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-   -   Pee your pants? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=495557)

eubanks01 08-30-2007 1:51 PM

So how many of you pee your pants while you are swimming (or just before you ride) at the lake? I think it's gross and could never imagine doing it myself! :-)

ronnyboy27 08-30-2007 1:52 PM

I never do that.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

norcalbordr 08-30-2007 1:52 PM

every time I ride

tyboarder03 08-30-2007 1:53 PM

I've done it many times... but usually only if it's super cold. And I know I'm not the only one especially in our group that does it so fess up!!! Just don't pee in your drysuit or wetsuit for that matter.

deuce 08-30-2007 1:56 PM

All the time, though I get myself out, never through my shorts....for some reason I think that is gross..... I don't want my shorts working as a filter.

jon4pres 08-30-2007 1:57 PM

There are 2 kinds of people out there. The ones that pee in the lake and the ones who lie about it.

tyboarder03 08-30-2007 1:57 PM

^^^hahaha interesting point EJ

sidekicknicholas 08-30-2007 1:57 PM

Most everytime, I have whoever is driving idle slow so I don't just sit and wallow in my pee... makes it a little less gross

eubanks01 08-30-2007 1:58 PM

I thought you were supposed to pee in your wetsuit because then you have warm fluids running all over your body keeping you nice and toasty! <BR> <BR>What's funny is my 6 year-old niece last year wouldn't pee her pants at the lake like we told her to do. She made us drive to the dock and take her to a restroom. It made me laugh to know that all the adults on our boat were peeing in their pants at the lake but the little kids think it's gross and won't do it! <BR> <BR>(Message edited by eubanks01 on August 30, 2007)

louise 08-30-2007 2:00 PM

We never pee in the lake; however, we do a lot of 'prop checks'. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0>

bigjokerinthebox66 08-30-2007 2:00 PM

First of all, I dont pee my pants when I swim, I pee in my boardshorts and it keeps me warm. JK

ttrigo 08-30-2007 2:22 PM

I pee while I am standing on the swimstep, before I jump off with my board. my wife hates it. must be why I continue to do it.

blind 08-30-2007 2:26 PM

we call it draining the ballast

eubanks01 08-30-2007 2:27 PM

I just always say I'm stretching or tightening my bindings.

biglap 08-30-2007 2:28 PM

... when it need to be done, but never in a wetsuit!!!! I prefer to pee than riding thinking of it!!!

denverd1 08-30-2007 2:28 PM

Rode at TSR a few weekends ago. I was VERY disappointed that I wouldn't have the opportunity to pee before I rode. Kinda threw me for a loop. <BR> <BR>thomas, try standing with some friends on the step. and have everyone pee right there. she how she likes that.

joshturner 08-30-2007 2:35 PM

Peeing in your boardies is one thing and honestly quite nice when its soo cold that your balls shrivel up and decide to become ovaries, but i draw the line at peeing in a wetsuit, thats just sick

andy_nintzel 08-30-2007 2:38 PM

EVERYTIME works great if you need to catch more air, makes you lighter!!

wakeriderixi 08-30-2007 2:39 PM

Yea, sometimes I don't even make it off the swim platform.

innov8 08-30-2007 2:41 PM

Most of the lakes in Texas are full of peep and poop anyway, so no big deal.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

eubanks01 08-30-2007 2:43 PM

I just hate when you are trying to go real quick before the driver pulls you up but you're too late. I always wonder if the people in the boat can see the last bit of tinkle running down my leg. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> Ok, I'm just kidding people...mostly.

mastercraft1995 08-30-2007 2:45 PM

I pee every time I ski. In our group we have "group prop checks" at least 3 times a day. I'll let you guess what we talk about when we pee next to each other. It helps warm up the lake is the way I look at it.

bsebllhglyknit 08-30-2007 2:46 PM

Isnt the excuse hey let me cool off real quick.. in between changing riders ofcourse<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

walt 08-30-2007 3:12 PM

There's nothing like a good piss in your shorts on the swim deck before you start your set.

scott_a 08-30-2007 3:13 PM

i poo'ed in so-cal's drinking water.

depswa 08-30-2007 3:14 PM

My buddy Erik Carter developed the "Cowboy Pee." It's where you put your board on before your first run while completely dry and face the boat. You start to laugh a little then by the time people are wondering what is so funny, your board shorts begin to dampen and a stream runs down your leg. Then you jump in the water. It's always good for a laugh...especially when girls are in the boat! <BR> <BR>There's an urban legend that Cater once "Cowboy <a href="mailto:Sh@t">Sh@t</a>" But, I'm not one to gossip! HA!

bassmanjoshis 08-30-2007 3:20 PM

the moment i hit the water...i have to 'release'. don't know what it is! same thing when i have to do dishes...i always have to pee first. weird.

wakeeater2003 08-30-2007 3:27 PM

Yes I agree with Walt and Dan! I just piss my shorts on the swim platform. My whole crew is now in this habit. No need to wait until you are in the water.

twakess 08-30-2007 3:30 PM

Dan and Mike, Steve Walman used to do that all the time. People would flip out on him. He would just laugh.

dreambig 08-30-2007 3:31 PM

I prefer when my Bun squats on the swim deck thats usally when i check the prop. Is that gross?

captain_vilfo 08-30-2007 3:31 PM

its a must too piss while taking a session riding. i think it feels the best after that first fall. it seems taking a dump in the lake is a bad omen though, my last friend who did got rough water everytime he rode afterwards that year. usually it was after we had butter for our sessions just seconds before his haha.

innov8 08-30-2007 3:37 PM

"But I'm not one the gossip" <BR>Hhahahaha <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> wasen't that <BR>In living Color?

stephan 08-30-2007 3:38 PM

I usually stand on the swim step, take my shorts off, fling them in the water, then piss on them as they float while verbally hurling insults at them. Who's the boss? I AM!!

walt 08-30-2007 3:43 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

cavlxenvy 08-30-2007 3:48 PM

Okay... who let's it go in their wetsuit??? I do.

utter_twat 08-30-2007 3:50 PM

its all about dock-starting, dry shorts, pissing while you go along and watching the trail fly out the bottom of your shorts

solo 08-30-2007 3:50 PM

I've seen Parks let it go while interviewing for fuel tv on the starting dock! Lol!

dfwharvey 08-30-2007 3:56 PM

I actually do it while still standing on the deck before dropping in. A nice stream of pee running out one pant leg of my shorts. It always grosses people out in the boat. I always laugh my @ss off.

mobius67 08-30-2007 4:39 PM

I think anyone who wears a wetsuit is guilty of peein in it. Unless you care that much, and hold it in until after your run. WHO DOES THAT??? nobody I know.

brody 08-30-2007 4:57 PM

In our boat its called a "prop-check" <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

drewsnautique94 08-30-2007 4:59 PM

i thought this was a given

absoluteboarder 08-30-2007 5:11 PM

.......I thought I was the only one!......man our water must be poluted!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

lfxstar 08-30-2007 5:16 PM

ever set i pee when i get in the water....every pool also hahahaha

lfxstar 08-30-2007 5:17 PM

but my favorite is before surfing...stand and watch the waves for a couple minutes as i flow a nice stream down my leg on the beach

big_b 08-30-2007 5:39 PM

I do it every time. <BR> <BR>If you want a good laugh try this: <BR>While you are still standing on the platform (still dry of course), just start going and make the face that says "I just had an accident". It never fails to get some laughs and gross everyone out...Do it.

calabriaman 08-30-2007 6:25 PM

We call it "Magic Pants" You pee while you stand on the swim deck. It's Awesome.

wake4chicks 08-30-2007 7:10 PM

peeing in boardshorts is the only way to go. i do go off the swim platform most the time but i hate it when the driver decides to take off quick n make you fall off into ur own pee. kinda funny. o pooped in the water once n had no tp so i got on the back of a jetski with my shorts to my ankles still n have my buddy drive bout 25 n then i jumped off so my a$$ would hit first. wiped my a$$ perfectly clean. hehe

wkbdboi 08-30-2007 7:13 PM

i pee while im on the platform before i am even wet! now thats the way to role!

dyost 08-30-2007 7:16 PM

Everytime for sure. Always in the wetsuit too. Funny story the first time I rode in a drysuit (which was my buddies) it was November and very cold. I was wearing sweats and a hoodie under the drysuit. I rode my set as usual, and about halfway through remember thinking "oh god I hope I didn't piss my pants in Jarrid's drysuit." <BR> <BR>I didn't feel wet, but couldn't tell if that was cause of all the clothes. I nervously pulled off the drysuit to find.... <BR> <BR>Dry Pants!

iridelow1998 08-30-2007 9:13 PM

I'm peeing on myself right now! I figure if I can swim in everyone elses pee then mine won't hurt me!

hixsonaz 08-30-2007 9:28 PM

If i can't muster up a tinkle whilst in the water, i will simply pull myself back to the boat by the rope, get back in and give an excuse like "i'm just not into it right now" or "i have a headache". <BR> <BR>No... wait a minute! .........} I piss every time!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>}

borka 08-31-2007 6:35 AM

This thread will be improved with PICS!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Any girls here is peeing in shorts on the swim platform???

kalenk 08-31-2007 6:39 AM

i agree.. pics or it didnt happen! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/495777.jpg" alt="Upload">

ccwhite 08-31-2007 6:54 AM

One of the girls once asked for a 'personal moment' and after that it just stuck...

ironj32 08-31-2007 7:04 AM

peeeee!!!!!!! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/your_image.gif" alt="1">

lyle 08-31-2007 7:23 AM

our girls deffinetly hit the ol teak squat for some relief. When its cold however and they are just along for the ride to watch, there have been many a hiney hung over the side of the boat. <BR> <BR>Oh and I am deffinetly a pee'r, boardshorts and wetsuit, however, I do prefer to be in the water first, just feel kinda dirty doing it standing up <BR> <BR>(Message edited by lyle on August 31, 2007)

smylie 08-31-2007 7:24 AM

we always say, "who turned on the hot tub"

ldr 08-31-2007 7:34 AM

i always had to watch myself when i was in a drysuit. I would jump in and get the urge but then i'd remember that i wasn't just in my shorts.

kalenk 08-31-2007 7:35 AM

i usually just stand on the teak and piss the hell out of my shorts.

bendow 08-31-2007 8:21 AM

I pee while I'm riding. I'll usually spray myself to hide the urine. Next time I'm going to try to initiate my piss in the air!

calcio 08-31-2007 8:30 AM

3rd Grader: Hey look everybody, Billy peed his pants. <BR>Billy Madison: Of course I peed my pants, everyone my age pees their pants. It's the coolest. <BR>3rd Grader: Really? <BR>Billy Madison: YES. You ain't cool, unless you pee your pants. <BR>3rd Grader: Hey look, Ernie peed his pants too. Alright! <BR>Old Farm Lady: If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis. <BR>Billy Madison: OOH. That is the grossest thing I've ever heard in my life. Let's Go.

cavlxenvy 08-31-2007 9:00 AM

JFree beat me to it!!!

denverd1 08-31-2007 9:08 AM

i want to see a camel toe fountain

norcalbordr 08-31-2007 9:12 AM

At Shasta a few years ago on a houseboat trip we had all the boats tied up just floating and drinking and I was compeltely not sober standing on the swimstep talking to a few friends. We were in mid conversation and I asked them if I could take a leak real quick. well of course they assumed I would jump in the water but I just stood there and pissed in my boardshorts, it was funny, everyone laughed, it was a drunken thing. I was just gonna jump in the water right afterwards anyways. But I got into the conversation and about 3 hours later back on the houseboat I realized that I forgot to jump in the water. umm, yeah...

bcrider 08-31-2007 9:20 AM

Off the swim platform. In my shorts in the water, where ever. The world is my urinal! <BR> <BR>There's nothin like peeing with a view. <BR> <BR>There was a bunch of us on holidays this summer and we were all partying down on this sandbar where the water came to just below the knees. Everyone just pee'd where they were standing or walked over until they were waist deep. It was pretty funny because a person would look over at you and say " are you peeing"..."I sure am!"

ord27 08-31-2007 11:18 AM

we call it "killing fish"

tyboarder03 08-31-2007 11:23 AM

"There's nothin like peeing with a view." <BR> <BR>There is not a more accurate statement anywhere on the internet!

hawkeye7708 08-31-2007 11:31 AM

Sometimes ya just gotta drain the personal "ballast"

praisinplaya 08-31-2007 11:31 AM

HAHA i love this thread. we do it on the back of the swim platform when were dry...its more fun that way <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>. i dont know if ya'll will be able to view this video but ill post it anyway. my buddy posted it and its me performing the infamous dry pee. <BR> <BR><a href="http://ttu.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=515223685608" target="_blank">http://ttu.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=515223685608</a> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by praisinplaya on August 31, 2007)

myaliasisnull 08-31-2007 11:34 AM

On float trips where the river is crowded and everyone is around partying we have "the signal" You stand in waist deep water and hold your hand up in the air to indicate that you are peeing so that everyone down river can get to the side... <BR> <BR>I think I have pics at home, I will try to post a few.

eubanks01 08-31-2007 11:37 AM

Does anyone get a burning sensation from peeing in their Under Armor compression shorts? I think all the pee can't escape and starts re-entering the urethra. Maybe that's why I pee for so long...I'm peeing recycled pee.

sbilyeu 08-31-2007 11:49 AM

I'm laughing so hard I damn near pissed myself!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

sbilyeu 08-31-2007 11:51 AM

I have a feeling after this drunken weekend this tread will take on new form<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

lives2wake 08-31-2007 12:02 PM

When I have a "personal moment" (I'm going to use that next time I'm out), I pump water in and out of my shorts by lift up one leg opening and dropping the other continuously...it just flows. <BR>...anyone else do this? it works.

eubanks01 08-31-2007 12:18 PM

I just pump straight out and back and it flows out the top. I started doing this after the burning sensation mentioned above. Now I just have to be careful my pumping action isn't misidentified as something else!

sean21v 08-31-2007 12:23 PM

Eubanks.. <BR> <BR>Your killingme.. Does your wife know your posting about your bathroom issues?????

eubanks01 08-31-2007 12:36 PM

Ha! Nope, I need her to still be attracted to me! I've thought about doing the "dry pee your pants" while standing on the platform but I'm not sure the humor I would enjoy would outweigh the unattraction she would begin to feel towards me. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

rico80 08-31-2007 1:03 PM

Has anyone else noticed that on a perfectly calm night you can actually move the boat with your pee. First law of physics at its finest

dcranium 08-31-2007 1:11 PM

No platform/deck pee thanks. Need to save for "making a warm spot" in the water.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

woreout 08-31-2007 1:19 PM

I pee in the lake all the time. I have even pooped a half dozen times. When I was younger I picked up a piece(a floater) and threw it at my friends older brother and hit him in the face. Then he beat the ever living sh#* out of me.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0>

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