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hkyleagg 03-03-2009 3:51 PM

ok so its my birthday and i would like to buy myself a new board for this season........im currently riding on a 2004 133 dna parks board with the 2004 parks bindings.........im about 5 foot 10 and 155 pounds. I was looking at the hyperlite boards/bindings and the ronix boards/bindings. Another things is i would like to get an 08 board and bindings because i just cant afford the new 09 stuff. what would you guys suggest? im not really worried about the price beacause i can get basically any of the 08 stuff cheap.

wakemikey 03-03-2009 3:53 PM

(delete) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by wakemikey on March 03, 2009)

wakerider111 03-03-2009 4:20 PM

can you help us out a little to help you out, by giving a li'l more info? <BR> <BR>board: <BR>What do you want from your ride? <BR>what rocker style do you prefer? <BR>you like a fast edging board? <BR>abrupt/bucking style of pop? <BR>are soft landings super important to you? <BR>lots of traking or a looser feel? <BR>etc. <BR> <BR>bindings: <BR>do you like softer/ more flexible boots or stiffer ones? <BR>do you want something that is especially quick and easy to put on? <BR>closed toe or open toe? <BR>etc.

wake77 03-03-2009 4:49 PM

The owner says it is a 2008.....Original owner says he paid $750.00, but is selling for 250.00. A deal that good though, it may already be gone.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/673167.html?1235586763" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/673167.html?1235586763</a>

hkyleagg 03-03-2009 5:12 PM

i would like to keep it similar to my old ride so probably 3 stage rocker, good pop and soft landings isnt that important and i like a looser feel. <BR> <BR>in the bindings i would like good support, not worried about how fast hey take to put on and i would like to get closed toe boots.

hkyleagg 03-03-2009 5:13 PM

also ive got my eyes set on the 2008 ronix one board and the 2008 cell bindings......but im not sure yet.

kingskrew 03-03-2009 5:15 PM

Pick up an '08 Ibex, pretty much the same as the '09 and you can get them on the cheap! <BR> <BR>-Steve

kristian 03-03-2009 5:22 PM

Take a look at the Ibex 139, Parks' current design. Slap on some smaller fins (or grind down the current ones) I think it would be just what you're looking for. 2008 cells are killer as well. That's the setup I rocked last year and loved it.

hkyleagg 03-03-2009 5:23 PM

yea i was looking at the ibex to but i dont know if i like the looks of it......i know i shouldnt buy a board by the way it looks but i just think its ugly

kristian 03-03-2009 5:28 PM

Dude with the embossed logo the painting opportunities on that board are endless. So I wouldn't worry too much about it.

kristian 03-03-2009 5:37 PM

This is what I did to a couple of mine for example. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/675248.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/675249.jpg" alt="Upload">

hkyleagg 03-03-2009 6:57 PM

damn that does look good

wake2wake_66 03-03-2009 6:58 PM

Kristian, those look sick! I wasn't really into the Ibex graphics either, but I still think it is the board I am going to be riding this year.

hkyleagg 03-03-2009 7:00 PM

im considering the ibex now <BR> <BR>on another note i ride in a pretty dirty river and if i did decide to get a white board/bindings would it get stained real bad?

kristian 03-03-2009 7:29 PM

Thanks Guys! Yeah I decided to paint all my Ibex's after I received my first one to hear my Mum say "What are you the silver surfer?" <BR>A rockin shape though!!! Love it!!! <BR> <BR>A white board isn't too bad in dirty water but white bindings do get skuzzy and beige in filthy water. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by kristian on March 03, 2009)

wake2wake_66 03-03-2009 7:32 PM

Did you paint those? I would buy the second one, definitely!

kristian 03-03-2009 7:38 PM

Yeah I painted them. Just spray paint and masking tape. I have a couple more as well.

wake2wake_66 03-03-2009 7:48 PM

I might try to find an 08 IBEX, and paint it. I always thought it would be cool to just paint the embossed logo. Or paint everything but the embossed logo.

behindtheboat 03-03-2009 7:59 PM

Lots of good used boards, on this site alone.

jasonpav 03-03-2009 8:10 PM

I ride white bindings on a dirty lake and they haven't been stained. I wouldn't really be worried about that

hkyleagg 03-04-2009 2:58 PM

ive decided on the ronix one board.......but im stuck between the ronix one boots and the cell boots........whats the difference between the two?

gunnertom4593 03-04-2009 3:13 PM

cells are stiffer

hawkeye7708 03-04-2009 3:16 PM

One's are more middle of the road as far as the side to side flex goes, the Cell's are made to be far more stiff. I'm sure that a few people can offer a better description than that, but from all I've been told, Cell= Stiff, One= Medium stiffness

wakeboardmatt 03-05-2009 8:17 AM

Kristian, how does the paint stick to that? Did it chip at peel at all? Send me a PM, I am very interested in painting my board like that haha.

dnp33 03-05-2009 10:37 AM

kristian that first ibex is SICK. <BR>and your personal quote may be the funniest one i've read on here.

sidekicknicholas 03-05-2009 10:38 AM

+1 ibex

hkyleagg 03-06-2009 2:16 PM

ok ive decided to get the one bindings but i heard they dont tighten up properly.......is that true?

gunnertom4593 03-07-2009 8:10 AM

the ones tighten up ok but not amazing, you really have to pull it hard and it's not always easy. I would say pay a little more and get the 09 franks or kai's. The whole new ronix line of boots is amazing. <BR>Actually my 08 ones broke on me after about 7 or 8 rides and I had to get them replaced, and when I did I paid a little extra and got some 09 cells. Best boots I have ever ridden. But when I rode the franks I found them better than the ones too. <BR>Any more questions just let me know. I also ride an 08 DHV1 which is the same shape as the one if you have questions about that

hkyleagg 03-07-2009 2:54 PM

alright thanks ill have to make sure i remember you because i might have some questions later.

kristian 03-07-2009 7:51 PM

Thanks David! The first on up here is my fav I've done by far. I based it off of one of Zakk Wyldes Gibsons.

hkyleagg 03-09-2009 8:26 PM

this may be a stupid question but as you may know im new to the forums and i cant figure out how to view my private messages.....how do you do that? <BR> <BR>thanks in advance.

wakerider111 03-09-2009 9:17 PM

your messages should be going to the email you registered your account with. <BR> <BR>these messages may be going to your bulk/spam box so you need to add <font color="0000ff"><a href="mailto:WakeWorldTalk@WakeWorld.com">WakeWorl dTalk@WakeWorld.com</a></font> <BR>to your address book

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