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-   -   New Jersey Riders 2010 (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=772749)

nj_alex 02-02-2010 7:21 PM

Greetings friends! <BR>Today's Ground Hog Day, which means it's officially the half-way point between the Winter Solstice and <BR>The Vernal Equinox. So since we're now counting down to the start of Spring, I think it's a <i>GREAT</i> time <BR>to start the 2010 New Jersey thread! Oh yeah! <BR>It's going to be another great season of wakeboarding, New Jersey style!

mc_x15 02-03-2010 5:30 AM

2010 is gonna be sick!

wakescene 02-03-2010 8:35 AM

Hello old friend, with a new title!

eustace 02-03-2010 2:03 PM

Way to get it started Alex, see you in a couple weeks Brother!

phat_steve 02-03-2010 5:50 PM

Sweet 2010. Winter is going good tons of snowboardin to keep us going. Cant wait for the warm weather and the day we hit the water. I was startin to think everyone forgot about the thread its already Feb. The blog has been going good, lots of cool pics to laugh at. Jim you seem to be the man in that hot tub livin the good life. lol All that snowboardin you been doing i hope you arent switchin sports. Looks like we are going to get some more fresh powder this weekend, cant wait.

summerryder 02-03-2010 6:31 PM

Well well well! This one was a long time coming, reinvigorating the most prolific thread crew in the history of wakeworld! <BR>I don't know about you, but I've already been out in the boat at least in 2010, although I didn't get a pull myself. I was at the Carlsbad Lagoon in So Cal and sat in on sunset ride. While I wished I could have gotten in the water, it was truly therapeutic to just sit on leather seats, feel the engine's rumble as we accelerated, watching the wake take shape. Good times, people, good times!

njladydriver 02-04-2010 5:26 PM

Hi to all the New Jersey Wakeboarders out there! <BR>Happy 2010 Season. <BR> <BR>Where's Jeff Z???!!

zuka666 02-05-2010 12:24 PM

I'm still alive Doreen... <BR> <BR>Wishing everyone a very healthy and happy New Year! Finally the New England States escaping a brutal Snow storm<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Talk soon

newmy79 02-08-2010 11:25 AM

I haven't moseyed onto WW in well over 8 months or so but while sitting at the Toyota dealership waiting for my truck to be serviced and perusing websites I figured that I would check in! <BR> <BR>I'm hoping that I actually progress in 2010 because I really hit a wall with progression last year. <BR> <BR>Way to get it started Alex! Although I do love the snow, I am looking forward to the warm weather. At least I know I will get a lot more cigar smoking done when it's warm because this past winter has been a serious disappointment.

zuka666 02-10-2010 6:06 PM

How much snow Ladies and Gentlemen? List em' <BR>out. .02 inches in Holand MA. FINALLY.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0>

njladydriver 02-20-2010 5:26 AM

I guess everyone is still in snowboarding mode? I woke up to a chilly sunny morning, however the sun has been counting down to when we'll have the first day on the river with the guys smashing it up in thier dry/wet suits! Another 2-3 month guys! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

summerryder 02-24-2010 10:27 AM

Jeff, we're getting another storm down here in the Dirty Jersey tonight. This is absurd! <BR>Hope everyone is doing well. The thread is definitely a little slower this year- weather's gotta lead a reason to this. <BR>But all I know is in the last week I met someone with a 205 X Star, made plans to go to a contest in Miami in early April and I've been actually having wakeboading dreams! The sickness is coming back...

summerryder 02-25-2010 1:34 PM

Ah, I see the other message board is shutting down here on Wakeworld. <BR>This message board has been the best exchange of wake ideas the net has to offer. It is also the best managed board on the 'Net world as well. <BR>Dave, I speak on behalf of many, many people who greatly appreciate everything you do for the wakeboarding community. <BR>And if I may trumpet our Jersey crew, we're pround to have been the most profilically posting crew this message board has ever had! Go Jersey riders!

nj_alex 02-25-2010 3:05 PM

It's true. For many years now the WakeWorld New Jersey thread has played a pivotal role in the continual growth and <BR>development of the New Jersey wakeboarding scene. And I acknowledge that by making sure every year there's a WakeWorld <BR>banner prominently displayed at The New Jersey Wakefest. New Jersey wakeboarders definitely owe a debt of gratitude <BR>to the WakeWorld discussion boards. Thanks Dave Williams!

newmy79 02-25-2010 4:40 PM

Wow, so there's a new board replacing WW? One with vbulletin I hope? <BR> <BR>WW has been a great place to converse, get updates from the crew and all over the US on wakeboarding events and happenings, as well as to get ideas on boards, bindings, ropes, handles, vests, boats, etc. It is THE place for great information on all things wakeboard related. Looking forward to the "new" board!

eustace 02-25-2010 6:31 PM

Thank you Dave Williams! This is the place where our crew came together...

WakeboardNJ 03-02-2010 10:21 AM

Oh yea, the new board is up and running. I took the opportunity to change my username.

Not much longer people and we will be boarding in NJ!

phat_steve 03-03-2010 4:47 PM

Wake Board NJ
Hey so far so good on the new board but I still like wakeboardnj better. Hey KG I poseted a bunch of pics from my past weekend up in hunter mt and they didnt make it to the blog. Have you had any issues or is it on my end. :confused:

nj_alex 03-03-2010 6:43 PM

Gettin' Used to the New WW
Steve: Kevin recently changed the blog email address because the spam was getting way out of hand. I guess nobody forwarded you that email! :eek: If I can figure-out this new wakeworld, I'll email it to you.

njladydriver 03-04-2010 5:13 AM

Wow, the new site is a bit on the busy side. Hey everybody!

nj_alex 03-05-2010 3:14 AM

Keepin' the Posts Comin'
It's going to get up into the 50s this weekend in New Jersey. It's about friggin' time! :cool:

phat_steve 03-08-2010 6:16 PM

Well it looks like we are in that boring part of the year. Snowboarding looks to be done its 55 and we have rain coming in this weekend so that will kill the mountains. Now we have to sit around and wait for the water to warm up enough to get wet lol. Well the only thing to do now is wait for the ground to dry up a little and get some hiking in and spend some extra time in the gym.:cool:

Only a matter of time:D

nj_alex 03-10-2010 10:40 AM

Boring Shmoring!
Boring time of the year?? We live in New Jersey (and eastern Pennsylvania)! It's never boring for us! In wakeboard related news, I've scheduled the date of Saturday April 17 to get The Super Air dewinterized. I usually unwinterized earlier, but you know what? I'm in no big hurry to get into freezing cold water. F that shiz. My body doesn't respond well to being dipped in cold water. I'll wait 'til the water is at least in the 50s. Also, I think I may start riding my Company Severance as my primary board. The ride is so loose on the Company board that it forces me to slow down, focus on tecnique and not rely on fins. Anyone else have any gear changes in mind for this year?

nj_alex 03-13-2010 6:08 AM

Change is in the Air
Oh yeah....the clocks get changed this weekend. This is an undeniable indicator that the warmer weather is about to come back around! Gotta love it.
In other news, congrats to John Keenan and Steph who got engaged last night. Eee haaa!

newmy79 03-14-2010 9:04 AM

I just saw that on the blog Alex, congratulations to John and Stephanie! Awesome news.

The Tundra is out of commission until at least tomorrow. With all of this rain the power went out yesterday whilst we were trying to get the bearing out of my right rear axle and then transformers blew at Peddie School so my dad had to get on it and go work. So the project was delayed. Today is no good because he has cleanup to do from yesterday. I am hopeful we can get this done tomorrow, looks like I'll be taking a day off.

Oh well....front rotors and pads went on smooth, left rear shoes went on without a hitch so at least we got some things done.

damn I need a cigar!

nj_alex 03-19-2010 8:16 PM

Spring Thaw
Oh yes....it"s going to be in the 70s this weekend! Wow!
I'll be at 60 Sylvia all weekend enjoying the Spring warm-up.
I'm also totally looking forward to next Sunday's "Wake-Up It's Spring" gathering.
It's going to be a lot of fun AND there will probably a photo shoot for the Wakefest 2010 poster.
Yes! I said it! Wakefest 2010! Eeeee haaaa!

matt_roesch 03-30-2010 6:05 PM

Looking to link up with a group
Hey all! I just moved to Jersey from Charlotte and sold my Wakesetter in the move--what a sad day!!

I'm trying to see if there are any groups out there that go out (or any pairs looking for a third rider ever) that I can ride with and of course chip in for gas, etc... when I ride.

Anyone know of any riders/groups/etc... I could link up with or email??


nj_alex 03-30-2010 8:05 PM

NJ Riders Hookin' Up
Hey Matt: I'm going to start riding again in about a month. Email your cell number and I'll shoot you a text when we're going out. We launch out of Bordentown. Welcome to New Jersey!

mc_x15 03-31-2010 6:37 AM

Hey Matt,
Where are u living? We ride in Brick if your in that area. Always looking for an early morning third. Welcome to Jerz

shancote 03-31-2010 9:22 PM

Fresh from Oregon! Looking for a group out here.
Hello Everyone,
So, I'm new to a lot of things. New Jersey, this site, not having my boat, and not knowing anyone that rides around here, heck I hardy know my way around!.
I moved to the Avon area, looking to see if there are any wakesurfers out there. Used to board, broke my foot, so boarding is out for me now. :(
I make an excellent third if ever needed. Trust me I know the protocol that goes with it! ;)
I might not be posting this in the wrong area, so bear with me, or helpful hints are always welcome! I look forward to meeting some of you! Keep your fingers crossed for some good weather,

nj_alex 04-01-2010 10:51 AM

Puttin' it all together!
Hey Shan:
I have a house down in Manahawkin (and I keep my boat there) but I tow to Bordentown just about every Saturday from mid-Spring to mid-Autumn. We don't always wakesurf, but I always have the wakesurfer with us on the boat.
I'll be dewinterizing the boat in a couple of weeks, and from then on I hope to be out just about every weekend, weather permitting. If you're interested in coming-out for great days with a really good crew, let me know.
I also put together the annul New Jersey Wakefest. It's a great great opportunity to hang-out, have fun, meet people and make new connections. www.njwakefest.com
You can also check-out: http://www.wakeboardnj.com/phpBB2/index.php and http://www.wakeboardnj.com/live.htm
There are many good people here in NJ and I'm pretty confident you'll find what you're looking for.

shancote 04-01-2010 12:57 PM

Thanks Alex! You've been a big help. I look forward to meeting everyone... Going to have to take you up on your offer once you're dewinterized! Yeah...

nj_alex 04-02-2010 4:47 AM

Spring has Sprung
Cool Shan. Stay in touch.
In other news...WOW! The weather's going to be beautiful this weekend! The Super Air is still under shrink wrap though. But even if it was all unwinterized and action ready, I'm not getting wet until the water temp comes-up to at least 60°. You know, wet suit or dry suit, I really don't like getting into the really cold water. I mean...come on. What's the big hurry anyway?
Last Sunday at JB's Wake-Up it's Spring party, SA Sean worked his photographic magic and took some shots that he's wants to use for the 2010 Wakefest poster. I can't wait to see how it comes out!
And it's looking like The 2010 New Jersey Wakefest is going to be on Saturday June 12. Plan accordingly people!

nj_alex 04-04-2010 8:53 AM

Bunnies & Eggs
Happy Easter my fellow New Jersey/Pennsylvania/New York wakeboarding brethren!
And a very Happy Easter to anyone else who might just be checking-out this thread and reading this post.
The count-down to the first pulls of 2010 has begun!

nj_alex 04-09-2010 4:43 AM

Me Myself & I
Well, to continue the conversation with myself......all right!
Great news! I'm cutting-open the boat this weekend!
I'll cut-off the shrink wrap, clean the canvas, power wash and oil the swim deck, etc.
It's a much anticipated day every year; awakening The Super Air from its Winter hibernation!
The first day out on the water is tentatively planned for Saturday April 24.
There's already boat-full of maniacs who are all super-eager to jump right into that cold water!
Oh yeah! The 2010 season is getting underway!

zuka666 04-09-2010 7:07 PM

All OUTLAWS! -- JB Hint Hint....
Event Information:
Event Name INT New England Season Opener
Event Description NE Stop 1 INT Amateur Tour - Wakeboard, Waterski, Skate & Kneeboard Event. Saturday: Wakeboard, Wakeskate, Kneeboard Competition: Registration 8am, Competition begins at 9am. Sunday: Slalom Competition: Registration 7am, Competition begins at 8am
Event Date/Time June 26, 2010 8:00 AM to June 27, 2010 3:00 PM
Host New England INT League
Location FORT MEADOW RESERVOIR, Marlborough, Massachusetts. Directions: From Rt 495 take exit 25A onto Rt 85E for 1.6 miles. Turn right onto Rt 85 Washington St for 1 mile to the Piccadilly Pub at 587 Bolton St. Marlborough, MA
Event Type Amateur Competition

P.S. HI NJ -- Miss you!:)

zuka666 04-10-2010 6:06 PM

No hecklers??

zuka666 04-10-2010 6:06 PM

Wow instant message....

zuka666 04-10-2010 6:07 PM


nj_alex 04-15-2010 8:29 PM

North-East Mayhem
Sound interesting Jeff Z.
We'll have to all talk it over at Wakefest 5!

mc_x15 04-16-2010 12:08 PM

Openeing the boat this weekend. PUMPED. Anyone gonna be in the Point Pleasant area?

nj_alex 04-23-2010 4:48 AM

Shrinkage Factor
Well, we may just drop-in for the first time in 2010 this Saturday.
The weather's supposed to be nice, but the water's still in the 50s.
Even if everyone decides to just stay dry and warm, it'll be great to be back out on the boat again.

johnsvt 04-24-2010 8:55 AM

Looking for a pull on Wed. and Sun. if anyone needs a third let me know. I sold my Malibu and will be boatless this year.

nj_alex 04-30-2010 4:52 AM

Stayin' on the Trailer
It's going to be sunny and hot this weekend, but because my core crew has other obligations, my boat will be staying on the trailer. Oh well. Last Saturday was fun though!

newmy79 04-30-2010 8:48 AM

Sorry Alex, if I wasn't in Vegas this week for work I would be all over this because you guys are expected to have some awesome weekend weather in the 80's. I know Brian and Annette are going out on Sunday and I think Michele is going to join them but not sure. Hopefully you get out!

Lake Mead is pretty cool.

WakeboardNJ 05-03-2010 10:45 AM

Got the boat painted this weekend, Doug helped. Thank you Doug. He helped turn the job more fun! My season starter is getting close!

tylerc 05-03-2010 11:28 AM

Thanks to Dave a few of us were out on Sunday. Water was chilly but not horrible. The 90* weather helped a lot. First day out this season was great, the pain in my neck and back today however is not too much fun.

phillywakeboarder 05-05-2010 9:58 AM

Hi all. This is my first post on this thread. I've been riding on the delaware outside philly for the last 5 years, but have decided to keep my boat at lightning jacks on the rancocas this year. (I have twin boys who just turned one, and somehow it doesn't seem right dodging tankers with them in the boat.) Anyway, if anyone's up for some weekday evening sessions or morning/evening sessions on the weekend, please let me know. (Jeff, this means you!) My boat's a little old (its a 1999 x-star), but its loaded to the gills with water and usually starts. Feel free to email me anytime at erictscott@yahoo.com. Thanks, and have a great season!

Eric Scott

nj_alex 05-05-2010 10:15 AM

I LOVE The Rancocas!
Oh man...Lightning Jack's and The Rancocas. I love it there!
I did a lot of riding there the past two summers.
Maybe if you're going out mid Sunday afternoons/evenings I'd be in.
And don't forget, The 5th annual New Jersey Wakefest !
Saturday June 12, 2010 http://www.njwakefest.com/

cadunkle 05-08-2010 3:52 PM

Eric, I ride either on the Delaware between teh Tacony bridge and the railroad bridge and occasionally down by National Park. I'm a poor boy so I like to use the free ramps, though I'm getting sick of the riff-raff. When the main river gets choppy I head up to Rancocas though. Rancocas is nicer when it's not crowded.

In any event, I've got my boat all ready to go, oil changed, cleaned up a bit and repaired a bad ground on my depth finder and bilge pump. Just an older I/O but I've been watching for a cheap direct drive. I've love to upgrade this season. I've seen a few nice Nautique 2001s and a few others. Found a killer deal on a Nautique V-drive with a cracked block. It's just out of my price range but doable, and I could build a nice engine for it. I'm hesitant to drop the cash for a nicer inboard though, as I spend most of my weekends trying to get a crew together, failing, and sitting home when everyone bails. Seems everyone likes the idea of riding and going out on the boat but when the time comes no one wants to get up at a decent hour for the good water. I have a buddy to drive next weekend definitely but no third as of yet.

In any event, if you ever need of a third let me know and I'd be happy to come along. I kneeboard mostly, so as long as that's cool. Very beginner at wakeboarding, only rode a few times last season but trying to get decent at it this season if I can get out enough.

WakeboardNJ 05-12-2010 10:05 AM

1 Month people...

smwill214 05-17-2010 10:03 AM

I would like to get some riding in, just moved to Morristown, NJ in Jan... I am willing to drive for some pulls this summer.

abruno81 05-17-2010 7:07 PM

Hey, I just moved to Philly for work and I'm looking to find some places in the area to ride. I've been riding for 8 years now, I'm from New Hampshire originally and unfortunately that's where my closest ride is.

My gf lives up in springfield NJ so I was thinking on taking a trip up for wakefest; anyone willing to take me +1 out for the afternoon? I'm more than willing to pay for gas and split time behind the wheel. I'd be looking to ride if possible. Let me know, thanks.

nj_alex 05-18-2010 10:17 AM

Wakefest is the Place to Be !
Oh yeah!
Wakefest is definitely a great place to meet and hook-up with area wakeboarders!
I can't offer you a pull on Wakefest day beause I'll be busy making Wakefest happen!
But definitely come to Wakefest, introduce yourself around and maybe we can make something happen in the weeks after Wakefest.
The 5th Annual New Jersey Wakefest
Saturday June 12, 2010
Delaware River, Bordentown, New Jersey
The Friggin' 5th Annual New Jersey Wakefest!

eustace 05-26-2010 10:21 AM

Saturday! Boarding then finishing out the day with Smokey Joe on the beach.......

Everyone esle riding this weekend?

gpalovcak 05-26-2010 6:16 PM

We are getting close to have our boat ready. Hopefully one day this weekend we will be out.

eustace 05-27-2010 2:47 PM

Hey Gang,

Alex will be on Stokemeter tonight at 9 pumping up NJ Wakefest.

StokeMeter Wake

nj_alex 05-28-2010 3:28 AM

Takiing it Up a Notch
Stokemeter was fun! If you were there, thanks for coming. Good times!
It's going to be a good time on the river this Saturday. Lunch early, low tide is at noon so we'll probably raft-up for lunch around then, and like Eustace said, we're barbecuing at the end of the day. Get down there! It's going to be be great!

wakeordie 06-14-2010 12:34 AM

hey does any one ride close to new york city i dont have a car but love to ride and got gas $$$ im moving from az so its going to be a change

newmy79 06-14-2010 1:38 PM

Another great wakefest Alex! Good job man, you do an amazing job planning all of that and deserve a big pat on the back for pushing the sport in New Jersey. Thanks to everyone that helped make the even a success and for the sponsors that came out as well as Clayton for coming out to our event. It's much appreciated.

Alex is probably winding down and will be for a few weeks but I wanted to say it was another good New Jersey Wakefest! The day flew by working in the food tent but we had good weather and not a drop of rain.

nj_alex 06-22-2010 8:33 PM

Wakefest 2010 and Other Things
Oh yeah! Wakefest 2010 was great!
And congratulations are in order for Justin and Michele on the purchase of their new Supra!
Congratulations to Brian & Annette too on their new Malibu!
And congreatulations to me on my new Silverado crew cab!
Eee haaa!
And congratuations to Kevin & Karen...just because!

nj_alex 07-08-2010 8:06 PM

LBI Flowrider
Hey! Here's some cool New Jersey news.
There's now a Flowrider on Long Beach island. Very cool!

newmy79 07-14-2010 7:40 PM

wow what happened? Our thread is almost dead, guess everyone is too busy riding. After the last 4 out of 5 days have heavily rained the river is going to be a mess this weekend. At least high tide is on our side this weekend being at 7:50am on Saturday but the weather is looking iffy. Perhaps Sunday might be the day, guess we'll have to play it by ear (or eye since we'll be watching the weather).

The Supra goes in this Friday for it's 10-20 hour oil change service and checkup, but OffShore will not only be doing that but also looking at why my engine almost overheated last Sunday. Temp shot up to 203 degrees, wouldn't cool lower than 150. Scary sh**. I'm hoping we just sucked up some of the crap that was floating in the dirty Delaware, and I didn't smoke an impeller or worse. We shall see!

I took off on Friday so i'll be trailering the boat up to Branchville and then back to Manahawkin. It's been a crappy week of bad weather, enough of the rain already.

zuka666 07-23-2010 3:15 PM

Holy Shiz... Alquida couldn't hack this site....

1st. I apologize for not visiting in awhile.

2nd, My Second session took place last night which totals 11 in the past 2.5 seasons. Kneed myself in the mouth on a missed Double up, Tantrum gone bad!!! bloody mess. Please no pity, we are having boat issues, getting new fuel pump soon.

3rd, I'm married. June 2, 2010... Ceremony to follow in Jamaica early Sept.

4th, My first session of 2010 was that INT Boarding comp. that took place in June. We skied expert division, I fell twice and got picked up. Doug took Second out of 5 contestents including myself.

5th, There's a 2 day INT event at Buffinville Reservoir, Charlton MA, starting tomorrow morning. Debating on entering. Ohh why the Hell not.:D

6th. Congratulations on the new water whip Justin & Michelle. Supras are quite the boat.

7th. What is this thread doing on the second page???

Lastly, but MOST Important, I miss you all and hope everyone is having one of the best summers ever, and ya'll is healthy :)

Trackstyle26 07-25-2010 5:40 PM

What up everybody? Anybody want to wakeboard inGreen wood lake?

newmy79 07-26-2010 3:15 PM

Wow, what a freaking hot weekend! It was 100 degrees both days and not much air for a breeze. Michele and I joined Brian Garrison and his wife Dana and two kids to a private lake and camped the whole weekend. It was a fantastic time, though we could have done without the severe heat. I am sore as hell today after something like 6 sets this past weekend. We had awesome conditions both days and took some good pictures.

I was aware that thunderstorms were expected on Sunday afternoon but I wasn't aware there would be hurricane force winds!! We packed up and left the site just in time! We made it to the WaWa and then BAM, the skies opened up and the wind came so fast that everyone stopped driving and headed for cover in the WaWa. I wasn't sure how in the world I was going to get the boat home, but we stuck around for a bit until the wind died down and it was smooth driving after that, but man that was the craziest storm I had seen in a long time. There was probably 60 mph winds blowing.

Congratulations Jeff and Sarah! Good news, and we're glad to hear you're well and still finding time to ride. You injure yourself all the time though bud, perhaps dial it back a little?

nj_alex 08-08-2010 6:55 PM

Keepin' it Alive
1 Attachment(s)
Oh yeah! The New Jersey thread!
Unlike last year's rainy Summer, there has been plenty of riding this year.
I've also been to Ryan Sorensen's man cave for a winch-pulled ramp hitting sesh.
Hitting the ramp is a lot of fun!

nj_alex 08-19-2010 8:25 PM

Wakeoff 2010 !
Hey! Registration for the 2010 Garden State Wakeoff is now open!
Register before September 1, and get a free t-shirt!
Register now New Jersey people!
2010 Garden State Wakeoff Registration

nj_alex 09-16-2010 8:29 PM

Getting Ready to Take the Belt
Hey! This is the last weekend before Wakeoff to practice your competition runs! It's supposed to be sunny and in the high 70s and river traffic will probably be seasonably light. See you on the river!

cadunkle 09-27-2010 7:45 PM

Pretty quiet on the NJ thread this year. Anyone still out riding? Had a family event this Sat that kept me off the water, then my crew bailed on Sunday. Figured I had 46 gallons that wasn't gonna burn itself so dropped in near Philly and took a ride up river to Bordentown and back. Overcast near the city but was gorgeous up river, plenty of glass around Bordentown and hardly anyone on the river. Saw some folks skiing behind an I/O, should have brought my gear and offered them a pull if they'd drive for me!! Getting up north has me tempted to start trailering up there since Rancocas can be a nightmare with everyone messing up the nice water.

Weather is still plenty warm, hoping to ride every Sat/Sun through October. I rode through mid October last year and only stopped then for lack of a crew. Didn't winterize until it started hitting freezing at night. Anyone else still getting out?

nj_alex 09-29-2010 8:19 PM

Still Riding
This past Saturday was Wakeoff and was a great event!
I'm hoping to get out on the river this Saturday.
The water may be cold after the heavy rain Thursday, but the air is supposed to be in the upper 60s. Of course, that's if I can piece together a crew!
Maybe see you out there.

cadunkle 09-30-2010 5:26 PM

Looks like my crew bailed for Saturday, but looking promising for Sunday. Definitely have a second and two maybes for a third. Trying to make the most out of the last few weekends of the season!

Alex or any of you NJ guys know of a decent upholstery shop that doesn't charge an arm or leg in South Jersey? Need a couple seats reupholstered on the new (to me) Supra, and thinking a snap cover may be prudent before next season for when I keep it in the water for a week or two on vacation.

10-01-2010 2:48 AM

just call up the situation and paul d. sorry , couldn't resist.

nj_alex 10-02-2010 3:50 PM

Snip and Tie
There's a guy in Point Pleasant Beach who made a really nice custom canvas cover for my Nautique. Nautical Canvas 732-892-7677.
Towed to the river today but it was FULL of all kinds of evil wash-off debris from the week's heavy rains. I ended-up towing back home without launching.
I'm not Winterizing 'til November and I still hoping to get-out one or two more times.

cadunkle 10-03-2010 2:27 PM

I tried this morning but the river looked like a war zone. No way I'd put my boat in there. Huge logs and debris everywhere. Was well before high tide but water was above typical high tide level. Oh well, maybe it'll clear out by next weekend if the rain this week isn't too bad.

nj_alex 10-06-2010 10:04 AM

River Poo
I towed to the river on Saturday and it was an absolute garbagefest. Huge logs and trees floating everywhere, barrels, bottles, tires and all kinds of junk. Even the ramp was super clogged with debris. Even though the water temp is down to 60° we're thinking about going out this Sunday, making it the probable last sesh of the year.

cadunkle 10-07-2010 6:05 AM

I'm going to shoot for either Sat or Sun, both if I'm lucky and have a crew. River is cleared up a lot but still some debris. It looks navigable. I'll probably go to scout the ramp Friday afternoon or Sat morning just to be sure, but it looks a heck of a lot better than Sunday! I'm going to try to push to the end of the month if I can, when the water hits 50* I'm done.

nj_alex 10-08-2010 9:56 AM

Break-Out the Neoprene
We're going-out Sunday at 9:00am and pulling-out around 2:00.
We'd pull-out earlier but low tide is at 12:30 and I have to wait for the water to come back up.
My friend Kevin may come with his boat too, which he usually uses down in Avalon.
If you see the Super Air out there, say "Hey!"

cadunkle 10-10-2010 8:45 PM

Didn't get out until 4:00 today as that's when I finally got a crew together. Great day on the water, no weekend warriors to mess with the good water. This is why I love riding late in the season...


WakeboardNJ 10-12-2010 11:12 AM

Well the season is over for me. Had the boat out on the Deleware this past weekend alongside Alex's crew. Glassy water and no one around made for a great day. Cold though, water was 55-57 and air temp was about 60-65. Brrr. All in all is was a good season. Wakefest, Wakeoff and plenty of pulls are in the books and made for some great memories. Winterization is only a few weekends away now

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