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-   -   OHIO - Labor Day Weekend Rally. (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=494397)

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 7:23 AM

I know it's way late in planning, but anyone interested in attempting to assemble a OHIO Labor Day weekend Wakeboard Rally? Maybe do a few a.m. meetings with some other Ohio riders? Seems like other states do this with some success. Maybe Camp overnight somewhere? Who knows? Suggestions, locations??? <BR> <BR>I'd be down, and would attempt to organize, help with gas, arrangements, food, etc? <BR> <BR>Anyone else interested?

vdzimmer 08-28-2007 8:14 AM

Anywhere in the Cincinnati area and I would be in.

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 9:55 AM

Vince, what about Columbus? We got a some guys here around the Akron/Canton area and I know there is guys around Columbus that ride. Maybe Columbus would be a somewhat central location for folks?

alliecat0223 08-28-2007 11:57 AM

I would make the drive from Indy to ride in Columbus. Plus maybe we can all see one of the local bands play .

weisser0442 08-28-2007 12:22 PM

cincy is giong to be to crazy this weekend with WEBN fireworks..I go to OSU where is there a good place to board in Columbus

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 12:29 PM

Not sure of all the places to ride in or near Columbus, but I've heard the Scioto River is good. We have had a ton of rain here lately and I'm not sure if the debris is too bad in the river to ride. There are a bunch of other guys on here from that area, I'm hoping to get them to post and get their input. <BR> <BR> <BR>JEREMY

vdzimmer 08-28-2007 12:48 PM

Scioto is alright, but it is always crowded and pretty small. Alum Creek isn't too bad from what I hear, bout 30 min north of Columbus.

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 12:53 PM

Vince, <BR>Any good places to launch, camp, party (after riding)???

vdzimmer 08-28-2007 1:16 PM

Looks like there are 5 ramps and a campground... I haven't ever actually been there so I can't give the best information. I drive over it on rt 36 every day to work and it looks like a really nice lake. Anyone who's been there can give more info??? Im doing a search to see what all i can find.

drewsnautique94 08-28-2007 1:26 PM

salt fork salt fork salt fork.....glass am sessions and it seems like it goes on forever straight(ski zone)...check it out guys we went at the beg of yr

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 1:35 PM

Sup Ryan, <BR>You get the NAT back up and running??? You riding anywhere this weekend? <BR> <BR>JE

vdzimmer 08-28-2007 1:37 PM

Salt Fork looks good, not quite as central as it could be but not bad... wish we would have thought of this sooner, cause I already sort of have plans this weekend but if it looks like this is gonna be pretty big, I will definitely blow them off and be down.

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 1:39 PM

Ya I know, we should have planned much sooner than 3 friggen days before huh. Oh well, lesson learned. I'm just looking to ride a few new spots this weekend, meet some folks, and get enjoy the end of summer. <BR> <BR>JE

drewsnautique94 08-28-2007 5:55 PM

jeremy- the new water pump will be here tomm along with my new hyperlite premier 141!..so stoked to give it a whirl..been like 2 weeks since i have been out..going out tomm for sure and as mucho as possible this week weekend...stop out, call me tonite if ya want

jearley35purdue 08-28-2007 6:20 PM

Good to hear your getting back out. That Premier is going to be smooth to ride. I'm interested in getting out this weekend as much as possible as well. Taking Friday off and hopefully will be able to get out before things get too crazy on the holiday. <BR> <BR>Got that new C-dub Absolute with the Factions last week and only have rode it once so far. <BR> <BR>I'll give you a ring Thursday eve and set up a time. <BR>LATER

curtbernstein 08-28-2007 6:51 PM

Hey everyone. I'm totally game for anything if i can make it. I'm out of the country and i return to my home in the Cleveland area this Friday. I'll be starting at OSU this fall, so anyone who is a part of their club, i would to ride even sometime before school starts. As far as this weekend goes, if i were around i would be all over helping plan this, but im not. Although. If it does work out and i don't miss anything if i show up to wherever its decided to be on Saturday, I'd be willing to contribute my boat. Id do anything to support ohio riders... my boat is a brand new 07 Air Nautique 220 TE... and ive been away from it for 2 weeks <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0>

glasshouse 08-29-2007 5:18 AM

Id be down for salt fork or Tapit (spelling)? on sunday or monday. heard theyre both great in the morning or evening.

weisser0442 08-29-2007 7:20 AM

im coming up saturday for the osu game let me know if you guys are going anywhere in columbus or in cincinnati?

jearley35purdue 08-29-2007 9:39 AM

Curt, <BR>Can you ride Sunday/Monday? If so let's set a place and and time to ride. I'm not super familiar with areas near Cleveland but have a few ideas not far (30-45 mins) from Akron. I wouldn't want you to have to travel pulling your boat far if you didn't have to. No matter what, this weekend will have to be early a.m. sessions due to the traffic on the lakes.

alliecat0223 08-29-2007 3:59 PM

I will be in the Columbus area on Friday don’t know what time yet. Since I am going to see some of the local bands play. If anyone is riding then or Saturday I am more than willing to give gas money and help with anything else.

curtbernstein 08-29-2007 4:39 PM

Well, it looks like I might be stuck for a little while. I'm in Greenland and the flight attendants just went on strike, and all the flights are cancelled, so this could go on for a while. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

jearley35purdue 08-29-2007 5:29 PM

LOL Curt I know the feeling man. I travel a ton for work and I swear nearly 80% of my flights are delayed or canceled anymore. Good Luck man.....

zink 08-29-2007 5:55 PM

wish I could make it, please let me know next time you do this.Sounds like a blast.I have a wet suit, so don't hesitate to do another one this year.25 min from ceasars creek in Waynesville.

drewsnautique94 08-29-2007 6:13 PM

what the hell you need a wetsuit for whens its 85 degrees!

zink 08-29-2007 6:17 PM

I mean late in the year, hell november,december I dont give a damn...

jearley35purdue 08-30-2007 9:18 AM

Any suggestions on a good wet suite (shorty or full) that can get me into late October in Ohio? I need one.

pufy1 08-30-2007 9:27 AM

Hey guys we are putting on a wakeboard event in Ohio the weekend after labor day. Free lessons and product demos on Saturday and tournaments and contests on Sunday. more info <a href="http://www.grides.com" target="_blank">www.grides.com</a>

jearley35purdue 08-30-2007 9:31 AM

Matt, <BR> <BR>Thanks, looks like a good time.

rkitz44 08-30-2007 10:07 AM

If you are going to OSU. There is a ski club that does all disciplines and they run on Griggs. Griggs is by far the best place to board in Columbus. Because it is narrow boats have to travel a consistent path. No tubing and no waverunners allowed. All fisherman and riders. Almost all of the area riders ride there. Alum is a train wreck especially on the weekend. Since school has started and after Labor Day it will be less crowded on Griggs. When it's busy it's still better than any other spot.

deuce_vermillion 08-30-2007 11:58 AM

Ricky K (RKITZ44) is our Poster Boy for Griggs...check out Columbus Monthly Magazine !!!! Leever, hope to join ya next weekend at Ceasar's... if anyone wants to ride at Griggs this weekend, give a post to RKITZ44 or myself. Ride on.....

jearley35purdue 08-30-2007 12:17 PM

Anyone off on Friday and going to be riding?

drewsnautique94 08-30-2007 1:33 PM

jeremy- spend the cash and buy a drysuit...with any 4/3 wetsuit you are still gonna be a litle cold...closed toes help with the feet, and buy a nice pair of neoprene gloves...

jearley35purdue 08-30-2007 1:46 PM

THX man, I'll consider that and start keeping my eyes peeled. You need a 3rd on Saturday?

alliecat0223 08-30-2007 6:10 PM

If anyone gets a chance to see Matt ride its like watching a pro ride. Matt is such a awesome rider. Sorry Matt had to say it after watching you ride at NWL nationals. He has such a awesome bag of tricks. Plus he is such a nice guy.

pufy1 08-31-2007 11:29 AM

yeah matt. excited to see you, and maybe give you some of my money...

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