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scottyb 03-12-2004 10:59 AM

Dont you think that the price for tower lights and for tower speakers is extremely inflated. I mean boss is selling some lights for around a grand, i just think that is crazy considering what goes into making one of those things. The guys on ebay make similar goods for much less. You would think that companies like boss would be able to make them for less since they are a bigger operation. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by scottyb on March 12, 2004)

tiger20 03-12-2004 11:11 AM

It's a yuppie (wealthy) sport like golf. We pay accordingly. It's just the sad reality. Wakeboards for 500$ and wakeskates for 230$ - it's laughable... <BR> <BR>In regards to the lights. Since the market is relatively small they don't sell very many. therefore they need to make for profit per unit sold.

peter_c 03-12-2004 11:16 AM

What you didn't take into account is quality. The lights that Boss uses VS the "other" cheaper brands is a big difference. Boss uses name brand lights and top quality clamps made in house. As for speakers it is the same thing. Not sure of the others but Boss also powder coats their products not painting them. Machining and manufacturing VS assembling a straight bar also makes a big difference in looks and longevity. Boss's profit margin is not as high as you might think. You also get what you pay for!

trey 03-12-2004 11:19 AM

I just got through building my own set.. I had a similiar mind set as you prior to building my set. Cutting, cleaning and welding aluminum is difficult and time consuming. For the 530's with the Tubes is a real chore. I agree they are very expensive, but in hind site, I can see why the cost is so high. My 2 speakers took probably 30-40 man hours(2 people, one working about 16 hours the other 24) I'm sure you could get that number down.. but it still takes a lot of work. <BR> <BR>It also depends what you are wanting to do.. a single can is pretty easy.. but a connected set of cans makes for quite a bit more work.

boarditup 03-12-2004 11:47 AM

Profit is not a dirty word. Our paychecks are comprised of profit. A lot of stuff is too expensive for me. If any company can sell a product and stay in business, I will cheer them on. That does not mean I have to buy what they produce.

pierce_bronkite 03-12-2004 1:15 PM

Shoot even the gear is expensive. Nothing cheap about them.

autotunner69 03-12-2004 6:25 PM

absolutly right Karl. I can't afford alot of equi. this sport has to offer either but gradually I will have it. I will make like my own speakers and light setup just to save money. Ya, it may take awhile but I look at the long run. Hell, it it probably funner this way to.

boarditup 03-12-2004 7:18 PM

Desire and necessity is the mother of invention. Loud Liquid's owner started making towers becuase he couldn't find the design/engineering/quality/price combo he wanted. Maybe ou will be the next industy leader with a great idea.

propkiller 03-12-2004 7:24 PM

Ok, stupid question to follow. <BR> <BR>If the lights cost nearly a grand a piece, and if the laws there are similiar there as they are here, meaning its against the law to pull a rider after sunset. Why do you need them? <BR> <BR>Granted they look cool and thats a good enough excuse for me.

rodeo 03-13-2004 5:40 PM

Mark <BR>kinda like speeding, if you don't get caught, its not illegal.(ha!ha!)

mjmurphy53711 03-14-2004 8:07 AM

i guess they figure if you can pay 80,000 for a boat the rest is change in your pocket......i know i cant pay that but this is kind of a rich mans sport

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