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SS_Hooke102 10-20-2014 9:46 PM

crowmobe help (video included)
any tips? I am rotating to board every time, ive tried 6 in total, and i always make the rotation (except for the one slam i have taken on it at the end of the video). I get one more day on the water this coming saturday and then i have to put the boat up for the rest of the season. I would love to have one landed saturday, any tips would be greatly appreciated. :D
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/109546564" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/109546564">crow mobe help</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user11925781">steven540</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Jmaxymek 10-21-2014 5:17 AM

A couple things worth trying to see if they help, and then one big thing that will definitely help:

-Try taking a calmer approach to the wake and popping off of your tail. That, along with the next bit, will help to smooth out your rotation so that your arm doesn't go flying out which takes you a bit off balance and makes the trick a bit harder to control. (if it's really not working for you, don't sweat it, this is simply a different way of doing it.)

-Try keeping both hands on the handle until you've spotted your landing, then pull the mobe around. Again, control and stability as you won't have that arm getting pulled out wide. If you're not liking it, go back to the full one-handed spin no sweat. It just takes practice.

-Land blind. The square of your back should be facing directly at the boat and you should be looking straight out the back of the wake with your hips turned so the board lands parallel with wake. When you rode away without the handle, your chest was pointed at shore, which puts your weight over your toes and pulls you away from the boat resulting in line tension that makes it difficult to ride away with. Look out the back and you'll land it smoothly and more consistently with plenty of time to pass the handle to your lead hand once you've landed.

Hold on tight and keep at it! Post vids when you stick it this weekend!

SS_Hooke102 10-21-2014 9:07 AM

Thanks man! I will definitely give those a shot this weekend! i'll post video of more attempts saturday night/sunday morning.

andy_nintzel 10-21-2014 12:32 PM

I'll Chime in on this one:

Couple things to add here. First and Jordan hit it on the head, mellow out your approach a bit, at least while your learning them. I taking a rage approach at mine but I did't learn them that way. Adding to this, in slow mo you can see that your not really doing a toeside trip, instead your using you momentum from the approach and pointing your head. What you really want is a toeside trip edge flip. A ts front roll, a crow, crowmobe, totsie, dum dum, etc all use a trip style edge, really it's exactly the opposite of a tantrum trip. You want to almost be changing edges at the top of the wake this will pop you straight up instead of out, create less line tension and make the rotation and landing easier. Here's a video of Colin Ryan, he has a textbook TS Trip. At the 30 mark you can see him push the board into the wake and he is actually leaving the wake on his heels. A few tricks later he does a TS Indy Front roll with same edge. Overall, I think this will really help you, more than anything the your video looks a little under rotated, causing your to not be perfectly square when you land.


Jordan and I will differ a bit here, in that I don't typically teach the two handed Crowmobe, I think they are ugly and its a super hard habit to break. Now what it does allow you to do is muscle and power them around, and it does help some people. I learned them this way and it took me forever to break the habit and learn it with a grab, almost had to relearn the whole trick. But everyones learning curve is different and it might help you.

Lastly is the blind landing, make sure you spot that landing early. I spot mine at the crow mark in the trick then keep rotating to blind. Once I spot that wake I keep my eyes glue to is to make sure my body gets around. Once you pass the Crow mark, you have to keep that handle in tight so you can get it into the small of your back. Keeping the rope in will help square you up so that you body is chest over toes and you can ride away.

Hope this helps and makes sense.

SS_Hooke102 10-21-2014 1:50 PM

andy, thanks for the advice, i will definitely emphasize the trip, but just to reaffirm before i actually attempt, throw one handed, and keep it tight to my back. when landing blind do i rotate so that my chest is toward the shore or do i keep my back to the boat and shifty out the last 45-60 degrees with my hips.

westsidarider 10-21-2014 7:41 PM

One thing that helped for me aside from what else has been said:
Every time I do a crowmobe I begin with a crow. When spotting my landing is when I make the decision to take it to mobe, not when edging in. The only difference between crow and mobe for me is at the last second I turn my head and pull the handle to the small of my back

SS_Hooke102 10-21-2014 8:58 PM

Thanks to all of you for the input. I'll definitely be looking forward to giving it another shot Saturday and landing it (fingers crossed!) I'll post video either way this weekend to show what has changed.

shredsickgnar 10-22-2014 2:02 AM

I agree with Jason. A crow mobe is the same as a crow, you'll want to give your self and extra bit of time in your normal crow. What I would do is practice doing the first half of your crow a little faster then float or stall the second half. This will help you feel where to add the mobe in.

As your coming around spot the landing and give the rope a solid tug. I always had to force my crow mobes more than say a ts fs 3 because there is more tension on the rope. I was never much a can of landing completely blind and for that if I was reaching for the handle when I'm landing it helped keep the rest of my body in he right position to ride away and not slip out. I think your edging, while maybe not ideal is fine. Good luck!

andy_nintzel 10-22-2014 6:53 AM

Jason and Nick are on point that was was what I was trying to explain with spotting the landing at the crow mark in the trick. This is a rarity in wakeboarding at least to me. I cant do a 7 and think it's just another 180 like you can with a crowmobe. I have to think 720 on the approach, I can always hit the breaks if I dont get the pop and pull I want off the wake and stop the 7 at 5, but I cant just add another 180 to a 5.

Great explanation Guys.

To answer the q's you asked me Bryce. On a Crowmobe your arm with the handle is going to come up by your head to get the flip/roll motion, by keep it in tight, I mean, I dont let my arm get out father than a 90 degree elbow and 90 degree at my shoulder. This will let you pull the rope into the small of your back once the roll rotation is completed and your pulling the blind 180 around. The blind landing is really personal preference and what your comfortable with. I like to land squared up the the shore chest over toes on Crows. But I land a lot of blind 180s as you described with my hips doing the work for me.

ettowake 04-24-2015 11:00 AM

nice one!
the first try of the video you just let the handle go, if you hold it you could land it!
if you go more wake to wake it will be easier to land, just commit to hold the handle closer the entire trick and stick the landing.

superair502 06-28-2015 7:54 PM

You are letting go with your rear hand before you even leave the wake. This kills your pop and stretches you out more, making it harder to get into the wrapped landing or get the handle... I had the same problem with my crow mobes learning them at first, keep both hands on the handle at least till you peak in your jump and then once you spot the landing wake roll your wrist over and slightly turn your head. I try to look back away from the boat which helps me land more over my toes. You are over rotating the spin just a hair and under rotating the flip.

superair502 06-28-2015 8:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you are going to let go with your hand all that tension in the rope goes to your lead hand so in order to land the trick u are going. To have to flex really hard to keep the handle in tighter or hold on with both hands. In the picture I attached (pulled from a video of my crown mobe) I am just now letting go of the handle with my rear hand. I disagree with the above poster, I think letting go of the handle unless you are grabbing the board isn't only bad form it's ugly.
Doing so later will make the landing a million times easier

conrmic 07-02-2015 4:00 PM

I didn't read the other comments so maybe this is all just repeating but take a shorter cut and really focus on taking the trick up. Pull with two hands and keep the rope low and close to your waist the whole time. Good luck

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