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grant_west 06-13-2013 9:22 AM

Door Dent Rage! :)
2 Attachment(s)
Last week I came out to find this nice dent in the side of the car.
It had red paint right in the center of the dent along with a scuff. And low and behold their was a Red car parked backwards right next to me and the Door just happend to line up with my dent Perfitly.
My mind linked 2+2 together and My blood started to boil. My instant reaction was to put my size 13 right into the center mass of the Door along with a note saying pay backs are a "B" but I'm glad all that time spent chanting and finding inner piece in a buddast monastery high in the mountains led me down the higher road and gave me the self control to just say For-Get-Abouut-it. :)
So a few calls to the local Paintless dent guys in C-list and my dent is gone!!!! Silver lining is the guy took care of a few other we have. So we killed a few birds with one stone.

grant_west 06-13-2013 9:24 AM

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Here is the fixed fender.

migs 06-13-2013 10:08 AM

I NEVER park next to cars -just so I NEVER get door dings. MY biggest pet peeve EVER.
People think im crazy when i park so far away. But all my cars look brand spanking new.
Thats a great job they did with removing it though.

durty_curt 06-13-2013 10:40 AM

likewise migs

spencercoon 06-13-2013 11:07 AM

+2 ^

augie_09 06-13-2013 11:15 AM

I feel good now about upgrading my service package on our brand new car with 5 years unlimited paintless dent repairs.

ralph 06-13-2013 11:26 AM

The real news is G drives a hybrid. That zen chanting must be powerful

grant_west 06-13-2013 11:58 AM

Ralph; been driving a Prius for the last 3+ years now have 90k on it and love it. Cost me $7 in gas to drive to the lake. truck stays at the lake now And drives up and down the ramp and that's it. I wish I would have gotten "Enlightenment" years ago

fouroheight68 06-13-2013 12:11 PM

Im very anal about where I park and door dings. Which frustrates me even more since every door ding on my truck is from me! I opened my lexus door on my truck one day, barely nicked it but left a nice ding. My old roommate used to park close to me, and I opened the door and it dinged against his mirror a couple times. The other dents are above the wheel well which are from me getting in and out of the bed. I'm VERY careful, but the metal is so thin (2010 ram) that if you breathe on it, it dents.

This thread inspired me to call and make an appointment for monday to get all the dents removed!

06-13-2013 12:16 PM

I would've waited in the parking lot for them to come out and gotten their insurance. My girl gets pissed at me sometimes because I either park way out in the parking lot so no cars are next to me or I park next to an island so there can only be a car on one side.

baitkiller 06-13-2013 12:36 PM

I door dented a car 10 years ago when the wind took the door right of my hand. I left a note and Business card. The asshat took me for $1200 for a little ding not near as bad as Gs.

1 month later the wife gets one on her BRAND NEW car. No note.

Moral of the story is I dont leave notes anymore if the wind catches my door. F'm...I would have keyed the bastard.

grant_west 06-13-2013 12:42 PM

Check Craig's list there was no less than 5 guys offering dent removal service. Often you will find that they charge $50-90 for the first dent and then $20-40 for every dent after that so if your spouse or friend needs some work you can save some $ by getting them all done at once. In total we had 3 cars done for $ 350.

As far as parking way out of the way or going off the grid to park I'm not to worried. B4 Paintless dent removal this kind of dent fix would have had my car out of commission for 2-4 days and $500-$1000 to fix it.
This took less then 1 hr he came to our house and cost $100 to fix.

grant_west 06-13-2013 12:48 PM

And I guess another advantage of having a commuter style car not super paranoid or anal about every nick and scratch. But for thoes with high end cars I feel your pain.

clubjoe 06-13-2013 2:48 PM

About 30 years ago I saw this 911 taking up two stalls close to the stores in a shopping mall. As luck would have it, this guy rolls up, stops, and is visibly pissed off at the socialite parking arrangements. Dude parks his car a ways off, walks up and kicks a two foot long dent in the driver door. He then writes about a five line nastygram in the dent with a permanent ink marker and disappears into the mall.......

I made a mental note back then to hold back how cool and special I think I am when parking my vehicles in public ................. And I'm pretty cool and special, so you can imagine the stress I've had to endure all these years....:cool:

Pad1Tai 06-13-2013 2:56 PM

Man.. I'm impressed with the outcome... How did he blend the paint?

fouroheight68 06-13-2013 3:30 PM

A couple nights ago I parked my car on the street in Downtown Sac for dinner. It was the last spot on the street, behind me was a fire line. I pulled all they way into the spot (they are rather long and the Lexus is rather short) to avoid being in the fire lane; the front of my car was only 12-14" off the back of the car in front of me, but I made sure they had room in front of them. I get back and an a**hole in a nice brand new black 335i parked DIRECTLY behind me, Im talking 1-2" off my back bumper, just enough so he wasn't in the red curb, but was not in a space. I had to have my wife spot me while I did a 14 point turn to get out of my spot. I was so pissed, my wife wrote a note "YOURE AN A**HOLE", stuck some chewed up gum behind it and stuck it to his windshield. He's brave leaving the top down and pulling that - If i had a drink in my hand it probably would have been "dropped" on his seat.

markj 06-13-2013 11:30 PM

Okay,has anyone seen the episode of Southpark with the hybrids? Thaaaaaaanks!

acurtis_ttu 06-14-2013 8:25 AM

i'm a parking snob, lol. I park as far away from the general public as I can.In my experience, most people just don't give a s*it about their cars...or yours.

My parking strategy doesn't always work. and a refresh in parking etiquette is sometimes needed.lol

I stopped into my local target…more like dragged in by g/f, I’m always very hesitant to drive my car, but went along. They have a HUGE parking lot. I parked in the second to last spot in the parking lot. g/f b*tched during the 2-3 min walk in 100+ heat to the store. Whatever….

I come back out , and WTF???? someone is parked right next to me……it’s my car, the 1997 camry, and about 12 open spaces in every direction.

I check the car for dings…..nothing new. So I pull out my business card and stick it in his door with a note. “I know this is going to come off as being a d*ck, but when someone parks their car this far out in the parking lot, it’s usually done on purpose to avoid other cars. Thanks for understanding. “

I got an email abtou 2 days later….the guy sent me the pic he took of my car, said nice car and that he never knew why people did that.

migs 06-14-2013 10:05 AM

^^^"I check the car for dings…..nothing new"

haha - my everyday session when getting back into my car. LoL

jaegermaster 06-14-2013 3:49 PM

I drive a big truck and almost always park in the very far corner and then usually take 2 spaces. Is that considered a douchey move? What kills me is when I have my work trailer, park in the very outskirts of the parking lot and some a**hole parks directly in front of me so I have to back up to get out.

durty_curt 06-14-2013 11:42 PM

I Had That Happen To Me When I had My Truck Hitched Up To My Boat. I Parked in The Far Back Lot away From Everyone, Some Retard Went Out Of His Way And Parked Directly In Front Of ME! No Other Cars Around, plenty Of Other spots Around But No Chooses to Nearly Block me In! So.... I Removed All His Hub Caps, Tossed Them In My bed And Drove Away

markj 06-16-2013 12:45 AM

^^^ Is that why you call yourself dirty curt? Now that inconsiderate park job cost the inconsiderate parker $200+ to replace his or her hubcaps. Wow dude, that punishment didn't fit the crime. Plus you committed a theft and what does that make you? All because you had to back up? Ghetto move...

durty_curt 06-16-2013 12:54 AM

If I Could Go Back In Time And Change The past.. I Wouldn't

fouroheight68 06-17-2013 3:32 PM

Thanks to Grant for reminding me I needed the dings pulled out of my truck. I had 2 dents in the bed, 3 dents in the side, 2 door dings pulled out for $220 by Bullseye Paintless Dent Removal in Sacramento :)

drive139 06-17-2013 3:49 PM

Funny story about dents. I actually do paintless dent repair for a living and hate buying vehicles that can be a pain to work on. Well naturally my wife wanted a new Grand Cherokee which can be a pain because of the really sharp body line through the door that always seems to take the dents. The night we got it home I sat in the garage with her and gave her about a 10 min lecture on where not to park and what kind of vehicles not to park next to. When I went to get out of the jeep I swung the door right into my car and put a dent in it about the size in grants prius. I guess thats what I get for lecturing her. Theres nothing worse than having to work on my own stuff for free. Haha.

markj 06-17-2013 10:34 PM

^^^ now that's funny.

trace 06-18-2013 11:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Door dings on my truck don't bother me, but people who park over the lines in crowded lots do. I'll usually park an inch or two from their driver side if possible, or maybe a big gust of wind will catch my door while I'm getting out.

I love this:


jarrod 06-18-2013 11:49 AM

I took up two spots once when my truck was brand new. I had already been dinged once. So in an under crowded garage I purposely parked over the line to render the neighboring spot useless. It was already a tiny compact spot next to a wall, so I figured no one would park there anyway. Even though there were plenty of spots available, someone thought I deserved a dent in my door, so that's what I came back too. It may have been an a-hole thing to do, but I guess was willing to be that guy to project my property. That day I learned there are much bigger a-holes in the world that are willing to take it much further. So now I just park further away and walk in an effort to find safe spots.

Ski resorts are the worst. I have three dents from last season alone.

acurtis_ttu 06-18-2013 12:27 PM

when i drove my truck , I didn't really car about door dings either. But also could care less if a person wanted to take up 3 spaces in a crowded lot.....lol.
I choose to drive the car I drive...so i take some responsibility for it, but the problem with door dings is on resale. Even one ding on my car is gonna cost me about $1k. Try and repair it and I'm gonna get nailed b/c ther has been body work...min $2k. and i'll never make enough money...to just not care abtout it, lol.

JustinMD 06-19-2013 8:41 PM

BAck when I was bit younger and lot more hot headed I was getting ready to park my truck at the local shopping mall. Mind you it was like 110 outside (literally) and this was a special spot that the god's gifted me. So I shoot past it, toss it in reverse and jsut as I begin to back in a teenager in a small black S10 pulled in. The kid literally jumped out and jogged towards the mall. As calm as I could I parked my truck in the blazing hot sunshine and then put my size 10 Vans into every panel on that truck except the hood, roof and tailgate. So there was about 10, 12" minimum, dents on every open space on that truck. Kinda messed up when I think about it but everytime I think about it it makes me smile.

I didn't leave a note. I think he got the message.

jarrod 06-20-2013 8:29 AM


dukeno1 06-20-2013 10:23 AM

I am glad to see that I am not the only anal psycho that goes to extreme lengths to keep
my truck ding free! My wife hates it when I park so far away from everything so I usually just drop her at the store and then park. Nothing pisses me off more than a ding/dent in my vehicles.
The last truck I traded in on my new one last year was 12 years old and had no dents. Come to think of it none of my vehicles have had them when I sold them. I am too particular with
all of my material possessions I guess,lol.
I do get it naturally though I believe. I remember when I was about 10 or 11 I was with my parents and we had just stopped at a grocery store. My mom went inside and left my dad and me in the car. A little later a car pulls up beside ours. Huge woman gets out and slams her door into our car. She doesn't even look our way or acknowlege us. My dad is sitting right in the passenger seat when it happens. (it was his door that was taking the abuse) My dad kinda cringes but doesn;t say anything. Then, the woman realizes she forgot something, and you guessed it, opens her door into ours again! Wham! Second time, no sorry, no kiss my a$$, nothing. My dad rolls the window down and says "Hey! Excuse me!". Woman just looks at him
and heads into store. Well let me tell you, pops is enraged by this point. He gets out, takes out his keys and goes up and town the side of this womans pos 7 or 8 times! I am sitting in the back with my jaw hanging open,lol.

Michael 06-20-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by jarrod (Post 1828573)
I took up two spots once when my truck was brand new. I had already been dinged once. So in an under crowded garage I purposely parked over the line to render the neighboring spot useless. It was already a tiny compact spot next to a wall, so I figured no one would park there anyway. Even though there were plenty of spots available, someone thought I deserved a dent in my door, so that's what I came back too. It may have been an a-hole thing to do, but I guess was willing to be that guy to project my property. That day I learned there are much bigger a-holes in the world that are willing to take it much further. So now I just park further away and walk in an effort to find safe spots.

Ski resorts are the worst. I have three dents from last season alone.

Ski resorts are by far the worst! I have so many scratches on the side of my truck from a-holes resting their gear on my truck,, Who really does this?

durty_curt 06-20-2013 1:57 PM


Originally Posted by dukeno1 (Post 1828978)
I am glad to see that I am not the only anal psycho that goes to extreme lengths to keep
my truck ding free! My wife hates it when I park so far away from everything so I usually just drop her at the store and then park. Nothing pisses me off more than a ding/dent in my vehicles.
The last truck I traded in on my new one last year was 12 years old and had no dents. Come to think of it none of my vehicles have had them when I sold them. I am too particular with
all of my material possessions I guess,lol.
I do get it naturally though I believe. I remember when I was about 10 or 11 I was with my parents and we had just stopped at a grocery store. My mom went inside and left my dad and me in the car. A little later a car pulls up beside ours. Huge woman gets out and slams her door into our car. She doesn't even look our way or acknowlege us. My dad is sitting right in the passenger seat when it happens. (it was his door that was taking the abuse) My dad kinda cringes but doesn;t say anything. Then, the woman realizes she forgot something, and you guessed it, opens her door into ours again! Wham! Second time, no sorry, no kiss my a$$, nothing. My dad rolls the window down and says "Hey! Excuse me!". Woman just looks at him
and heads into store. Well let me tell you, pops is enraged by this point. He gets out, takes out his keys and goes up and town the side of this womans pos 7 or 8 times! I am sitting in the back with my jaw hanging open,lol.

This story Had Me Out loud Laughing At Work!

phatboypimp 06-20-2013 2:03 PM

Damn I thought I had anger issues......I seem like a prince compared to this group.

dukeno1 06-20-2013 5:46 PM

Yeah my dad is a trip! He is 70 now and has mellowed about 10% or so I would say, lol. Still not somebody I would want to mess with.

A couple of years ago we found out some young punks had been trespassing on my parents property (country farm-land) which is where I keep my boat.
They were surprised by my sister and ran before they had a chance to mess with boat but they did steal a couple of items she had in storage.
I found out who they were by asking around the neighborhood and went looking for them. I was understandably pissed. Nothing worse than thieves
imo. My dad went with me. We found the punks walking up the road and I pulled up beside them and asked them if they had been on our property which is clearly
labeled "no Trespassing" and completely fenced. One of the idiots admitted to it but said they were just "exploring" and didn't steal anything. Of course my sister had seen them running with some of her stuff out of a storage building. Well I lost it and began explaining what I would do to these dumbasses while my dad tried to calm me down! I was shocked...apparently the torch has been passed....I am now bad cop and dad is good cop,lol.
These guys were in there early 20's and said they didn''t realize that they weren't allowed to climb fences and explore other peoples property! They said they were from New York and didn't realize it wasn't ok. I explained to them how things work in the south or at least how they work in my version of the south. I don't think
they will be returning anytime soon.

sppeders 06-21-2013 6:55 AM

You guys are doing it wrong, when i park my rust bucket, and return from the store, the cars next to me have moved, and no one dares park next to me.

grant_west 07-29-2013 10:41 AM

Ok well less than 2 months and I picked up a 2nd dent.
I got dented at the Exact same parking lot in a different stall. (Its the parkimg lott at the launch ramp at my lake) I guess Hillbillys don't know how to park and or Hate them Damm Tree hugging Prius Japan car's. I have parked all over the city for the best part of 3 years and havens got 1 dent.
I well I'll call my dent guy and see what he can do.

grant_west 07-29-2013 10:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the Dent

jaegermaster 07-29-2013 5:39 PM

Grant, do you really have rope lighting in your garage? I love it.

I was coming home from dinner with my wife and daughter last week and had a Buck run into the bed of my truck. Looks like I'll be calling my dent guy too. It didn't kill him but I wanted to back up and run him over just to teach him a lesson.

grant_west 04-28-2014 2:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well my little previous received another Dent the other day this time I happened to be sitting in the car when the idiot opened his door on mine. He pulled up in a POS Ford Ranger watch the whole thing happened right front of me. After I calmed down the guy turned out to be not such a bad guy! He was apologetic and offered up his insurance information. I'm having the dent wizard come out to see if it can be removed!

99Bison 04-28-2014 2:54 PM


Originally Posted by sppeders (Post 1829174)
You guys are doing it wrong, when i park my rust bucket, and return from the store, the cars next to me have moved, and no one dares park next to me.

^ +1

ttrigo 04-28-2014 9:32 PM

I don't know how you can drive a black car! They show every little scratch!

Jmaxymek 04-28-2014 10:23 PM

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Try parking in a high school parking lot. Absolutely no regard for other people's property. Yeah we're all a bunch of young drivers, but apparently the concept of respect goes out the window. I drive a Monte Carlo, donning massive doors (being a long 2dr car) and am always lecturing people in my car to open slowly and be careful. Tight spaces+big doors+wind=door dings. Luckily I haven't personally been on the giving or receiving end, but have witnessed some egregious park jobs and door smashes. We get these park jobs on a pretty daily basis.

fence_sence 04-30-2014 8:30 PM

Wow, G. I didn't figure you as the owner of a planet killer.

grant_west 05-14-2014 10:30 AM

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Well I dodged another Dent Bullet. Malcolm @ Dent Wizard in Redwood City pushed out this Dent for $200 Super happy with his work. Besides the micro chip the guys door put in my'n you cant tell and Im fine with that.

And the guy that dented me sent me a check and a Apology letter. Faith in people doing the right thing Restored for the Moment. LoL

grant_west 05-14-2014 10:39 AM

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The Dent Story continues. Yes I forgot to mention even b4 I could get one dent fixed I got another one. 3 of the 4 total dent's I have received have all come from the same place. (Where I park the car at the launch ramp) not all in he same parking stall but at the same facility. This time I received a dent on the rear passenger door. Thank god for security cam's (That I had installed). We went back threw the tapes I and we got to see a "Large Family" and that's not Large as in numbers. Open their door right on my door and then just drive away!!! I have tracked them down and now I have to go have a "talk" with them I cant wait to hear how this conversation is going to go??? And Ideas on how to have this conversation?

Here is my dent looks like clear is peeling but I had just washed my car its water

grant_west 05-14-2014 10:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And here is the "Big Beast" that did it.

Im getting the home Address and not looking forward to going and talking to them I can only imagine what they are going to say!

phatboypimp 05-14-2014 11:17 AM

This is a problem without a resolution in my opinion. Creating bad blood in the hood along with something that happened weeks ago for $200. Waste of time. You actually have a threat of physical violence. You know I am always ready for a throw down but this is waste of time.

grant_west 05-14-2014 11:51 AM

^^^^ I agree^^^^ But I do feel like having a "Non Confrontational" conversation with the people who are essentially my neighbor's. Even with Video ect I don't have any real chance of proving Jack! The only chance I have was them being honest and saying Yea we did it "sorry" here is $100-$200 bucks. I wansn't holding my breath that would happen but ya never know? Stranger things have happened?? Yes it could posabley turn ugly but it takes 2 people to escalate and I don't feel like you should put a dollar amount on right or wrong. I do understand where you are coming from, Mabey they wont Own up or pay a dime but I think at least me bringing it to their attention will make them think twice when they open their door.

fence_sence 05-14-2014 1:33 PM

I would take a big sandwich. In case "it" gets unruly, you can just toss the sandwich out in the street and walk away. You won't have to run.

grant_west 05-14-2014 1:37 PM

Fence You my friend are a genius!!! Im getting the feeling from the look of her in the SUV that a SUBWAY meatball sub would be the ticket.

Cabledog 05-14-2014 1:50 PM

^^ get the foot long....

scotthons 06-05-2014 3:26 PM

How did the conversation go?

grant_west 06-06-2014 11:47 AM

The dent is removed from my car and that's all that's important. I'll just say that some people are so Stupid that talking to them is like arguing with a fence post and realizing that and moving on is more enough for me. Honestly when I pulled up into their driveway and saw what a $hit whole they live in and it's not that is just a crappy house it's in the manner that it's kept that made it a $hit whole made me hit the R button and just forget the whole thing. The saying "you think you have bad shoes untill you see a person with no feet" apply's.

markj 06-08-2014 12:56 AM

^^^That's pretty darn funny but I gotta say that I've never had a door ding in 10+ years because I park in the boonies and just walk the extra distance. Is the convenience of parking closer really worth the door dings?

grant_west 06-11-2014 6:50 PM

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Ok clearly Karma is paying me a visit and I'm not learning from my past mistakes and I'm getting exactly what I deserve.

Today I got door dented AGAIN. Good news I was in the car when it happened. I parked out of the way but clearly not far enough away. A lady pulls up in a nice Porsche SUV. Opens the door and the wind grabs the door and Wham!

She wanted to just give me some money but when I told her $200 she thought it was to much so I that's fine let me see your insurance info I'll just run it threw your insurance company. Not looking forward to dealing with State Farm and getting the whole run around.

sppeders 06-12-2014 7:04 AM

why don't you get a plastic molding piece or something to apply to where all the dents happen?

jonblarc7 06-13-2014 12:58 PM

You should buy a piece of crap civic that gets good gas mileage so you don't care what it looks like. I would have lost my mind by now!!!!!!!!!!

mikeski 06-14-2014 1:55 PM

Prius' are very susceptible to door dings. They also look bad with door moldings. When I had my Prius I added the color keyed moldings they sell on priuschat. They looked OK but saved my doors many times. I did the same thing with my Avalanche, it now sports Denali XL molding custom painted by Harold to match the truck. I can't stand door dings. Malcomb has made about $1k off me and my vehicles...

grant_west 07-09-2014 2:18 PM

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Once again I was saved by Malcome @ Dent Artist in Redwoodcity.
$300 and my dent is a distant memory. My poor little Prius has been beat more then Rihanna and Pamela Anderson but she still looks great.

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