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Readyaimfire 08-01-2012 8:27 PM

Wakebrothers new york episode
Anyone else thinking Phil is a complete little bitch crybaby after seeing his temper tantrum at the photo shoot?

ripr 08-01-2012 8:35 PM

Haha...Ginger Snap!

08-01-2012 8:40 PM

Wouldnt be the first time he's acted like that. He may be a good rider but I know how my friends and I feel about him in person.

Readyaimfire 08-01-2012 8:41 PM

Hahaha snap

Readyaimfire 08-01-2012 8:44 PM

Talk about being jaded. You are doing a photoshoot for the cover of a major magazine in front of the statue of liberty. Grow up, did u expect it to be butter on the hudson river?? He came off really bad on this episode. That attitude could be the downfall of this show. It wasnt even fun to watch, just awkward.

mtownrydr 08-01-2012 8:59 PM

Yea that episode sucked pretty bad...bob is kinda funny but a little too much and Phil is just a douche. I already knew that though from a run in with him at brostock.

wakerpunk 08-02-2012 4:48 AM

Then again were not brothers with them... and we don't know how the show was filmed. Does MTV try to get Phil fired up and purposely have Bob push his buttons just for mtv style drama? Phil definitly seemed like the bad guy in the situation but then again who knows how long they had been out on the water trying to get the shot. It seemed as if him and Spence had a plan they were trying to follow for a certain shot that was to get the cover. This is speculation, and although funny as hell, it looked like bob just jumped in and rode to prove a point, yet didn't give a poo about getting a good shot for a cover.

Ive heard all the talk about phil being a D, but when I actually met him i was taken back by how nice he actually was. Maybe i caught him on a good day, but I'de like to think he is a good dude who is just over driven sometimes.

tampawake 08-02-2012 7:40 AM

Got to realize on these alleged real world type shows lots of stuff hits the cutting room floor. MTV the producers can paint anyone pretty much any way they want. Not say Phil is not a D but keep in mind the show is 20 some minutes long and they are videod all flipping day for weeks on end.

08-02-2012 8:23 AM

Wait till he gets 10 snappers to the face.... Then he'll be regretting those words.

MattAlz33 08-02-2012 8:55 AM

I met Phil about a month ago and he seemed like a real nice guy. Just cuz he is a perfectionist doesn't make him a "D." Like WaterPunk said who knows how long they were out there "waiting for the perfect shot" From what it looks like Bob has a short attention span and really wanted to hit the water, who wouldn't? Especially if it was to mess with your big bro. Let's all remember it's tv, and MTV needs more viewers than us wakeboarders, so they have to stir up drama for the other viewers to enjoy the show too.

08-02-2012 9:13 AM

When you're out & about on the town and these guys are around you def get a better sense of them when sponsors & fans are not present. Just my opinion

kme3113 08-02-2012 9:26 AM

I thought the same thing about him being a baby.

Michael 08-02-2012 10:36 AM

I dont know man, I would be pissed too if my brother tried to mess up my shoot.

Mahoney86 08-02-2012 10:44 AM

A few buddies of mine were on True Life :I live to Ride and a few of these scenes they cut and pasted up so bad just to make a "a fighting scene" basically. MTV is notrouious for that... A show with "drama" isnt fun and they will create the drama if they need to.

At the same token I commute by ferry on the Hudson River every day... That water is never smooth, its more like 4' rollers all day/night. I havent seen the episode yet, but I dont blame him for getting pissed... But whatever Ive scene the cover shots and it looks sick, so at the end of the day it is what is it...

Think of it this way... How many of us bitch about our jobs while at work? Everyone of us does at some point... well Phils job is riding and as much as we love to ride everyday when you bring something to a profession and have to keep pushing yourself and riding when youre not in the mood, it gets old qucik and turns into work but you have to do it...

08-02-2012 10:59 AM

At least he admitted it on Twitter saying we saw his bad side which he admits to having

Mahoney86 08-02-2012 11:04 AM

We all have the bad side, some worse than others... we just dont have a camera do capture it.

Ive never met Phil, personally from the show he just seems aggravated and annoyed with Bob and I cant say I blame him... If I had a little brother and he did some of that crap, youd be dammed to see him living with me lol

calexan 08-02-2012 11:15 AM

I have to admit Im surprised with how much Phil puts up with Bob. It would take alot to deal with him full time. Im sure he blows up on him all the time, but If I was flown to NYC and waiting (probably more mentally preparing) for the right shot then Bob did that, his ass would be gone from my shoot. This show doesnt make me think any less of Phil, more like shows be that Bob is exactly the same at home as he is at wake events and I give Phil props for putting up with him.

ToPHeR35 08-02-2012 11:23 AM

But the real question is after watching a few episodes of Wakebrothers and seeing the awesome lifestyle these guys are living do you feel any justification in paying $400 a board?

08-02-2012 11:29 AM

If i were a kid in the midwest...it would make me what to move to the sunshine state, get in with a group of friends who wakeboard, be around smokin blondes and live the life.

Readyaimfire 08-03-2012 8:59 AM

Honestly, After watching it again, still think he's being a bitch. And so do all the other pros in that boat by the looks of it. Like Rathy said, "we talked about his all week, it's the Hudson." I don't think all those guys went just to watch Phil ride. I'm sure they were getting irritated with him taking so long cuz they wanted to ride too.

wakekat15 08-05-2012 1:36 PM

Speaking of Phil, he MISSED Nationals!?!! Cut it too close with flights from what I heard.

downfortheride 08-05-2012 9:06 PM

I think I watch this just to see Phil snap and kick the **** out of Bob... I did laugh a few times on this one and Spence got a hell of a shot from what I could tell.

BobinIL 08-06-2012 11:38 AM

The New York episode sucked. If I wanted to watch a couple of kids fighting with each other I would just video tape my own kids. Bob has some serious Issues with needing to be the center of attention. It is not even funny most of the time. MTV is definitely messing this show up big time and showing our sport in a bad light. If I were Phil and Bobs sponsors I would put an end to it ASAP.

08-06-2012 11:45 AM

Its no different than Travis pastrana's antics on his shows & movies (pranks, crazy foolish stuff, etc). His bigtime sponsors seem to be ok with it.

jarrod 08-06-2012 12:00 PM

It was awkward. Phil said "you can only take so much", which sums it up I think. It someone is just f-ing with you all the time, eventually you're going to lose it. Maybe it's all for the show, but if Bob is really like that 24-7, I would snap a lot faster than Phil. I can't deal with people that are never serious.

But again, maybe the show doesn't depict their real, off TV relationship.

wakerider111 08-06-2012 5:45 PM

Where is the second episode or when is it coming back? i get a message that says it is not available but will be soon...???

wakerider111 08-06-2012 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by wakerider111 (Post 1773912)
Where is the second episode or when is it coming back? i get a message that says it is not available but will be soon...???

did some more googling and found it on delishows.com not sure how legit the site is but it seemed ok and i got to watch it so i am happy. so if anyone else is looking for the second episode too, you can try

MrShelley 08-06-2012 7:05 PM


Originally Posted by BobinIL (Post 1773830)
The New York episode sucked. If I wanted to watch a couple of kids fighting with each other I would just video tape my own kids. Bob has some serious Issues with needing to be the center of attention. It is not even funny most of the time. MTV is definitely messing this show up big time and showing our sport in a bad light. If I were Phil and Bobs sponsors I would put an end to it ASAP.

I couldn't agree more! This show is a TERRIBLE way to represent wakeboarding! :mad:

nuckledragger 08-06-2012 7:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Maybe it years of this that lead Phil to who he is today. This was his 16th birthday at the Pro Tour Stop in Reno, compliments of Rusty and gang. lol

sideswipeproductions 08-07-2012 4:25 AM


Originally Posted by BobinIL (Post 1773830)
If I were Phil and Bobs sponsors I would put an end to it ASAP.

Yeah, I'm sure they're super bummed about a new thread popping up every week to discuss their riders.

JoLo_Si 08-07-2012 5:26 AM

I finally got to watch the episode. Phil can be sensative but nobody can get under your skin like your little brother. Imagine how pissed he/anyone would have been had Bob got the shot and made the cover.

jordanleininger21 08-27-2012 1:00 PM

GINGER SNAP! Phil is a great rider but I like Bob better because of Phil's temper

mckenna 08-27-2012 5:08 PM


Originally Posted by nuckledragger (Post 1773944)
Maybe it years of this that lead Phil to who he is today. This was his 16th birthday at the Pro Tour Stop in Reno, compliments of Rusty and gang. lol

then when he escaped he probably beat all their asses in the finals.

beretta5spd 08-27-2012 5:26 PM

If it was that bad in real life there is no way Phil would let Bob live with him. They obviously don't mind each other that much if they live together. We just don't get to see it on the show.

Nordicron 08-27-2012 7:38 PM


Originally Posted by BobinIL (Post 1773830)
The New York episode sucked. If I wanted to watch a couple of kids fighting with each other I would just video tape my own kids. Bob has some serious Issues with needing to be the center of attention. It is not even funny most of the time. MTV is definitely messing this show up big time and showing our sport in a bad light. If I were Phil and Bobs sponsors I would put an end to it ASAP.

I think it sucks too. It seems way to staged for my taste. Would like to see then actually training alittle and having fun out boarding! Pretty sure this won't make another season unless they change it up alittle.

mckenna 08-27-2012 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nordicron (Post 1778878)
I think it sucks too. It seems way to staged for my taste. Would like to see then actually training alittle and having fun out boarding! Pretty sure this won't make another season unless they change it up alittle.

its just the same as shecklers show with a bit of wake instead of skate

Readyaimfire 08-28-2012 2:52 AM

There was like 2 tricks in this whole episode. Seriously? I think i saw a whirly dick and a crow 5. Why call it "wakebrothers?" Why not call it "llama brothers who live on a lake with two sweet Free boats and never use them?" it would be soo much more entertaining if they showed more riding.

jhartt3 08-29-2012 5:37 AM

Yes it would be but its MTV and this show isnt made for us its made for teenage girls.

08-29-2012 6:10 AM


Originally Posted by jhartt3 (Post 1779212)
Yes it would be but its MTV and this show isnt made for us its made for teenage girls.

Exactly...Shecklers wasnt made for skaters. I mean theirs some weird fascination these days with Teen Mom and Honey Doo Doo or whatever the hell its called.

If you didnt like the first few shows you definitely didnt like this episode with the llamas then lol

jarrod 08-29-2012 8:23 AM

Man, I hope they start tying wakeboarding back in somehow. The show is called "Wake Bros", and their lives are centered around wakeboarding. So why not show some of that? Their travel issues, training, contests, wakeboarding industry drama.......SOMETHING!!!

If I wasn't a wakeboarder that had an interest in their lives, no way would I watch this show.

Readyaimfire 08-29-2012 9:02 AM


If I wasn't a wakeboarder that had an interest in their lives, no way would I watch this show.[/QUOTE]

Exactly!!!!! Id be like "who is this obnoxious ginger with the stiff brother?"

wakesetter_WW 08-29-2012 3:17 PM

This is copied directly from a text a 20 year old girl sent me earlier today. I taught her to board earlier this summer and she has only been a hand full of times.

"I think that we could make a show more entertaining than wake brothers. "

boardjnky4 08-29-2012 6:33 PM

It's getting progressively worse

501s 08-29-2012 6:37 PM

I gotta say, I was hoping the show would be at least a tiny bit focused on wakeboarding and wake lifestyle. I used to like Bob, but on the show he is kind of a douche. Just so over the top with his annoying antics. He never stops TRYING to be funny. And I stress trying. I hope it gets better.

09-04-2012 5:07 PM

So was there enough wakeboarding in this new episode??

ferral 09-09-2012 5:55 PM

I'd be satisfied if they keep showing as much riding as there was in the Jason episode.

theloungelife 09-11-2012 4:14 PM

New episode is up. Thought it was decent overall (1st half more so). I remember seeing the youtube video of the fish warrior a while ago. That's cool they went and checked it out. Must have been crazy in person.

joshugan 09-12-2012 1:43 PM

I thought this was the best episode so far. It worked to have a road trip, love interst and kind of a story to follow. Bob is too over the top and he never stops. Tone him down by half and it would be better. Phil's sarcasm towards Bob is funny though.

IMO, this show could be much better if it was more similar to Life of Ryan. Say what you will about that show, it had some compelling things about it. Ryan was growing up and learning about business, competing, friends, relationships, etc. It also featured some really good comraderie. Wake Brother's lacks comraderie plus I think there are just too many secondary characters to keep good track of.

Nordicron 09-12-2012 8:08 PM

Don't think it was as good as last week buy not awful either.

Wonder who they borrowed the boats from? One was a VLX what was the other?

johnny_defacto 09-12-2012 8:19 PM

ron, a wrapped A22 was the other I saw.... plus a fishing boat, open aluminum one i think.

I like the show, wish there was more wakeboarding and lifestyle like the Jason episode, but i will take what i can get now that FUEL TV is catering to the meat heads UFC bros now.

My only real complaint is how they name all the support cast as "bob and/or phils friend(s)"... like Dallas - bob and phils friend. NO, she is DALLAS FRIDAY, a ripper, top of her sport. Then Rathy, Rusty, Harley...etc are labelled as "friends". This, IMO, is terrible.

MattieK27 09-12-2012 9:19 PM


Originally Posted by johnny_defacto (Post 1782586)
ron, a wrapped A22 was the other I saw.... plus a fishing boat, open aluminum one i think.

I like the show, wish there was more wakeboarding and lifestyle like the Jason episode, but i will take what i can get now that FUEL TV is catering to the meat heads UFC bros now.

My only real complaint is how they name all the support cast as "bob and/or phils friend(s)"... like Dallas - bob and phils friend. NO, she is DALLAS FRIDAY, a ripper, top of her sport. Then Rathy, Rusty, Harley...etc are labelled as "friends". This, IMO, is terrible.

I almost wrote that earlier today, it cracks me up when it says Aaron, friend of Phil and Bob, etc.

Was this the wrapped A22?


bzubke1 09-13-2012 7:42 AM

That's the one, I also saw a munson ski sticker on the boat.

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