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-   -   Slingshot Response Vs Watson (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=619784)

dave23 08-26-2008 8:49 PM

I've finally decided that it is time to upgrade to a new board and pass the motive on to my little brother. I'm looking at either the 08 Watson or SS Response, both in a 142. Demoing where I live is out of the question. After all these years I'm finally getting close to consistent w2w's, I suck I know. I probably don't need to upgrade, but I have the money now and all gear is on closeout. I'll also be getting new bindings and they are between the LF Watson's and the SS d2's. I'm going to be ordering tomorrow in hopes of getting the board by this weekend so I can ride it on our camping trip! <BR> <BR>Thanks for your help!

wakerider111 08-27-2008 12:00 AM

Never ridden the watson board, but besides the usual call of "demo demo ..." (which i know you cant do as said) I am always saying how much people need to try out the new flex technology (i.e. slingshot) <BR> <BR>I am really loving my slingshot (i ride the recoil) and will never go back to a non-flex board <BR> <BR>... however with this said, i am sure there is someone(s) out there that feels as strongly about the watson. <BR> <BR>i'm pretty sure the i have tried the watson BOOTS though, the D2 boots (with ankle harness included) may take a li'l bit longer to lace up, but it is nothing you cant get used to quickly. the li'l extra time is also in NO way associated with difficulty of getting in and out of the boots. the slingshot boots are easier to get into then my CWB zeus hinge boots as long as the laces are good and loose. the liners are heat moldable. and recently another rider pointed out the fact that the liners being removeable makes it so there is less stress on the boot on hard falls. the tool-less on-the-fly angle adjustment is awesome too, especially if you will ever consider letting another person ride your set-up. <BR> <BR>besides dispelling a few people's ideas that the boots are "difficult" to get on i'd also like to dispel the idea that slingshot boards are not for beginners (which even i used to partially believe). I have seen a few first time riders do just as good on my slingshot as other boards. Just about every person who has ridden my board absolutely loves it, most of whom are beginner to intermediate (since these are the skill levels i teach at powell for my summer job), including a 60+ year old guy i taught just today. he loved the "softness" of the ride and had no trouble controlling the board even on his first set, which was remarkable to me. Basically flex boards fit your style or they don't. i used to think they were only for a certain skill level, but i no longer believe that. <BR> <BR>overall i have never had more fun on any other board than my slingshot. i "feel" like it gives me more pop... and even if it doesn't, i don't care, 'cause it is just so darn fun to ride and the landings are wonderfully soft. <BR> <BR>anyway, that is my opinion of the slingshot gear with little knowledge of the watson board specifically.

wakemikey 08-27-2008 5:45 AM

I ride an 07 Watson with 07 OT Watsons. <BR> <BR>Disclaimer I have not ridden anything flex and I have ridden Liquid Force since day one. I have demoed many brands over many years through my local shop. <BR> <BR>IMHO LF quality is second to none, the Watson is a proven and popular shape and the bindings are the best I have ever ridden. They slip on/off dry or wet no hands needed. Best binding plate I have ever ridden and 08 is even better. <BR> <BR>The board itself is a bit slower than other LF models because it has more rocker and pops great. I like the edges, soft in the middle, sharper near tip and tail. The fins and bottom of board are pretty much perfect for me, breaks loose easy but holds a strong edge too. The double-to-single concave (a spine down the middle of the board and two near the tip and tail) break flats landings excellently.

seth 08-27-2008 8:30 AM

I was die hard Liquid Force and rode the Watson setup and it is a super good ride, but once I rode the Slingshot I could never go back. I will never go back to non flex as well.

silverthunder 08-27-2008 9:08 AM

Let me start with the bindings first. I own the 07 watson, 08 D2 my cousin own the 08 watson. The watson are very good bindings but the D2 are a step ahead when it comes to comfort. I feel pressure points on the watson after 15-20 minutes and I could ride the D2 all day long. <BR> <BR>I have never tried the Watson but I own the 07 Response 145 and the 08 142 Recoil along with a Natural 144. I also try several times the Shane 140. <BR> <BR>The Shane is a great board, and I'm sure the Watson is also a good board. But I prefer the flex board now. The response is a good all around board with a super edge, good pop, a little faster then the Recoil, the landing are a little bit harder on the response when compared to the recoil. <BR> <BR>You can go wrong with any one of them. But the Recoil has a special place in my hearth...

bmartin 08-27-2008 9:24 AM

These are two totally different kinds of rides. Most people either love the flex boards or hate them, not much between, but it seems there are more lovers than haters. The flex has grown on me and I can't imagine riding another type of deck now. If you want a totally different feel when riding go with the slingshot, if you want an upgrade to your current deck but have a more similar feel, go with the Watson.

dave23 08-27-2008 9:27 AM

Well I went with the watson setup. Evogear.com had a smokin deal of $528 overnighted. Now I can enjoy the setup for the weekend camping trip!

wakemikey 08-27-2008 12:54 PM

Does the Slingshot have much in the way of base features? Does it have a center spine (convex), any channels? I thought it was just all flat and smooth. How are the edges? Round in center or sharp? I assume the flex is lively and springy.

sidekicknicholas 08-27-2008 3:05 PM

sharp edges and they are very very thin. <BR> <BR>NO bottom features <BR> <BR>Flex is awesome <BR> <BR>Superlight --- ride it, it makes wakeboarding more fun

nsolis220 08-27-2008 3:11 PM

what do you guys think about the edges on the sligshot i know the edges would be considered sharp but something about the way it rides makes me think they dont catch or get hung up very often. I could be way wrong what do you guys think. I know my marius was the king of catching an edge

fredlap 08-27-2008 3:43 PM

It could be better to compare the watson with de recoil! Recoil all the way!!!

iukekini 08-27-2008 4:08 PM

I have been riding slingshots for almost two years now and have never caught an edge. <BR> <BR>I think the flat bottoms plus the flex in the boards make them very forgiving, where as all of the channels and features on the bottom of other boards cause them to hang up on the water.

vlxray 08-27-2008 4:37 PM

I too am on my second season with a Recoil and have never caught an edge. It's crazy because when I first got it I feared that it would be very catchy since it kind of has sharp edges and snowboard like construction. I think that the flex does let the board correct itself on landings. I can't wait to see the new Slingshots as well as Company Wake's new setup. Flex is here to stay.

nsolis220 08-27-2008 7:19 PM

thanks guys i rode the response and recoil about 15 sets demoing them it was like you said weary at first due to the sharp edges but didnt hang up at least then. I am hoping ss or co. makes a 144 or 145 in a 3 stage that would be awesome

jwat142 08-27-2008 7:26 PM

Nick, I have a brand new 2008 Recoil 142 for sale if you're interested. You can email me at <a href="mailto:jwaterson14@hotmail.com">jwaterson14@ hotmail.com</a>. I also have new size 11 pb floyd bindings if you need those too.

dave23 08-27-2008 7:31 PM

Well I went with the Watson. Got a smockin deal through evogear and it's overnighted so that I can use it this weekend camping.

nsolis220 08-27-2008 7:50 PM

jkw check ur email bro

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