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mnwakerider 11-30-2006 10:29 AM

Who has broken a board/delaminated/cracked/etc. and gotten it replaced by the company? <BR> <BR>how did it happen? What broke/ <BR> <BR>I cant imagine breaking a board within the standard scope of use... <BR>pics would be cool too

knarbar 11-30-2006 10:34 AM

if you bought your board through a good pro shop they should take it back no matter how broken delaminated or cracked it is and get you a new one as long as it was from NORMAL wear and tear. If you came down hard off a Double up and your board cracked or broke as long as its been about a year maybe a bit more they will replace it. Now if you slider marks or broke it on a dock, slider, etc. and your not sponsored or a team rider be prepared to fork out the cash for a new one

fbricard 11-30-2006 7:23 PM

My 2005 Parks 136 had the inserts rip out completely on the left binding. <BR> <BR>Got it replaced pretty quick too. <BR> <BR>Was edging hard to the a cable raley and when I was digging in, thats when it happened.

malibuboarder75 11-30-2006 7:44 PM

Broke a 2004 CWB Platinum Prodigy after 1 and a half summers of hard riding (2-3 days per week when considering the winter months). <BR> <BR>I got it replaced with a 2007 CWB Platinum Marius. Good deal in my oppinion. Got it replaced within 3 weeks.

walt 11-30-2006 7:59 PM

I know Bg is a board killer.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

wakebrdr38 11-30-2006 9:54 PM

i took my 04 byerly into a shop asking about some delamination on the can openers and they asked me to leave my board and they called me the next day sayin i had an 8 inch crack through the core running legnth wise, thought that was pretty impressive, delaminated my next one too, really think hard flat landings in the flats take a toll on boards. i quit takin my stuff into the flats cus my body is wearin out and my premier has lastedd 2 years. on a different note i tore 3 sets of era bindings within a month last summer, one pair i completely shredded down the side, nearly blowing my knee, scared me pretty good, luckily it just tweaked my knee bad.

dococ 11-30-2006 10:04 PM

I've broken the inserts out of 2 different O'Brien boards. In both cases, the boards had "sentimental" meaning because they had been signed by a bunch of pro riders while we were shooting vids. In both cases, dealing directly through O'brien, they quick-shipped me a replacement and let me keep the damaged boards when I explained the situation. The first time they replaced it with the same board, the second time it was a discontinued model by then, so they let me pick any board out of the current line up. IMO, that's the way customer service should operate. I felt they took care of me, so despite the breakage, I never had a problem recommending their products to others.

andy_nintzel 12-01-2006 6:32 AM

I break a lot of boards. I bet like 4 to 6 a summer. Usually it happens on double ups, normally its rather lack-luster, I come down hard on the tail or something and Snap. They Typically break on the inside of either of my feet. I have attatched a few pictures of some old broken boards.

harryhog 12-01-2006 8:46 AM

lets see some completely distroyed boards then....

mnwakerider 12-01-2006 8:49 AM

Andy I see what you mean...jk <BR> <BR>But I agree with Harry, if youve got some pics, let see 'em

andy_nintzel 12-01-2006 9:29 AM

Okay, When I get to my home computer I will Upload some photos today.

craigystyle_05 12-01-2006 9:34 AM

my brand new closed toe hyperlite 3ds bindings broke hte first time they went out and jamie from sitzmark in kansas city hooked me right up with a new pair.

jeff_altman 12-01-2006 10:21 AM

Broke this board learning a toeside front roll at RideTheSpot. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/393163.jpg" alt="Brokenboard">

btr1 12-01-2006 10:21 AM

Came down on the wake on a backroll with a foot on each side. I guess after 5 years of riding it finally had enough. My Parks bindings had just bit the dust so I guess it was time to update my ride. Picture says it all... <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/393165.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>CWB has a limited lifetime warranty and will sell you a new one at half MSRP.

dtb 12-01-2006 10:22 AM

since there are no pics posted yet: <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/393167.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR>broke at the end of its first season from regular wake riding, on a scarecrow landing, had never seen a slider. broke through the core and was still held together by the top sheet. CWB had me email them a pic to show no slider marks on the bottom, and shipped me a replacement within days. I have nothing but great things to say about CWB's customer service. Have had them replace torn overlays no questions asked too.

dtb 12-01-2006 10:23 AM

well, guess i was a little slow typing that post.

juiced4ever 12-01-2006 10:14 PM

just peep the profile. You will see a board that broke in three tricks. The nail in the coffin being a indy backside 180 came down and just kept on going. I have many more just the only one i have a pic of.

knarbar 12-01-2006 11:35 PM

I have a broken 06 shane thats snapped in half but im computer illiterate ill put it up if some one can tell me how to take a pic and upload it form a verizon lg phone.

malibuboarder75 12-02-2006 8:23 AM


hillbilly 12-02-2006 1:32 PM

Leo how do you like the platty marius? Thinking about getting one. Does it ride much different than the foam? I noticed a diff. between my absolue foam and Plat thats why I was asking.

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