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nitrohogan 06-25-2002 4:11 PM

I have no idea of what people are talkin about when they say you need to load the line for a good pop.. Please tell me how to load the line and please give me a good example.. thanks

twakess 06-25-2002 4:26 PM

Here ya go <BR>Learning how to edge progressively is one of the most important skills in wakeboarding. Virtually every trick uses a progressive edge, as it's the key to getting the most height possible while staying under control. Every wakeboarder should take the time to learn how to edge progressively, it'll help out in the long run. Here we explain the keys to heelside progressive edging. <BR> <BR>First, let's define what we mean by a progressive edge. A progressive edge is when you edge on your wakeboard and build up the amount of edge slowly, so that your maximum edge is when you reack the top of the wake. By "maximum edge" we mean that your speed and line tension are at their hardest when you reach the wake. <BR> <BR>Think of how a pendulum swings. As it goes out to it's highest point, the ball on the pendulum is moving at it's slowest. When it swings back towards the bottom, it starts slowly, and builds up speed "progressively" until it's at it's fastest point at the bottom. In wakeboarding terms, the wakeboarder is the ball cutting out wide, and you want to wait for the boat to begin pulling you back towards the wake, as it starts to pull you, you begin edging in with the proper body position, and build your edge so it's at it's hardest as you reach the wake, which is the bottom in our pendulum example. <BR> <BR>Prerequisties <BR>Before trying to learn the progressive edge for jumping, you should be able to do the following: <BR>1. Ride and be able to edge and carve well. <BR>2. Be comfortable crossing the wakes at high speed. <BR>3. Be able to ollie. <BR> <BR>or try this <BR><a href="http://www.wakeboarder.com/display.phtml?id=50" target=_top>http://www.wakeboarder.com/display.phtml?id=50</a>

nitrohogan 06-25-2002 7:48 PM

so you carve real slow to load the line ??? <BR>or you lean in on the line ?? what do you ??

atxwake 06-27-2002 9:08 AM

matt, just start slow and then as you get closer to the wake, really build your speed, use the line and your edge to do this.

01-26-2003 9:59 PM

so like lean back and put ur weight all on the rope?

sdboardr99 01-26-2003 10:31 PM

it's not so much putting your weight on the rope, it's more like edging hard and resisting the pull if that makes sense. As someone said, act like you're trying to pull the tower off the boat. If you edge really hard you put a lot of pressure, or load, on the rope. When you do that and then hit the wake it causes you to pop and get lots of air. <BR> <BR>The opposite is cutting hard early and then having a lot of speed as you hit the wake but no load on the line. You may be able to easily clear the wake but you won't get much air. And you'll probably have a harder time landing the jump and staying balanced. <BR> <BR>

01-27-2003 6:24 PM

Yeah man, loading the line is just resisting the pull from the boat. All you gotta do is when you are cutting toward the wake, try to pull as far away from the boat as possible. You will feel so much tension on the rope as soon as you come into the wake that when you do hit the wake, you launch off and get some wickid mad air. Just remember to keep the rope in your hip for better control off the wake, or else you will land with too much weight forward on the board and pull a sweet face plant. Hope this helps ya out.

otiswunguy 02-01-2003 11:17 PM

we load the line into the boat so we don't forget it in the truck. hehe couldn't resist.

02-02-2003 10:16 AM

Imagine your body as a spring, you compress it gradually with your progressive edge towards the wake, thereby storing energy, which in turn is released by standing tall at the wake. It is a nice, easy motion, fairly low impact. Like bill j said, if you cut too fast, and push really hard at the wake, you go low and fast across the wakes, and the rope will most likely get taught right before landing, pulling you forward and forcing 10 gallons of water into your eye sockets, drowning your brain with lake water.

03-19-2003 8:22 AM

ok i understand and do the whole "load the rope thing" but my pop is still lacking. i think im having problems with the top of the wake,i dont think im doing it right or at the right spot.

sdboardr99 03-19-2003 4:08 PM

Get some video of you riding and then watch it in slow motion - it's the best way to spot what you're doing wrong. If you absorb the wake with your knees even just a little instead of standing tall you really don't get the pop that you should. <BR> <BR>While you're watching the video also look to see if you're coming off your edge as you approach the wake since that's another very common problem. Hold your edge through the wake and stand tall as you go off the wake to get a lot of pop. <BR> <BR>

04-07-2003 1:21 PM

another problem is if your throwing the trick b4 ur in the air u wont go as high take a progressive cut in2 the wake, keep the handle at ur waist, ride all the way through the wake, dont stand tall like jump off it just make sure not to absorb it, if u try and really stand up itll throw you out of balance, ride all the way in2 the air and then throw the trick. ur probably either flattning off or throwing the trick early, if you watch the pros they ride all the way through the wake on edge go in2 the air n then throw the trick <BR> <BR>hope that helps u some

04-07-2003 1:24 PM

o ya iv been ridin 4 a few years now and i still dont exactly no what it means to load the line, im prety sure i do it but i think its just not letting it get away from ur hips, just keeping it in close, if anyone knows please tell me i wana go bigger

04-08-2003 11:36 AM

Get professional help. Watch real good videos over and over. It is difficult to learn without having some real good instruction. We learned to clear both wakes by speed. Only get about 1-2 foot off the water. Made for some nasty falls. With a good progressive edge, good pop and clearing the wake is easy. In fact, if you watch a good boarder, they get massive height and clear the wake easy from a start from 15' or less from the wake.

04-08-2003 6:21 PM

This makes alot of sense now, All last yr I'd go way out on and cut back as hard n fast on heel side as i could.. resuliting in me flying thru both wakes ending up on the other side hehehe <BR> <BR>I think this is my problem, I need to slowly progress into the lake instead of just tryign to build up speed into the wake.. <BR> <BR>o well cant' wait till the lakes get warmed up..

deepstructure 04-15-2003 11:27 AM

i just finally figured this out last week while at ridethespot wakeboard camp. mike gave me a good practice exercise to find this. <BR> <BR>start at the bottom of the wake trough - yes, literally just inches away from the wake. cut towards the wake and launch. <BR> <BR>two important things to realize: you must edge all the way through the top of the wake to really get the release feel - and you must edge <i>towards</i> the wake. <BR> <BR>a lot of people think they're edging but they're not moving <i>away</i> from the boat. when you do it from this close into the wake, you really have to exaggerate the direction - especially on the toeside. <BR> <BR>i love this exerise - i use it now as my warmup. it gives you such a clear feeling of loading the line - if you edge in the right direction and maintain your edge to the top of the wake you'll feel the pull and release of the tension. <BR> <BR>what confused me for awhile with the load and release term was that i was thinking of it referring to the line - but that's not what it refers to. it refers to the pressure built up on the board by the water. you load it up as you edge - you release it when you explode off the top of the wake, the point where the most tension has built up between you and the boat. <BR> <BR>you keep the tension on the line all the way through - sometimes even all the time in the air (depending on the trick). your arms should maintain their position during the cut - and your body actually contributes to the loading when you stand tall at the wake.

04-16-2003 12:10 PM

If you look at my name this might make a little sense, but actually this is a pretty stupid questions so don't hold it to me. I guess i have a lot of questions when it comes to boarding. My buddy has a boat and we have been ridding for about two years. It's pretty much just he and i so can't get too much help. Anyways, i also have problems with understanding the terms edge and line loading. But my question is this for those of you who have been doing this for a while. When you first started getting big air did you ever feel uncomfortable in the air at first. I get some decent air but at times i don't feel comfortabel enough in the air to actually try some decent tricks. Stupid questions but comments are welcome.

deepstructure 04-16-2003 3:41 PM

not stupid at all. i still don't always feel comfortable in the air. the key is fixing your approach believe or not. how you approach determines how you'll leave the wake and how you leave the wake will determine how you are in the air. <BR> <BR>if you're leaning the wrong way, bent over at all, etc., when you leave the wake you'll be uncomfortable in the air. the trick is learning to lean properly to load the line, keep a good edge and then standing tall at the wake. if you're doing it right you should get into the air in the right position. <BR> <BR>videoing yourself will help a lot.

skydog96 04-16-2003 11:55 PM

as chris's manager, that will be $100.00 <BR> <BR> Very good advise, Chris atleast one of us was paying attention, lol j/k

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