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deltamud 04-24-2007 7:17 PM

Listening to the news I thought I heard something about Indian Slough, the Delta. Something about no human contact with the water? Anyone, or is my commute taking it's toll?

rvh3 04-24-2007 8:40 PM

They are working on a ban of pulling any persons from a boat from Orwood to the main inlet to Disco Bay marina. They want it in affect by start of summer.

richd 04-25-2007 6:00 AM

I'm not surprised given all the accidents and other craziness in that stretch. If it comes down to that or extending the 5 mph zone out to Old River that's obviously the better choice. <BR> <BR>In the 2 years I've lived right there I've personally seen: <BR> <BR>A bass boat run over SB's Malibu while we were filming. <BR> <BR>A girl get run over by a boat full of paramedics. who then saved her life. <BR> <BR>A 23' VLX with it's prop at least 6' in the air after hitting a cruiser wake at speed. (I wish I had my camera for that one!) <BR> <BR>At leaset 4 boats sunk in that general area. In fact there was a new one out there sunday nite. <BR> <BR>Numerous close calls on the 2 lane stretch.

jarrod 04-25-2007 7:37 AM

Scott and Andrea have a picture taken only a couple days ago of an offshore racer style boat up on the rocks/shore right there at the corner.

keith2002 04-25-2007 9:28 AM

Here is a link to the Contra Costa Times article. Take a look at the picture on the right hand side. I saw them at Union Point the day the article came out and saw WakeWorld stickers. They were very nice people and bummed their picture was in the previous article. <BR><a href="http://www.contracostatimes.com/search/ci_5738614" target="_blank">http://www.contracostatimes.com/search/ci_5738614</a>

guido 04-25-2007 9:56 AM

Wow, it's not a bad idea, but it'll be a bummer to not be able to ride there during the windy days. The Boulevard and the stretch from Orwood to the 5 sometimes are the only flat spots that are close by. I think they should set a 25mph speed limit. That'd eliminate the ya-hooing around the corners there that the bass, offshore and drunk wakeboarding boaters do.

richd 04-25-2007 4:20 PM

Evan, maybe they will just make it weekends. Sometimes it's nice to just go around the corner there and ride but I always feel a bit aprehensive when I have anyone in the water on that stretch. <BR> <BR>Bottom line is a few more people get killed or a few more boats crash and inevitably it will all become permanant 5 all the way out. (and I'll know how those folks in the back bays feel!)

westsidarider 04-25-2007 4:28 PM

it would be a good idea for safety reasons but it would suck for us local riders who use that slough for a quick session and for filming. the houses make great backround scenery. we have already had a couple incidents there in the last month with jetskiers being f-in retards jumpin the wake while were riding and the usual nonsence that comes along with the barneys.

deltamud 04-25-2007 4:38 PM

I never go out there on weekends, the first time I ever tried to wakeboard was just past the 5 m.p.h. 90 degree corner, heading out. Didn't get up while in the water a huge offshore type boat flew by. , [yes flag was up]. I will never know if he saw me or not,but we never tried to ride there again. Is that the stretch where there is some religious cross on the bank?

breakz77 04-25-2007 4:40 PM

Making it a 5mph would be horrible!! That would make my 5 min drive to fast water like 10-15 <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Plus the last couple weeks that has seemed the decent place to ride on weekdays <BR> <BR> <BR>In all honesty though I agree something needs to be done. I would never ride there on weekends and I also have had to jump my boat from a cruiser wake. Not a good feeling when it comes down but better than the idea of all that water coming over the nose and sinking it. It's a very dangerous slough.

big_ed_x2 04-25-2007 7:00 PM

that would suck if it was all 5mph.I bought my house b/c of the Orwood resort and how nice the ramp was and how fast I was able to get to the fast water. <BR> <BR> <BR>I don't know.......

rvh3 04-25-2007 7:31 PM

My understanding is that you can't pull a person behind your vessle in that stretch. Not a 5MPH zone.

guido 04-26-2007 12:38 PM

yeah, that doesn't really help much... The biggest problem is the bass boats, jet ski's and offshore boats that are doing 60mph through there. It's just too tight.

deltagrubber 04-26-2007 1:44 PM

A 25mph limit on the East West stretch alongside Disco Bay would be a smart move... when the sun is going down and your traveling west you can't see a damn thing...and doing 50 in the turn is seriously dangerous...is it any wonder why there's a big cross on the shore there? <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> <BR> A 5mph there would make the back bayers trip to fast water over an hour.... <BR> <BR>(Message edited by deltagrubber on April 26, 2007)

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