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-   -   anyone start a new p90x cycle for new years? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=767771)

01-07-2010 11:53 AM

this will be my third cycle. started on monday. im doing 30 mins of cardio each day before the work outs. my numbers for the first week so far were in between weeks 2 and 3 of my last cycle which ended in august. since then i was doing a couple of the p90x workouts a week along with cardio. i did gain a couple of lbs over xmas but not too bad. here is a pic of me towards the end of my last cycle.. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/767772.jpg" alt="Upload">

wakeeater2003 01-07-2010 12:42 PM

My wife and I are going to start again next week. I will do the program except for the Yoga. I just can't handle it. I also do an extra 30 minutes or so of cardio before the workout (except for Plyo). Do you stick to the diet? Because you have gotten really lean. I have gotten much stronger but not that lean.

stroh 01-07-2010 12:59 PM

I had the DVDs ready to go and then this happened. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/767781.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>I'm hoping to only be down a week or two then be able to start.

eubanks01 01-07-2010 1:03 PM

Alan - Dude, live a little bit and have a cheeseburger. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> Just messing with you. It looks like you are truly dedicated.

brianmiller 01-07-2010 1:21 PM

I started on Monday. I did about 75% of a round a year ago and had good results, then used it here and there for some wokouts, but that has not worked out so well. This time I am going to eat much better (drink less) and get the full 90 days in.

wakeboardsam 01-07-2010 1:46 PM

Brandon, <BR>I would not be surprised it that ankle is not broken. Here is what mine looked like: <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/767789.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>My fibula was shattered...

load 01-07-2010 2:13 PM

Started Round 6 on Monday. <BR> <BR>Alan wow, great results. No were near that for me but light years from where I was (70 lbs down). <BR> <BR>I love P90X. My weakness is "consistancy" on the nutrition side.

01-07-2010 3:36 PM

mike i dont stick to the 90 diet. i have no clue what it even is. i eat sensibly and limit my drinking(alcohol). during that cycle i didnt drink at all. during this cycle im limiting myself to one drinking day a week. i also drink some protein but i dont know if that stuff even works. im going to drink protein(metrx) along with a 6 week cycle of i force protodrol this cycle. congrats doug that is a sick amount of weight to drop!!

helinut 01-07-2010 4:07 PM

Going to start in February. Getting everything together now. Can't wait. I'm going to be hitting up the gym at least 4 days a week until Feb rolls around. Hopefully it'll help me to be able to walk after my first P90 workout. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

canucked 01-07-2010 4:15 PM

I really want to start again. My motivation is at an all time low right now. <BR> <BR>maybe by posting this I can open myself to enough ridicule that i'll force myself to get started... <BR> <BR>we'll see

jaegermaster 01-07-2010 4:40 PM

I started on Monday. I don't like the yoga either. For those of you who have done it do you think substituting another cardio day for the yoga is ok? Plyo kicked my butt, so I don't want to do that twice a week yet. <BR> <BR>I'm sticking to the diet pretty strictly for at least the first month to get rid of the unemployment weight. Plus I should be back to work early Feb. and will need to up the calories a bit. Also not drinking except for Super Bowl Sunday. <BR> <BR>Here is my before. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/767834.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/767835.jpg" alt="Upload">

brianmiller 01-07-2010 5:31 PM

Alan - What was your condition before your first round?

load 01-07-2010 5:50 PM

Do the Yoga!!

sandman59 01-07-2010 7:11 PM

I was told you have to already be in pretty good shape to even start this program. Is that true? I not in the best of shape right now, about 15 pounds over my ideal weight, plus I'm old.

jaegermaster 01-07-2010 8:13 PM

Just start with less reps and less weights, or no weights. Each "move" or exercise is it's own chapter on the DVD so you can hit pause while you finish the exercise or skip the ones you don't want to do. I bought a pull up bar that goes in the doorway and 20 and 30 lb dumb bells and that's it.

01-07-2010 8:37 PM

brian i did alot of running before my first cycle. ive been running for years now between 25-40 a week and ive done a number of 10k races. so that was my conditioning before doing my first cycle. that was back in november 08. then i did my second cycle that past summer. <BR> <BR>as far as the yoga. i didnt do i my first cycle i did do it my 2nd cycle. i only do the first 40 mins or so (the moving isomers). you could certainly do cardio in place of the yoga days i just do cardio in addition to the yoga days. <BR> <BR>rich read dougs post he has lost 70 lbs. you dont need to be a stud to start this program imo just be committed. its only 90 days. thats nothing. before you know it youll be 1/2 way thru and stoked at your results.

ord27 01-07-2010 10:31 PM

I started on Monday too!

newty 01-08-2010 6:20 AM

Just finished up my first week. <BR>I finished my last cycle in May.

sdub 01-08-2010 8:12 AM

I hate the yoga too. I substitute a cardio workout. The yoga is just too slow. Actually I just dislike the first section of yoga, the dang Vinyasas. <BR> <BR>I guess it has exposed my greatest weakness, patience. It just makes me wanna go out a kick my neighbors dog, and I love dogs. <BR> <BR>Following the nutrition plan is harder than doing the workouts.

load 01-08-2010 8:17 AM

You can do it. I did start out with Power 90 the pre cursor to P90X dropped 40 lbs then went to The X. Just start slowly with lower weights and reps and go from there. <BR> <BR>Personally I love the Yoga and believe it is a big part of the program. I do like the first 45 minutes the best. <BR> <BR>Stick with it, follow the nutrition plan (70-80% of you success) and you will get results I am 44 and it worked for me.

plhorn 01-08-2010 12:17 PM

I like yoga but the p90x yoga dvd sucks. I swap in 1 hours of yoga that I Tivo. "Inhale" on Oxygen (I know it sounds gay) The music is better, the instructor is entertaining, and is clearly better at yoga than the P90X guy. As a bonus alot of the girls are hot.

canucked 01-11-2010 9:37 AM

I managed to tell enough people that I was going to start that I would have gotten razzed had I not. <BR> <BR>Today is day 3. i'm very sore today from the pullup/pushup (day1) routine but I am officially back in the saddle. <BR> <BR>I am looking for a yoga class that will fit my schedule that I can swap out on my yoga days. I am also going to buy a heavy bag to make kempo a bit more exiting (I hate punching air).

01-11-2010 11:29 AM

start of week 2. the legs and back day killed me.. my hamstrings and ass were sore for a couple of days after.

newty 01-12-2010 7:21 PM

I really don't like the Yoga at all, but I noticed a huge difference in flexibility, not just hamstrings but in my back, shoulder's, neck etc. <BR>The legs and back always leave me sore. Even towards the end of the 90 days I would be sore for 2-3 days after. <BR>Any one notice problems with their elbows? I have really bad tendonitis in my right elbow since starting the program last year. I suspect from all the pull-ups.

acurtis_ttu 01-13-2010 6:07 AM

Newty, I think it's a somewhat common issue. I had problems with my elbows too. when I posted the question on a thread last year I was surprised at how many people were having issues as well.

jonblarc7 01-14-2010 11:14 AM

I don't usually post on these kind of threads. BUt I'm in my 6th week of P90X. How important is a recovery drink or shake. I'm seeing really good gain but I always wonder if it would better if I did have one of those shakes Tony is always talking about (or something like that). Are those shakes that important. <BR> <BR>Just so you know my body type, I have always been the tall skinny kid. I was 6 foot and couldn't break 150 to save my life until I turned 26. Then in about 6 months I put on 20 pound while I wasn't working out. Since I started P90X I haven't lost but maybe a pound (which is a good thing) but I finally see a diffrence in my gut stomach and chest and arms.

canucked 01-14-2010 2:18 PM

Blair, <BR> <BR>I usually mix some protein powder with a glass of apple juice right after a workout. Not sure how scientific it is but it gives me the carbs and protein post workout. <BR> <BR>kind of a poor mans recovery drink

sandman59 01-16-2010 7:12 AM

Bought P90X last night, will start right after my work trip next week. Need to do something, getting more out of shape every year.

pesos 01-16-2010 8:49 AM

I'm super excited to start again. Have spent the last 18 mo recovering from surgery (shattered collarbone) and surgery again (acl) so I am feeling ridiculously soft and out of shape. For the first time in my life I have this little belly threatening. Scary chit.

duramat 01-16-2010 9:23 AM

A herniated disk took me away from after a week of doing it. I was a prime canidate for going under the knife, I was living on spinal faucet injections every 6 weeks. Maybe I should have but scheduling appointments with doctors took so long that by the time I got in the doc said to wait it out and see how it panned out since I was on the road to recovery why undo the progress so far. That was a year and a half ago. I have been packing these DVDs with me to and from the slope for the past year and a half(5000 miles roundtrip a month) as a "comon lets do it" when ready <BR> <BR>Just went to a seminar yesterday with Bruce Madson a sports medicine Guru who personally trains profesional Football, Basketball, and Baseball players. He gave a wonderful motivational speech and his opinions and experiences of training and healing with physical therapy and the importance of staying in shape. It was awesome, Im thinking Im ready to gradually get back into the routine, and give it a go now. I need to lose some weight and get ready for this upcoming boat season and it needs to start now. <BR> <BR>Wes, I hear ya on the recovery <BR> <BR>(Message edited by duramat on January 16, 2010)

01-16-2010 3:33 PM

welcome all the guys just starting or about to start. <BR> <BR>well im closing the window on week two. day 6 today, i did a 9 mile hike, kenpo of course and cardio x. im pretty beat tonight. <BR> <BR>for legs and back(day five) my goal is to do 200 pull up on my final session. my last cycle i finished at 178. yesterday i did 167 total. if i can increase by one pull up on each of the sets ill hit my goal but itll be tuff.

benjaminp 01-17-2010 8:39 AM

This is all really good to read. I'm about to start it for the first time tomorrow so I am doing all the "pre measurements" today. Really looking foreward to it though, I have watched through a few of the dvds and it looks like something I am going to enjoy. Good luck to everyone who is working on it right now, lets see some more "after" pictures.

sailing216 01-20-2010 7:48 AM

I'm going to get my DVDs in a week or 2. I'm trying to increase my pullups/pushups to prep and I'm going to keep on running at the gym on top of P90x. I'll probably skip the Yoga. <BR> <BR>Alan: that's crazy/amazing to do 200 pullups in a day. Right now at the gym I do my first set of 20, then 15, then 10 and have muscle failure. <BR> <BR>I'll get some pics up before I start and after but I'm a skinny runner type body. I run 3-5 miles at the gym 5 days a week average about 7-8mph on the treadmill. I finally bought some vitamin suppliments from GNC and upped my caloric intake. I'm cutting a bunch of carbs out and picking up protein. I'm already looking better and really it's just prep work so I can do p90x the right way. Right now I still drink one night a week, but want to cut that out while on the program or space it out to every other week. <BR> <BR>The nutrition is going to be the hardest I think. I too also want to hear about recovery shakes and suppliments???

helinut 01-20-2010 8:01 AM

Starting Feb 1. Still need to buy some dumb bells and a pull up bar. This is going to be a long 90 days but well worth it!

ord27 01-20-2010 9:08 AM

I re-upped my coaching status. If anyone needs help or products, here is my link <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.beachbodycoach.com/bgtdude" target="_blank">http://www.beachbodycoach.com/bgtdude</a> <BR> <BR>I am on session 5, week 3, day 3 <BR> <BR>woo hoo <BR> <BR>you can also buy Insanity, supplements and equipment from the site <BR>thanks

jonblarc7 01-20-2010 9:48 AM

Cliff what would you suggest taking after a workout. I have one more week of the second stage and I really want to push it in my final 30 days of P90X.

load 01-20-2010 10:51 AM

Blair--The P90X Recovery drink is good. I use 1 scoop of that and 1 scoop whey in the mornings after my workout. <BR> <BR>I'm kinda in week 2 of round 6. I got struck down with Diverticulitis last week (you young guys probably don't know what is is) and had to take some time off. Luckily the Antibiotics kicked right in and I was able to ski both Sat/Sun. Started workouts on Monday and feel great. <BR> <BR>CT scan tomorrow morning 7:30 to check everything out. <BR> <BR>C&amp;B yesterday, Plyo today, S&amp;A Thur. and Friday L&amp;B. I will skip yoga this week(killin me) since I lost a day and then skiing the 6+ feet of fresh POW on Saturday and Sunday. <BR> <BR>Alan--impressive pull up numbers! most I ever got was 70/80 unassisted in L&amp;B shooting for 10 in each of the 8 sets. I'll take it for a 44 YO. <BR> <BR>Bring it People!

ord27 01-20-2010 11:08 AM

Blair, I agree with Doug <BR>I take the recovery drink after every workout <BR> <BR>there are similar drinks at GNC and other vitamin shops, but I got hooked on the P90X drink after my 1st round

bendow 01-20-2010 11:14 AM

"200 pull up on my final session" <BR> <BR>I was just skimming through this thread, but 200 pull ups? Are you talking about traditional unassisted pull ups? In a row? I don't do any of this P90 stuff, but can do a solid 40 over hand pull ups in a row...I couldn't imagine 200.

jeffr 01-20-2010 11:56 AM

I am on round two of P90X now. (third week now) Started the same day as Brad. Keep it up buddy! <BR> <BR>I did not do the meal plan but did eat well and pulled a few things from my diet (No: pizza, fries, chips, big thai food lunches and no beer since June) I cut about 15 lbs during round one but have stabilized now and will probably add some weight as I am going heavier this round with my lifting. <BR> <BR>I have not purchased any of the P90X supplements or recovery drinks, but have used protein type powder from GNC and also protein bars during the day between meals as a snack. <BR> <BR>I do like the Yoga and find that it really helps with my flexibility and overall fitness. I have never done any Yoga before so I can’t comment on if there are better options... but I do think it’s an important piece to the program. No it’s not the same pump or intensity level of weight lifting or some of the other disks... but I think replacing it with just cardio is a mistake. <BR> <BR>Personally, I don’t like Kenpo and usually replace it with running outside, cardio X, or riding the KTM depending on how far we ride over the weekend. <BR> <BR>I am not going to do the official “doubles” version... but will add cardio X or a morning run to my schedule for three mornings per week. <BR> <BR>I was looking at adding weights to my pull ups and doing fewer reps. Anyone else done pull ups with additional weights? I have not added up the total reps as a goal but guess I can bump up my target of 20 per set to 25. A nice even 200 sounds good! <BR> <BR>Keep it up!

noti_dad 01-20-2010 12:48 PM

Nice underware Brad. Sexy!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>. <BR> <BR>I was 6 weeks into Lean, then TG and the holidays and lost momentum. I'd dropped 5lbs and gained alot of strength/endurance and only gained back 2 from the food. Cutting back on things and eating better helped ALOT. <BR> <BR>I restarted after the first of the year and am in my 3rd week. Yoga isn't fun, but I push through it. Don't do Kenpo and replace it with a 3 or 4 mile run (depending on time). I've stayed true to the other sets and can see/feel the results. No drinks or special stuff just eating right and cutting back a bit so i'm not overly full. LOTS of water. Since the first of the year, I've lost the 2 I gained in the holiday and another 5. Down 12 from what I started at with another 10 to go.

cpt_tripps 01-20-2010 12:59 PM

I am through Week 2 Day 3. This is my first time. I am way out of shape but feeling better. I stick to eating right, but I don't follow the P90X diet per se. I use thier percentages and just come up wiht my own meals, but I am following that pretty sctrict 2200-2400 cal a day. It might be a tad low but I am trying to lose weight right now so I might have to change it a bit. <BR> <BR>Cliff <BR>I was looking for your old post that you started back int he day just to read through it for encouragement and motivation, but apprently it isn't archived. I am glad someone made this one to keep everyone motivated and in check. <BR> <BR>I will keep everyone up to date.

canucked 01-20-2010 2:55 PM

Week 2, day 5 for me. My post-workout soreness is starting to go away which is nice. <BR> <BR>I swap kenpo out for a different cardio activity (this week it is swimming). I can't get pumped about punching air. <BR> <BR>I was thinking if I got a heavy bag it would help make Kenpo more fun. <BR> <BR>Not sure if i'm losing weight but i feel much better

pesos 01-24-2010 1:01 PM

Alan I just turned 33 last week, you are my idol. <BR> <BR>Started p90x again yesterday after recovering from acl surgery last august. It feels GREAT - I was able to do almost all of plyo (had to modify hot foot). I slept better last night than I had in months...

downfortheride 01-24-2010 3:34 PM

I just receive the disks but no papers to go with it. Where can I get some books on the P90X program. I'm ready to start!!!

jeffr 01-24-2010 7:08 PM

<a href="http://teambeachbody.com/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=bd8af89f-fb1a-40df-b8c7-ec559c1420ed&amp;groupId=10137" target="_blank">http://teambeachbody.com/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=bd8af89f-fb1a-40df-b8c7-ec559c1420ed&amp;groupId=10137</a>

downfortheride 01-25-2010 8:50 AM

Jeff ~~ Thanks! That gives me somewhere to start...

patrick232 01-25-2010 1:57 PM

My wife and I started on Saturday, but skipped Sunday. We woke up at 5 am this morning for day 2. It will be our only day skipped until March 20th when we will be traveling. <BR> <BR>I'm starting out at 235 lbs. My goal is to be back below 200 and a size 36 mid March. I know it took 14 years to pack it on. But for most of the last 5 years it has really added up due to the lack of any working out. <BR> <BR>How important is the menu or should I just watch the intake?

01-25-2010 6:33 PM

my desire to do 200 pull ups is in the legs and back work out. NOT 200 in a row, just 200 unassisted, thru the routine. there are 8 sets of pull ups during the routine as you guys know. i just finished week 3, and did 175, up 8 from last week. <BR> <BR>200 in a row would be sick. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by alanp on January 25, 2010)

wake1823 01-26-2010 6:58 AM

Patrick. Like any program, diet is probably 70% of the equation. <BR> <BR>But honestly, If you end up doing the program your body will not like you if your not sticking to a pretty good diet.

patrick232 01-26-2010 12:25 PM

Sam, we have changed our diet the wife counts points and I'm counting the cal. intake. I'm more concerned about the daily menu.

wake1823 01-26-2010 12:36 PM

Any reduction in calories will help you lose weight...but to maiximize the results of this program you should follow the diet as close as possible. The overall goal of this program is to maximize lean muscle gain and maximize fat loss. Just reducing your caloric intake will not accomplish this goal.

load 01-26-2010 12:37 PM

Patrick--A nutrition plan is important! Not completely necessary to follow the P90X meal plan to a T, but it is there for those that have no idea, in fact you can actually get the website to spit out a daily menu and weekly shopping list if you want to go that far. <BR> <BR>Don't just count calories though, also look at your ratios of protein/carbs/fats you can pull the recommended ratios for the phases from the meal plan, but then you have to do what works for you. <BR> <BR>Good luck!

01-26-2010 2:40 PM

week four ideas? im looking for other activities than whats listed on the sheets. <BR> <BR>day one- i did plyo and a 4 mile run. <BR> <BR>day two- elliptical for 30 mins, core work for 30 mins and then swam for an hour. <BR> <BR>days 3 thru 6- any other ideas? was thinking about some crossfit stuff

wakeeater2003 01-26-2010 3:09 PM

Alan, <BR> Dude do you work? I don't know how you have time to do all the extra workouts.

spicychalupa69 01-26-2010 3:37 PM

Just started my second cycle today. Super excited. I was pretty chiseled at 5 foot 10 and 155 lbs but I needed to gain weight so I've been bulking for four months, weight gainers, creatine, NO2, about 4000 cals a day, phew! Im up to 171 lbs (hell yeah!) but have no definition, so now, I am doing P90 in the mornings and hitting the gym for 30 mins in the evening for some heavy lifting so I loose as little muscle mass as possible in my cutting routine! Super stoked to see what I gained over these four months of grossly overeating!

jeffr 01-27-2010 2:34 PM

Extra workouts in addition to P90X???? I wish. Alan you must not have kids yet! <BR> <BR>With my time already split between: work, commute time, family time, coaching, and my own workouts. There are no “other workouts” aside from riding the KTM on Sundays. (I count that as cardio as long as I can get 40 miles plus of single track in) <BR> <BR>As it is my “doubles” cycle starts next Monday meaning I will be running or doing cardio X 3 mornings a week in the dark before I have to get my daughter on the school bus. I will keep doing my lifting in the evenings. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the extra motivation with the 200 pull up idea! I did get in 200 pull ups total last week on my back and legs day. The last couple sets I had to piece together 20+5 to get my total... but got em in. I think I will try for 40-50 non stop as my pull up goal. <BR> <BR>Outside cardio type stuff would be my choice if I was able add to normal workouts... try mountain bike, hike, snowboard, rock climbing.

jaegermaster 01-30-2010 9:31 AM

I am so glad today is a yoga day. I made a mistake yesterday and did core synergistics, the bonus round and was feeling like I didn't do enough. So I topped it off with ab ripper x and am hurting pretty bad this morning. <BR>So far I am down about 7 1/2 lbs, and I don't hurt after the workouts too bad. I'm looking forward to phase two.

sandman59 01-30-2010 8:54 PM

Finished buying what I need today, "before" pictures and measurements tomorrow with my first work-out to follow. Not sure exactly what I in for but ready to get myself back in shape, perfect three months of the year to do this. February, March and April pretty much suck in western PA.

01-31-2010 9:41 AM

Jae 7 1/2 lbs is awesome sounds like youre doing well. <BR> <BR>im at the end of week 4. its my rest day today. looking forward to hitting the weights again. <BR> <BR>welcome rich.

sandman59 01-31-2010 6:39 PM

I almost forgot to do my fitness test first, did it this evening after snowboarding all day. At least I had no problem passing the test. So now February 1 will be start date.

mnwakerider 02-01-2010 2:19 PM

Just read all posts - Great stuff from you guys. I tried doing the program about 2 months ago. Didn't have the time to get really into it. I was doing around 4 workouts a week. Obviously didnt get the results like that. <BR>I am currently on day 4 of the first cycle and have the time and desire to do this. <BR>I really dont care what the scale says, I just want to feel better about my body. I am 5'10" and weighed myself on day 1 at 218. I feel like I should be more around the 195 range for my build. <BR>I got the DVD's from my brother-in-law. He lost the nutrition guide. What should I be trying to keep in mind for diet? I doubt I would be able to follow the diet specifically but I want to keep something in mind besides just "eating better". <BR>I am excited to see the results for myself and from others! Its great motivation!

bmcgee 02-01-2010 2:44 PM

I am not expert on nutrition, but here's kind of an idea on what i was told by a personal trainer and has been working well for me. <BR> <BR>-Try and stay away from fast food as much as you can, and pretty much all fried food. Fried food contains trans fat which is terrible for your body. <BR> <BR>-For breakfast you should eat something with plenty of carbs like oatmeal, raisin bran, or eggs. After breakfast you want to start backing off from the carbs throughout the day, and try not to eat anything containing a lot of carbs within about 4 hours of going to bed. <BR> <BR>-Instead of eating 3 big meals a day, try and break it down to 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day. So for the meals between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner, try snacking on some fruit or a protein bar or shake. <BR> <BR>- Protein is good for rebuilding your muscle, so it wouldnt be a bad idea to pick up some muscle milk or other whey protein shakes. I was told that for every pound of your target weight, you want to consume a gram of protein every day. So if your target weight is 195, you want to try and consume 195 grams of protein every day. <BR> <BR>Like I said, im no expert. But the concepts above have worked out well for me so far.

mnwakerider 02-01-2010 2:47 PM

Thanks for the "Diet for Dummies" Breakdown. That should be easier to keep to. I appreciate the help!

02-01-2010 2:49 PM

there are alot of different things you can eat. breakfast for me is always 1 1/2 cups of cereal and about 3/4 cup milk. ill have a banana a little later in the morning or sometimes with my cereal. thats a typical morning. <BR> <BR>lunch, usually a turkey or chicken sandwich with light mayo and mustard with a can of soup or salad a pickle and some carrots or whatever i have laying around. today i had chipotle. a bowl with black beans and pinto beans, no rice. chicken and salsa fresca and the corn salsa. this is about 500 cal and good calories imo. <BR> <BR>snacks can vary from a cliff bar to fruit, to a couple chips and salsa or another salad(the bagged salad with some light dressing). <BR> <BR>dinner chicken breast or other lean protein(turkey pork) with some veggies. ill sometimes have lentils and a sandwich with veggies or soup and sandwich. other things i like to keep around are canned green beans, because they are quick, low cal and filling, broccoli florets, low fat cottage cheese and yogurt. <BR> <BR>night time snacks 100 cal popcorn bags, sugar free jello, yogurt, fruit and veggies too. <BR> <BR>i try to stay around 1600-1800 cals a day 4-5 times a week. if youre not used to eating like that i would suggest writing everything down for a week or two until you get the hang of it. <BR> <BR>i also dont flip out on days i eat more than that some days i just feel like more substance and will eat more or go out to dinner and know that im going to go over that amt. i try to be sensible when eating out, rarely eat fried foods and know that restaurants will put alot more food on my plate than i need to eat so i get in the mindset that im not going to eat everything on the plate or take 1/2 home later.

02-01-2010 2:55 PM

another thing, ill have a buffalo wing or fried cheese stick occasionally but ill stick to one or two and not 6-8. ive limited my drinking to 1 night a week and no more than 600 cals total. which is roughly 6 light beers. ive found that since cutting back my drinking ive been only drinking 2 or 3 on the night ive been drinking and feeling just fine. tolerance is way back down so im saving money and cals.

helinut 02-01-2010 2:58 PM

Just did my first workout this morning. Chest and back. Holy crap! This is going to be rough for a couple of weeks. They make it look so easy. The second set of 12, I was toast! <BR> <BR>Can't wait till day 90!

mnwakerider 02-01-2010 2:59 PM

Its funny, I notice that last time I limited my drinking naturally. I know that the jack and diet after dinner or the two glasses of wine have a high density of calories. I just knew that having those tends to negate what I did 2 hours before... Now if I can just keep that mindset throughout the day and not "well I will just have to work that out during my workout..."

pierce_bronkite 02-01-2010 3:02 PM

One good way of tracking what you eat is <a href="http://dailyburn.com/" target="_blank">http://dailyburn.com/</a> The have a system that breaks down what you are taking in such as calories, fat, protein, carbs etc. Based on what your "goal" is it will then break down how much you should eat and what exactly is in what you are eating. It then recommends the portions you should be eating. They also have a cool iPhone app that I am addicted to. It scans the UPC code of most products and gives you the Nutrition Facts for that item. For example I had a Kashi bar, I can scan it with my phone then log that as my afternoon snack. At the end of the day I can see how many calories, protein, carbs etc that I ingested. <BR> <BR>You would be surprised on not knowing your caloric intake unless you actually log what you eat. It will certainly open your eyes. <BR> <BR>It also can track your workouts, give you a break down of body weight, nutrition, etc.

helinut 02-01-2010 3:22 PM

Just downloaded the iPhone app. Gonna give it a go for 99 cents. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

helinut 02-02-2010 7:36 AM

Ok, what psychotic decided that the second day should be the "Mother of all X workouts"???? Plyometrics. Holy crap almighty! I couldn't make it all the way to the end. And those freakin' jumping jack squat things???? OUCH! <BR> <BR>I know it'll get better, but damn! This is rough!

mnwakerider 02-02-2010 7:52 AM

Shawn, it does get better. In a little while... Plyo is tough, but for me Yoga is the mother! I am not flexible at all and some of the stuff is just crazy hard. And it seems that they just keep going! But the feeling when you are done with the entire workout is pretty stellar. I always sleep the best after yoga.

canucked 02-02-2010 8:35 AM

JB, I agree on the yoga. <BR> <BR>when i'm done Yoga my shirt is completely soaked.

pesos 02-02-2010 9:44 AM

Shawn, it's that way so you get 3 days between plyo and legs/back - which to me is probably the toughest day overall. <BR> <BR>What other snacks do people keep around? I need some more variety. Are cashews ok?

jaegermaster 02-02-2010 9:51 AM

For snacks I like raw almonds, carrots, celery and apple wedges. Costco has dry roasted soy nuts that are pretty good for the crunch factor. My biggest craving is for cheese. I still haven't found a good substitute that is low in fat. <BR> <BR>On a side note, yesterday I made my protein shake with oj and it was great. 8oz. OJ, one scoop vanilla whey protein and ice in the blender. It tasted like a creamcicle smoothy.

ord27 02-02-2010 11:38 AM

Shawn, my first day, first round, I thought that I was gunna hurl. Day 2, I discovered that my heart rate could reach 195 and still be alive. <BR>hang in there! By week 8-10, you will feel amazing

jarrod 02-02-2010 12:18 PM

If you guys are looking for an awesome recovery drink, I recommend coconut water (not milk). Per serving, it has 15 times more electrolytes than gatorade or gatorade-like drinks, but less sugar, it's non-acidic, so it's way easier on the stomach, and it's 100% natural. I live it.

mnwakerider 02-02-2010 4:42 PM

I will have to keep that in mind for sure. <BR> <BR>Today I tried splitting up my bigger meals into smaller spread apart ones. Didnt really notice a difference in hunger. Hope to keep that going.

pesos 02-02-2010 4:44 PM

I feel like I'm eating like a pig. Had a big bowl of black beans, grilled shrimp, edamame, tamago (egg) and tomato soup and I'm still hungry.

sandman59 02-02-2010 5:03 PM

Started last night, chest and back, second the tough going on the 2nd round. The last chin-up exercise, I could not even get over the bar once. I have no where to go but up. At least I was working the right muscles because my chess and back are really sore today. lol.

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