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-   -   driving guide? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=464231)

sbt3 06-18-2007 6:41 AM

I was out this weekend and as usual there were plenty of people who are clueless on how to drive boat. It's pretty bad when a Malibu is out driving around in circles and whipping power turns and then some guys in an I/O actually have respect for the water and take turns with us. I don't usually expect much out of I/O's but sometimes I am pleasantly surprised. I figure if your driving an inboard you should probably have a clue. <BR> <BR>One of the guys I was with said that back in the day when he first got to the lake a few skiers rolled up to him and handed a sheet to him which explained how to drive properly and why. He said it changed his whole perspective on it. <BR> <BR>Does anyone have something like this made up that they can post? If not I am going to work on one this week and keep copies in my boat to give to people. I have tried to explain it to people but I think try to explain it sometimes comes off as being an <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> or they just don't get it. Basically I'm looking for something with some small illustrations on turning around and coming back up your own line, not doing power turns and why they screw up the water for their own riders, common sense safety etc. I know there is the "Don't be that Boat" article but I am looking for something even a little more basic for the people who just don't get it. <BR> <BR>Thanks <BR>Stan

wakedude83 06-18-2007 6:53 AM

That's funny - we were all talking about that in my boat yesterday morning. I would be all about giving someone a driving guide. We can easily have 2 wake boats driving on my lake if they drive properly, but if one drives wrong, the whole lake goes bad...

lfrider139 06-18-2007 8:14 AM

if someone could come up with something like that and post it on here that would be awesome, i would love to hand a driving guide to some of the people around here.

prem1er 06-18-2007 8:21 AM

I'd probably pay to have one. Have it water proof and I'd stick that thing on boat boat in a second. Too many people I know claim they can drive a good pull but far too often they end up being terrible and make me stop riding for the day

murphini 06-18-2007 8:47 AM

I had the same question...and I was doing the dreaded "Power Turn" because I thought it was safer to go back and get/protect the downed rider. My bad. <BR> <BR>I also have son who rides "regular", daughter who rides "goofy" so I usually turned one way instead of opposite way for each kid. <BR> <BR>Here's a great post from the site by Roddyrod on May 16th, 2007. This should be required reading <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/449417.html" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/449417.html</a> <BR> <BR>I'll try not to be "that guy" or "that boat" ever again.

sbt3 06-18-2007 8:54 AM

Thanks for the link, that is what i am looking for. I can modify it a bit for my lake.

wakedude83 06-18-2007 9:00 AM

I think a 1-page diagram with a simple explanation would be much more effective on most of the people I've encountered...

bocephus 06-18-2007 9:09 AM

Just give out the first dvd to "The Book"...

sbt3 06-18-2007 9:13 AM

Nick- <BR>I agree, I am going to try to take some of these ideas and use them to make a double sided sheet that i will laminate and keep in the boat with me.

wakedude83 06-18-2007 9:48 AM

PLEASE post that up here!

dizzyg 06-18-2007 11:04 AM

laminate and glue to that malibu's windshield!

ghostrider_2 06-18-2007 11:12 AM

yes I think it would be good to have a handout that people can read since most to it offensive when you approach them no matter how calm you try to speak to them.. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by ghostrider_2 on June 18, 2007)

wakeslife 06-18-2007 11:38 AM

Yeah, Murphini already linked to the guide I made a while ago, but its designed specifically for the lake we ride, so if you ride the delta/small lakes/rivers some of the ideas will be different.

steve_jones 06-19-2007 7:00 AM

I just recently posted this somewhere else. It's long on this forum but it fits on 1 page if you cut and paste it back into word and bold the topics. Keep in mind I wrote it for a public lake...I could care less about giving fisherman space. <BR> <BR> <BR>Boating Guidelines <BR> <BR> <BR>Launch Ramp Courtesy <BR>Boat ramp congestion can be reduced if everyone practices courtesy at the launch ramp. Observe these simple courtesies to save yourself and others time and energy. Do not block or hold up others on the launch ramp because you are unprepared to launch or retrieve immediately. <BR>· Do not load or unload your boat on or at the top of the launch ramp. Prepare to launch your boat in the staging area, not on the actual launch ramp. When pulling out, unload and clean your boat away from the launch ramp, not on or at the top of the launch ramp. <BR>· When preparing to pull your boat out, drop your tow-vehicle driver off at the dock and clear away from the launch area. Return to reload when they are backing down the ramp with the trailer. <BR> <BR>Courtesy On the Water <BR>Proper courtesy on the water is often overlooked. Not only will this help everyone maintain the best and safest water conditions possible, it will help you get along with, and meet other boaters. <BR>· Give fishermen space. Beware of sending your boat rollers into their often, smaller boats. <BR>· If you are “cruising” or just heading to your favorite spot to fish or hang out, please pay attention to where your boat rollers end up. Believe it or not, slower speeds create bigger rollers. <BR>· Tow skiers/riders back and forth in similar patterns. Drive in straight, predictable lines. Predicable boat drivers create a safer experience for everyone on the water. <BR>· NEVER do ‘power turns’ when your skier falls. When your skier falls, (assuming there is not an immediate danger to them), slow your boat to an idle and stop. Wait 2-3 seconds for your boat rollers to clear behind you, then make your turn as slowly as possible, and then return to pick up your rider. (A slow turn is most important.) This will eliminate unnecessary rollers sent by you down your skier’s line of travel and in all directions throughout the lake. This practice will also help you to save on fuel, reduce the chance of you taking water over your bow, and will eliminate the ‘return to skier bounce’ over your own rollers as you return to pickup your skier. (And, it gives your skier a few extra seconds to rest.) Believe it or not, one boat can ruin the conditions for everyone else on the entire lake so this is the number one rule for boating courtesy! <BR>· NEVER pull a skier up in front of another boat, or cut in front of another boat that is towing a skier. Allow at least 100 yards between boats if you pull up a skier/rider in front of someone along the same line of travel, or wait for them to pass. If they are closer than 100 yards, wait, and let them to pass. (As they will do the same for you, if your skier/rider falls.) <BR>· Skiers travel faster than wakeboarders so allow for that when starting your run behind someone. The skier/rider in front of you has the right of way, period. Do not come up alongside or overtake another boat that is towing a skier/rider; this really messes up the water for that skier and your own skier/rider. Pass/overtake only if/when their skier/rider falls, and use the “Delta Wave” to let them know you see their rider and their rope. Following too closely is dangerous, and also provides a turbulent tow for your skier/rider. Allow some distance for a smoother tow. <BR>· Use skier hand signals and teach your skier’s to wave that they are “OK” after every fall. <BR>· If you see a good (or professional) wakeboarder on the lake, it is permissible to follow them at a safe distance directly behind, or slightly parallel to their boat, to watch them ride (or hang out in the middle to watch), but in doing so, be prepared to stop immediately if they fall so you don’t mess up their water with your own boat rollers. Allow room at each end for them to turn around. <BR>· NEVER tow a tube anywhere near other boats towing skier’s or rider’s of any kind. This is dangerous and it messes up the water all the way down the lake, for everyone, in every direction. Only pull a tube in open water spaces, far away from other boats, obstacles, and those towing skiers/riders. When towing a tube, do not pull S, C, or O turns (donuts) in narrow, confined areas.

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