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eubanks01 09-24-2013 8:59 AM

Only in California...
Do football teams and coaches of 7 year-olds get fined and suspended for beating another team by too many points. What is this world coming to?


fouroheight68 09-24-2013 12:03 PM

"We lose a lot of football players because their teams lose so badly," Rochin told KCRA. "If they are constantly getting beat, who wants to play anymore? We lose kids all season long because of that."

Heaven forbid they actually encourage the kids to WORK HARDER instead of quitting because the team sucks. The real world doesn't work like this. If you suck at something, work harder. This is why we have an increasing amount of people on welfare, subsidized living, and a sense of entitlement.

stephan 09-24-2013 1:36 PM

Whats funny is that area of California is not some sort of hippy commune. That is a very republican, very agricultural area. When I opened the article I expected it to be from Santa Cruz or Humboldt County, nope good ol' Sutter, Yuba, Shasta etc.

09-24-2013 3:53 PM

This happened around here a few years ago:


It came out later that the coach had been warned previously about running up the score on lesser opponents and he chose to do it anyway.

phathom 10-02-2013 2:34 PM

Wow. I hate how the world is all PC now. "Don't worry if you lost, we're all winners because we tried" "Winning isn't what's important, it's that you did your best"
This world is now celebrating average and below average performance. It matters when you lose, it matters when you win. It teaches you what you need to work at, how you need to improve, or shows you what you did right. School and sports teach us what we need to know for the real world.
Let's say you become a Lawyer, it sure matters if you won or lost the case. If you lost, you don't get paid, if you lose enough, you're out of a job.
You become a doctor, you lose a patient, someone dies, lose enough and you might be out of the job or behind bars for malpractice.
You do your best, at a middle of the road type of job, you don't meet the goals they set, you end up not getting a promotion or raise, and possibly fired.
If anything the coach should be rewarded for doing a good job and teaching them how to play well, so well that they are outperforming everyone else. You shouldn't punish people for doing well at what they are doing.

MBofTexas 10-02-2013 4:19 PM


Originally Posted by phathom (Post 1847499)
Wow. I hate how the world is all PC now. "Don't worry if you lost, we're all winners because we tried" "Winning isn't what's important, it's that you did your best"
This world is now celebrating average and below average performance. It matters when you lose, it matters when you win. It teaches you what you need to work at, how you need to improve, or shows you what you did right. School and sports teach us what we need to know for the real world.
Let's say you become a Lawyer, it sure matters if you won or lost the case. If you lost, you don't get paid, if you lose enough, you're out of a job.
You become a doctor, you lose a patient, someone dies, lose enough and you might be out of the job or behind bars for malpractice.
You do your best, at a middle of the road type of job, you don't meet the goals they set, you end up not getting a promotion or raise, and possibly fired.
If anything the coach should be rewarded for doing a good job and teaching them how to play well, so well that they are outperforming everyone else. You shouldn't punish people for doing well at what they are doing.

Agree, agree and agree.

wakedaveup 10-02-2013 6:28 PM

I think Surf Addict nailed it.

blindmnkee3 10-02-2013 6:46 PM

If you teach a 7 yr old that there are no consequences and that its ok to quit because losing a football game is just too hard, what do you think will happen when he gets into the real world and has to act like an adult? He will be the loser that his parents taught him to be. Consequences for not performing or for quiting or having no discipline in the way you approach life will only lead to negative results. Negative results in the real world including getting fired or going to jail are a hell of a lot worse than the consequences and lessons of getting your butt beat on the football field. Almost any situation can be turned into a posotive learning experience unless you are just lazy and just want to continue to coddle your precious little baby. Lazy parenting is the route problem IMO. Lazy parents exist on both sides of the political isle so I'm not surprised. Unfortunatly its this sorry society we have morphed into where you can't even discipline your own children and they are taught that they are special little butterflies that deserve everything handed to them. Its pretty sad and depressing really

behindtheboat 10-03-2013 12:04 PM

I liked this article, and your post made me think of it.


behindtheboat 10-03-2013 12:12 PM

Although it is interesting, when we go up big in a soccer game, the goalie gets to go in the field, we work to get the ball to the lesser skilled and playing time receiving players, and don't "attack" on defense as hard. You'd think a well rounded human being and coach could mix up the positions and let the players have some fun, all while making it more fun and slightly easier on the "competition". I'm also of the feeling that I'd rather lose in a tougher division than win in a lower division, something that isn't among what I see in today's youth. For a prime example, look right at the national Cable Points Chase for sandbagging central. Lesser skilled riders were far less likely to keep attending future events because they were having to compete with someone that should have been 1-2 divisions more advanced, but at least those kids got to win.

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