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-   -   Vics - Rook of the day! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=457547)

migs 06-04-2007 8:01 AM

Indeed summer is here once again and the rooks are out to play. Please learn proper boating etiquette before you come out to share the water. <BR>Case in point: Surfing at Vics and not stopping at the 5mph zone at the end turn around and endangering all the folks stopped and lined up with riders in the water will get you posted here. Cameras are ready all summer long. <BR>SMILE! <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/457548.jpg" alt="Upload">

dakid 06-04-2007 8:16 AM

wow. i hope i never make a mistake out there.

jonfo 06-04-2007 8:24 AM

Awesome, i think we should start doing this on lk sammamish. Unfortunately wallies will never see their picture and be humiliated because they wont be on here and if they were on here they wouldnt be a wally.

guido 06-04-2007 8:46 AM

Hey Miguel... FYI, that's not a 5 anymore. Some still honor it, some don't, but it's no longer enforced. We try not to ride through there, but if we have a clean line we cruise through. During the week we don't even hesitate. <BR> <BR>Surfing in Vics is a serious offense, however. I decided this weekend that I'm done with Vic's. That place is a mad house on the weekend.

ride900 06-04-2007 8:47 AM

man, I sure am glad that there is someone perfect out there to watch over the delta. Maybe you should post a picture of your boat so every one know who you are so they can stop and get lessons on how to be perfect. I mean our crew dosn't like people surfin on "nice" water eaither but lets face it the water is everybodies and if they want smooth water then they can take it. <BR> <BR>Sum

jarrod 06-04-2007 8:52 AM

Well it's not actually a 5 zone. I saw that x10 out there. They must have started Surfing after we left. Vics SUCKED by noon. I didn't see a lot of bad driving, just too many damn boats. <BR> <BR>Early in the day, you might have seen us blow through it to. This was when we were able to keep a safe distance from other boats and riders. Around noon, when it got busy, we stopped, or just continued riding straight back towards the river. <BR> <BR>I agree that we definitely need to keep that corner safe. I totally agree about wakesurfing down Vics, or in any spot were wakeboarders, skaters, or skiers are trying to find smooth water.

jarrod 06-04-2007 8:56 AM

"the water is everybodies and if they want smooth water then they can take it." <BR> <BR>True, but they are definitely not making friends that way. If that kind of thing is important to you.

richd 06-04-2007 9:01 AM

Hey guys, it's technically still a 5, while the GGWSC is no longer paying to maintain the bouys and the signs the Coast Guard still considers it a designated 5 zone. They made it official in the early 80's when a skier was whipped into one of our docks and died. <BR>So I wouldn't be pulling anyone going around there if the Sher-iff is anywhere nearby! (or if you see a white Malibu VLX tied up at the end dock there! LOL)

migs 06-04-2007 9:03 AM

power turning at vics - "oh well", pulled up in front of me riding twice, pulled up in front of 2 of my riders a few more times - "oh well", surfin at vics - "oh well" , Pulling tubers at vics doing S turns at full speed - "oh well" ALMOST RAN OVER 3 RIDERS AT THE TURN ANROUND waiting in line! Im posting you on here! <BR> <BR>Summertime: heres a pic of my 2 boats and my partners that im usually on. Come bye any time for lessons. GLAD TO GIVE ONE. <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/457561.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/457562.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/457563.jpg" alt="Upload">

ride900 06-04-2007 9:15 AM

Cool, If they were being unsafe then cool but all you stated was Surfin, Not almost running people over. <BR> <BR> That's a whole diferent story. <BR> <BR>Hey why two boats?

keith2002 06-04-2007 9:18 AM

The only boats out on vics early yesterday morning were the bass boats and a pontoon boat. We had great water and were off by 11:00.

guido 06-04-2007 9:18 AM

Yo Miguel... I agree. I really can't stand riding most parts of the Delta on the weekend. You have to pretty much fear for your life riding vics late in the afternoon. Fully agreed about tubing, surfing and powerturning. That's just stupid. Go out to the river if you want to pull that crap. I still can't believe the people that pull right up in front of your, then powerturn for their downed riders. My peeve is also people that ride at 22 MPH. They always seem to pull up right in front of you, then kill your line all the way down then entire slough. <BR> <BR>Oh well.... I know what to expect when I ride Vic's on the weekend, and as a result I just try to avoid it. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the clarification, Rich.. It appears as though we've been in the wrong on that one. If the Sherrif wants to enforce that as a 5 they'd better get out there and get some real signage back out. It shouldn't have been the GGWSC's resposibility to maintain that.

mendo247 06-04-2007 9:23 AM

Soo, did you offer any advice to him or do you just perfer to call people out online?

twakess 06-04-2007 9:26 AM

Even I thought you guys rode that one spot J-rod and Billy took me to? We saw maybe two boats all day on a Sat. We also parked and chilled in the middle of a slew for like a hour and maybe one boat went by. This was in like the middle of July.

scott_a 06-04-2007 9:44 AM

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>power turning at vics - "oh well", pulled up in front of me riding twice, pulled up in front of 2 of my riders a few more times - "oh well", surfin at vics - "oh well" , Pulling tubers at vics doing S turns at full speed - "oh well" ALMOST RAN OVER 3 RIDERS AT THE TURN ANROUND <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> you riding at vics on a crowded ass sunday- "oh well" <BR> <BR>It's Vics on a busy weekend afternoon. It's GOING to be insane. You KNOW this. You are basically putting yourself in danger by being out there because there are so many idiots in such a small place. Use some common sense and ride elsewhere.

migs 06-04-2007 9:50 AM

^^^^^Hilarious! <BR>If everyone did a few simple things to have proper boating etiquette, a crowded sunday would be no problem at Vics. GET IT? Thats the Point! Common Sense Brah!

jarrod 06-04-2007 9:56 AM

ah...I think it would still suck! Too many boats is too many boats. <BR> <BR>Like Evan said, if you're riding at 24-25, it's even more frustrating.

scott_a 06-04-2007 10:09 AM

alright...well you have fun teaching people "proper boating etiquette." I'll be elsewhere enjoying butter that's off the beaten path. <BR> <BR>I don't care if its Travis Moye pulling a rider behind me...if I gotta look over my shoulder every time I wanna try a new trick it's time to go.

guido 06-04-2007 10:30 AM

Yup... what he said. <BR> <BR>Squid... We rarely ride Vic's on weekends anymore. We started heading down that way this weekend and I was like "you guys sure you want to ride down here"... Ha, ha.. I was outvoted, but I bet it doesn't happen again. We've got two secret spots now, and they're both killer. We'll be over in those spots staying away from Mig's viewfinder in the future. LOL!!!

jarrod 06-04-2007 10:32 AM

I got good water <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

denystaucd 06-04-2007 11:00 AM

The turn at the end still has a little 5mph on the right still posted coming up to GGWSC area. Vics was good sunday just have patience and wait until everyone pulls their riders a good distance before you start. <BR>I think Vic is still one of the safest places to ride since you only have a few boats passing <BR>through (i.e. power boat and partiers go to and from) unlike most of the rest of the area. <BR> <BR>Cheers, <BR>DC

westsidarider 06-04-2007 11:26 AM

normally if vics is like that we go to old river but we got there and it was blown out not to mention it was like a mine field from the high tide bringing all the debris down from the shore. a little debris is normal but everything was full branches and logs. pretty crazy. <BR> <BR>on top of all that the boat we were in almost sank cuz we had a skag rip off the bottom and had no idea somethin was wrong till water was comin through the floor

kslakebum 06-04-2007 11:32 AM

atleast the people out there are having fun and not being childish like you are about this. if you are really that hardcore and annoyed by this, why don't you simply just find a new place to ride? ive been there a few times when im out in cali and know that it's crowded on the weekend.

westsiderippa 06-04-2007 11:39 AM

pulling my rider down vics on saturday going east toward union on the correct side when all of a sudden here comes a big XTI pulling a knee boarder with no clue and hes splitting the channel. my rider could not see this very well becuse he was riding, duuh. so i pulled way right and cut the throttle slammed into reverse and jammed back to rider to cover him. well there was more than a orange flag waving in the air. same boat turning the corner at the unwrittin five with about 5-6 boats all idling through comes mobbing around the corner again towing the jabronie on the knee board and swamped everyone. that guy was so cool!!!!!

raketball 06-04-2007 11:45 AM

I'm glad we went out at 7am and got off the water just as it was getting crazy. <BR> <BR>Evan, nice to see you guys out there yesterday. The bonecrusher wake almost sank our boat when you went by..........lol. Talk to you soon. <BR>T

scott_a 06-04-2007 11:50 AM

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>if you are really that hardcore and annoyed by this, why don't you simply just find a new place to ride? ive been there a few times when im out in cali and know that it's crowded on the weekend.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> ...because it OBVIOUSLY makes more sense to educate the thousands of idiots on Vics who are clueless rather than to just leave and ride elsewhere...like...duh? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

westsiderippa 06-04-2007 11:55 AM

oh ya, where im from we respect the locals. its just a surfer mentality i guess so im used to it. im not a disco bay local but i know who and witch boats are for the most part. and i show my respect to them by using common sence in the water. just like i would expect if you came and tried to claim my wave. ya it seems childish to your typical dot commer guy who thinks money buys a free pass to screw up everyone elses day, but respect keeps people in check and would make it safer place out there. respect the locals and they will respect you. and everyone should respect the delta because if we keep having idiots f-ing up all the time none of us are gonna get to ride here anymore

fulltilt429 06-04-2007 5:53 PM

Did anyone see the big cigarette boat around 1pm on Sun, coming charging wide open in the opposite direction. That was the icing on the cake to get the F out of there. As far as vics goes, before noon I got three good runs, than EVERYONE showed up. And as for wakesurfing, I have never tried and it looks like fun... but do you need glass to do it? just wondering.

kiraly_74 06-04-2007 6:35 PM

Yah The Cie X star did roll thru the Top Of Vics on sunday both my kids were in the water. Thats was fun. Thats when we hit the road, I think we share this secret spot that you guys have. Saw you about a hour and Half later their. Got my Riding In before you showed up. I think I was the only guy that had decent water that day. I dont know about you I always see a Red and white Tribal Mb B50 whatever power turning in Vics. Is it only Me that sees this boat. I dont know if I can hammer too much we were the idiots rolling through union during the first dra event with perfect pass stuck on 2200 throwing a huge wake will chris Dykmans was trying to get ---- done sorry Chris. I think the tow boat driver Thinks my name is F'in Idiot. I did learn one thing I look to see if there is Dra event before I head out. I think everyone gets the shaft out in the delta you either give it one day or take it another. Its sad but thats just the way it is. The delta isnt what it use to be say maybe 5 Years ago. Still hands down best place in the world to wakeboard especially with the winds we have been having.

richd 06-04-2007 6:35 PM

Yep, go someplace safe, like Railroad! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/458061.gif" alt="Upload">

richd 06-04-2007 6:39 PM

Tim, <BR> <BR>That wasn't directed at you, Railroad scares me more then any other place. As far as the DRA#1 goes you couldn't have screwed him up too bad since he won it!

kiraly_74 06-04-2007 6:44 PM

yah i watch the Delta sessions all the time your Kid rips.

dakid 06-04-2007 6:53 PM

you guys have no idea how much you've got it made.

richd 06-04-2007 7:07 PM

Thanks Tim! <BR> <BR>I don't know about that Joe, you're the one handing out the boats.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/458078.gif" alt="Upload">

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