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amo 06-04-2009 7:19 PM

Is there an unwritten rule some where that says I can "accidentally" run over a jet skier for being a jacka$$ and screwing up my nice riding day?

dakid 06-04-2009 7:21 PM

is there an unwritten rule that says the water is all yours?

amo 06-04-2009 7:33 PM

Joe are you always here to play devils advocate, especially when you don't know the whole story? You must be a lawyer, or a jet skier......or worse yet a jet skiing lawyer! <BR> <BR>Maybe I bought that part of the lake <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>I had a nice piece of lake picked out. It was very windy today and the only other calm shoreline was taken by another wakeboarder. Because I'm not one of those guys who poaches another dudes spot I went to this area. NOW, dude on a jet ski has the whole lake to himself besides 2 people wakeboarding and he decides to pull figure 8's in my line for a half hour F-ing up my nice line. Where I come from that is called being an A-HOLE!!!!

michaelspsp 06-04-2009 7:38 PM

agreed. i have the same problem in ny. 9 mile lake. they always end up by me even if the entire rest of the lake is empty. they are water cockroaches ..

sidekicknicholas 06-04-2009 7:46 PM

they don't bother me unless they get right behind our boat, which they usually do. <BR> <BR>Its unsafe and just plain stupid. Last time out, two kids jumping the 1st roller behind the main wake, back and forth.... I seriously had to wait to do tricks because I was afraid if I fell I was getting destroyed. <BR> <BR>Eventually I did fall, they slowed down and waited for us to start again.... I motioned for them to shoo away, they did for about 3 min. <BR> <BR>then again when I fell I had to tell them to get away from right behind us.... and said when we are done we'll make huge rollers if they just leave us alone for the next 15 min.... they did, we made huge rollers, everyone wins. <BR> <BR> <BR>As much as I hate them, I think as soon as I get on one I turn into an <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> how they work

dakid 06-04-2009 7:46 PM

i hear what you're saying amo, and no, i'm neither a jet skier nor am i a lawyer. though i wouldn't mind being the latter. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>i agree, they can be frustrating at times. just don't let 'em get to you or your good times on the lake.

john211 06-04-2009 9:00 PM

amo v. umi, pro se petitioners. <BR> <BR>jet skiers are typically a bane. on table rock at least, the water patrol collars them a bit. but it's washing machine on weekends, so it's little use that there's such enforcement. <BR> <BR>on bull shoals, which is quieter and hence the water patrol ignores, rogue jet skiers abuse with impunity. it's sad, the price hurdle for being trashy is so low.

pri3st 06-04-2009 9:13 PM

I agree with Nick, they don't bother me unless too close. They just wanna have fun too. I'm sure it's no fun to ride a jetski in choppy water. Just like it's no fun to ride in choppy water. <BR>Here's one for ya....how about you've got a nice cove to yourself &amp; someone pulls in &amp; decides to wakesurf in the glassy water. THAT pisses me off.

mckenna 06-04-2009 9:24 PM

wake surfing is lame.

kickflip_mj 06-04-2009 9:35 PM

wakesurfing is super fun, you might want to get better at it before you bag on it. water is water stop bitching and go ride somewere else.

pri3st 06-04-2009 9:43 PM

Whoa..that's definitely NOT what I was saying. I wish I could wakesurf with my boat. Looks like alot of fun. But you can wakesurf anywhere..no need to surf in calm water.

kickflip_mj 06-04-2009 9:51 PM

keven that was not directed to you at all. sorry. yea you can surf in crap water for sure.

kickflip_mj 06-04-2009 9:53 PM

dude keven you could totally surf with your boat. it just takes alot of weight in one corner and alittle bit of speed adjustment and your game.

conar 06-05-2009 3:41 AM

Jet skiing is fun its just the inconsidorate people that are anoying...

amo 06-05-2009 5:04 AM

I hear ya Joe, just frustrating. The wind blows a lot here in MN so finding prime water is tough at times. It sure does make you appreciate those calm days when you get them. <BR> <BR>As for what Kevin said, SOOOOOO True. Pisses me off more than jet skiers to see some dude come in and throw a 4 foot surf roller right where you are riding on pristine water. A guy did this to me at Bartlett (AZ) on a weekday when no one was on the lake! We moved, there was plenty of good water to be had.

lakemiltonwake08 06-05-2009 5:53 AM

Jetskis throw a 4 inch roller, you can't be serious. However, jetskis behind the boat are very dangerous.

jason_ssr 06-05-2009 6:14 AM

Jetskiing in itself is boring. The only way jetskiiers can make it tollerable is to find something to jump, and someone to watch them do it. They feel that right behind a wakeboat is a prime spot for both... thus the problem.

wakeboard_pittsburgh 06-05-2009 7:53 AM

I know that most of you have seen this photo before... I just think that it goes well in all "Jet-Ski Hater" threads. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/703440.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>Also, I am usually right up there with hating Jet Skis, but the other weekend my buddy showed me a new trick. <BR> <BR>If you go about 50mph, flip the reverse, and then hit the gas the jet ski will submarine itself. It is so much fun! <BR> <BR>Has anyone else tried this before?

wakeviolater 06-05-2009 8:16 AM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/703453.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>i love the opportunity to post this.

eargasm 06-05-2009 8:20 AM

Love that photo!

h2oproaccessories 06-05-2009 8:42 AM

I realize that the water is everyone's. So I do not mind them being on the water. What I do not like is when I have a rider behind the boat and they ride behind him hitting the wake. All it takes is one second for the person to fall and be hit by the jet ski. Another thing is the rider has a harder time concentrating on riding. The rider is more worried about being hit by the jet skier. They don't have to leave the water... just stay away from my wake and rider.

lfrider92 06-05-2009 8:52 AM

"is there an unwritten rule that says the water is all yours?" <BR> <BR>sorry but i agree with this on this thred <BR> <BR>it can be frustrating, but they have just as much as a right to be there as you do.

garret_s 06-05-2009 9:05 AM

both can live in harmony. I just changed my profile picture to reflect this attitude. Haha

jaybee 06-05-2009 9:09 AM

David - If you had read the thread you would have seen that the general consensus is most people are hating on their antics not trying to campaign to get them off the water.

amo 06-05-2009 9:12 AM

David, I'm still running them over if they are rude or dangerous......Period. Worthless pieces of garbage those jet skis are, unless you have the wake one sea-doo makes and its pulling a wake skater.

lfrider92 06-05-2009 9:32 AM

i did read the thread im just saying, ive had quite a few jet skiers jumping our wake or riding behind us. its really frustrating, and they should get a ticket or something for doing that, we took a coast guard class a little over a year ago, and in the handbook, it says that its illegal to jump a jet ski using someones wake. , but im just saying, they pay the same launch fee that we do. and as much as id love to have the whole lake to myself. its not going to happen

amo 06-05-2009 9:42 AM

Ok David, I agree, to a point. If they won't be respectful of my rider or my line, I'm saying something for sure. And if that doesn't work, I'm running them over.

stephan 06-05-2009 9:43 AM

Recently had a guy that was following our riders within 30 feet of us going back and forth. Now two wrongs don't generally make a right (at least my parents always said that), but we decided to drain our weight and return the favor. His eyes got huge as we chased him around the lake for 5 minutes, it was kind of fun, stupid yes, but fun none the less.

amo 06-05-2009 9:43 AM

Windy again here today. Riding at 2:30, we'll see if we run into this problem again this afternoon.

lfrider92 06-05-2009 9:46 AM

haha, alright amo that sounds fair. <BR>I just thought of this, but do you a wet sounds set up on your boat? if you have the mic you could yell at them without stopping the boat. just an idea

lfrider92 06-05-2009 9:47 AM

lmao at big and heavy

jasonpav 06-05-2009 10:01 AM

the best thing I've ever seen was on a crowded day at the lake where a jet-skier kept jumping people's wakes. Soon though, two wake surfing boats wakes crossed and the jet-skier accidentally hit the double-up. Both him and the jet-ski went flying and he had one of the most hilarious hard crashes I've ever seen

cwitham 06-05-2009 10:16 AM

I almost got the chance to run over a jet skier. I ride at the delta, where its not like lakes, a bunch of really narrow passages. I was driving back to the Marina, when this idiot on a jet ski was riding just behind me and to my left. I had to make a left turn into the channel, so I started to turn real slowly to show him where I was going (so he would back off). Instead of backing off, slowing down and turning away, the moron speeds up and cuts right in front of my left turn. I'm not kidding he was 10 yards away from the front of my boat. I felt the spray of his jet ski in the driver's seat as he went by. yea it sounds funny to hit a jet skier, I would be pretty pissed if he screwed up my boat like that. Sorry for the novel, I just needed to vent.

nwarhol1105 06-05-2009 10:27 AM

I would take a jet ski following me any day over 7 mexican fisherman in a 1970's glastron tri-hull like we had the other day.

amo 06-05-2009 10:40 AM

LMAO, Nick! Dude that is funny <BR> <BR>David, I have the speakers but not the 420 with the mic. That would be perfect, I agree!

K.B.C. 06-05-2009 10:53 AM

Awesome Heavy! I've wanted to do that forever. One of my personal goals is to one day own a mullet/jet boat with a huge rooster. Main objective, chase jetskis all over my local lake and criss cross back and forth over their wake.

cwitham 06-05-2009 10:54 AM

Is that a mullet and a jet boat, or a mullet jet boat? haha

wakescene 06-05-2009 10:55 AM

I would take another wakeboard boat wakesurfing all day along aside use then even have to deal with the unpredictability of a Waverunner.

lfrider92 06-05-2009 11:49 AM

it was just an idea. we got the 420 because we thought the mic would be a fun toy. we where going to sing karaoke while someone was riding. but we actually use it all the time. it works great for teaching and also for yelling at people for power turning. haha.

jaybee 06-05-2009 12:08 PM

David - The 420 is awesome to yell at them with <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>. My buddy has one on his boat and we use it for pretty much just that. Now that i ride in the bay i don't get as much jet ski traffic but they are definitely there and just as irresponsible as the ones on the lake which makes me nervous as you have huge oil tankers coming in and out of the channel at times.

lfrider92 06-05-2009 12:46 PM

the 420 is awesome. i love it. its so usefull

amo 06-06-2009 3:02 PM

I am happy to report that there was no carnage on the water yesterday as everyone lived in peace on the lake....................at least for a day.

2006maliblue 06-07-2009 10:29 PM

So in a jet ski hate forum did you hear what happened at the dirty "D" today? <BR> <BR>Supposedly a jetski turned right in front of a boat and got crushed, rumor at ski beach the guy didn't make it. <BR> <BR>My buddies came rolling back from union point were it happened all white saying it was bad they saw it happen. <BR> <BR>When are these idiots on jetski's gonna learn there not only a danger to everyone else but themselves too!

eternalshadow 06-08-2009 9:26 AM

We're out at the lake last weekend and some guy on a jetski actually pulls up beside us while we're chilling to ask "so umm come on guys you going to make some more wake for me? It's kinda boring when it's just me" <BR> <BR>I didn't even know what to think/say/do. The friends I was riding with were pretty chill though, they even hooked him up with a bevy because he came over to chat.

stevo8290 06-08-2009 11:47 AM

This weekend the lake was So crowded!!! I live in east texas and at the lake we were at, we were like the only boat out there with a tower. I think we were to only boat out there with any water edicate too. We would find a spot and have a nice line, then some bass boats with tubers would come all through it. I know the lake was crowded and its everyones water but not only that, but a tuber came very close to our rider who was down. I hate rednecks in bass boats with tubers the most.

mibu 06-08-2009 12:03 PM

Here is the link to the article from the accident this weekend. One dead the other injured. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090608/A_NEWS/90608007" target="_blank">http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090608/A_NEWS/90608007</a>

razzman 06-08-2009 12:34 PM

I agree the lice are a pain and can be dangerous and cannot argue one bit with all of the above, well except runnin' 'em over maybe. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>. So while were on a roll here, how about the inconsiderate and totally oblivious boat drivers? They actually piss me off more than the lice do! Running a heavily ballasted boat 20-30 yards past a stationary boat at boarding speeds throwing massive rollers at you! That is a dumbass moron stunt and unless your in or near the seat you can't get away from them in time! Took a few over the bow that way recovering riders, but the point is they should know freaking better! Just plain inconsiderate or stupid is what it is. Add a jetski and your really screwed! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

woreout 06-08-2009 1:15 PM

PWCs are like dog pecker gnats.

razzman 06-08-2009 1:34 PM

dog pecker gnats ... Good one! Never heard that one before! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

bmartin 06-08-2009 2:04 PM

I'd rather share the same stretch with the average water flea / gnat / roach over the tubers most any day. To be honest, I would rather have the average PWC than some inexperienced wakeboard boat driving in half circles and picking up with power turns. Every once in a while you will run into one that is just too close, but it doesn't ruin my day if a PWC is riding our rollers 150 feet away from the rider. <BR> <BR>I am sure most fisherman LOVE it when we ride by...but they do not own the water just like we don't.

h2oproaccessories 06-08-2009 2:35 PM

For me it's more about safety.... I just don't see how it's safe for jet skiers to be behind someone riding. When someone falls, the jet skier might not see them because they are more concerned with how much air they are going to get off of the wake. A lot of people on jet ski's are inexperienced when it comes to boating laws and such. I end up finding myself looking out for them then they look out for me. Not everyone is like this.... but where we ride, it's that way for the most part.

themxercr85 06-08-2009 3:12 PM

I love Sea Doos, Ive been riding them since I was about 7 or 8. I definetly respect wakeboarders though considering I am one. I never ride behind boats unless its a 35+ throwing a nice wake, sometimes people get pissed off and every once in a while ppl will take pics of me, Im one of the only ones it seems on our lake that knows where to hit the wake, most dont hit it at the right angle and/or the right spot. I get pretty high and its a pretty nice rush, the most air ive ever gotten was on out old two strokes which are much lighter than ours now and the rear end of the sea doo was around 9 or 10 feet out of the water. <BR> <BR>Kyle I know exactly what your doing! we used to do those alll the time on our first set of doos, its super fun but if you do it too much too fast its really hard on the clamshell.

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