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stang_killa_ss 04-30-2011 5:19 PM

REALLY crappy day at the lake
man should have stayed home today.

Part 1: rollers
Skiers alley was friggin packed. all jet skis and tubers. water was a nightmare. i dont understand why they all come to the one patch of good water on the lake. arg!

Part 2: the crash
was on my first set probly 30-40 minutes in or so. a boat comes out of a cove, and we cross behind him at about a 45* angle. i decide to cut out and jump/ollie its wake as we cross it. i hit the second roller and get a HUGE 4'-5' pop i wasnt expecting. made the mistake of looking down...i start to go over the front... by the time i hit the water my body was parrallel to it and shoulder and front tip of board faceing straight down. the tip of the board hits first and of course accellerates my body and i hit the water forehead first. knocked me whoozy good. i couldnt move, open my eyes, or talk and could barely breath. i didnt know where i was, i kept asking that over and over. i still cant remember any of my ride before that, and i still dont remember anything after for awile. but i do remember every second of the crash.

Part 3: the gash
well since i was semi "not there", audrey lassoed the rope around me and i could hear her saying to grab it so she pulled me in. well with my eyes closed and slightly immobile, the board hit the gel coat and put a nice gash in it. 3 month old boat :( . not her fault she saved my ass. i still have no clue how i got in the boat or any recollection of the following 15-20 minutes laying in the boat floor.
ive started useing polishing compound on it. but its not gonna cut it. gonna have to do the full wet sand smooth proccess to get this one out. and now the gel is hazy around it where the polishing compound "scratched" it.

Part 4: the stump
after we had each riden twice. we were gonna take a 15 minute break at the sand bar just up from skiers alley. well the lake is already SUPER low. no rain at all this year. stumps showing everywere and docs all up on the rocks. well came across a shallow part and hit a submersed stump. bent up the prop real good. lots of vibes. we idled back and loaded up.
on the way home we stoped by a local prop shop and they pulled the prop for me so i can send it to Nettle. it will become my backup and ill get a acme ordered tonight to help with the added ballast.

arg what a ****ty day. should have stayed in bed. im sure ill wake up tommorrow with a hell of a headache and sore all over.

captain_vilfo 04-30-2011 7:19 PM

wow dude, that really blows..

at least you can actually go out on the lake.

tchs22 04-30-2011 7:23 PM

Geez man I thought I had it bad. Here is the past month for me:

I feel your pain man. First off, I was putting on my BRAND NEW 2010 MAREKS a few weeks ago to get a pull, I get the left foot snug and then get the bottom right tight then pull on top right. I hear a snap! Of course, ripped the lace guides right out. Luckily, I had back up Cells.

Today, I was riding pretty good feeling really good about my set. I hit a double up wrong and fell. No biggie. Got back up and went to cut out TS and my back end started coming out. I thought that my bindings had come loose. When I realized that wasn't the case just kept riding. After I fell and was done with the set, I took board off and looked on bottom. Bingo! Found the problem. Broke one of those fins that HL put on the new 2011 line ( have a 2011 Marek). Those things seem like they are cheaply made. But that was the only set I took for fear of hurtin myself bc of the broke fin.

I love Hyperlite but after the NEW bindings broke and then the fin broke AND witnessing a buddy of mine snap a BRAND NEW 2011 Murray NOVA on his second wake jump of his first set on the board....has me questioning them a lot.....

Sorry to hear about your boat but hey, like you said, your life was saved. Thats all that really matters in the end.

wakemetoday 05-01-2011 8:57 AM

Bummer, I've had days like that. Luckily, the good days make up for the bad!!!

ottog1979 05-01-2011 6:35 PM

That crash was a concussion. Shouldn't be riding for at least a few days after that, maybe a week.

guido 05-02-2011 10:15 AM

Don't trip man... we all have those bad days. Just makes the good ones that much better. I haven't even gotten on the water yet this year. I'm jonsin' bad.

bruizza 05-02-2011 11:41 AM

Damn that is a ****ty day. Rest up and get your head right. You definitely got a concussion.

stang_killa_ss 05-02-2011 2:34 PM

thanks guys
i got a acme 1433 prop ordered this morning, and my head is starting to feel better, it only hurts when i move it too fast/shake it (brushing teeth is the worse). but i never got the memory back of before or after the crash.
i didnt ride sunday, and will take it easy this weekend too im sure.

just have to work on that damn scratch now. pisses me off

shawndoggy 05-02-2011 2:45 PM

I got a much milder concussion last season and then every time I fell I'd get that same head pain you're talking about. I'd take it easy for a few weeks minimum.

srock 05-03-2011 7:21 AM

....with your luck, if you hear a knock at the door and they say navy seals can we come in....don't open the door!

wakekat15 05-03-2011 10:34 AM

Cory...don't you guys rock NCGA vests? If so, how much did you sink before Audrey could "retrieve" you? I realize you may not know the answer, but the boat crew should. Glad you are ok, and no big deal to ding a prop...it just made you get a spare! The important part is you "lived to play another day"!

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