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-   -   Willard Bay Winter Ride?????????? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=214513)

rideut 02-27-2005 4:59 PM

Adam, I saw spot on the news you did tonight for the weather. You have got to be effin kidding me...How cold was it? The water looked like glass. Why wasn't I called?<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> Dave has my number give me a ring we'll got out on a binger one of these weekends. Mike

davidbouvier 02-27-2005 6:10 PM

don't feel bad mike i didn't get called either. <BR>paul said they thouth I'd get depressed cuz i can't ride because of the shoulder. he said the wter was 47.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>they may go next weekend too.

davidbouvier 02-27-2005 6:11 PM

is this going to be the start of another 250 post topic for the crew???????????????

rideut 02-28-2005 2:55 PM

Dave, I don't think this post will go that far, my post never make it past 3 or 4 replies. I don't know about next weekend it suppose to snow on wed again. We do need to start planning for the summer. I plan on getting out a lot more this summer. When are you going to be all healed up from surgery?

davidbouvier 02-28-2005 6:22 PM

this makes 5 posts. now you beat your old record. this weekend is supposed to warm and sunny. russ is going out again on saturday. i'm going just to sit in the boat and make comments. you should come along if you're not working. Ishould be ready to ride in early june. the shoulder is comeing along nicely. way ahead of the other shoulder at this stage. may be able to ride sooner. we'll see. I need to get out alot if i can afford it. the truck payment is killing me. i plan on going to idaho a lot.

craig_riddle 03-01-2005 6:13 PM

Dave, I didn't know you had the surgery on the other shoulder. that sux you're out again, good luck with that. I have been getting excited to go out but didn't think anybody else would be ready yet. <BR> <BR>and nobody called me either :-(

rideut 03-01-2005 9:32 PM

I havent even started my winter projects yet...Need to get all my balast bags hooked up to the pumps and get my bimini put on...I cant imagine dewinerizing already. Seems like this newly formed polar bear club is members only...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0> Anyone heard from Ryan?

davidbouvier 03-02-2005 6:17 PM

thanks craig, ya had it done on the 27th of jan. had carpal tunnel syndrome release done too. I,m all fubard. if you have a dry suit, why don't you join us. or you can use mine. I won't be riding, even though i'd like to. I'll just drive or drink beer.maybe both<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR> Mike, you don't need to dewinterize yet. it's going to snow again. this is just a tease. but you should get your projects done so you're ready to go when it's time. i'll check in with you guys on friday. I'm sure russ won't mind a couple extra bodies.

parkcityxj 03-03-2005 7:45 PM

What's goin on here?? Willard? Give some details! Who all went out? <BR> <BR>I just dropped off my dry suit at Sid Sports to replace the gaskets. Should be done soon.

polkaking27 03-04-2005 9:22 AM

are you guys talking about riding at willard bay in ogden UTAH??? man you are crazy, but I'd love to come be crazy with ya sometime. Doing it again anytime soon?

davidbouvier 03-04-2005 4:33 PM

ya willard bay utah. maybe tomorrow. some one will post. i'll get some details.

ryan_shima1 03-08-2005 1:53 PM

Mike, <BR> I'm alive and will be back in the country tomorrow night. I will be going home to Hawaii on Monday for a well needed vacation and to ride in the warm pacific waters :o) <BR> <BR> Sorry, had to rub it in! Our competition season ended this past weekend in Germany and I'm currently in Italy checking out the Torino area for the Olympics next February. <BR> <BR> My knee feels pretty good and strong but it will be a few more months before I'm back to %100. I will really have to take it easy in the beginning since I haven't really rode since Oct 2003 (a year and a half ago). <BR> <BR> I will be back in SLC at the end of April and I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again on the water. Hopefully, the water levels will be up, the weather will be good and hot and the vibes awesome as usual. <BR> <BR> Aloha

davidbouvier 03-08-2005 6:15 PM

Ryan, what's up, maybe w'll both be ready to go all out about the same time. the shoulder is feeling awsome. recovery is so far ahead of the right shoulder at the same time period. hopefully your european tour went well.see you when you get back from hawaii.

oneway 03-09-2005 4:05 PM

Kook <BR> <BR>Where have you been? I have missed my fat buddy. Screw Hawaii Come ride the 47 degree water with ride with us in the beautiful willard bay. <BR> <BR> <whatevers>

rideut 03-09-2005 10:48 PM

Ryan, Holly Sheet he lives...I caught part of your races at the kearns oval on tv. Seems like you had a pretty good team this year. <BR> <BR>Jordanelle is already pretty full. This year is going to be good year with plenty of water. <BR> <BR>Adam, 47 Ill bet thats a shock to the old system when you hop in for that first set. Dude get a hair cut...Then give me a ring well go party. <BR> <BR>Update: The balast pump has been installed along with the new custom hard tanks. All thats left is to do the plumbing thing and drill the dreaded exhalation valve holes.

ryan_shima1 03-11-2005 8:23 AM

Hey Guys, <BR> Got back into SLC a day late since my flight out of Milan on Wednesday was cancelled without knowing it. Anyways, it's nice to be back on US Soil! <BR> Really looking forward to riding again with all of you. I'll pass on the 47F water temps for now and give my knee a break in the warm waters back home. Hopefully, it won't take long to get my confidence back but I have a feeling I will be starting all over again. I feel like I've lost all muscle memory for tricks. <BR> Jordanelle is still frozen in the north end but the water levels should be good this year. It's not back to normal yet but it looks promising. <BR> Mike, glad to hear on the upgrades to the yellow beast! <BR> Dave, I don't want to hear anymore of this talk about selling the Nautique! Have you lost your mind man :o) <BR> Adam, Paul told me about your guys escapade at Willard, that's hardcore man, even for me. If I was hear though I would have been there right with ya :o) <BR> Anyways, I'll be checking in constantly from Hawaii. Take care and I'll see you all at the end of April. <BR>

bog 03-11-2005 10:59 AM

dave, while your boat is here I will just sell it and charge you a commission <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>After I get back from Hawaii, I will be ready to rider every wednesday and sunday!

davidbouvier 03-11-2005 6:48 PM

ok jim, sounds good. but who keeps the profit? I missed you on wed. forgot you had that day off. when do you get back from hawaii?

dubrider22 03-16-2005 4:20 PM

Hey guys I am finnally back. Was in australia for a long time. Back in PC now. <BR> <BR>Ryan when did you have your surgery, i had mine last feb and am doing pretty good. been skiing on it pretty hard and abusing it. I suppose the doc did a good job because it is handling it ok. I see paul everyonce in a while he told me about the Willard trip. pretty crazy <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> will have to get together for a drink or something when you get back in town. <BR> <BR>Dave how have you been whats up with the shoulder, heard you got your house done. How do you like it. <BR> <BR>Well its good to be back, cant wait to hook up with you guys again <BR> <BR>Jeremy G

davidbouvier 03-16-2005 6:03 PM

hi jeremy, paul said you were back in town. good to hear the knee is doing good. i've had surgery on both shoulders since you've been away. hopefully i'll be ready to ride by june. the house was finished last june. we moved in june first. we had the garage built around the boat. we like the house and the view. now i have to work my butt off to get the lawn and irrigation in and get it done by june, so i can ride. give me a ring some time. cell 801-698-9386 home 801-451-0407. i'd be up for coming to pc for a drink with you guys.

ryan_shima1 03-17-2005 8:07 PM

Hey Jeremy, <BR> Welcome back! It's good to hear your knee is doing well. I went out today for the first time since I got to Hawaii on Monday. The winds have sucked but we got a break for a few hours today. The knee seems to be doing well and holding strong but I'm still taking it pretty easy right now. I've forgotten how to ride so my confidence isn't high right now. It will be great to hook up for drinks and riding this summer. <BR> <BR>Hope you're all doing well back in Utah.

rideut 03-21-2005 1:40 AM

Ryan, It could be worse it could be snowing...You going to make it back for Jim's wedding on saturday?

ryan_shima1 03-22-2005 3:45 PM

Hey Mike, <BR> No, I'm in Hawaii until April 18th but Jim and Georgia are coming to Hawaii on Monday for their honeymoon so we are getting together when they are to do some riding. <BR> Weather's been good the last few days and rode the last 3 days but now my body needs a rest. I need a few weeks to get my body back into riding shape, especially my arms. <BR>

ryan_shima1 03-26-2005 8:46 PM

Since I couldn't be there in person, I just wanted to give a big CONGRATS to Jim and Georgia on their wedding day! I look forward to seeing you both here in Hawaii on Tuesday for your Honeymoon. <BR> <BR>Aloha

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