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wakeworld 02-25-2008 4:54 PM

I just got an email from a guy who ended up buying a new Malibu Wakesetter VLX. He said that although he ended up doing quite a bit of research, one of the big reasons he went with the Malibu was due to the coverage we have given it here on WakeWorld. He liked the detail we were able to provide in response to some of his questions via the various articles, Q&amp;A and photo galleries we've done. <BR> <BR>It's not the first time we've gotten such an email, but I don't get tired of hearing it. My question to you is how much of an influence has our Wakesetter coverage been when you went to buy your boat. Whether you bought a Malibu or not, did we help you at all with your decision?

woreout 02-25-2008 7:33 PM

Jeez Dave, is Malibu wanting to charge you for a boat next year or something? <BR>Have you gotten any emails from anyone else who has purchased a different brand because of the knowledge he or she gained on this sight? <BR>And if you did would you tell?<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

deuce 02-25-2008 7:57 PM

Wakeworld was invaluable with the end of my boat search. A few posts and some unsolicited e-mail to owners of my "final 2" helped me dial things in. <BR> <BR>I ended up with something Correct Craft use to build.....

grant_west 02-25-2008 8:20 PM

Dave Good Question: <BR>Im gonna buy a Epic because of all the nice things people have said about them here. Im also gonna get rid of my Esclade and buy a Diesel tow rig with 24's because so many people here say how sick they are. <BR> <BR> <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

liquidmx 02-25-2008 8:26 PM

David, I have purchased A LOT of products because of this website. I agree with Billy, it sounds like your "plugging" Malibu. However in general, this place has given me a TON of valuable information; more good than bad. <BR> <BR>To be perfectly honest the two inherent drawbacks with getting your information here that people may not see are: personal agenda of the poster/review and/or experience/level of expertise. <BR> <BR>But hey, if that guy is pumped on his boat, more power to him. <BR> <BR>just my $.02

nickdakoolkat 02-25-2008 8:29 PM

It made me realize just how badass all-white boats look! Seeing as how I have no means to purchase a boat I guess that means nothing...

epic_peachland 02-25-2008 8:40 PM

This website is invaluable but wake world pimping malibu would not affect my decision. But the members of wake world pimping malibu would.

wakebrdr38 02-25-2008 8:47 PM

i have to say im dissappointed in this post... i wouldnt call it pimping malibu, as i see that as disrespectful to dave, however it does rub me the wrong way and seems like a "plug"

joshugan 02-25-2008 9:05 PM

I agree with most of the sentiments here. In fact, knowing that you're getting some sort of deal on your Mailbu makes me less inclined to listen to you tell me how great a boat it is. <BR> <BR>For what it's worth, Wakeworld has made me want a Nautique.

wakeworld 02-25-2008 9:09 PM

I think you guys are missing the point of the question. I'm not suggesting that somebody bought a boat just because they saw that Malibu was the Official Boat of WakeWorld. That's not a good reason for choosing a boat. I'm asking if the detailed coverage of our Malibu (i.e. articles, Q&amp;A, photo galleries, etc.) has helped with your purchase decision, be that deciding to buy a Malibu or deciding to purchase something else.

lionel 02-25-2008 9:14 PM

If Malibu gave me a new boat every year, I would drive a Malibu. Since they don't, I drive something else.....

cavlxenvy 02-25-2008 10:35 PM

I enjoy your coverage David.

themxercr85 02-25-2008 11:10 PM

I think everyone is missing the question, haha, I have an x-star but yeah the posts, articles, pics, q's and a's have made me kinda want one next, if not want one they defenetly made me love them.

dnannen 02-25-2008 11:27 PM

You hear good things about everything cause people dont want to hate what they own. People mainly only comment on topics related to something they already have. In other words there isnt much negativity on these forums.

greatdane 02-25-2008 11:37 PM

Dave, the wakeworld wakesetter works for me. Its not going to make me buy a BU but it will encourage me to look at BUs. Its like a very effective continuous magazine ad stamped with your person touch.

seattle 02-26-2008 5:51 AM

I'm growing my hair long because Dave is.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

ldr 02-26-2008 6:04 AM

I liked the articles and questions. Now all you need is to have the same articles about other boats. Have somebody do one on their new supra, then someone could do one on their new MC and CC and so on. Maybe even get away from the big 3, like sanger and centurion. They have a ton of cool features, in fact my favorite oem tower is the new one Sanger is using, It's awesome.

absoluteboarder 02-26-2008 6:44 AM

......dave I was not interested in the malibu so it didn't mean much to me.....however if that sort of coverage were given to other boats especially one I was lookin into .....then of course that kind of information would be invaluable. Having said that I am sure any wouldbe malibu owner looked at that with great interest to decide.

burberry03 02-26-2008 6:55 AM

Hey David, I know the point that you are trying to make and I appreciate all the knowledge that you have provided for me through wakeworld and other means. I personally love the information on wakeboards and bindings; with the factory specs and pictures and also user reviews.... it is really useful. <BR> <BR>Everyone: David is just trying to see if it is benefitial to everyone to have writeups like that. Just relax, he is just trying to help!

timmy 02-26-2008 7:20 AM

The writeups have not had any boat buying decision influence for me, but I am not in the market to buy a boat. <BR> <BR>I do like checking it out though, to see what the new boats are looking like. <BR> <BR>Some of the people who were giving him a hard time just might happen to sell MC boats so it is natural for them to make a stink when people talk about non-MC boats.

02-26-2008 7:30 AM

"Im also gonna get rid of my Esclade and buy a Diesel tow rig with 24's because so many people here say how sick they are." <BR> <BR>It's about time.

wakeboardnut 02-26-2008 7:35 AM

Just like Mike said, for any wouldbe VLX owner im sure the article had helped a great deal, more so then someone who had a x2 on the mind. <BR> <BR>Id like a v-ride article if you could :P

colorider 02-26-2008 7:35 AM

Sold my boat 2 years ago, have not been on a board for 2 years, just traded my Denali in for another Denali not a diesel. What I have from this website that is most important to me is the lasting friendships I have made. Years ago it was all about boarding for us, now it is about taking trips to see each other and watch our families grow. Priceless.

wakeworld 02-26-2008 8:11 AM

Andy, that's all really touching and everything, but isn't this the real reason you are no longer allowed to purchase expensive toys??? <BR> <BR>P.S. Andy is also responsible for the horrendous spelling on that caption! <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/550766.jpg" alt="Upload">

liquidmx 02-26-2008 8:35 AM

Dave, I like the idea of a "feature boat", and I also like the idea of helping out others with their choices. Maybe you could feature a different boat every couple months with a detailed interview and information as well as an open forum for honest questioning. Somewhat of a "boat bible" where people shopping could take a look and get their "in depth" detail. <BR> <BR>I think there are enough "regulars" on here to create that kind of resource.

colorider 02-26-2008 8:38 AM

That's what I get for trying to rush out a pic. Photo software really needs spellcheck when you are not paying attention. Swass, don't hold that spelling error against me. and we learned that tip over trick from dave Williams and dave vincent. So I can say that is another thing I have learned from wakeworld

wakelvr 02-26-2008 9:16 AM

Andy, your post is so right on. Things have greatly changed over the years, haven't they? <BR>What is it with you guys and rolling those things? I thought for sure that Paul would have been driving in that picture.... lol!!!! <BR> <BR>Dave, this site has provided Jason and I with invaluable information and insight over the years and I do believe that this site has been influential with certain decisions that we have made in our years of wakeboarding. However, we still went with a Mastercraft <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

andy_nintzel 02-26-2008 10:00 AM

Hahahahahhhhahahahah <BR> <BR>That pic of the 4x4 on its side is great! Hahahaha, horrible spelling and token beer bottle! <BR> <BR>Hahahahahahahhha

hbguy 02-26-2008 12:18 PM

I bought a '05 VLX last year. I read wakeworld's article on the VLX. I remember it being useful, but it is hard to say exactly how much of an influence it had on me compared to the test drives, sitting in all the boats at the boat show, and the tons of information I received by reading various posts by wakeworlders.

rallyart 02-26-2008 12:44 PM

David, I really enjoy the coverage of your WakeWorld boats. The detail makes a difference because it shows what some people think is important or interesting, and that is not always the same as what I look at. It broadens my view. <BR>As far as Malibu being the Official Boat I think your website has the credibility that makes your "Offical" something an item I would take it seriously. If Gekko was your official boat I would consider it. That said, I drove the newer Gekko and it was not the boat for me. <BR>I don't know if that's clear but your site is valuable enough that I hope the products you endorse as a site are of current technology and of a high level design and quality manufacture. <BR>I did take a serious look at Malibu before buying my boat. It was my second choice.

bbking 02-26-2008 1:15 PM

I mean, I've seen it and thought how sick it is... but still I would choose a LSV because my family likes the size. (I'm a son, btw) So if I could pick anything it'd be an X-Star. <BR> <BR>Idk how its affected other people...

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