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-   -   Corey Bradley/Shane B. (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=349103)

hoosairboy 07-24-2006 4:07 AM

Corey Bradley has been riding pretty well (#15 on PWT) and you never see or hear anything about him. PWT on line did a nice write up at Atlanta PWT because he was a hometown boy. Is he sponsored? Has he ever been in a magazine? Video? While Shane may have been a little harsh I have to agree with some of what he said. How come guys like Corey get no coverage. <BR> <BR>Is he not part of the "in group"? It seems you have to be either part of a certain FL group or CA group to get any coverage. I have seen more press on kids who happen to have the "right" connections than a lot of these riders who have proven themselves to be worthy. <BR> <BR>With that said- what pro riders -women, men and skate, have not gotten press and deserves it?

wkbrdr 07-24-2006 6:50 AM

<a href="http://prowakeboardtour.com/rider.jsp?ID=343&amp;sex=M" target="_blank">http://prowakeboardtour.com/rider.jsp?ID=343&amp;sex=M</a> <BR> <BR>i don't knnow how updated it is

magellan 07-24-2006 8:17 AM

If they put Corey in the mag and not Shane, Shane will kick and scream and throw his food. <BR>If you were a magazine editor, would you want smashed bananas all over you? <BR>Me niether, so keep putting Shane in there. <BR> <BR> <BR>Shane's a rollerblader. That's awesome.

richd 07-24-2006 8:17 AM

Status in the PWT should be the basis of whether a shot is worthy of being run in the mags? <BR> <BR>It's certainly a valid criteria but shouldn't be the only one. <BR> <BR>A great shot is a great shot and should stand based on that alone. I have participated in a number of photo/video shoots and bottom line is these things don't come to you. The "in guys" as you call them take the time and make the effort to be involved. Why do they not deserve to have their photos run? <BR> <BR>Plus perfect conditions with great light doesn't automatically mean there will be any shots worthy of publishing. <BR> <BR>I don't know Corey but I'm sure if photos were a priority for him he would have made (or could make) it happen. I'd be willing to bet he's more worried about riding well at the next tour stop then when his next shot will run.

wakedad33 07-24-2006 8:27 AM

Cory is a very good rider and a super nice guy. If you what to check out his riding he has a nice section in Snafu.

btr1 07-24-2006 8:40 AM

As a hometown GA boy Corey also has a section in the Downside Up video.

lastemperor 07-24-2006 2:00 PM

sponsorship video? promote yourself? Sean O'brien?

wakeriderixi 07-24-2006 2:19 PM

Sean O'brien is over rated..

snead 07-24-2006 2:44 PM

Corey rides for LF and Buywake. I htink he has some other sponsors as well. Great kid. He has really stepped it up since he move to Otown a few years ago. <BR> <BR> <BR>A lot GA boys are riding well and do not get the pub. Rhett Whatley and Brett Lee ar ein teh top 10 in the Jr Mens.

joshugan 07-24-2006 4:00 PM

Are you joking Paul? I hope so. There are few boarders I'd rather watch.

hoosairboy 07-24-2006 4:23 PM

Rhett and Brett- what other riders are out there that should get some print?

wakeriderixi 07-24-2006 5:02 PM

definatly over rated.

bbr 07-24-2006 5:47 PM

Sean O'brien overated?!!! Not even! That guys is doing things that NO ONE else is doing, and in my opinion, does get near enough coverage. He is a sick ass rider, deserves more credit than some are willing to give.

jay_j 07-24-2006 5:58 PM

Good call BBR!!!!!

tentcitygoon 07-24-2006 7:08 PM

Shaun Obrien is definately not over rated. That guy has skills, nose grabbed osmosis fives, sevens, nines both ways grabbed, handle passed kgb 5; just to name a few. <BR> <BR>To get back on topic, it seems to me there are generally three types of riders who get covered: <BR> <BR>those who ride the tour and get results here and there, they get mentioned and stuff, but until they really get a big title win they don't get much coverage or return for the amount of time and money they put into the tour <BR> <BR>then there are those who only try to shoot photos and film, they know the tour is expensive and would rather just travel and put their money into real riding time, not a down and back pass. They get more magazine coverage cause they have loads of photos, but miss out on big checks from event wins <BR> <BR>then there are the super pros who ride the tour, do photo shoots, shoot video, and basically do everything and have everything paid for. they are probably the only athletes who make good money in wakeboarding.

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