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-   -   wakeboarding negatively changed your marriage ? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=375472)

luvwakeboarding 10-02-2006 3:02 PM

has wakeboarding negatively changed your marriage ?

tparider 10-02-2006 3:05 PM


wakeboardnut 10-02-2006 3:06 PM

Me and my ex fought alot, she hated that I wanted to be at the lake everyweekend instead of going to crummy places with her. <BR> <BR>Luckly my g'f now loves the lake :D

jmuthafnp 10-02-2006 3:10 PM

Where can you find GF's that like to go to the lake? The seems to be a shortage in St. Louis.

monroeyd 10-02-2006 3:17 PM

My fiancee can't get enough of the lake, loves ridin' too.

jman 10-02-2006 3:25 PM

MD, you've got it made<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

jarrod 10-02-2006 3:26 PM

Hell no. Has you marriage negatively affected your wakeboarding?

paolad 10-02-2006 3:33 PM

I'm the die hard in the marriage, he's a fair weather rider. To his defense, he's recooping from a knee surgery. Hopefully, he will slowly transfer over to the die hard side and get up before sunrise with me to get the butter. And all the add-ons ($$$$) that I want to get for the boat doesn't help our marriage either, hehehe..

njskier 10-02-2006 3:40 PM

luvwakeboarding, <BR>You didn't answer your own question. <BR> <BR>Paola, <BR>Your a rare breed (in a good way, though) ;)

kylielogan 10-02-2006 3:46 PM

it negatively affects my SEARCH for a b/f, if that counts. cuz if a guy i meet doesn't wakeboard/snowboard, i'm pretty much not interested in him!!

stephan 10-02-2006 3:51 PM

If thats not the wakeworld version of a mating call, I don't know what is.

otiswunguy 10-02-2006 4:02 PM

no..., at least not until she gets more tricks than I do. Then we might have some problems. haha <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/375500.jpg" alt="Upload">

luvwakeboarding 10-02-2006 4:17 PM

paola, <BR> <BR>your my hero !!!!

lizzyb 10-02-2006 4:27 PM

So far wakeboarding hasn't taken a toll on my relationship. Then again, I go out on the boat in the middle of winter and freeze and I get up at 5am to go sit on the boat and watch. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

preacherman 10-02-2006 4:34 PM

Hasn't changed my marriage what so ever!!! Actually this past weekend I finally got my wife on my board and once she finally got up she loved it!! Hope to have her a board for next year.

delta_rider 10-02-2006 4:35 PM

My cousin lives in livermore and his girl friend thinks the delta is too dirty so sometimes it makes it hard for him to go up with me to the delta.

uppledup17 10-02-2006 4:49 PM

Good Question J-rod and I no to both questions except I am not married. The girl I am dating knew what she was getting into when we started going out. And I don't know if I infleunced or pressured her, but a LF Angel with Minx a couple months later, she has the sickness. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by uppledup17 on October 02, 2006)

bp22 10-02-2006 4:59 PM

No way! My wife just started wakeboarding last month, now she is getting her own board. The only negative thing is she rides fakey better than me. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/375523.jpg" alt="Upload">

kylielogan 10-02-2006 7:40 PM

Apparently my use of the word "search" means i'm trolling WW for dates, so lemme just clarify some stuff for all of you: #1 - i wakeboard or hit the slopes pretty much every weekend year round, so if the guy i'm dating doesn't, then he won't see me, and ya, that'll cause a problem cuz i'm not changing; #2 - don't want to date any of you (y'all seem nice, but no thanks); #3 - this is me in a bad mood, so take all of this with a grain of salt and i'm gunna sign off now before i get even bitchier!!!

10-02-2006 8:20 PM

sigh glad i read that, i was just going to ask you out on a date. j/k

marvin 10-02-2006 8:23 PM

My wife is also my boat driver so that makes this a hard one to answer. We are not required to have a third where I ride, so it is nice to have your driver living with you. On the other hand, we have no Perfect Pass.

criswb 10-02-2006 8:32 PM

Well... Im not married yet, but if my boyfriend didnt like wakeboarding (he was the one that introduced me to it) I dont know what I'd do! We both love riding... but he was giving me a hard time for wanting to buy one of the 07 boards when I still have 2 other sets... but he is not the owner of my money (yet!) so I dont care what he says!

wake21 10-02-2006 9:13 PM

me and my gf broke after a year of dating because she new I would take wakeboarding over her but now we are going back out because the summer is over.

rnopr8 10-02-2006 9:18 PM

So what do all you married people do if you start wakeboarding well into the marriage and your spouse doesn't get into to it and you have to justify why and when you ride?

mspearr 10-03-2006 4:51 AM

Well I am not married but have been with my GF for like 5 years. I started riding in the summer of 05 and have since bought 2 boats, like 6 set ups boards and bindings a wake skate, a surf board and some other neccassary items. She dosen't board but I got her daughter riding. So far no problems.} <BR> <BR>(Message edited by mspearr on October 03, 2006)

ripr 10-03-2006 5:51 AM

My wife has been skiing/riding since she was a teenager and has always lived on the lake. We spent most of our first dates out on the water....7 years ago! <BR> <BR>The lake and boating lifestyle is a huge part of our marriage.

10-03-2006 6:29 AM

hang in there ;)

kristin_ware 10-03-2006 7:17 AM

My husband and I love going out on our boat with our daughter and wakeboarding, before when we had sport bikes we had to get a sitter and she was left out, now she loves it to especially the tube, she wants her own wakeboard though, I'm just not ready for that yet. If anything it has brought us all closer.

holtesm 10-03-2006 7:54 AM

I learned to ride 2 summers ago, and my wife of 18 years learned to ride last year. We both love it, and it has actually brought us closer because it is another common interest.

jason_ssr 10-03-2006 8:26 AM

My wife had never been around water til she met me. Now, I cant get her out. She LOVES all boardsports. We evolved to kiteboarding and hardly get out behind the boat anymore. However, when we go kiteboarding, she rides much longer than the rest of us. She just loves being out there. Even when I cant go, she takes her gear to the lake and catches up with our crew and rides. <BR> <BR>The only aspect that is different is that she doesnt obsess about it like I do. She could care less to sit down and watch a video, and isnt excited by watching tricks unless to applaud the progression of her friends. She only cares about her pushing herself. Doesnt care about improvements in gear or the latest industry stuff. <BR> <BR>All she cares about is the next windy day, and doesnt care to discus it til then.

jon4pres 10-03-2006 10:06 AM

My wife does not wakeboard. I would like to see her at least give it a try but if she doesnt want to that is OK too. She doesnt mind being out on the boat but usually get impatient if we are out for a really long time. What I did most of the summer was go out early Sat mornings with my brother and ride then take the wives and friends in the afternoon if people are interested. On weekdays we usually only go out for a couple of hours in the evening and my wife usually goes as long as there is stuff that does not need done. <BR> <BR>I really like the boat and wakeboarding but if I had to choose between the wakeboarding and my wife I would choose my wife, no exceptions. <BR> <BR>Has wakeboarding negativly changed my marrige? <BR>No but that is because I am careful not to let it. If I were to ride every night and all weekend long it definetly would be bad for my marrige. That would leave her in a boat all the time or at home by herself and I dont she would not enjoy that. Plus I would not get anything done and we would be bankrupt.

critter 10-03-2006 10:38 AM

It's starting to negativly change my marriage, but like Jon said I won't let it. I have been out for 6 straight weekends and the last 2 with out my husband. He said I'm starting to neglect him &amp; the house, which he is right. We are starting home improvements. So this Saturday I will cater to his needs and hopefully he'll go the Charger game on Sunday, so I can go to the lake. But if not, thats OK.

sunsport 10-03-2006 11:08 AM

My wife bought me a Perfect Pass for my birthday. It saved our marriage <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>. <BR> <BR>Skiing made me board, <BR>Lyle <BR>Chrome Dome

maxx_wake 10-03-2006 1:53 PM

My wife understood the obsession before we got married and she supports it! So far in the 9 months since we got married she has let me buy 2 boats, learned to drive the boat and learned to back the trailer plus she is starting to get a little air off the wake so I think everything is going to work out ok. All that being said even if she wasnt into it at all it would not affect our marriage.

byrd 10-03-2006 3:23 PM

My wife skis better than I do, and she wakeboards as well, not as good as me though. She enjoys spending the day out on the lake and sometimes she goes and sometimes not. If you dont pick a partner that enjoys the things you do, you will have problems eventually.

poser007 10-03-2006 4:02 PM

My ex never went out on my boat !.....I would go out with the kids all the time but she would sit home and had no interest whatsoever. I have a girl who is a friend kind of slash girl friend who knows,,,, that is probabbly into it more then I am...she is really bummed Summer is over and I havent told her we can still go out with the wet and dry suit in fear she will try and get me out there at 6am for the butter when I could be under my warm covers dreamming about the swedish bikini team<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> Seriously though...if your wife girl friend is into wakeboarding to then it can be a great thing in the relationship as you both get better and progress together..plus Christmas could be good cause you can buy her stuff that you want and pretend its for her ha ha ha ha

theresa 10-03-2006 4:14 PM

Im so happy that my husband introduced me to the sport last year. It's cool that we have a group of friends (also married, dating) that we hang/wakeboard with. <BR>Just like jason ssr's wife, I can't get enough!

ridininmd 10-03-2006 4:38 PM

not married but my now ex once asked me what color the carpet in my boat was "gray" then she said what color are my eyes? "uhhhh blue?" didn't last to much longer after that

tarkus70 10-03-2006 5:27 PM

My wife does not wakeboard if I tell her I need a third she will go 9 time out of 10. I think wakeboarding has been good for my marriage it gets me time out with friends and gives my wife time to herself. And when she wants to go it's a good time there is no pressure for her to be there.

wiscxstar 10-03-2006 5:46 PM

My wife is a huge fan of wakeboarding, but is not very enthusiastic about riding when it gets cold. We also bought a pretty decent boat a few months after we got married (not even being home owners yet). Plus she will always drive for me (even when it is cold),does a great job, she can drive pretty decent double ups, and always takes part in loading the boat ( so I don't have to be that guy backing up the truck and then getting out to drive the boat up myself). <BR>Basically marriage has been good for wakeboarding and vice versa.

watersnake 10-03-2006 7:30 PM

For the first two months of boat ownership it started some drama. But now my wife cant get enough of it! (WakeBoarding) you sick o's. Call me lucky<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

phantom5815 10-03-2006 8:52 PM

<i>not married but my now ex once asked me what color the carpet in my boat was "gray" then she said what color are my eyes? "uhhhh blue?" didn't last to much longer after that </i> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

escapade4k 10-03-2006 10:26 PM

Not married, but...I would have to say that introducing me to wakeboarding has been the best present my boyfriend could ever give me. <BR>At first he probably thought I went along just to spend time with him, or to be out on the boat. <BR>Now I think he is a little overwhelmed by how much I'm into it. <BR>Like Jesse's wife, I just can't get enough. <BR>Thanks again bearclaw! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>

bfa 10-03-2006 10:57 PM

I met my husband because he asked me to go boating. 11years and 4 boats later we are still happily married and happy to be boating. Now that we have 2 kids it gives us something fun to do as a family.

shawnk 10-04-2006 5:56 AM

Hell, no! I have been married for six years, and have two kids, and I think I ride more than I ever have. The wife and the kids live for it. They are in the boat with me all the time.

hal2814 10-04-2006 9:53 AM

In all seriousness, if wakeboarding is negatively impacting your marriage then you probably need some sort of marriage counseling. That's not a knock on anybody. It's just something to think about. And I don't know everyone's personal situation but every time I've seen wakeboarding cause a relationship to struggle, it's never really about the boarding. It's about the time spent on the lake and/or the money spent on the sport. <BR> <BR>Personally, my wife doesn't like wakeboarding and I do. And to be fair, I didn't get into wakeboarding again until after we were married so she really didn't see it coming beforehand. We work it out by making compromises. I don't always get to wakeboard every weekend but she doesn't always get to do her first choice activity either. We do try to work things out to accomodate each other as much as possible. That has led to some really fun compromises like our annual camping/wakeboarding weekend at Hartwell.

dcranium 10-04-2006 10:13 AM

I like J-Rod's question better! and yes, marriage is affecting my wakeboarding. the outside temp needs to be at or close to 80 degrees before she agrees to even go out on the boat, much less ride. <BR> <BR>Wakeboarding affecting the marriage- no way, it's good to get away from home and the Delta or any lake is like a mini vacation.

wkbrdr 10-05-2006 3:07 PM

no cause i ride at my inlaws...

keith2002 10-05-2006 3:19 PM

My wife lived in Discovery Bay when I met her and our first date was at Union Point. What do you think<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

joeshmoe 10-07-2006 10:44 AM

kylie, considering this thread is for married couples, i'd say your preaching to the choir

robandrus 10-07-2006 8:48 PM

Maybe not wakeboarding in its self, however looking at this website constantly, spending countless hours looking at, fixing cleaning, buffing and improving my boat doesn't make my wife all that happy. Nor is she too happy about all the cash I throw at the boat, or wanting to go all the time. However, part of this has to do with her being pregnant all last summer and not being able to ride. Now that she's not pregnant we have an infant, that's almost worse as far as getting my wife out on the lake with me. ..... <BR> <BR>Now when we can get a baby sitter and she can actually just relax and board, she seems to like it a lot more. <BR> <BR>So the real answer is, wakeboarding makes me happier, which improves my marriage. However, overall my wife thinks I'm obsessed with it and that's a negative, I'd say it's a wash......Did I mention that it makes me happier?

richd 10-08-2006 7:49 AM

There's an old saying "the family that plays together stays together" <BR> <BR>After 28 years of marriage, 2 kids thru college and 1 almost it's the boating and snowboarding/skiing that keeps us all together. <BR> <BR>but I have to admit marriage and work pretty much put an end to my surfing days and in spite of growing up in Santa Cruz none of mine ever took to that. (probably because we had them at the river every weekend)

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