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-   Archive through June 05, 2008 (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=588146)
-   -   RONIX AD - wbm - june (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=587064)

wakeboardnut 06-04-2008 8:14 AM

this thread is pretty pointless, but did anyone else notice they didn't spell BONIFAY correctly in the ad, BONFAY<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/crazy.gif" border=0>

behindtheboat 06-04-2008 8:23 AM

I don't think it's pointless. The quality of grammar, spelling and editing is getting sad in the industry. I don't think most care, but it's just sad that it slips by the editing so easily. I never notice errors in most other mags, even snowboarding. I don't think the people at the red tag sports site know the difference between their, they're and there, and use them all incorrectly.

iamnathanhudson 06-04-2008 9:09 AM

i blame it on text messaging.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

wakereviews 06-04-2008 9:10 AM

they also messed up the light bar section. The Airboom and Skylon light bars were swapped.

stephan 06-04-2008 9:12 AM

You should see how many different ways they spell Schwenne. You peruse WBM or Alliance and they'll spell it 3 different ways in the same issue. I always wonder if Cortese is messing with Mike?

j_money 06-04-2008 9:19 AM

Spelling the name of a sports icon wrong is a HORRIBLE mistake. What if a chicago bulls add said home of the greatest player Michl Jrdan!

leftside2222 06-04-2008 9:20 AM

That is a Buywake ad, the Ronix Ad is the Chad going crazy huge ad up in the front.

wakeworld 06-04-2008 9:32 AM

I remember the packaging on Rainbow Fins many years ago had three out of their four riders names spelled wrong. That's pretty bad!

wakerider42 06-04-2008 9:59 AM

I agree, A-Dub. You see this type of thing a lot in this industry. I can't help but dismiss a company who can't even spell basic words correctly or use grammar reasonably well. Realistically, the majority of consumers probably don't give a poop because they can't spell or use grammar properly anyway. <BR> <BR>Spelling some of the professionals' names wrong!!?? That's pretty bad! Dave, that's really bad!

depswa 06-04-2008 10:16 AM

People spell our band name "Dewspa" and "Despwa" all the time! Sucks...especially when its on the Marquee! HA!

hawk7 06-04-2008 5:08 PM

Can someone scan it please? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

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