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wakeman15 12-03-2009 11:11 AM

I got a '93 mastercraft barefoot 200 but its definately converted into a wake machine. I'm out on Bear Lake almost everyday during the weekdays. And I would love to have some more riders come on out and shred it up with me this winter. Let me know!!!

supernatural 12-03-2009 7:09 PM

Hey bro, I'll be down for a week in Feb. and would love to get a couple boat sets. You ride year round?

wakeman15 12-04-2009 6:13 AM

Yea man. Just e-mail me like a week before you come to town and we'll get you out on that water.

supernatural 12-04-2009 4:12 PM

Looking forward to it. Thanks.

otown_dave 12-04-2009 9:17 PM

I lost your # Tyler, I'm right across the street from you( Well almost) How did the video turn out?Dave

otown_dave 12-04-2009 9:18 PM

PS, $$ for a gate key!

wakeman15 12-07-2009 7:01 AM

Hey Dave, I wish I could sell you a gate key but unfortunately I don't have one either (I leave my boat in the lake). But as for the video I'm still in the process of filming. Go to my blog an see the rough copy of the video. Go to tylerstaggs.blogspot.com and its the second video on there. (don't laugh it's still a working progress). Just text me whenever your down to come out. 321*403*5327. Or Email me and it will go straight to my phone.

wakeman15 12-07-2009 7:02 AM

That goes for anyone who's down to come out and have some fun.

clearlakescott 12-07-2009 6:53 PM

Tyler lets hit it wednesday if you have time and the weather doesn't suck

wakeman15 12-08-2009 8:00 AM

Scott, on your boat or mine?

clearlakescott 12-08-2009 3:27 PM

Tyler, Either way man. They both go straight

12-09-2009 10:49 AM

Hey guys will be there in Feb... got room for one to two ridders... ? Good with fuel and driving !!!!

clearlakescott 12-09-2009 11:58 AM

Brian for sure have room. Feb is real hit or miss on riding though. I can be cold 20's and windy or perfect 80's and calm. last year very cold and windy

12-09-2009 9:41 PM

thanks Scott

clearlakescott 12-09-2009 9:53 PM

I say we have a WW Dec ride day. I go the boat you guys get the time. You know to inspire those who can't ride in the winter<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

wakeman15 12-10-2009 6:13 AM

Hey Brian, I got plenty of room. Just E-mail me like a week before you come to town. Like Scott said the weather might not be in our favor.

12-10-2009 5:10 PM

Thanks Tyler I will do that. I will be there for about 5 weeks so it's cool. Will ride when we can. It's better than where I am not ridding at all in the winter, it has been between 7-16 degrees out this last week.. So can't wait to get back to Orlando...

wakeman15 12-11-2009 11:02 AM

Haha I hear ya man. I look forward to hearing from you.

otown_dave 12-12-2009 1:29 PM

You going to hit it up tomorrow Tyler..

wakeman15 12-14-2009 11:15 AM

Im gonna hit it up this wednesday if anyone is free. Let me kno!

cadunkle 12-15-2009 3:15 PM

I'm down from NJ staying near Orlando through Thursday evening. Unfortunately my friend I'm staying with got stuck working tomorrow and Thursday, so I'm trying to figure out something to do. If you're going out tomorrow and have room for one more I'd love to come out. I mostly kneeboard, only been on a wakeboard a couple times. Can drive, will throw a few bucks for gas, or whatever. Give me a ring if you have some room... 856-278-4315.

12-19-2009 11:18 AM

only 43 days and I will be there...

otown_dave 12-22-2009 5:16 PM

Danm ,this weather sucks! I'm going to try to take out the gayliner on Christmas day to ride, sucks being broke also,

12-24-2009 8:03 AM

Hey Tyler I am not sure I will have a PC so might not be able to e-mail you. Any chance you could shoot me your number and I can hit you up when I get there. I plan on being there on the 30th of Jan.. So be ready to ride Monday Feb 1st or anytime after that.. My buddy matt is driving down with me so would be 2 of us . We where planing on hitting OWC monday and wed unless your able to ride or if you want to hit cable with that would be fun.. Thanks Tyler

wakeman15 01-03-2010 5:05 AM

Yea man, my # is 321*403*5327. And yea im down to ride owc on wednesday. Text me like the day that you leave or something. Monday would be my daughters Bday so im not gonna ride that day but lets hit the boat tuesday and cable wednesday.Up to you, jus let me know. <BR> <BR>Tyler

01-03-2010 9:28 AM

Sounds great. I am hopping to get in late on friday Jan 29th. Will hit you up on saturday and we can figure it out than... Thanks Tyler

wakeman15 01-05-2010 6:13 AM

Before this winter came around I thought that I lived in Florida. But this weather makes me feel otherwise. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0> The sun needs to come back.

otown_dave 01-05-2010 11:04 AM

it's cold out there!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0>

dreevs 01-05-2010 11:36 AM

Yeah - Im over this crap.

otown_dave 01-09-2010 11:45 AM

great, Another blast of cold<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0> ass air!

clearlakescott 01-09-2010 2:34 PM

Can one of you go close the door to Canada please

dreevs 01-10-2010 1:19 PM

...and weld that biatch shut while you are at it?

clearlakescott 01-11-2010 5:14 AM

really? Had to scrap ice today and lake temp down to 66

otown_dave 01-13-2010 8:33 PM

Ooh, Warmth!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

clearlakescott 01-15-2010 4:50 AM

Anyone want to try and ride Saturday?

dreevs 01-15-2010 1:23 PM

Lake temp??<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

clearlakescott 01-15-2010 4:53 PM

A very cold 58 but warming

clearlakescott 01-16-2010 10:00 PM

If I don't get rained out riding Sunday

dreevs 01-22-2010 5:43 AM

I bet it warmed up after last nights rain. It was a warm, flooding rain.

clearlakescott 01-22-2010 10:45 PM

It is on the rise! Water temp 68 and climbing. Hopefully by sunday 70 I can't wait to actually get to ride

dreevs 01-23-2010 8:25 AM

I am so intune with my water environment! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

clearlakescott 01-24-2010 4:35 PM

Ok weather still sucking for this sport! Water 65 air 70 wind 30mph<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0> I just want to ride

otown_dave 01-24-2010 7:22 PM

They must of revised the forecast, I thought I saw 80's for Wednesday now only 67 ? I was going to hit o-dub so I can ride for the month of Jan.. I've rode at least once every month for the past 2 1/2 years.. Oh well I guess I'll just have to brave it out!

wakeman15 01-25-2010 8:34 AM

Hell yea david, thats what im talking about. I guess ill see you at odub on wednesday and we'll enjoy some half off fun.

otown_dave 01-25-2010 9:00 AM

Come out Scott!

wakeman15 01-25-2010 7:05 PM

Hey everybody I got some new footage up on my blog. Go to tylerstaggs.blogspot.com and check it out. And yea Scott come on out, the more the better!

otown_dave 01-26-2010 7:14 PM

I'll be there, You can't miss me I've got black Byerly top sheet on my Murray 140.

clearlakescott 01-27-2010 6:21 AM

I will come check you fools out but I am sick and not riding. I also have a hard time giving odub money to wait in line why I am wet and freezing my ass off to ride obstacles when I can get my boat to drag me over stuff everyday and then get in and get dry and warm. I don't do cold! Florida pussy all the way baby! I hit up the boat sunday already sick and it didn't help me. I am assuming you will be there after 4?

dreevs 01-27-2010 7:54 AM

Rode yesterday in Tampa - cold man! The worst part is the damn wind. Ill stay at the mountain bike park until it warms up thank you very much!!

otown_dave 01-27-2010 4:08 PM

It was cold out there,<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0> Thank god we only have to deal with that for one more month. On a positive note though the big cable was butter with no wind &amp; hardly anyone riding it. It was fun to back slide the whole stretch, Even if it was slow<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

wakeman15 01-28-2010 10:35 AM

Hey dave I was out at odub yesterday and i didnt see you. Did you go after 4?

otown_dave 01-28-2010 1:31 PM

I got there about 4:45 &amp; stayed about a hour. You probably pass me up a few times at the fun box, I was the one face first in the water.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

01-31-2010 6:25 PM

anyone ridding boat this week? If so got room for 2 ?

clearlakescott 02-01-2010 4:08 PM

If the weather allows I will be for sure! Have room too

02-02-2010 5:25 AM

Cool what day and when.. Shoot me a call or Text 509 863 4018 Thanks Scott

otown_dave 03-08-2010 5:41 PM

Finally, Warmth again!

dreevs 03-09-2010 5:43 AM

Hooray!! Lets hope it sticks man - that cold snap was BRUTAL!

flydenrict 03-09-2010 8:01 PM

I will be in orlando next week (14-20) any chance you will be riding during the morning/day? I'm not 100% on if i have access to a car to drive out, but if i do i would love to ride some boat. can i call or text you as it gets closer and i know for sure? thanks bud

flydenrict 03-12-2010 2:43 PM

Hey man i will for sure be able to drive to your spot to ride. is it cool if i just hit you up and set up a day to shred? or if anyone wants to ride OWC i'd be down for meeting up there. Let me know and ill talk to you later. 952-693-8996


wakeman15 03-13-2010 8:35 PM

Yea man, go ahead and text me. 321*403*5327.

clearlakescott 03-26-2010 5:54 PM

Dawn Patrol
Anyone down to get on the lake at 8 since the weather sucks by 10

otown_dave 04-03-2010 10:17 AM

Hittin the lake right now! Call me 321* 443* 9466

pwrvelocity 04-13-2010 7:52 AM

Anyone riding at the OWC happy hour?:)

clearlakescott 04-13-2010 4:57 PM

You know that sounds like a little bit of fun. Little wind and I will be there

ironj32 04-19-2010 7:37 AM

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is riding today (Monday 4/19 in Orlando? I'm down visiting some friends, and they all ended up having to work today. I have access to a vehicle so can basically ride anytime, anywhere. Shoot me text or give me a call at 507-951-5222 if you have room for me.

pwrvelocity 04-21-2010 6:37 AM

It's time....again.....OWC happy hour tonite.......

pwrvelocity 05-15-2010 8:07 AM

Anyone riding today or tomorrow??

pwrvelocity 05-15-2010 6:32 PM

Ahhhhhh......I guess this thread must be dead.......:confused:

fly135 05-17-2010 2:37 PM

I was out there on Sat for an hour ride.

pwrvelocity 05-17-2010 5:19 PM

Ahhhh....yes.....this thread is alive!! Maybe we'll hit the OWC HH on Wednesday. They sure know how to serve em up!! :D

dejoeco 05-18-2010 5:18 AM

My wife is attending a conference in Orlando-Disney area May 21-22. I am wondering if anyone was riding.

fly135 05-18-2010 8:51 AM

How busy is the wed now? I had a pass at OWC for many years so wed wasn't my day of choice. But now that I've given up the pass it might be a good day to hit it if the lines aren't too long.

The 22nd is a sat, so there's a good chance I will be there.

pwrvelocity 05-18-2010 9:26 AM

The OWC HH lines were'nt too bad....about a 10 min. wait. The one operator was droppin' the riders at 5 laps....pretty funny...but it gave everyone a decent chance to ride. I think OWC should have HH everyday!

fly135 05-18-2010 10:08 AM

Yeah, the 5 lap rule is pretty much needed when you get to a 10 min wait. When the lines are long there is nothing worse than watching people go lap after lap trying nothing that pushes their limits.

otown_dave 05-19-2010 9:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
OWC tonight! Just look for my board, It's the only one there. Dave.

otown_dave 05-19-2010 7:57 PM

Well W & I were pushing the limits this eve, the limits of our old ass bones. LOL...

pwrvelocity 05-20-2010 5:24 AM

For sure Dave.....I wound up riding the S kicker on my back instead of my board....ouch! Think I need a day or two to recover!

fly135 05-20-2010 7:13 AM

I'm gonna try and hit it sat.

otown_dave 05-20-2010 8:02 PM

Did you you go backward off Nessie? I was in line & saw someone eat it off the top & land on their back on the side angle..

pwrvelocity 05-21-2010 5:26 AM

Yeah, that was me.....fell like I fell from the roof of my house!.But, I am alive and kicking! I may go tomorrow if the pain is no longer!

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