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-   -   Ricky Gonzales (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=240760)

uga33 07-14-2005 7:00 AM

Heard a rumor he recently signed with Centurion, Anybody Know.

leykis1o1 07-14-2005 4:33 PM

i dont know but that guy has been a real jerk to some of his youngest fans "ill sign your deal if you buy my board" what kinda crap is that to say to a 10 year old!!

blake_hughes 07-14-2005 4:47 PM

That's pretty funny, are you sure it's true? I've heard nothing but good things about the guy... Maybe you're getting some outrageous rumors too? <BR> <BR>-Blake

stephan 07-14-2005 4:50 PM

I'm sorry but as much as I don't like his whole pimp image or whatever it is, Ricky has always been the nicest guy in the world. He always has little kids swarming around him &amp; his latest (super hot) lady friend. He never tells them to piss off or to leave him alone. From what I can tell he is a genuinely nice guy. I doubt he'd say something like that unless he was messing with the kid. Besides how many Hyperlite shirts can one GB rider sign?

super_air 07-14-2005 4:53 PM

Ryan- I know Ricky and he and his crew have tied up with us at Nacie back in the narrows on several trips and he is just an ordinary person who has been friendly to all of the people I have seen come up and meet him. Then again we all have bad days!

blake_hughes 07-14-2005 5:18 PM

Sounds to me like someone is a little jealous of someone else's popularity, and has nothing better to do, but make attempts at ruining that persons reputation. <BR> <BR>-Blake <BR> <BR>Ryan, that's not pointed at you, I'm talking about the person who told you that.

aracinelli 07-14-2005 7:27 PM

Get to know Ricky and you'll find out that the guy is super nice. Don't hate the player hate the game.

aracinelli 07-14-2005 7:28 PM

And yes the last I heard his riding for centurion.

partydock17 07-14-2005 7:32 PM

Ya, he custom ordered an all white centurion enzo. <BR>Its rad. <BR> <BR>Danny T. <BR><a href="http://www.okcboardshop.com" target="_blank">www.okcboardshop.com</a>

leykis1o1 07-14-2005 7:49 PM

maybe it was a isolated incident..but he did make such a comment at one of his planned stops at a boat/wakeboard dealership...

bassmanjoshis 07-14-2005 8:52 PM

Hung out with him a bit @ Wakestock 04 and he was a great guy. Musta been yankin' your chain.

mikel 07-14-2005 9:32 PM

Come on...look at the guy...the kids dig him and he digs the kids. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=259&amp;ImageID=31" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=259&amp;ImageID=31</a>

leykis1o1 07-14-2005 10:22 PM

maybe he was having a bad day...sorry i said anything

jarrod 07-14-2005 10:38 PM

"Don't hate the player hate the game." <BR>You've got to be kidding with that comment. <BR> <BR>Hey, really, none of us where there. Everyone can say Ricky G is a cool guy, but does anyone here REALLY know him? Or did you hang out with him for one day so he's an awesome guy??? Maybe he is. But maybe just for one instance he was a Dck! Is it so hard to beleive? Most of the time I'm a nice guy, but sometimes I'm an <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> happens. <BR> <BR>And I assure you I'm not "Player hating."

toolfan 07-15-2005 6:26 AM

....its "Playa Hatin'". get with the times J-rod. You are so 1998.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/triangle_down.gif" border=0>

teamvaldez 07-15-2005 7:14 AM

I have known Ricky for years and he has always taken the time and been nothing but gracious to kids. Maybe the statement was taken out of context.

uga33 07-15-2005 7:26 AM

I kinda like his image. Hey he is just being himself. Whats the saying "don't judge a book by its cover". The guy can ride and represents our sport with some integrity. If it is true I think it is a good addition to the team.

martini 07-15-2005 11:18 AM

I've know RG since late '96...he even had my boat in his driveway in canyon for a summer back in '98 or was it 99? doesn't matter...! i will always give him the benifit of the doubt!It seems every year someone trys to throw him under the bus! ...i have never seen him do anything negative when it comes to fans...maybe if your an x girlfriend you might have some crap to say...i wasn't there to hear what he really said but i highly doubt it was as bad as you say ryan...maybe the kid was rude to ricky first?

solo 07-15-2005 11:42 AM

This is a funny thread. "HATERS" I just got back from the 06 GB catalog shoot and Ricky was in rare form. He has been training hard at Canyon lake and riding well. I have also know Ricky for years and his "Image" has nothing to do with his character. He is a father and a stand up guy. Ricky has taken all the Jr's and regional youth GB riders under his wing and really showed these kids what it takes to make it in this industry. Not to many veterans would have taken the time with these kids like Ricky did. <BR> <BR>Wait till you see the new line up for 2006. GB is blowing up!

aracinelli 07-17-2005 7:13 PM

Ricky has always been great to my family and has always helped kids I know this first hand cause my kid has spent plenty of time with Ricky. He,s a nice guy who works hard on his riding and he is awesome with kids. The kids love him and thats that.

dirty 07-19-2005 12:32 PM

Ricky is one of the nicest guys, I've been friends wth the guy for along time and I've never seen him be mean or rude to any fans especially little kids, dont let the look fool you he's a really nice guy, loves kids and family, so you must of heard wrong, I dont think Ricky would have done that....

wakeforce139 07-19-2005 3:02 PM

Dirty- Any talk of another Big Block SLider Party like the one held last year in central cali?

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