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-   -   What the heck happened to Ricky G?? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=168373)

teamvaldez 05-02-2004 1:49 PM

I heard that he overslept???? yikes!! And was there a Randy sighting at all?? thanks for the info!

hypoxic_films 05-02-2004 3:59 PM

Randy was at the comp. He didnt ride though, he wasnt signed up. <BR> <BR>Danny Turner <BR>HYPOXIC FILMS <BR>hypoxicfilms.com

flsurflover 05-02-2004 6:04 PM

They were running way ahead of schedule. They had the first pro mens rider out an hour before the scheduled start time of 1pm. Then someone told them it was in the rules that they couldn't start the comp more than 30 minutes early. So they took a break until about 12:30pm. Then they already had one rider out of the way and continued on. <BR> <BR>Not a good way to start off your professional year for your sponsors. You gotta feel kinda sorry for him though. Then again, there were a lot of other great riders that didn't make the qualifying cut that would have been there in time for an early start. Like JD. <BR> <BR>I don't know about the oversleeping, but I sure hope he wasn't sleeping past noon on 1 of only 5 contest dates for the tour.

west 05-03-2004 7:43 PM

He got shafted!!!!!! Thats what happened. They started the tournament way early. I rode with Ricky at the cable parks a few times this weekend and he was really stoked about riding. He was also pretty pissed about the whole situation. Ricky is the coolest pro rider out there in my opinion and to be honest...I can't say much for the rest of the GB team!! Harris was there on Friday but I didn't see him any other day at the tournament. I saw he and the whole GB crew at their premier Saturday night though. I was actually pretty disappointed in alot of the pro riders this weekend. They weren't near as friendly as they have been at some of the other stops. Parks really let me down this year! And several of the GB riders were complete <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font>!!!(Except for Gator and Ricky) Seems like an up and coming board company would be alot more considerate about selling their gear....they acted like they didn't even want to sell a board to me. They should be trying to get people to purchase their stuff but I know several people that didn't simply because of their attitudes. I was really bummed about the whole situation. I'm not hatin....just wanted to see if anyone else experienced this.

electricsnow 05-04-2004 9:54 AM

Well, as for the riders (the ones that competed, that is), just remember that they have a competition to focus on. If they were jerks during the autograph signing, then that's a completely different thing (because that is PR time that is set aside specifically for the fans). But I actually have to reference shane bonifay on this one: parks may have had a lot of things to do that day and you may have caught him at a busy time. You know, they can't be perfect all the time.

west 05-04-2004 10:58 AM

Yeah they were really focusing alright(some of them). Parks was so faded both nights before the tournament. I don't expect them to be perfect at all. I definately know that they need some space alot of times. Actually every time I saw them and talked to them, it was nowhere near the tournament. Nobody expects them to "hang out"...but it's called being polite. We were there supporting them and their premier, if they don't wanna chat for a sec then they shouldn't show up. But again...I'm only speaking of a few riders in specific. Not just HL or GB riders in totality. I'm not pissed, I still have alot of respect for them but alot of us were really disappointed.

maverick_gear 05-04-2004 11:46 AM

Ricky didn't sleep in... and yes they did shaft Ricky, he was late but they knew he was late and didn't wait for him so they didn't lose any time at all if they were cool they would have let him ride especially because of the circumstances. Ricky is one of the coolest guys in our sport and for some reason he gets the shaft every time whether its from the judges organizers cops bouncers whoever. who cares if hes tatooed and looks like a thug hes so nice... the vandall is kinda quiet and reclusive anyway everyone should know that by now and not expect to much from him, i don't know who on team GB was rood but some of those guys just work for gator and are kinda quiet themselves, Gator and Ricky are on it and thats what matters and as for everyone being in a bad mood i think it might have to do with the Elite format change and how the pressure is really on and they are more focused on them i.e. major stress level increase.....

west 05-04-2004 12:27 PM

Yeah, I totally agree Maverick. I just think that some of the riders who ride for GB are "pulling" them down because of how they carry themselves. I definately think they need to "filter" some of their riders out and pick up some others. I really don't know but it seems like Gator and Ricky are totally different and so much more cooler than most of the others on GB.

teamvaldez 05-04-2004 6:49 PM

Ricky comes out to the Canyon contests sometimes and no matter where he is, the Vans contest, the pro stop, San Diego or Canyon, he always goes out of his way to talk to the boys and check in with us. I don't care how many tatts there are, as long as there are manners and respect involved. He does get a bad rap, but man to miss out on that contest sooo sucks!! I know how much it costs for airfare, lodging and registration, what an expense and not ride!! ARGH!

projectely4 05-04-2004 7:15 PM

hear is a video from saturday. i have when ricky is leaving after being shafted at the comp.<a href="http://www.wakepics.com/view_single.php?medid=10451" target="_blank">http://www.wakepics.com/view_single.php?medid=10451</a>

solo 05-04-2004 7:35 PM

Although Rickys disqualification was crappy, I don't believe they give him the shaft on purpose. Ricky has had some unfortunate incidents recently but he still has to follow the same rules as everyone else. His character goes without saying but sometimes trouble just seems to find him.

colorider 05-04-2004 8:09 PM

In my opinion, if you are a true professional and take your sport/career seriously you are neither going to be really "Faded" the night before nor are you going to be late for the contest. It won't take sponsors long to ditch riders that fail to perform or show up for contests. Just at thought

solo 05-04-2004 8:13 PM

He wasn't late, he was right on time. If you had read this thread you'd have realized that they started the heat early. For the record it was only 30 minutes early not an hour.

wakeforce139 05-04-2004 11:08 PM

just a thought.....but i really doubt that riders like ricky are going to get ditched by their sponsors very quickly, that just wouldnt make very much sense

teamvaldez 05-05-2004 7:51 AM

They do tell you though that they have the right (and boy do they let you know that THEY have the right) to go a half hour early. It is a mistake not to be there early for sure, It sucks but we all make mistakes and learn from them. This is just one of those times. As far as partying the night before, man that can happen sooo easily! It is a fun atmosphere and they are around friends. <BR>It is tough you guys, but then again, it is tough to go to work everyday sin't it?

teamvaldez 05-05-2004 7:52 AM

They do tell you though that they have the right (and boy do they let you know that THEY have the right) to go a half hour early. It is a mistake not to be there early for sure, It sucks but we all make mistakes and learn from them. This is just one of those times. As far as partying the night before, man that can happen sooo easily! It is a fun atmosphere and they are around friends. <BR>It is tough you guys, but then again, it is tough to go to work everyday isn't it?

sdboardr99 05-05-2004 9:11 PM

The Mens Quarterfinals were scheduled to start at 1pm and Ricky was the first rider in Heat #2. Normally that would mean about 1:20pm for him, assuming they are not running late (which is really common). So Ricky shows up thinking he has plenty of time and instead misses getting to the dock by about 1 minute. Sucked for him, but he wasn't shafted. Another rider also missed his ride. <BR> <BR>I had a lot of fun at the parties on Fri and Sat night but I'm glad that I didn't have to ride the next day! <BR>

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