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-   -   why wasnt wakeboarding in the xgames this year (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=523965)

trewblu 12-02-2007 11:58 AM

wakeboarding was not in the xgames this year I am confused

wakeboardlf25 12-02-2007 12:12 PM

they just went away with showing wakeboard...in my opinion they should of done away with surfing...surfing is fun but just boring to watch..but thats just me

trewblu 12-02-2007 12:37 PM

I agree trent surfing is boring to watch

owenitall 12-02-2007 1:14 PM

simple, because travis pastrana doesn't wakeboard, that is why. they should just go ahead and call it the travis pastrana games. <BR> <BR>i actually heard them say (i think the year before last when they only had a rail jam in the parking lot) that it was just because wakeboarding had to be done in a whole separate place away from the arena where the skateboarding and everything else is done. <BR> <BR>well what about that dumb rally car race? it had to be done in a separate place too! but, travis pastrana decided to enter the rally car race, so it had to be televised and given top priority, even over wakeboarding. i am sorry, but i know wakeboarding has to have a way larger fan base than that (boring) rally car race. <BR> <BR>like i said, they should just call it the travis pastrana games because the worship that guy. its all about him.

eliotflydog 12-02-2007 1:46 PM

Surfing and wakeboardin are my 2 favorite things to watch

tentcitygoon 12-02-2007 2:14 PM

I like the surfing, but would definately like to see some wakeboarding.

12-02-2007 2:17 PM

Ya Alan is right, they had to set up at a whole other place for wakeboarding, harder to get fans that way, it was just a demo sport last yr with the rail jam. Moto x and skate vert are sweet but those are there real money makers.

dansmith 12-02-2007 2:20 PM

The real comical thing about it, is that Dallas Friday won the ESPY for 'Best Female Action Sports' in 2004 for...WAKEBOARDING (duh?). <BR> <BR>Then, 2 years later, its dumped from the games completely. Go figure...

owenitall 12-02-2007 2:27 PM

i agree with jason, that is what they said. but that doesn't explain why they threw so much time, money and TV time at the rally car race? how many people really follow that? well, maybe a handful since the golden boy travis started doing it. <BR> <BR>i don't think they really even need to set up the "spectator" rail jam in the parking lot, unles the x-games is actually going to recognize it as an event, and support it with TV time (which they didn't) and money also.

owenitall 12-02-2007 2:34 PM

maybe some of the pros can befriend travis and take him out wakeboarding. if he started wakeboarding, they would bring it back and it would get tv time for sure then.

jward10 12-02-2007 2:34 PM

I think I read on here that the females were arguing about TV time compared to the guys, so they just dropped it all together.

owenitall 12-02-2007 2:36 PM

wakeboard females? or just female fans?

hawkeye7708 12-02-2007 2:47 PM

I actually think in Nitrous Circus... or some motocross compilation movie, Pastrana was actually out there riding. I'm told he kept trying flips and totally EATING it lol

wakeboardchamp43 12-02-2007 2:50 PM

Surfing has to be on a different area than the main area too. Just look at all the events we have such as the PWT and other tours. I bet there are more people who wakeboard than ride motor cycles also. The demographics would kinda hint that there might be more money in wakeboarding sales so to speak than motocross or by far rally. <BR> <BR>As long as it doesnt end up like in-line, sportclimbing, or all of the others they toss out.

jcv 12-02-2007 3:12 PM

Generally speaking, only wakeboarders watch wakeboarding. People who don't know the first thing about motorcycles or skateboarding watch Travis Pastrana and Ryan Sheckler. It's hard to market wakeboarders that no one has ever heard of for one day a year. Pastrana and Sheckler are on mainstream TV all year--not just the X-Games--so it's easier for casual fans to build an interest. Rusty, Chad, and Harf need an MTV reality show at their place or something.

goatroper222000 12-02-2007 3:16 PM

Hey guys, lets not bag on travis just because he doesnt wakeboard. He is amazing at what he does and pushes the sports he participates in to an amazing level. How many moto x guys have done a double backflip?..one(travis pastrana). not to mention the countless other things he has accomplished. <BR>Yes, i agree, wakeboarding should be in the X Games, and im all for getting our great sport publicized and spread out. But who cares if its not?? So what if no one else wakeboards besides us and if it isnt on t.v. I wakeboard for myself and because it is something i love to do. i dont care about what other people think or say. i just wakeboard. <BR> <BR>just my .02

owenitall 12-02-2007 3:40 PM

josh, i am not really bagging on travis as much as i am whoever puts on the x games and worships. <BR> <BR>i do think it is funny what ben says though and i had no idea about him eating it on flips. <BR> <BR>but if i had been bagging on him, i would have said that they won't do wakeboarding now because travis couldn't come out there and beat danny, parks and everybody else and win it all. but, that would have been a little presumptious, but i was definitely thinking it. (oops, did i just say that?) not bagging on travis though. <BR> <BR>this spot does touch a nerve with me because wakeboarding definitely got the shaft at the x games

dlwsrider 12-02-2007 4:23 PM

I heard that the Female Vert Skaters demanded pay and Air time, and so they cut wakeboarding so that they could still hit their budget goal.

drewsnautique94 12-02-2007 4:50 PM

i will say this..i have been a pretty successful amateur on 50's 60's and 80's and 125's..many many sponsors...motocross is by far harder than wakeboarding all around..eveyone knows jeremy mcgrath travis patrana r.c. mike jones etc..the money and the publicity they get compared to wakeboarding is 10 fold..how many people do you see at a rail jam or a main event, not nearly that you see at an outdoor or indoor national for motocross...motocross has been around forever..go ask peopleL: who is ricky carmichael jeremy mcgrath scott byerly or murray...people will know the motox stars..so i dont think wakeboarding got the shaft...theres just not a market for wakeboarding as a motocross event

wakerider111 12-02-2007 5:03 PM

Just as "Christmas" is worded "Xmas" by some, removing the most important part, so too is the "X" in "Xgames" representing the best part that was removed... <BR>hehehe... a little Christmas humor for ya all with a small helping of seriousness...

dlwsrider 12-02-2007 5:05 PM

i vote that we kick fruit booters out of the X-games

dudeman 12-02-2007 5:30 PM

It all relates to fans in the stands and what the television networks think people will watch. Fans in the stands equal corporate dollars, not always fair. My son kills it on a board and just got into high school wrestling. Never thought much about the sport and probably the farthest you're going is college if you're lucky. There's no TV coverage for that. If you want to see some athlete's, watch wrestling now. I never thought much of it, but these kids are programmed ripped machines with the sole purpose in life to mame their opponent. Pretty boring to watch until you really get into it, but not TV material. Same with wakeboarding, bite it on a D up and climb back in the boat or come down on a skateboard from 50 feet up and blow your shoes off(which was a miracle to watch) and there's no comparison for visual effect as far as the network goes. Unfortunately, people want to watch the potential for disaster.

drewsnautique94 12-02-2007 5:53 PM

well said randy

wakeboardchamp43 12-02-2007 5:55 PM

They did get rid of rollar blading, but i would call it fruit booting, cause it was cool to watch for the most part. Its not the wakeboarding X Games, its the X Games. You gotta try to inlcude all the sports

owenitall 12-02-2007 6:57 PM

yeah, i know guys, i understand business and all that, i just hate to see my sport get cut. <BR> <BR>i am sure travis is a great guy and what he has done for motocross is insane. i don't blame him for going for the money and the tv time either.

lachie_mew 12-02-2007 8:40 PM

caleb, thats what i thought. women skaters wanted tv time

johnm_ttu 12-02-2007 11:10 PM


dlwsrider 12-03-2007 2:47 PM

Fruitbooting is like, a scooter to motorcycles as far as extreme sports goes, im just glad that the rainbow booters went before wakeboarders.

the_bug 12-04-2007 9:16 AM

If they had wakeskating over some glory or death pool gap with the fans right there, then people would watch because it is similar to street skating. You think surfing is boring? Watching strappers do their inverted flippy spinnys behind a boat from 500+ feet away, where's the remote?

hawk7 12-05-2007 12:09 PM

Our mission is obvious!!!!!!! I see clearly now!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to get travis to wakeboard!! its so obvious!!!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0> <BR>He probobly wont do so well but... <BR> <BR>d.c. im confused. are you supporting wakeboarding or surfing? ... <BR> <BR>what's a fruitbooter? <BR>ryan andrews. you are playing to the wrong crowd. you may very well be right, but this is not the place... no offense. It's like wearing a fur coat and bringing tri tip to a PETA meeting. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by hawk7 on December 05, 2007) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by hawk7 on December 05, 2007) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by hawk7 on December 05, 2007)

seattle 12-05-2007 12:58 PM

Wasn't it Travis who was trying backflip after backflip on a Sky Ski awhile ago?

pearsonville 12-05-2007 2:19 PM

X-Games Promotors are too cheap. It costs them 50K (I'm told) to hold Live TV at Marine Stadium. <BR>They are in it for the X-DOLLARS. <BR>Aloha Joe.

justinh 12-05-2007 3:15 PM

X-dollars, I like that. <BR> <BR>I have never really been a fan of the X-games. It is action sports coverage for people who would rather be watching football. It turns our sports into a spectacle. ie: super ramp.

12-06-2007 3:11 PM

they shouldve had wakeskating in the x games. <BR> <BR>i agree with justinh.

robertr720 12-06-2007 3:49 PM

Ha, well I'm sure that some of you didn't want to hear this but Travis P. does wakeboard. He owns a Yellow Mastercraft X-Star and own a home on my home lake of Medina. I have seen them out there several times and talked to him like twice. He is a really nice guy and he hangs out with Heath Vass(spell?) who also owns a place on Medina and is sponsored by Mastercraft. He is and avid barefooter. As for Travis, he got the place out there because he was interested in or dating some girl that lives here and needed a place to stay when visiting. This is the part that will make you guys sick. When I asked him if he wakeboarded, he laughed and said not really I suck pretty bad, but we like to get the tubes out here and have tube wars. Horrible I know, but still a great guy though.

evank 12-06-2007 3:51 PM

yo ill trade him an old four winns he can use for tube wars for his xstar

killjoy951 12-06-2007 5:04 PM

FYI alan, i dont want to sound (and by sound , i mean type) like a smart ass, but rally car racing is the most popular motorsport in the world. where do you think they coined up having colin mcrae (RIP) as being the talk of 06 x games??? the guy was a championship driver from scotland. people all over the world spain japan germany ...etc.. are into this <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> talking millions if not billions of fans. we (USA) are actually just jumping on the bandwagon with the rest of planet earth.

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