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-   -   More or less ugly?: 05 Premier (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=181707)

hymaeringo 07-28-2004 8:53 AM

Im sure most of you with day jobs have seen the irvine pics and the new premier graphics by now... I for one thing the graphics are better looking but still not stunning. The molded fins look larger as well but maybe the same? what do ya think? this link shows a good view of the bottom; <a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=206&amp;ImageID=146" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=206&amp;ImageID=146</a> <BR>this one shows the tops: <a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=206&amp;ImageID=183" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=206&amp;ImageID=183</a> <BR>and I couln't help but to throw this one in there: <a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=204&amp;ImageID=26" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/GetImage.asp?GalleryID=204&amp;ImageID=26</a>

africantapwater 07-28-2004 8:56 AM

Getting better, they still arent fantastic though.

rschrock 07-28-2004 8:57 AM

I prefer the star graphics from the third link.

mango 07-28-2004 8:59 AM

definetly an improvement from last year but still not top notch of what they could be. 2002 &amp; 2003 were better.

barry 07-28-2004 9:12 AM

I like the shape of the boards in the third picture.

toolfan 07-28-2004 9:13 AM

its a push, both ugly. except for the 3rd one of course.

hymaeringo 07-28-2004 9:14 AM

yeah those chicks r bad!!! Randy's lime green x-2 is ill na-na as well!

mango 07-28-2004 9:22 AM

tell those girls to meet me in my hot tub tonight at 9:00

hymaeringo 07-28-2004 9:30 AM

on one condition......I get initiated into DMC

mossy44 07-28-2004 9:43 AM

where is the pic of randy's lime green x2? <BR>

shutupandboard 07-28-2004 9:51 AM

In that third pic. I like how the pink star accents the curve as the black disapears.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> THAT is top notch. <BR> <BR>But the boards are ugly.

mango 07-28-2004 11:21 AM

matt, look at his profile pic.

mossy44 07-28-2004 11:41 AM

aha. thanks mango

aaronlee13 07-28-2004 11:46 AM

i like the look of the byerly way better than the premier

hymaeringo 07-28-2004 12:00 PM

yeah but the premier is a way better board w/out stupid marketing gimmicks. One of my friends sent back a broken 02 honeycomb byerly and got sent an 05 137 so ill ride it today. I assume it is unchanged from the 04 model which blows as well... but nonethe less I will ride the 05 today behind my SA.

hymaeringo 07-28-2004 12:01 PM

The all white top deck DOES look pretty pimp though!

aaronlee13 07-28-2004 1:05 PM


wakestar8878 07-28-2004 1:23 PM

I can't believe how many people talk sh*t on boards they have never rode. Ridiculous.

rschrock 07-28-2004 1:36 PM

I hear you Shawn - drives me crazy.

magellan 07-28-2004 1:55 PM

I liked the 04 Premier graphics. The Pink ones were sketch... <BR>The 05's IMO look really bad. Granted graphics aren't all that important but they are bad.

toolfan 07-28-2004 1:57 PM

We are talking AESTHETICS, not PERFORMANCE. read the first post. I hate stupid people.

aaronlee13 07-28-2004 2:03 PM

shawn.... we arent talk bad about how it rides... just the graphics... we dont need to ride it to know the graphics suck

kristian 07-28-2004 2:08 PM

I really don't like the 05 graphics. In my taste they're way worse than 04 (I've never really been into stars and pink) though I didn't really like the 04's (but thats only my opinion). On the other hand, I do really like the byerly graphics (or lack there of them, lol) does look nice.

wakestar8878 07-28-2004 2:13 PM

Alee - I mostly referring to Ringo's statement, "yeah but the premier is a way better board w/out stupid marketing gimmicks." <BR> <BR>Graphics are one thing, as we were discussing in the '05 Absolute thread. Labeling a board a "stupid marketing gimmick" without riding it is another. <BR>

aaronlee13 07-28-2004 2:19 PM

i see...

rschrock 07-28-2004 3:05 PM

I'm fairly new to the sport and have only ridden a few boards. I currently ride a LF Evolution 138. One of the boards I've ridden was a CWB Absolute. I noticed such a dramatic difference that I've decided to buy one. Now, I've seen the '05 graphic and am fairly unimpressed. But CWB has to cater their marketing approach (asthetics in this case) to it's primary market sector. As for the '05 Absolute, it looks like they focused in on about the 6 year old community. That is what I would have issues with, that it doesn't relate directly to me. The colors of the 04 Premiers were a little off in my opinion, but the chicks and rockers were pretty darn cool. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by rschrock on July 28, 2004)

hymaeringo 07-29-2004 6:57 AM

dear shawn. I stand behind my comments and have ridden the 04 Byerly at least a dozen times and the 05 142 yesterday. don't assume I havn't ridden it bc it only makes you look like a foo when I can tell you more about how the board rides than most. also everyone has riding preferences so IMO I don't like the "stupid marketing, double as a bottle opener", flowthrough design. this is all IMO. I like a faster board and all that the cutouts do is make it slow. the kid whos board it was did do a heal 7 so it must be aight!

wakestar8878 07-29-2004 9:25 AM

Ringo - Everyone has the own riding style, and something you might consider a marketing gimmick, may be the innovation of the year for someone else. If you've rode the board before, and that is your honest opinion about it, cool. I just get peeved by people who talk sh*t without giving it a chance first. <BR> <BR>Sorry I shouldn't have singled you out like that. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by wakestar8878 on July 29, 2004)

hymaeringo 07-29-2004 10:53 AM

no worries man... my question for the innovation of the year is what exactly do the cutouts do and how does it affect riding in a positive way. what things does it make better/more easier?

magellan 07-29-2004 11:01 AM

I was told it helped your toeside edge.. What a relief!.. Now.. If it does, why doesn't every board have them? <BR>I have ridden it, not my style at all. Felt like I was dragging an anchor. Also hurt like hell when I grabbed it..

jarrod 07-29-2004 12:21 PM

Justin Butinsky absolutely KILLS IT on the Bylery board and swears by it. He took one run on it and never looked back. Plus, he was snapping Premier boards left and right. To my knowledge he hasn't broken a Bylery board.

bigjackamo 07-29-2004 1:43 PM

Not to get back to the topic or anything..... <BR> <BR>I thought this years DNA (Pink) Premier could not get any uglier, ooooooppppssss, I was wrong. The new Pink and Yellow even tops that. What is Harf's facination with Neon, the 03 Lime Green, the 04 Hot Pink and now the 05 Hot Pink and Yellow.

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