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-   -   2006 CWB Zeus Bindings Issues (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=288039)

n00b 03-01-2006 3:00 AM

Hi Guys <BR> <BR>I just received the 2006 Zeus bindings that I ordered, but there is a problem, <BR>they are not the same size across the arch on the toes. <BR>The right binding fits fine, a bit snug but I'm sure after a short time in some hot water they'll mold to my feet. <BR> <BR>But the left binding, the black rubbery material under the laces is much smaller than on the right binding, I've measured it and the arch is about a 1/4 of an inch lower, it may not seem much but after having the binding on for 2 minutes I had to take it off it was just hurting too much and that's not even riding. <BR> <BR>The footbed is longer than my foot, so I've definitely go the right size, and the right binding fits fine, just the left one is painful. <BR> <BR>After spending $330 on a pair of bindings only to discover they are not equal, I'm less than impressed. <BR> <BR>I can post images if that helps. <BR> <BR>Anyone got any ideas? <BR>Thanks in advance.

bill 03-01-2006 5:12 AM

someone i rode with this last week said when his came in they had one large and one extra large zeus..he sent them back and they are correcting the problem...so maybe they sent you two different sizes... <BR> <BR>another guy i know has mediums and he said they are a bit snug and will need some break in period.i didnt think those would but i suggested to him to maybe adjust the lock down wire a bit.. <BR> <BR>whoever is boxing them up must not be paying attention <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

andrew_dyrhood 03-01-2006 7:26 AM

the people at cwb are MORE than welcome to work with any problems you might have. Drop them a call 1800-234-7547. Tell them whats up and they'll hook it up

n00b 03-01-2006 7:36 AM

Thanks for the replies guys. <BR>I've dropped them an email via their website so I'll have to wait and see. <BR> <BR>Bill I realise that all bindings need to be broken in, but as the right binding is snug, I think it'll be perfect once broken in. <BR> <BR>But the left side's arch is visibly smaller than the right side, though the footbed is the same size on both, so I'm confident that both bindings are the same size. <BR> <BR>I'll wait to hear back from CWB and I'll keep you guys posted. <BR> <BR>Pity too cos the look like a sic set of bindings....

byrd 03-01-2006 7:45 AM

CWB will fix it for you. Give them the opportunity to fix it, and then let us know if you are impressed or not with the new bindings. I have never had an issue with them, and I have never heard of them not fixing something that is wrong.

toesideturtle 03-01-2006 8:25 AM

You could send them back or look and see if it is just a setting/adjustment(?) that you could fix yourself. Last year's bindings were adjustable---you had to take the bindings apart(could be a mistake during assembly). Whatever the case, once you get it worked out, you will love the bindings!! They are the best bindings I have ever owned. CWB ROCKS!!

n00b 03-01-2006 9:07 AM

Well I never owned any CWB gear before but I bought a 140 Pure and the Zeus bindings. <BR>They've got a really good rep though and I'm glad to hear that they've always been great with their customer support. <BR> <BR>I'll keep you guys posted. <BR>Thanks for all of the replies. <BR>I guess this has not happened to anyone else?! <BR>*My luck :p *

guido 03-01-2006 10:30 AM

hey Philip, I haven't seen that before. It's possible that they sent two different sizes or that whoever assembled the bindings put the overlay in the next tighter spot. I've had the Zeus' apart a couple times to make mods and that rubber overlay is definitely adjustable. I think there are 3 sets of holes. If everything else is equal on the bindings you could try to take them apart and makes sure everything is equal. Either that or just send them back. CWB will definitely take care of you. <BR> <BR>BTW.... Just so you don't feel alone: when I got my LF Transits last year the left and right bindings had different size toe pieces. A rainy day and a screwdriver and razor blade fixed things up, but it's been known to happen before. <BR> <BR>Anyway, good luck. That's the same setup I'm sportin' and its sick. The Pure is a rocket ship.

mbrown 03-01-2006 7:27 PM

It's weird to hear about this binding experience. Last year I ordered some LF Teams and one of the bindings were so large I don't even think Shaq could wear them. I guess quality control in China has it's work cut out.

n00b 03-02-2006 4:37 AM

Evan, glad to hear that I've got a sweet set up. <BR> <BR>I've been in contact with Sean at Connelly and he was really helpful, I'm about to send him images of the bindings and hopefully we can get it sorted from there. <BR> <BR>Thanks guys.

n00b 03-28-2006 12:26 AM

Just to update, Sean at CWB sorted the problem out for me, he was extremely helpful and sent out a replacement part which fitted perfectly. <BR> <BR>Thanks to all who replied and thanks to CWB for the great customer support.

jon4pres 03-28-2006 6:38 AM

So what was the problem?

byrd 03-28-2006 7:23 AM

Thanks for the update. I'm glad you got it fixed. So, how does it work for you? Have you had a chance to ride in them yet? <BR> <BR>(Message edited by byrd on March 28, 2006)

n00b 03-29-2006 7:02 AM

The problem was that a small toe piece had be used in a medium binding. When Sean sent me out a replacement medium toe piece I replaced the small piece with it and now they fit snuggly. <BR> <BR>Byrd, nope it'll be another 2 weeks before our season starts <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> *can't wait* <BR>But I've had to bindings on in the bath to mold them to my feet better and they feel great, I'm glad I spent the extra cash and went for the Zeus as opposed to the Torq. The hinge tech makes getting in and out so easy. Hopefully they'll live up to their early promise when I hit the lake, I'm sure they will. <BR> <BR>I've got my Pure and my Zeus and I'm a very happy bunny!

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