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-   -   haters (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=534855)

romes 01-14-2008 12:43 PM

there seems to be an awe full lot of haters on this board now a days... <BR> <BR>why all the hate and flames? am i missing something? is it the cool thing to do these days?

andy_nintzel 01-14-2008 12:58 PM

i have noticed the same thing.

migs 01-14-2008 12:59 PM

ditto! <BR>they must have a disgruntled life at home.

fletch_tx 01-14-2008 1:01 PM

it's pretty common on all forums...no matter the topic... <BR> <BR>damn interweb! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

jarrod 01-14-2008 1:01 PM

more and more every year

eternalshadow 01-14-2008 1:02 PM

I'd like to think it's winter, we're kinda cranky.

lovin_the_wake 01-14-2008 1:02 PM

not to be a hater myself but the few conflicts I've been involved in on this board have been with people of the younger crowd

bobbynipper 01-14-2008 1:04 PM

Its the say anonymously what you are afraid to say in public crowd. lol

lovin_the_wake 01-14-2008 1:05 PM

I 2nd the Winter Crankiness I'm definitely feeling that

blake_hughes 01-14-2008 1:06 PM

Gotta be the cold weather, resulting in NO RIDING... I'm a little upset myself. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0>

romes 01-14-2008 1:06 PM

i understand the whole forum thing and flaming ppl but damn...this site is FULL of haters... <BR> <BR>if you're not part of the norm or type a lil different than most then you best watch out cuz the haters will gobble you up... <BR> <BR>i thought wake riding was about kickin it and everyone gettin along? so why not on here? some of you need to break down a few swishers and take some to the face...RELAX...

bendow 01-14-2008 1:08 PM

yeah, but wakeworld is not nearly as bad as some of the other forums I visit. There are a few other forums I visit (not wakeboard related) where everyone are complete a-holes. I always thought there were more intelligent people on wakeworld because you have to have money to afford a boat and you have to be intelligent to make money....in most cases.

denverd1 01-14-2008 1:09 PM

its winter, for sure. Sometimes "hate" isn't really hate. a good ribbing never hurt anyone.

romes 01-14-2008 1:12 PM

ribbing isnt HATE...i'm talkin about hatin on ppl...we all mess around on here but i'm just mainly talkin about all the HATE...

denverd1 01-14-2008 1:14 PM

yea, no answer for ya there. <BR> <BR>Is the eubonics thread hate?

romes 01-14-2008 1:20 PM

i guess what really erks me, is when ppl will post responses to someones question that have absolutely no relevancy to the question or topic at hand, the Phillip Soven thread is a perfect example. <BR> <BR>I know it's not ever gunna change but i just want all you haters to know that your hate is not desired on here... <BR> <BR>take that SHEIT to another place, or get a mirror and stick it to your monitor and look yourself in the mirror to make sure your perfect before you go off hatin on here...

mitch35 01-14-2008 1:22 PM

i concur.

bendow 01-14-2008 1:24 PM

Jr...why don't you just STFU! and quit being a crybaby! <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>JK! I wanted to practice my hatin skills.

ottog1979 01-14-2008 1:27 PM

I'll third. Ain't this about fun &amp; puttin a smile on your face?!

jarrod 01-14-2008 1:58 PM

I agree with JR. Nothing disgusts me on this site like seeing people talk bad about about the pros having never spent anytime with the rider they are bashing. Or, based on one experience at a contest venue.

burberry03 01-14-2008 2:14 PM

i think everyones missin' me in there lives

denverd1 01-14-2008 2:14 PM

I agree, pointless negative crap really gets old. I don't care who you're talking about...

roverjohn 01-14-2008 2:21 PM

The haters prolly think you're a hater for hatin' on their hatin'.

sinkoumn 01-14-2008 2:30 PM

Winter = hate

andy_nintzel 01-14-2008 2:43 PM

Yeah Rodney Yeah <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/534922.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>"People, Can't we all Just Get Along"

fly135 01-14-2008 2:52 PM

I hate this cold weather.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0>

johnsvt 01-14-2008 2:54 PM

I tend to think people are to "thin" skinned. I see reply's to post and at times I am like what an a-hole. However, I sometimes go back and can understand why a person responded a certain way. The really funny thing is sometimes I don't agree with a response, but no big deal it is called an opinion. <BR> <BR>That being said, I think when posting you should try and make the post somewhat readable. I am not saying perfect or even good english but at least english and don't forget the CAPS button.

westsidarider 01-14-2008 4:03 PM

every message board is full of haters. like ewing said most people are thin skinned and take that to a message board where you are not talking face to face is like giving someone liquid courage(nice an liquered up) because you are somewhat annonymous

wakedad33 01-14-2008 7:26 PM

John, you live in Orlando, I don't want to hear about your cold weather <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

wakeboardern1 01-14-2008 7:31 PM

If I ever come across as an A-hole, please don't take it that way. I'm merely being sarcastic. It's a rare occasion that I'm ever actually angry, or truly mean (I'm always just kidding around). <BR> <BR>Plus I love lamp, and with a fulfilling love like that in my life, how could I ever have the time to be a hater?

westsiderippa 01-14-2008 7:34 PM

<a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/533235.html?1200333938" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/533235.html?1200333938</a> <BR> <BR>jr i got your back G. its like this guy who tried to hate on me for the bg spotting thread, then he comes back with the standard JK crap. wtf why do people have to open there mouth for no reason. oh i remember were online and you cant get popped in nose over the internet.

westsiderippa 01-14-2008 7:39 PM

also i think the other problem is alot of us actually know or have met one another espesially delta riders. we are faces with names. i have met tones of people at events i.e springride, dra.......so my point is when some, no offence, yahoo from kansas starts piping in about some bs to a bunch of us and his profile is blank. its total bs ad we can take it personal. because we feel like we should know you like the others, but we dont register that in are heads until after we have gone off and p.o. the mods<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

driving 01-14-2008 8:35 PM

It has definitley gotten worse over the years. I know I would post a lot more if I didn't fear getting ripped to shreds. I'm sure a lot of people would. I ran into a guy in Portland this weekend that said that he had seen me on here, but he never really posted because the way a lot of the threads turn. <BR> <BR>And, Randy, it's only going to be 64 here tomorrow. It's freezing!

wakescene 01-14-2008 8:50 PM

Yes Wakeworld has gotten worse over the years...and NO it does not happen as much on other boards. At least not the other boards I frequent. This board is also the WORST board I have ever seen for thread-jacking. Some mentioned that it's the younger crowd...I disagree. Some of the worst problems I have had on WW are with the know-it-all-adults that lurk this place more than their own living rooms. <BR> <BR>While I love Wakeworld, and know that over the years I could have provided vast amounts of quality information, I've choosen not to post for exactly the same reasons that Travis mentioned.

denverd1 01-15-2008 6:03 AM

If you take anything personally on here, you're in the wrong place. That said, we've all seen our fair share of bs from young and old. <BR> <BR>Its up to us, as members, what we let slide and what we call out. I know lately i've had to take the stance of "oh well, another punk with something to say. just let it go." attitude. Its BS. It all goes back to what people would say in person, and what we type on a keyboard. <BR> <BR>Maybe "getting called out" is what other people react to so negatively...

sinkoumn 01-15-2008 9:00 AM

Dave should just add a 'Hate Disscussion' forum for everyone to go and get all the hate out of their system before they come post in here. <BR> <BR>Cause this is the most vendiferous group of hatas this side of the Mississippi! What can I say about that suit that already hasn't been said about Afghanistan...it looks bombed out and depleted.

behindtheboat 01-15-2008 9:04 AM

I got me some bathin apes

boomshot 01-15-2008 9:22 AM

Everyone says, about every forum, that it has gotten worse over the years. Until people can't post anonymously, they will be douche bags. <BR> <BR>You guys should surf on over to other sites and you'll see how good you have it on sites like this. Quit sniveling - its the Internet not your backyard. In addition, anyone on a board like this with a higher end demographic will suffer less. Go to a low-end spot like something paintball, UFC or car related or something like that and come back here with your tail between your legs thanking goodness that this site and others like it are what they are. Plus this is a pretty heavily moderated/watched forum, which for all the whining, and crybabies, always helps the normal people not causing an e-stink. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by boomshot on January 15, 2008)

woreout 01-15-2008 9:33 AM

Lets all sing "Coom By Ya" at 3pm today.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>

bendow 01-15-2008 9:41 AM

we'll sing it a 3:13 and make sure everyone hops.

mendo247 01-15-2008 11:49 AM

Well i hang out on quite a few forums and this is by far the most laid back. Heck im affraid to even post on a few sites in fear of getting ripped a new on lol. <BR> <BR>I think allot of the hate is related to the slowing housing market and economy.

jarrod 01-15-2008 12:01 PM

"Until people can't post anonymously, they will be douche bags." <BR> <BR>hahah

wakedv 01-15-2008 12:01 PM

Wakeworld is awesome, I don't know if it's about haters or different opinions. Wakeboarding has a large variety of different people at different ages, from hippies to cops and everyone in between. By far my favorite site on the web, can't we all just get along. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

fatsac 01-15-2008 12:12 PM

As bad as it can get on this site, I would never be into wakeboarding the extent I am now if it weren't for wakeworld. For that I'm totally thankful. I think Coop has a good point though. As the rift between those who can afford and those who want increases, you'll see more hostility. Who cares what you have... get out and have a good time!

allen 01-15-2008 12:39 PM

I remember Travis getting ripped by some idiot one time because he said some crap about Shaun, (joking with Shaun) The dude came on and was like you don't even know Shaun and called Travis abunch of names, Now that was freakin funny. <BR> <BR>Haters stay one the other website. <BR> <BR>AL

ponte_06_x2 01-15-2008 12:40 PM

when i first got onto wake world i did my part of hating and trash talking. it gets real old real quick. until i met some people on wake world at the 06 spring ride and a couple of the people i met told me that they didn't know what to think of me. after they got to know me they realized that i was really nice and funny. i just think that forums are a learning process of communicating in a different way. what someone says may read like it sounds mean but in person they would be saying it in a nice way. like if im ripping on a friend " like i have" some other person will put there two cents in. then comes the warnings from DAVE then the dismissal of the thread. its really not a big deal. you can take it for whats is worth. whatever you make of it.

woohoo 01-15-2008 12:41 PM

I have to think it's the effects of winter causing the negetivity, I am just very glad to be in Florida where I can ride year round, because if I wasn't I would be mean as hell during the off season, at least I think I would be based on the attitudes of a lot of people on here this time of year.

denverd1 01-15-2008 12:53 PM

X2 good point. F*K Tupac! kidding! <BR> <BR>Capt. Douchebag vs. Moye was hilarious. "So, how's your shoe taste?"

juniorhawk 01-15-2008 12:59 PM

C.I.E... AL (allen) if you are talking about the other site being Wakeboarder.com I can tell you that the same percentage of "haters" are here, as they are there. This is a great site and so is the other one, and not to be a jerk as some know I do work for them, but don't kid yourself when it comes to the concept of the dipsticks go elsewhere (like, to Wakeboarder.com). Because the dipsticks are everywhere. Otherwise this thread wouldn't exist would it? <BR> <BR>I agree about the anonymity thing. People will be tools if they think they can get away with it. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by juniorhawk on January 15, 2008)

ralph 01-15-2008 1:07 PM

Wakeworld is pretty good in the scheme of things, I totally disagree that wakeboarder is as good as here. That site is dying thanks to a few aggressive posters who do nothing but form cliques and slam "outsiders"

juniorhawk 01-15-2008 1:21 PM

Ugh lets not turn it into that. Its not what I said, don't make it into that, and I am not going to even begin to fight that here. What I said is that there is a certain percentage of jackasses that surface, and the percentages are similar. Here, there, paintball forum, car mod forum and so on. There actually have been studies on this, despite how niche it sounds.

allen 01-15-2008 1:25 PM

Erik, don't take things so personal man, Its a joke bro.

juniorhawk 01-15-2008 1:27 PM

I know. I know. Its all good. Sorry.

romes 01-15-2008 1:28 PM

this is a very interesting thread....

raketball 01-15-2008 1:36 PM

A healthy debate can sometimes be a good thing. <BR> <BR>That said, I think there are some people who on here who always have a need to be correct. I't funny how some people can develop an ego sitting in front of a keyboard. That leads to some of the hatin whether you're talking about boats, boards, chicks, or personal topics. <BR> <BR>T

deltaridah 01-15-2008 1:37 PM

man you said jr! what up homie? <BR> <BR>(Message edited by deltaridah on January 15, 2008)

juniorhawk 01-15-2008 1:43 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/535262.jpg" alt="Upload">

denverd1 01-15-2008 1:46 PM

^ the .gif was better. Watched it 15 times and it kept getting funnier.

romes 01-15-2008 1:59 PM

turn the .gif back on erik...i wanna see it...make it move...hhaha...that picture made my day...hahahah <BR> <BR>SOLI!! whats up homie?

juniorhawk 01-15-2008 2:01 PM

nacho (denverd1) I kept hitting the size limit no matter what I did. Slays me too - every single time I see it. We should have Mr Williams up the upload limit JUST so that can be embedded on this page. <BR> <BR>Till then, here you go: <BR><a href="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/awesomeapproved/ladypunch.gif" target="_blank">http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/awesomeapproved/ladypunch.gif</a> <BR> <BR>also appropriate: <BR><a href="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/awesomeapproved/bailout.gif" target="_blank">http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/awesomeapproved/bailout.gif</a> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by juniorhawk on January 15, 2008)

rmcronin 01-15-2008 4:40 PM

Could it be that the more mainstream the sport gets, the more jerks will be present? I also hesitate to post often, seeing Travis Moye jumped on more than once here-ouch!

goatroper222000 01-15-2008 5:09 PM

Erik, THANKYOU!! that old lady punchin that other lady in the face made my day!!!

dakid 01-15-2008 5:15 PM

who the heck is travis, and why are you guys on his jock?

three6ty 01-15-2008 5:43 PM

It always seems to start with the same question- <BR> <BR>WHICH BOAT IS BETTER? Malibu, Mastercraft or Nautique? <BR> <BR>Other than that question all seems fine on WakeWorld..

goatroper222000 01-15-2008 5:48 PM

everyone knows the supra/moomba line is WAY better!!! why dont you do some research and find out what your talking about before you get on here and ask some dumb question like that!!! <BR> <BR>ok...i feel better now that ive let my "hate" out<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>this post was 0% serious by the way.

ralph 01-15-2008 5:56 PM

Joe, Travis is the best competition boat driver in the World. Not sure about being on his jock or whatever but his opinion deserves to be respected more than most.

johnsvt 01-15-2008 6:10 PM

I wonder if Joe knows Travis?

goatroper222000 01-15-2008 6:19 PM

ya who is travis?? but more importantly, who is this "shaun murray" you speak of??<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

dakid 01-15-2008 6:46 PM

yeah, i'm playin'. i know travis.

ralph 01-15-2008 6:58 PM

Oh, so your on his jock too! Rockin.

richd 01-15-2008 7:25 PM

The psychology of internet forums and frequent posters will soon become a class offered at Stanford/Cal. and be a core requirement. (if it's not already!) <BR> <BR>Seriously though this is one of the most mellow forums I've ever been around, some of the photography ones are unbelievably bad. I guess good manners don't always come with age!

johnsvt 01-15-2008 7:47 PM

How does that saying go..."Joe knows" or is it "Joe posts"

stxr_racer 01-15-2008 11:03 PM

I <b>Hate</b> hater's...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

scott_a 01-16-2008 1:39 AM

Rich- Cal did offer one! It was actually one of the coolest and most useful classes that I took there. <BR> <BR>read all about it <a href="http://www2.sims.berkeley.edu/courses/is146/s05/">here</a>

raketball 01-16-2008 11:23 AM

I'm curious to know what the thoughts on frequent posters are and how those ideas came about. Scott, any thoughts on that from the class you took? <BR> <BR>Rich is right. This is a mellow forum with the exception of the occasional hatin'. I visit a racquetball forum once in awhile and it is terrible. One of the top pros is a moderator for the forum and the whole thing has pretty much turned into his fan club site. Say one critical thing about him and the post is deleted...lol. <BR> <BR>Tim

mucktoerider 01-16-2008 11:46 AM

like everything in this world.....it seems that things got political....which equals no fun. Everyone is entitled to views...but then when people try to push their views...the hate comes out. like brand a is better than brand b.. I admit..i got caught up in it. Not cool. Now that I look back...I was a fool. I like what I like..I'll keep it to myself and just like the fact that we all love boarding and that is enough. I would ride with anyone on here...anytime. Especially if you have an awesome wakeboat...LOL.. I'll ride behind your personal watercraft...share stories and compare scars. that is what wakeboarding should be about. Be nice people. I think that is why people like Murray and Nunn and many many others are repected.....they are NICE people. If you attend a clinic with a 10 year old board with shock plate bindings...they are not going to rip ya or poke fun. Just an example. I think part might be age difference on here will create different opinions..to be expected. Just try to understand our goal here is to have FUN..young and old.

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