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wakeworld 09-02-2004 1:26 AM

Here are the rest of the Hyperlite wakeboards, wakeskates and wakesurf boards. Enjoy... <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/news/2004/hyperlite42.asp" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/news/2004/hyperlite42.asp</a> <BR> <BR>Here is the first batch that we put up... <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/news/2004/hyperlite6.asp" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/news/2004/hyperlite6.asp</a>

phillip_lewis 09-06-2004 6:03 PM

WHich 2005 hyperlite board series replaced the 2004 TFD board series?

projectely4 09-06-2004 6:13 PM

3ds. the basic design behind the board is the same as the TFD

phillip_lewis 09-06-2004 6:14 PM

ok thanks

phillip_lewis 09-06-2004 6:16 PM

DO any of the other board series have continuos rocker?

phillip_lewis 09-06-2004 6:23 PM

Do you know when the 2005 boards will be available for purchase?

patrick_o 09-06-2004 6:46 PM


bradey_132 09-11-2004 5:20 PM

ya and you can order them, the new biolite 2 core is a lot better. it makes it quite a bit lighter which i always felt was really the only bad part about their boards but now its fixed

dannothemano 09-11-2004 8:16 PM

I konw the new biolite 2 core is awesome

byerly137pro 09-11-2004 8:18 PM

Are you actually Danny Harf or just pretending, cause if you are pretending thats really really lame and you need to get a life, but if you are Danny then thats cool man.

absolutofft 09-11-2004 9:24 PM

Are you really Alex? That would be really cool if you were Alex.

dannothemano 09-11-2004 11:29 PM

Yes, Im really me and I understand u bein weary, theres a lotta <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> on the internet these days.

howie 09-11-2004 11:41 PM

That is really cool Now it know why I watch this site, This sport rocks.

scott_a 09-12-2004 12:45 AM

what makes the "biolite 2" core better than the "old" biolite core, or any other core for that matter? <BR> <BR>more importantly, will anyone notice a difference in how it rides?

electricsnow 09-12-2004 10:15 AM

Scott, I'm pretty sure the new biolite foam is better than the old one because the new one has the number "2" after it. <BR> <BR>hahahahahahaha.....

optionryder420 09-12-2004 12:06 PM

Gotta love that good ol' number 2.

wake_upppp 09-12-2004 3:39 PM

they'll retain the number "1" in one thing though...sales!

luchog 09-12-2004 7:33 PM

there are few exceptions in wich second parts are better than the originals...

luchog 09-12-2004 7:33 PM

there are few exceptions in wich second parts are better than the originals... hope this is one of them!

dannothemano 09-12-2004 11:13 PM

You guys can make fun of the mall you want but if you got the guts to try a biolite 2 board then you will see the difference. I know, we have been working with different meterials for mounths and this stuff is awesome and you will be suprised how many people will be using them after they get out. <BR>

scott_a 09-13-2004 12:14 AM

mr. harf: i asked a question looking for a response, not for you to hype up your own products. im sorry, but thats just so, so lame.

electricsnow 09-13-2004 8:20 AM

Who made fun of the mall? Did I make fun of the mall? Who said I made fun of the mall?? <BR> <BR>That was inspired by the lawyer jackie chiles on seinfeld. Aaaannnnnnd SCENE! <BR> <BR>Guts, huh??

magellan 09-13-2004 8:38 AM

Man... <BR>I can't imagine how good a board would ride made with "The Biolite 2", some "Flowthru technology", and possibly a longer toeside edge than heelside to help your toeside riding.. <BR>Match that with a binding with a Boa system.. <BR> <BR>Possibilities are endless! <BR>

utlakerider1 09-13-2004 6:03 PM

So is the new biolite 2 better than the Dna core?

mpayette 09-18-2004 7:38 PM

DNA is a wood core: lighter but more fragile, better for jumps and tricks <BR> <BR>BIO: Foam blend core, heavier but more solid, Better for slider <BR> <BR>BIO2: Maybe lighter but needs confirmation on this... <BR> <BR>DNA : WOOD Core is good for a year, after one year the core is very fragile (same principal as snow ski Rossignol 3S for an old example)

goinbigg17 09-19-2004 10:44 AM

suggestion to everyone looking at the new hyperlite boards: try out the STATE, best board I have ever ridden. Great pop, very consistant, comfortable from both sides of the wake. Give it a try if your looking for something new this coming year.

three6ty 09-20-2004 9:04 AM

MR HARF??? Scott!!! the kid is only 20 years old. Yea he is a great wakeboarder but he's not your friends dad or your school teacher. Call him Danny. <BR>Of course he is going to hype up his gear . He is sponsored by them, but he also could be telling you the his honest opinion as well. <BR>I dont know where the GUTS thing comes from Danny but most of us are average wakeboarders at best , so dont try to call us out on something most of us will never do anyway. <BR> <BR>Everybody else stop being so STARSTRUCK and stop kissing the AS* of every pro that comes on here. Im sure they would rather you tell them whats on your mind then to sit there and tell how much the ROCK. They already know that.

big_poppa_pump 09-20-2004 9:39 AM

Where did Hyperlite pick up all the blind folks to do there graphics for the season? I love their gear, but man this stuff is ugly this year.

socalwakepunk 09-20-2004 9:45 AM

"DNA : WOOD Core is good for a year, after one year the core is very fragile (same principal as snow ski Rossignol 3S for an old example)" <BR> <BR>I have been riding an '02 Belmont DNA since...'02. Still riding it (I'm guessing I'll probably be into a new ride soon), nothing wrong with the core at all. It has been jibbed, dropped from the racks to the garage floor, fallen off a golf cart, and through some of the most intense crashes (at least according to my veteran/pro friends who have to witness them). <BR> <BR>DNA is a great core, as strong as you need. I will probably continue to ride the DNA, it just feels like it rides with more energy. <BR> <BR>On another note, no one is too young to be shown a little respect. Whether it's Mr. Harf, or Danny, he has gone out there, ridden his ass off. I'm not talkin' about winning contests, either, I'm talkin' about going to demo's and clinics across the country, so that he can teach our 6 year olds how to go W2W or pull their first 180's, and then put on a show behind the boat for every young aspiring ripper that shows up to these local stops. Cut him some slack. <BR>

three6ty 09-20-2004 9:55 AM

Thanks Mr Frew

scott_a 09-20-2004 3:11 PM

erik webb- perhaps i dont post enough here for people to know me well, but i am the last person that will ever kiss the ass of a pro. also, i highly doubt that it is actually danny harf.

three6ty 09-20-2004 3:28 PM

Scott, <BR>You're right it probably is not him. <BR> <BR>And if it is, he needs spell check right away. <BR> <BR>Here is part of his last post: <BR>"meterials for mounths and this stuff is awesome and you will be suprised " <BR> <BR> WON WERD WOUW!!!!!!

shutupandboard 09-20-2004 5:42 PM

Ya, i saw the other few posts he had in another thread which made me highly doubt it was actually Danny Harf.

malibuboarder75 09-20-2004 8:20 PM

"Of course he is going to hype up his gear . He is sponsored by them, but he also could be telling you the his honest opinion as well. " <BR> <BR>if he is going to support his sponsors, i think he should use better grammar and spelling and not come off as a total idiot. <BR>

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