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zo1 06-21-2010 6:40 AM

iPhone os4
A little more os4 info for those that will dl...


nauty 06-21-2010 7:39 AM

When will the update be available? I had thought that it was today, but so far nothing?

zo1 06-21-2010 7:57 AM

Sometime today...

rsanchez 06-21-2010 8:26 AM

Supposedly 10AM PST.

rsanchez 06-21-2010 10:22 AM

Just letting you guys know its out ;)

helinut 06-21-2010 3:53 PM

You know they tell you it has over a 100 new features, but no where does it say how to access them all! Good cripes!

nauty 06-22-2010 7:31 AM

For those of you who have upgraded to the OS4, how long did it take you to update your phone after you downloaded the update to itunes?

It only took 30 minutes to download the file to itunes, but it seems to be taking forever to update my phone. Last night I had it updating for 3 hours and it only progressed about 3 bars. I gave up and started it over this morning. It's been going about an hour now and has only progressed 3 bars. Anyone else having this issue?

helinut 06-22-2010 8:04 AM

I've seen a few posts online that some people are having issues updating. Mine took probably 30 minutes after downloading the new version. You might do some research online to see if there is a fix for those long updates.

helinut 06-22-2010 8:05 AM

Oh and here is a website showing how to use some of the new features.


wakecumberland 06-22-2010 8:30 AM

How do you use multitasking? I double tap the home button and it gives me the multitasking drawer but when i click on the app I want, say mail, pandora shuts off? What am I doing wrong?

eubanks01 06-22-2010 9:11 AM

Update to the latest version of Pandora. Not all apps are multi-tasking capable.

wakeboardingdad 06-22-2010 9:16 AM

My 3G was a non-issue. It downloaded and updated while I slept last night. However, other than the camera zoom, I do not really see any real benefits yet. I was hoping for a zoom feature in texting and of course, multi-tasking. I know I don't have m-tasking (3G), but I hope it's just operator error on the zoom.

blabel 06-22-2010 9:21 AM

Just downloaded. Took about 20 minutes or so on the Mac.

Checked the multi tasking and it worked fine. Do you have the latest updates on your apps?

stephan 06-22-2010 9:55 AM

My only beef so far with my 3G is that for some reason my email is having issues and not loading. I will say the folders feature is pretty cool, now all those damn apps that rarely get used can be lumped together, me like!

bbr 06-22-2010 10:16 AM

I still don't know how to make folders for my pics. Anyone have the answer for this?

dave23 06-22-2010 10:46 AM

I can't believe they don't have something as simple as custom wallpapers on the 3g.

wakecumberland 06-22-2010 11:23 AM

Thanks blabel! Updated the apps and now im good to go.

pierce_bronkite 06-22-2010 12:39 PM

B poser, I believe that is only done via iTunes.

I like editing the playlists within the iPhone instead of iTunes. Its something so small but I have been wanting that for a while. Spell check is nice too.

pesos 06-22-2010 1:28 PM

Throught the beta phases the last couple months the mail app would randomly stop synching when left running in the background (I have 4 exchange accounts configured). It would appear that apple still has not fixed that bug even with the final release. Once I kill the mail app from the MT menu it starts synching again.

nauty 06-22-2010 1:50 PM

I've been playing with it for a while and if you're like me and have a 3g, there aren't too may benefits to the upgrade. The folders are nice and I like being able to make playlists on the fly. The zoom is okay too, but a zoomed in crappy iphone picture is still a crappy iphone picture, just zoomed in. Are there any other major features that I'm missing for the 3g?

stephan 06-22-2010 3:43 PM

I thought it was kinda cool how all the photos you take with the iPhone are now able to be automatically mapped. It's not anything super important but it is kinda cool to see. Some of them are incredibly accurate (as in, that is the spot on the lake I took that picture).

colorider 06-22-2010 3:57 PM

The lack of instructions or tutorials for the updates is severely weak on apples part. The zoom takes quite crappy pics. The multi tasking seems like it is going to leave all a lot of apps open and running which is going to suck the hell out of the battery, unless you go and close all those apps.
I can't figure out how to make and use folders yet. What the hell is with the lack of full tutorials on all the updates.. Just plain stupid if you ask me.

zo1 06-22-2010 7:14 PM

Andy, to make a folder, hold on an icon till it wiggles, like you want to move it around and then drag it onto another icon that you want in the same folder and presto, a folder is born.

scott_a 06-22-2010 9:04 PM

The zoom is a 'digital zoom' so all it does is enlarge the pixels. So yes, it's pretty worthless.

Here is your tutorial- http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews...nd-notable.ars

westsiderippa 06-22-2010 11:40 PM

just got updated, finally playlists on the fly, thankyou!!!!!
as for zooming, i dont get it, you say it just zoom pixels? is this automatic i dont understand how to zoom.
folders are cool now i dont have 7 pages of apps, way cleaner.

westsiderippa 06-22-2010 11:41 PM

nevermind, i just tapped the screen and the + - popped up, like stated its still a crappy iphone pic

nauty 06-23-2010 6:49 AM

After updating my phone all of the pictures that I had on my phone, (not the one taken with my phone, but the ones that I loaded from my computer), all look like crap now? They used to be crystal clear and now they are blurry. Any idea how I can fix this?

buffalow 06-23-2010 7:37 AM

Yhea tons of people with big problems. I have had some weird problems, but just waiting till tomorrow to get my new phone anyways.

Also, for any of you that are using Snow Leopard, they did an upgrade last week and there are tons of problems.

I am a long time Mac guy and the recent trend of their unprepared updates pisses me off. reminds me one of the reasons I got rid of PCs.

helinut 06-23-2010 8:02 AM

Hoping that I'll get my new phone tomorrow. AT&T called me yesterday to tell me not to "worry" about coming in and standing in line for my phone. They said they would call me when it was in. Something fishy about that. If I don't get my phone as one of the first phones to come to that store I'm going to be pissed.

blake_hughes 06-23-2010 9:34 AM

Anyone else think this new os is garbage? I'm rocking the old school 3G... If I could undo the new os I would, waste of time. Slowed the typing down A LOT, and that's about it, no advantages that I can see.

zo1 06-23-2010 9:56 AM


Originally Posted by blake_hughes (Post 1600711)
Anyone else think this new os is garbage? I'm rocking the old school 3G... If I could undo the new os I would, waste of time. Slowed the typing down A LOT, and that's about it, no advantages that I can see.

I think that it has proven to be the case that you should really only update os 1 gen back. I am running the 3gs and os4 is great IMO.

Did you try a restore from iTunes?

colorider 06-23-2010 3:27 PM

I have the 3gs and my typing has sped up and is smoother. cleaner screen transitions, and faster and more stable when on WIFI. Switching from app to another has also sped up a bunch. I have had the Iphone since it first came out. What I have learned is that when a major update comes along with a new phone release, you better have the latest phone or the generation before it in order for the update to work for you. The older phones simply don't have the capability to run the newest OS.

jimmy_z 06-23-2010 10:26 PM

I updated....took about 15 min.

Everything ok so far.

Now if I could just get Verizon to take over cellular coverage I would be happy!!!!!!!!!

AT&T sucks!!!!!!!!!! The iphone is awesome, but I can get better results with an itouch(with a wifi connection) and a non AT&T cell phone.

mammoth 06-24-2010 5:56 AM

And an Apple guide as well...


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