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-   -   A question for CWB platty owners (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=729998)

all_board_rider 08-28-2009 5:19 PM

I just broke my 09 marius Platty the other day, and then just gota call from my buddy saying he broke his 08 marius plat! <BR>which lead my freind to say "everyone who's owned platinum has broken a platinum" <BR>is this true? So the question is. Is there anyone out there that rides a CWB platinum that hasnt broken it? <BR> <BR>PS: Although i was bummed my board broke i was'nt worried as CWB's warranty is kick A$$ my new one is on its way! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

dkmode34 08-28-2009 5:42 PM

I have not broken mine. It rarely sees the water though and when it does I ride like a vag so it has no reason to!

eaglejackson 08-28-2009 6:00 PM

Between myself and the people I regularly ride with, we all have CWB Platinum boards (4 Mariuses, 1 Absolute, 1 Transcend). We haven't broken any in two seasons of riding.

hillbilly 08-28-2009 6:01 PM

I have an 08 that I ride and it has held up pretty well. <BR> <BR>And it is stronger than Danny W's leg too I guess. <BR>Wish it would have been my board that broke instead of his leg <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>.

08-28-2009 6:11 PM

I rode my 05 Absolute Plat quite hard for 3 years and now my friends ride it and it's still in fine shape.

wakeslife 08-28-2009 6:15 PM

I have an older Absolute Platty and a new Marius Platty, neither of which have broken yet.

all_board_rider 08-28-2009 9:56 PM

START GOING BIGGER PEOPLE!!!! haha jk jk, good to see that they are still holding up!! hey roddyrod, how do you like the absolute in comparison to the marius, ive heard its slow and what not but has good pop...im currently riding the marius and have been thinkin about giving the absolute a shot..which do you like better?

littlehouse 08-28-2009 10:04 PM

I have the absolute, and it hasn't broken yet. Then again I suck so it isn't ever going to break.

wakeslife 08-29-2009 12:52 AM

Michael - after riding the Marius, you will not want to ride an Absolute! I rode the Absolute once this season just for the heck of it after being primarily on the Marius, and it felt so finicky and unpredictable. Much less stable since it is a pretty narrow board (and Marius is extremely wide), and yes it does pop pretty hard, but is much more inconsistent than the rocker line of the Marius. If you want to try a 3-stage, try the Transcend. I used to ride the foam core version and its a bit less aggressive than the Absolute but still poppy.

all_board_rider 08-29-2009 9:57 AM

Cooo, yea i tried my buddy's transcend just on a small wake and i liked how it locked in on edge and the pop was nice, but i loove taking my marius into the flats, ill definitely be sticking with it =]

jasonpav 08-29-2009 10:11 AM

I have an '07 Marius Platinum which I ride all the time, and I have yet to brake it

dlwsrider 08-29-2009 11:25 AM

Man, are you guys serious? I have a friend who I ride with all the time, and he never had a platty last more than a weekend. Everytime he came down from a glide or a trick into the flats, the entire boat just turned around and went "well, crap." <BR> <BR>He went through 5 in a few months at one point before he switched back to normal boards.

daveronix199 08-29-2009 2:47 PM

Broke my tail off when i rode cwb... now LF all the way... and broke my watson tail.... now looking for something awesome any ideas?

innov8 08-29-2009 2:55 PM

I have a idea. <BR>Don't land on your tail. <BR> <BR>If you prefer landing tail heavy, buy a Slingshot or a board with flex in the tip and tail.

all_board_rider 08-29-2009 2:59 PM

I dont know of anyone that "prefers" to land tail heavy...I think sometimes it just happens...I definitely would have rather landed on the flat of my board, but i came down tail heavy...hence this thread ha..

eaglejackson 08-29-2009 4:05 PM

CWB has no platinums in the 2010 lineup. Did the regular board get lighter, or did they just drop the platinum version? If the latter, why?

guido 08-29-2009 4:18 PM

They have a new alternative core board coming out. Different flex pattern and super light weight. <BR> <BR>I've had 2 Platty's. Broke one, couldn't break the other if I tried. They're definitely not at strong as the foam boards. A big part of that is because they're lighter and stiffer. If you're a board breaker, then try a foam core board. If you land smooth, or have a wake to wake style, then you'll be fine with the platty and you'll get to enjoy the extra snap and light weight. <BR> <BR>I love the platty boards. IMO it's worth the risk of breaking them. <BR> <BR>That said.... My favorite board I've ever ridden is the 2010 Faction and it's a standard foam core. So, I guess, it's more the shape than the core that I like.

all_board_rider 08-29-2009 5:12 PM

And now with that new favorite shape of the faction you get it light in the DB9! im stoked to try the db9

wakeboardlf25 08-29-2009 5:25 PM

2 marius and 1 transcent platnium broken by this guy

absoluteboarder 08-29-2009 6:14 PM

07 marius platty........but I think I would celebrate if I managed to break it!

neffro 08-29-2009 7:01 PM

I have owned a Platty for 6 years now, Transcend, Absolute, Marius and I weight about 250# and have never busted one yet. I ride about 15-20 times a year. Not sure how others are snaping them but it has not happend yet for me.

all_board_rider 08-30-2009 1:21 PM

In felt some-what accomplished when i snapped mine, not gunna lie..

sidekicknicholas 08-30-2009 1:42 PM

I've broken a Marius Plat, 2 sets it was done for... <BR>The only boards I haven't broken: <BR>Ronix Ibex (only rode it for like 5 weeks) <BR>Slingshot (3 years of riding them no breaks) <BR>Old Byerly DNA cores (Loved these)

mofreestyle 08-30-2009 1:44 PM

Rode a 07 marius platty for a year and never broke it. Bought a foam core in 08 and broke it half way through the summer.

mc_x15 08-30-2009 2:25 PM

Broke an 09 Transcend Plat 2 weekend riding it. I now ride the regular core.

backflop 08-31-2009 5:12 PM

I have a question, I just got a heck of a deal on a new 09 transcend. I want to ride it without the extended fins, but when i took them out I noticed that that leaves the foam exposed in the holes. Would riding without the fins do any damage to the board?

all_board_rider 08-31-2009 7:33 PM

Austin^ not at all, tons of my buddys ride the transcend without the fin extensions and they hold up just fine. you have nothing to worry about.

stephan 08-31-2009 7:34 PM

Closed cell foam, should be fine. I ride mine without any extensions and have not had an issue with it. The board rides so good without the extensions, best way to sport the Transcend! <BR> <BR>Rode platinums for 2 years and never broke one, I think it just comes down to the rider and the trick.

bogartsomeday 08-31-2009 9:50 PM

austin, i ride transcend, and i ride without fins, the board is perfectly fine!! No "water log" or anything. I love it without the fins. <BR> <BR>Michael- You land nose heavy. lmao!

backflop 09-01-2009 6:03 AM

Awesome, thanks for all the quick responses. I'm so excited to ride it, too bad the water has been really rough lately.

fatsac 09-01-2009 6:43 AM

My '07 was stout as could be. Broke an '08 Marius and Transcend but so far so good on the '09!

all_board_rider 09-01-2009 9:51 AM

Gosh I hate comin down nose heavy... Rarely cer ride away from it....ha ha Codi... You comin ridin with us at Clem today?

bogartsomeday 09-01-2009 9:06 PM

dude my phone got shut of like majority of the day so i couldnt call you when you said you guys were headin out! I didnt get it turned back on til like 4 and i text you and didnt hear back from u so i said "f" it....whats clem? I never heard of that place! I think you meant folsom or rollins....

all_board_rider 09-01-2009 9:57 PM

...no need to be sneaky codi..the secrets out...actually i take that back...we were the ONLY boat on the lake from 2-6!! it was sooo dope! just a tad bit of W but it was good stuff...The wake was MACKIN i was bootin into the nosebleed section today!! yeeee what do you got goin on tomorrow?

malibususpect 09-02-2009 8:45 PM

still riding a 05 absolute plat. it started delaminating a bit, but a little 2 part epoxy fixed it right up been over a year since i patched it

helinut 09-09-2009 8:44 PM

I won't even mention how many times I told him to not buy this board. This is after 3 whole days of riding. Sucked. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/733018.jpg" alt="Upload">

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