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ord27 01-17-2014 11:10 AM

Obuma strikes again
there are many current examples of why this president will go down in history as one of the worst ever. I found this one particularly disturbing

I'm glad my girls are nearly out of high school....

Dmac420sj 01-17-2014 11:56 AM

Cuz he's black?

steezyshots 01-17-2014 12:08 PM

Yes he is the worst president because he's black..

wake77 01-17-2014 1:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dmac420sj (Post 1860422)
Cuz he's black?

No, it's worse. It's because he's not a Republican.

fly135 01-17-2014 1:33 PM

That's just not fair Jeremy. If Obama had spend a trillion dollars and the lives of thousands of Americans to free an oppressed minority that was ideologically aligned with their next door neighbor, which is in the Axis of Evil, while simultaneously removing said neighbors mortal enemy, then Republicans would be praising him.

ord27 01-17-2014 1:35 PM

it's even worse than that! It's that he is a terrible leader and has lousy policies like this one!!

snyder 01-17-2014 1:43 PM

To me this is another example of how color-blind eric holder is. As in, he ONLY sees black and white.
Right Holder, disparate impact tests on schools is suddenly going to make parents of minority students give a crap and start making their kids show up to school on time and behave. That's not a racist statement. It's statistical fact.
Schools go so far out of their way already to apply zero tolerance policies to avoid exactly this situation. That's why they treat a kid carrying lip balm the same as a kid w/a bag of weed. Or little johnny gets suspended for drawing a picture of a gun. equal punishment for ALL w/o any judgement.
Now school districts will have to employ MORE administrators responsible for nothing more than making sure they're in compliance so they don't get threatened with losing federal funds. And the federal gov't will have to hire MORE goons to go check up on the schools and make said threats. And at the end of the day NOTHING will change or get better, just more expensive.. But again, that's not really their intent. It's payback time, sucka's! The Social Justice Administration.

onthecreek 01-17-2014 2:04 PM

wow, Jeremy aren't you a teacher? you'd rather tow the liberal line than admit this is a government intrusion and another federal policy that's designed more to justify the federal govt's existence and growth than having anything to do with education?

and, all of the Obama lovers who claim republicans and conservatives hate him for being black all the while love him for being black are just as racist. to love someone for merely being black is just the opposite side of the coin of those who don't like him for being black. you're seeing the color of his skin rather than his actions.

before you put words in my mouth...i didn't say that's why republicans and conservatives don't like him. liberals always make that claim and it's just not true. a *****ty president is *****ty no matter the skin color. add eric holder to that list, his list of failures is pretty damn long.

Froggy 01-17-2014 4:00 PM

Its too bad that the first Black president had to be so bad at leadership . I hoped for more?

DenverRider 01-17-2014 4:28 PM

When did wake world become yahoo comments anyway? Isn't this a wakeboarding forum? It's always Cliff and Grant. GO AWAY!!!

ord27 01-17-2014 4:35 PM

wow, really Eric? I thought this was the non-wakeboard thread. No mention of Jeremy and Johns involvement

wake77 01-17-2014 7:10 PM

Onthecreek, Republicans/Conservatives hated him the second the election results were in November 2008. How did they instantly come to the conclusion he was a "****ty president" before he was even inaugurated? Republicans publicly met to discuss how to make Obama a one-term president right after he took office.

shawndoggy 01-17-2014 7:17 PM


Originally Posted by snyder (Post 1860452)
To me this is another example of how color-blind eric holder is. As in, he ONLY sees black and white.

you do know Holder is the attorney general, not the secretary of education, right?

onthecreek 01-17-2014 7:22 PM

He had 0 credentials, no experience, a secretive background and thought he could change politics in America. His senate experience consisted of voting present. Why the need for so much secrecy surrounding his background?

Everything he promised from day 1 has been a load of crap. Most transparent administration, putting all proposed bills up for everyone to read before voting, everything he was against when he was a senator he now pushes even further than his predecessor. That he failed on just about everything his promised is only a surprise to the people who thought he actually deserved a Nobel prize when he had only given a few speeches. All talk. All hype. But in reality the opposite of everything he was built up to appear.

wake77 01-17-2014 7:27 PM

Hey, I'm not saying I'm gushing over Obama's presidency, but I say at least see how the first year goes before turning totally against a guy. Obama could find a cure for cancer tomorrow and Conservatives would find some part of the discovery that was flawed.

ord27 01-17-2014 9:08 PM

from the very start, he had associations with shady people, he was very very secretive about grades, birth certificates, other back ground details...etc.
His mantra was re distribution of wealth....when his handlers apparently warned him of his wording, he disguised or denied it, making him look even more shady. His wife's college paper, and yes I read it while it was still accessible, was a clear window to how they view the world.....

many many many red flags before he was ever elected. I honestly feel like the people that did vote for him chose to just not pay attention

ord27 01-17-2014 9:21 PM

but besides all of that....what do you like about such a policy?

fly135 01-18-2014 3:11 AM

Gee that all sounds pretty bad until you compare it to the damage a Republican does in the WH.:D

onthecreek 01-18-2014 6:19 AM

^ the nanny nanny boo boo defense


wake77 01-18-2014 6:21 AM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1860532)
from the very start, he had associations with shady people, he was very very secretive about grades, birth certificates, other back ground details...etc.
His mantra was re distribution of wealth....when his handlers apparently warned him of his wording, he disguised or denied it, making him look even more shady. His wife's college paper, and yes I read it while it was still accessible, was a clear window to how they view the world.....

many many many red flags before he was ever elected. I honestly feel like the people that did vote for him chose to just not pay attention

Oh, so that has always been standard practice; publish your birth certificate once you are a candidate for president? 6 years and millions of dollars from Trump for an investigation and still no evidence backing the birther movement's claims. Funny how birth certificates were never an issue prior to 2008. I never heard talk about a prior president's grades until Obama. Again, he was a democrat, not a Caucasian, and had not-your-run-of-mill American name; many Republicans couldn't and still can't accept the fact he was elected/re-elected. I wrote a paper about "The Threat of Cannibalism in the United States", my senior year many years ago. I haven't thought of that paper once until just now.

fly135 01-18-2014 6:34 AM


Originally Posted by onthecreek (Post 1860553)
^ the nanny nanny boo boo defense


"Please let us judge Obama in a vacuum without any perspective.":rolleyes:

If you want to claim he's the worst, then you obviously open comparison. I know you guys have Foxnesia, but at least we could compare him to the most recent other President. Right?

wake77 01-18-2014 7:17 AM

John, an open comparison is fine. You just have to use: Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Castro, Satan, etc.

01-18-2014 7:43 AM

If McCain (and OMG - Palin) or Romney (and mr workout) had been elected we'd likely be in wars in Syria, Iran, still active in Iraq, and possibly North Korea and China. But we'd be welcomed as liberators right? So we would actually turn a profit rather than having it cost us anything - just like Iraq. My taxes would be higher (because I'm not a multi-millionaire - remember McCain's definition of "rich" is if you make "maybe 5 million a year"), and I would not have been able to purchase a much better health insurance plan through the exchange since I'm self employed and buy on the individual market.

Given that doomsday scenario I'll take Obama's "failures" over those neocon fantasies any day.

Laker1234 01-18-2014 7:50 AM

I thought the article was a fabrication when I read it. However, what might work to help strengthen public schools is what private schools do--paddle. Also, having no busing, teachers who care, strict rules, school choice, and the Federal government out of education would help too but that will never happen. There are already too many lawyers in the school systems now that teachers cannot do their job. I wonder why the Caucasian race is the only prejudiced and favored race?

ord27 01-18-2014 8:32 AM

I love how you guys have turned this thing

I still want to know how yall think this is a good policy

it's a specific topic about a specific policy

I really didn't want to rehash the same crap that we have hashed and re hashed over the last 7 years

we all know that no ones mind is gunna be changed

and wake, it's not about the grades or the birth certificate for me. its more the accumulation of things that made him seem shady and more dis honest than most politicians. I'm thinking that he is proving those of us that thought that right. I understand that you don't see it that way.

again.....I think history will show that he was a disaster

fly135 01-18-2014 8:45 AM

I don't really care much one way or the other about this policy. I'm not familiar enough with the details of how it came about, the reasoning behind it, or the specifics of the implementation. For me there are much bigger fish to fry when it comes to worrying about govt policy. I don't think that history will view Obama as a disaster. I do think that history will view current GOP ideology as a disaster in the making for the party.

wakeboardern1 01-19-2014 6:42 AM

Jeremy, I heard Democrats railing Bush over poor grades at Harvard back when I was in high school. I know it was a long time ago (politically speaking), but it was done. Just so we're clear on that little bit.

wake77 01-19-2014 10:46 AM

I remember that too Nick, except I think you have the school wrong; I think it was his grades from Yale that were scrutinized. Only, it wasn't Bush (or anyone in his staff) that released his grades, they were leaked. Bush did not openly share his grades. Besides, the true geniuses aren't running for president, or any office, typically.

joeshmoe 01-19-2014 11:44 AM

Cliff, Obama will Not go down as the worst President just by the fact the whole country was in the crapper when he took office and now there are record earnings on Wall Street.

JetRanger 01-20-2014 6:05 AM

Republicans AND democrats are fools!

Republicans spend trillions on wars then rebuilding countries that no one cares about.

Democrats spend trillions on social programs which is to say they spend trillions supporting the drug and alcohol trades.

Wish we could have voted for these guys:


wakeboardern1 01-20-2014 6:24 PM

You're right, Yale, my mistake. I clearly give two shats about the grades of our presidents and the school they went to. As for the disclosure thing, eh. Every little thing Bush ever did wrong was pulled out of the closet as quickly as possible, or else people might have been demanding the same info. Who knows, maybe disappointment in Bush after attempts to hide his past are part of the reason people want to know every little detail about Obama (unlikely, but you get the idea).

I mean the reality is that our leaders should be under a massive amount of scrutiny before we elect them. You can't truly know someone until you know their past, and putting an entire country i n the hands of someone who does not want to divulge their past is somewhat perturbing.

That should go for Republicans as well. It has nothing to do with bashing Obama alone. If the government thinks that they should be allowed into every little facet of our lives, we have just as much right to know the lives of our leaders.

We also live in a society where everyone wants to know EVERY LITTLE DETAIL of everyone important's lives. A lot of people view Obama as a celebrity more than a President and therefore think of it as their right to know everything about his life just like other celebrities.

You're also spot on with the fact that the truly smart people don't generally run for political office. And why should they? They can make way more money and not have their lives intruded on and decisions questioned by people who generally have no knowledge of the actual situation.

There's a belief out there that those who don't want to lead are usually the ones who should lead, and I'm inclined to agree with that.

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