and you will get the same benefit.

bcd 08-07-2014 2:45 PM

My buddy swears by yoga for his bad back. Also wear a back brace when boarding. They don't seem like much, but they do help.

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