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04-20-2010 5:55 AM

happy 4/20!

madriding1 04-20-2010 6:55 AM

Heck ya...

benjaminp 04-20-2010 9:08 AM

Damn exams, you boys have fun for me.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 9:21 AM

roll it up light it up smoke it up inhale exhale

mjfan23 04-20-2010 9:27 AM

How pathetic some are.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 10:14 AM

I know to think some people drink poisen to get a buzz versus smoking a natural herb. Some people..

paulsmith 04-20-2010 10:37 AM

I think people like Eric are pathetic.

colorider 04-20-2010 10:41 AM

alcohol is natural, so what point are you making.... riley.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 10:48 AM

Really alcohol is all natural? You don't have to process it in any way?

paulsmith 04-20-2010 10:50 AM

It's a worthless debate, but it's not really debatable that alcohol is much more harmful then marijuana and it's not really close, so when people who drink get judgmental it's pretty hypocritical to most people that smoke. That being said, who cares if people want to have a drink or smoke some pot as long as they aren't harming anyone. It's the judgmentalism that drips from Eric's post that I find pathetic.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 10:51 AM

^ 100% agree

paulsmith 04-20-2010 10:53 AM

By the way, I do hate the "it's natural" argument despite that I am pro-legalization. Poison Ivy is natural too, it doesn't mean it's good for you.

mjfan23 04-20-2010 10:54 AM

Wakeboarding has a terrible reputation because people like this.

zo1 04-20-2010 11:04 AM


It's the judgmentalism that drips from Eric's post that I find pathetic.


Wakeboarding has a terrible reputation because people like this.
No, it would be because of the exact same judgmentalism that you are displaying...

wakeworld 04-20-2010 11:05 AM

I think Eric was pointing more towards the maturity level of someone that is so geeked out about marajuana that they celebrate a day, time of day, etc. (420) like it's their birthday and Christmas all rolled (pun intended) into one. My daughter was telling me about the "annoying dorks" at school that were all geeked out about today's impending date and I explained to her that it's not unusual for kids at that maturity level to act that way. Call me Crazy Larry, but I just cringe with embarrassment when I see adults act like that.

mjfan23 04-20-2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by zo1 (Post 1575408)
No, it would be because of the exact same judgmentalism that you are displaying...

Your blind if you dont see the general public opinion of the wakeboarding community. Like it or not, that opinion is formed from people like this.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 11:13 AM

It's what humans do, Dave. We have holidays, celebrations, etc. Many of them center around alcohol. So potheads choose 4/20 to high five each other. Who cares? It seems more immature to judge people for stuff like this then to actually choose a day to celebrate something you enjoy with others who also enjoy it.

mjfan23 04-20-2010 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by paulsmith (Post 1575414)
It seems more immature to judge people for stuff like this then to actually choose a day to celebrate something you enjoy with others who also enjoy it.

Are you stoned right now? Worst statement of the year.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 11:17 AM

No, I am not stoned right now Eric. I just think people ought to be free to pursue happiness in their own way when they are not causing harm to others. An outrageous concept to you, I'm sure.

deuce 04-20-2010 11:24 AM

What's the big deal about everyone celebrating my birthday....;)

zo1 04-20-2010 11:30 AM


Your blind if you dont see the general public opinion of the wakeboarding community. Like it or not, that opinion is formed from people like this.
But that general public opinion is based on judging someone else, which is exactly what you are doing right?

wakeworld 04-20-2010 11:32 AM

You, Hitler and Scott Byerly!! :)

mc_x15 04-20-2010 11:33 AM

If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.

When you are as great as I am it is hard to be humble.

I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.

Interesting Profile quote there Eric, Maybe people like you are the reason Wakeboarders are portrayed in a negative light. I dont think Pot smoking has anything to do with it considering people from every walk of life do it.

brettw 04-20-2010 11:34 AM



04-20-2010 11:37 AM

This thread will go no where. Not really going to judge on the drug aspect. Only want to comment that of course people are going to judge. That is a fact of life that people tend to forget. Your whole life is based on being judged. You will never escape it. Either embrace it or live life as a hermit.

wakeworld 04-20-2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by paulsmith (Post 1575414)
It seems more immature to judge people for stuff like this then to actually choose a day to celebrate something you enjoy with others who also enjoy it.

When my son farts in a restaurant and then giggles about it I consider that to be immature. I guess I have sinned because I have judged him and, by doing so, shown that I am really the immature one. I guess I'm quirky that way!

ottog1979 04-20-2010 11:45 AM

Dave, that was your son that farted?!

wakeworld 04-20-2010 11:51 AM

Hey, don't judge!:eek:

paulsmith 04-20-2010 11:51 AM

Dave, you do not understand the difference between judging people for being rude or causing harm and judging people (publically!) for their choice of recreation? Do you judge people at the river for celebrating alcohol? How about for drinking excessively in front of children? You consider that more mature and less harmful then some people celebrating 4/20?

wakeworld 04-20-2010 11:54 AM

Can you point out where I judged somebody for smoking or drinking or anything other then getting geeked out about the number 420? I don't care who smokes or drinks or even farts.

bruce 04-20-2010 11:58 AM

Dave- If you need someone to judge farts, I'd elect Wes. He is a fart sniffer if there ever was one.

zo1 04-20-2010 12:01 PM

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4ozk7fnKilU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0 xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4ozk7fnKilU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0 xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

jps912 04-20-2010 12:02 PM

^^^I agree with Dave completely. Its fine if you want to drink or smoke or whatever i just think its a stupid reason to do it more.

mattgettel 04-20-2010 12:02 PM

smoke it if you got it.

04-20-2010 12:17 PM

My favorite Cheech and Chong moment:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/o0slPLIYJyM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/o0slPLIYJyM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

deltarida 04-20-2010 12:22 PM

Its kinda funny how this type of behavior is not acceptable in the wakeboarding community but yet in the snowboard world it is not looked at so negatively. On some snowboard vids riders dont even hide it, they are burning right on the cam in your face. Yet they are still in vids and got sponsors. If that were in a wake vid...s**t would hit the fan. The are days people celebrate drinking...for ex St Patricks Day. Y cant the smokers get their one holiday. I dont care what people do as long as it doesnt affect me

slipknot 04-20-2010 12:26 PM

like St. Patricks Day, another drinking holiday to get wrekt, like Cinco De Mayo another drinking holiday to get wrekt, let the stoners have one who cares, they probably came up with it stoned anyway. Pot legalization will not happen, just like equal rights with Prop 8, religions come out in full force once again come November.

mkrueger313 04-20-2010 12:32 PM

Who cares Eric? Has anyone ever said "ohhhh you wakeboard?? i bet you smoke a bunch of pot dont you?" Its ridiculous to think that wakeboarders have a bad rap cuz of pot..... Snowboarders used to have the same problem but now no one cares just watch any Technine snowboard video, in particular any Lucas Magoon section.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 12:39 PM

Holy Crap! Finally a thread on the new WW with some posts I was beginning to think it was a wasteland around here

dakid 04-20-2010 12:40 PM

glen, the holidays you mentioned are days celebrating something. they're not "drinking" holidays...people just happen to drink a lot on those days.

on that note, i couldn't care less. like stated above, as long as i doesn't affect me, puff away.

slipknot 04-20-2010 12:43 PM

really? I didn't know that:rolleyes: Thanks for clarifying for me;) fire it up Umalimooch! lets do some Irish Car Bombs on the golf course Sunday. Get Wrekt!

dakid 04-20-2010 12:49 PM

you were comparing actual "holidays" to 4/20, which celebrates nothing but smoking pot. so, kind of a weak comparison.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 12:56 PM

Cinco De Mayo is an actual holiday?

slipknot 04-20-2010 12:58 PM


dakid 04-20-2010 1:01 PM

riley, are you serious?

steezyshots 04-20-2010 1:03 PM


steezyshots 04-20-2010 1:06 PM

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a regional holiday in Mexico, primarily celebrated in the state of Puebla, with some limited recognition in other parts of Mexico.[1][2] The holiday commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín.[3][4]

Cinco de Mayo is not "an obligatory federal holiday" in Mexico, but rather a holiday that can be observed voluntarily.[5][6] While Cinco de Mayo has limited significance nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed in the United States (also voluntarily) and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.[7] Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day,[8] which actually is September 16,[9] the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico.[10]

I guess it's a holiday if you're proud of being a Mexican, but let's be honest not too many people will admit to that.

dakid 04-20-2010 1:11 PM


Originally Posted by steezyshots (Post 1575486)
I guess it's a holiday if you're proud of being a Mexican, but let's be honest not too many people will admit to that.

wow...just wow. this thread just took a whole new direction.

mattgettel 04-20-2010 1:16 PM

Riley says BOOM!

Chuch 04-20-2010 1:18 PM

Been rockin' some Slightly, Pepper, and 311 today at work today on the ipod. Right on! :)

sdub 04-20-2010 1:24 PM

all this bickering is really kill'n my buzz.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 1:27 PM

Seems appropriate to this conversation to listen to Ben

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vyk2-ezzE4U&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vyk2-ezzE4U&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

paulsmith 04-20-2010 1:31 PM


Originally Posted by wakeworld (Post 1575436)
Can you point out where I judged somebody for smoking or drinking or anything other then getting geeked out about the number 420? I don't care who smokes or drinks or even farts.

Right, you were pretty harsh on people doing nothing more then choosing a day for a semi-organized celebration of something they like to do on their own time that is significantly less harmful then alcohol. I have never heard you take issue with the maturity level of people at the river, so it surprised me when you came across so harsh and judgmental toward people doing nothing more then having fun in a harmless manner.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 1:37 PM

By the way, funny story considering this conversation. Wife and I went to grab lunch nearby at Chili's. We sit down at the bar and the first thing the bartender (that we know from stopping in for happy hour now and then) say is "hey you guys, happy 420!" Classic, especially since he had no idea what my view on it would be and my wife and I look like a basic suburban couple. I thought, man Dave Wiliams would think this guy is an immature jackass! Haha.

95sn 04-20-2010 1:45 PM

Happy 420, pass to the left.

sdub 04-20-2010 1:50 PM


Originally Posted by wakeworld (Post 1575409)
I think Eric was pointing more towards the maturity level of someone that is so geeked out about marajuana that they celebrate a day, time of day, etc. (420) like it's their birthday and Christmas all rolled (pun intended) into one..

are you sure that is what Eric was pointing towards, cuz I cant remember him ever being that articulate.

baitkiller 04-20-2010 1:58 PM

Ahh, the long gone days before consortium membership and hair samples.

Sometimes when the wind blows just right...... well... you know. Have fun without me guys.... while you still can.

Smoking pot: The thing that nobody does that everybody does.......

steezyshots 04-20-2010 2:17 PM

By the way for everyone who takes the interweb way to serious I was joking about the Mexicans. Puff Puff give!

fatsac 04-20-2010 2:18 PM


Originally Posted by baitkiller (Post 1575524)

Smoking pot: The thing that nobody does that everybody does.......

Ha! Pot and blow...especially in CA.

liquidmx 04-20-2010 2:23 PM

I wish more people smoked and less people drank when they operated boats... I dont mind a bunch of boats putting around less than 5mph taking their time... but drunk dudes getting all aggro behind the wheel sucks.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 2:24 PM

Annual deaths in US:

Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0


fly135 04-20-2010 2:25 PM

Who needs a holiday to drink? Happy Hour is every day!

I kind of like it that people look down on wakeboarders. Makes me proud to have been a boarder (snow and wake) for the last 16 years.

dakid 04-20-2010 2:33 PM

i've always said to legalize pot and tax the hell out of it. imagine how much money cali would have. ;)

innov8 04-20-2010 2:47 PM

Wow, some people on this thread need to partake in the 4-20 activities, so damn uptight.

Happy 4-20, to all that celebrate 4-20.

Should be a great day for

Pizza,video games and Movie sales.:D

steezyshots 04-20-2010 2:53 PM

And cable wakeboarding! Love to partake before I ride

wake77 04-20-2010 3:01 PM

You guys are missing the real meaning of 420.

It's ultimately the time to chill. Yes, generally the time to blaze, but a smoker is not going to chastise you if you choose instead to crack open a beer, take a shot, eat a burger, or whatever, just don't get all bent out of shape and argue with the people that pot is wrong.

I got what you were saying Riley. A lot of people use Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to eat tacos and get hammered, but many of these same people want the Mexicans sent packing. What a brilliant concept. Celebrate the National Day of Independence for a country you cannot stand.

steezyshots 04-20-2010 3:25 PM

It's actually not the Mexican Independence Day but I get it

sidekicknicholas 04-20-2010 3:38 PM

Honestly like Joe said, making it legal and taxing it so its only a little cheaper than street dealers would come close to solving debt in a fer years

ttrigo 04-20-2010 3:39 PM

"Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000"

haha. most of the people I know that still smoke weed, are in this category. they eat crappy food, and dont exercise. all because of weed.

happy birthday scott byerly.

wakeworld 04-20-2010 3:49 PM


Originally Posted by paulsmith (Post 1575507)
Right, you were pretty harsh on people doing nothing more then choosing a day for a semi-organized celebration of something they like to do on their own time that is significantly less harmful then alcohol. I have never heard you take issue with the maturity level of people at the river, so it surprised me when you came across so harsh and judgmental toward people doing nothing more then having fun in a harmless manner.

Still don't really understand the comparison of some people drinking beer (which is a legal activity by the way, but that's a separate issue) and a guy going on a public forum and yelling, "Yay marajuana!" As much as you want to attach my comments to a particular substance and turn the conversation toward your campaign to de-villify (I may have just made that word up) marajuana, the substance is irrelevant. I would consider it immature for someone to start a thread with "Yay alcohol" or "Yay heroin" as well.

jessemitchell 04-20-2010 3:49 PM

going to head To Wendys later tonight, its STONER BASHIN TIME!

paulsmith 04-20-2010 4:08 PM


Originally Posted by wakeworld (Post 1575576)
Still don't really understand the comparison of some people drinking beer (which is a legal activity by the way, but that's a separate issue) and a guy going on a public forum and yelling, "Yay marajuana!" As much as you want to attach my comments to a particular substance and turn the conversation toward your campaign to de-villify (I may have just made that word up) marajuana, the substance is irrelevant. I would consider it immature for someone to start a thread with "Yay alcohol" or "Yay heroin" as well.

I did not compare some people drinking beer to starting a 420 thread on a public forum. I compared calling people who say "happy 420" to each other "pathetic" or "immature" vs never uttering a word about the zillions of other immature things people do like drinking very heavily and irresponsibly in front of their own, and other people's, children.

There have been "favorite beer" threads and many, many posts on WW along the lines of "yay alcohol" and I do not remember you calling those folks immature or pathetic.

And what is this "campaign" crap? Anyone who has a position on an issue is on a "campaign"? I think the government ought to let people do what they want for the most part unless it is causing harm to others. I think people like you and Eric ought to let people celebrate whatever they want to celebrate. Taking issue with people's fun that isn't harming you or anyone else seems like the very definition of pathetic to me.

wakeworld 04-20-2010 4:21 PM

Hmmm, doesn't appear my words are working. Don't have a problem with people celebrating whatever they want to celebrate. Don't have a problem with people having fun that doesn't harm me or others. Seems the more I try to clarify, the more words you put in my mouth. I think most people understand my point, so I'll have to be happy with that.

paulsmith 04-20-2010 4:32 PM


Originally Posted by wakeworld (Post 1575409)
I think Eric was pointing more towards the maturity level of someone that is so geeked out about marajuana that they celebrate a day, time of day, etc. (420) like it's their birthday and Christmas all rolled (pun intended) into one. My daughter was telling me about the "annoying dorks" at school that were all geeked out about today's impending date and I explained to her that it's not unusual for kids at that maturity level to act that way. Call me Crazy Larry, but I just cringe with embarrassment when I see adults act like that.


Originally Posted by wakeworld (Post 1575590)
Hmmm, doesn't appear my words are working. Don't have a problem with people celebrating whatever they want to celebrate. Don't have a problem with people having fun that doesn't harm me or others. Seems the more I try to clarify, the more words you put in my mouth. I think most people understand my point, so I'll have to be happy with that.

I don't know how in the world we were supposed to interpret your initial post as not having a problem with people celebrating 420, but thanks for clarifying. I guess we are now on the same page.

dakid 04-20-2010 4:33 PM

now that that's clear, let's have a joint and a beer! ;)

04-20-2010 5:21 PM

what were we talking about?

bac 04-20-2010 5:32 PM


Originally Posted by bigdtx (Post 1575619)
what were we talking about?


pnichols 04-20-2010 5:38 PM

There are two theories to arguing on the internet. Neither one works.

pnichols 04-20-2010 5:48 PM

One of the best stoner movies

http://<object width="480" height="3...mbed></object>

zo1 04-20-2010 6:05 PM

One of the best movies period...

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